Am i the only one feeling a bit angry when i uses SMG, bad ARs (F2000, FAL), (Sniper on 50% of maps, although like 10 % of the players can play very well with snipers on every map) and gets killed by people using the Scar-H or any other of the good ARs.
Its like, why should i even care using Sniper or SMGs when i can use the ARs who are all of those in one weapon.
Yeah, like 20 % of the time a SMG is better, and like 30 % of the time shotguns are better. But you know what, i do not like sitting in a corner of a room all matches waiting for CQC.
And please, no more comments like
"FAL is the best gun in the game"
"F2000 is so underrated"
"MP5K is a beast with cold blooded and silencer, bla bla bla"
Maybe its more accurate to reality, but it makes the game kind a unbalanced.
Also, i hate (i hate a lot of things) people who claim that this and that kit is super great.
"OMG you have to try VECTOR with RAPID FIRE AND THERMAL with cold blooded and MARATHON ITS AWESOME, i WENT 16-5 last nite, incredible game, we beat another team in domination, we were loosing with 20-150, when i got this incredible streak, i managed to get a predator, and then a pavelow, but i was just 2 kills from a AC130, when my mate stole my kill and i got killed by a noobtube"
"OMG, DEsert EAGLE AKKIMBO, OWNAGE!!!, best setup, its so easy to get kills up-close"
I mean, sure, yeah, very fantastic kits. Great imagination, but they suck okay. Everything without Stopping Power Pro sucks. Its the truth. Just, take the M4A1, TAR-21, SCAR-H or whatever, put on a silencer, put on sleight of hand pro or scavenger, Stopping Power Pro and some random 3rd perk. That is the best setup, yes right there. The best setup, nothing will beat that setup. Even if you changes to any of the other weapons (unless you choose like FAL or F2000 )
Its fun to experiment with different kits. But still, please do not come and say they are the best or they are really good. Because they are not, they are maybe fun to play (that is, if you like to get killed a lot) but they are not good kits.
And i realize, not everyone play to get tons of kills or be good at the game overall. I experiment with a lot of kits, because i get bored. But even if i sometimes starts by going like 3.0 kdr with a stupid kit, in the end it will not make the cut. Because 90 % of the kits are terrible. They suck.