No, you aren't crazy. The SPAS is the Models part two.paskowitz said:I was playing Domination with the SPAS today and unless I was hitting people that were heavily wounded... is it just me or does the SPAS have retarded range? I was hitting and killing people from like 50-75ft if not more. On Skidrow its almost not even fair.
cjelly said:I think the DLC will be 1200pts; look what made its way to MS's PR site the other day:
Shalashaska said:I'm not the world's greatest player but here's mine:
UMP 45 w/ Rapid Fire & Red Dot
Bling Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Commando or Ninja
I find having the Red Dot really helps as I don't like the sights on the UMP. Stopping Power w/ Rapid Fire UMP is awesome. And switching between commando/ninja depending on the game type.
salva said:Don't use rapid fire on it. The sweet thing about the ump45 is it's accuracy with the silencer; the rapid fire kills all that accuracy.
This is the only right answer. I don't see any use in using the UMP with anything but a silencer on it.salva said:Don't use rapid fire on it. The sweet thing about the ump45 is it's accuracy with the silencer; the rapid fire kills all that accuracy.
user_nat said:Is breaking out of Karachi the newest glitch?
Just played a game where a guy was sniping off map.
celestial body said:If anyone's curious about statistics my friend just got his first kill and was ranked 9,931,360th so nearly 10 million people have played MW2 online.
Kibbles said:I'm guessing they'll release Crash, Overgrown, and Shipment separately as free DLC, and the rest combined with spec-ops missions or whatever for $$$. I mean, they aren't going to charge for copy-and-pasted map? From the leak, it looks like they made no effort to improve them. I'd just play CoD4 then.
MCX said:I've heard of people reaching 10th prestige in a single day. How is this possible? EXP multiplier days?
Kibbles said:I'm guessing they'll release Crash, Overgrown, and Shipment separately as free DLC, and the rest combined with spec-ops missions or whatever for $$$. I mean, they aren't going to charge for copy-and-pasted map? From the leak, it looks like they made no effort to improve them. I'd just play CoD4 then.
jedimike said:Hell no... they'll make you buy the whole package and then tell you they are bonus maps. With Activision, you'll get nothing for free.
Seen that in Wasteland too. Bleh.user_nat said:Is breaking out of Karachi the newest glitch?
Just played a game where a guy was sniping off map.
Post it here when you do, I need one too.Full Recovery said:I also got a lot of hatemail last night. I need to find a pic of a baby crying with a headset on and send that as a reply every time I get those messages.
No headset, but I think it delivers the point.J2d said:Post it here when you do, I need one too.
Ballistik said:You guys ever seen a glitch with the harrier strike?
I was Playing Domination the other night on Highrise, I was around the B capture point looking at their base, when I suddenly notice a Harrier floating AT ground level right outside of their base. It was so out of place, that I just stared at it. I tried to go see if I could walk into it but before I got there, it elevated and zoomed away, like if it was normal for harriers to go that low. I know it wasn't just on my screen because the room was quiet the whole game except for that moment when I saw the harrier, everyone was like "what the hell?!?"
.nimrod said:Does the assault class have any advantage?
I don't see anything that compensates for not being able to destroy vehicles/revive teammates. The assault rifles aren't even better than the LMGs or SMGs
Whenever i pick assault, i don't feel like i'm helping my team to win the match at all
I'm sure it'll pick back up once the dlc comes out.divisionbyzorro said:Damn...this thread sure is moving slowly these days...
Skel said:I'm sure it'll pick back up once the dlc comes out.
So I played a good bit of BC2 this week, and then came back to playing MW2 again today.
I think my 2 biggest gripes with BC2 compared to this game are gun models which are just phenomenal in this game and much more cartoony in BC2, and the maps in BC2. There really is only 1 or 2 maps I really like there so it gets old. Most of them are too big for on foot combat and give the vehicles too much power. Whereas in MW2 there really is only 1 or 2 maps which annoy me but I can still deal with (Highrise mostly).
Posting this here just to see other people's opinions who did the same. I'd post it over on the BC2 thread but those guys just love to hate on MW2 as like a hobby, so I probably wouldn't get any worthwhile responses.
Skel said:I'm sure it'll pick back up once the dlc comes out.
So I played a good bit of BC2 this week, and then came back to playing MW2 again today.
I think my 2 biggest gripes with BC2 compared to this game are gun models which are just phenomenal in this game and much more cartoony in BC2, and the maps in BC2. There really is only 1 or 2 maps I really like there so it gets old. Most of them are too big for on foot combat and give the vehicles too much power. Whereas in MW2 there really is only 1 or 2 maps which annoy me but I can still deal with (Highrise mostly).
Posting this here just to see other people's opinions who did the same. I'd post it over on the BC2 thread but those guys just love to hate on MW2 as like a hobby, so I probably wouldn't get any worthwhile responses.
Strider2K99 said:What I will say is nothing new and is already known, but they really are two completely different games, just with similar backdrops of modern combat. MW2 focuses on infantry combat while BC2 is infantry with vehicles mixed in.
Don't even bother bringing up MW2 in that thread, those guys troll the game just to make themselves feel better and reassure themselves that BC2 will knock MW off it's pedestal.
Skel said:I think my 2 biggest gripes with BC2 compared to this game are gun models which are just phenomenal in this game and much more cartoony in BC2, and the maps in BC2. There really is only 1 or 2 maps I really like there so it gets old. Most of them are too big for on foot combat and give the vehicles too much power. Whereas in MW2 there really is only 1 or 2 maps which annoy me but I can still deal with (Highrise mostly).
Skel said:I'm sure it'll pick back up once the dlc comes out.
So I played a good bit of BC2 this week, and then came back to playing MW2 again today.
I think my 2 biggest gripes with BC2 compared to this game are gun models which are just phenomenal in this game and much more cartoony in BC2, and the maps in BC2. There really is only 1 or 2 maps I really like there so it gets old. Most of them are too big for on foot combat and give the vehicles too much power. Whereas in MW2 there really is only 1 or 2 maps which annoy me but I can still deal with (Highrise mostly).
Posting this here just to see other people's opinions who did the same. I'd post it over on the BC2 thread but those guys just love to hate on MW2 as like a hobby, so I probably wouldn't get any worthwhile responses.
Red Blaster said:BF2 is still the most fun I've had with a team-based shooter. Just a great mix of infantry + vehicles with some GREAT maps, Strike at Karkand was absolutely legendary. Bad Company simply cannot compare.
jiien said:Had to post again just to agree with your love for Strike at Karkand. Best multiplayer map ever made.
Red Blaster said:I loved when the match starts with the MEC entrenched at the bottom of the first hill waiting for the US to appear on the long road from their spawn. That 30 seconds of stillness in the air was awesome. A shame every server runs it infantry only, it's a far less interesting map without vehicles.
kaizoku said:you know, something must've changed cos I fucking despise terminal with every fibre of my being now. It used to be a decent map, but its like someone flicked a switch. For the past 8 games on there or so I've been demolished with the worst being my most recent game with a score of 1-9.
one to fucking nine. that is obscene. when you consider the orevious games I went on a run of 19-1, 24-10 and similar scores against the same players, I suddenly get swamped 1-9?
WTF. There was literally nothing I could do. I wasn't rushing, I wasn't being suicidal, I was just losing every single encounter, spawning with no friendlies and 4 enemies around me, missing every damn bullet whilst everyone on the other team seemed to be able to run around like rambo and kill me from every single angle. high, low, left right, behind, in front.
I've decided its a shit map and I seem to have completely and utterly forgotten how to play it.
jedimike said:The sound in this game is still blowing me away... The audible cues get me as many kills as the visual. I know where people are at just from the audio. It's probably been like for several iterations of COD, but I've just never been able to use the 5.1 before.
The only players that really own me are the ones with ninja pro on. They are the ones who tap me on my shoulder and then blast me in the face when I turn around. I just can't hear them coming up on me.
If you feel like you need to bring your K/D up a notch, make sure you're getting the full benefits of the amazing audio in the game.
Spinning Plates said:You should play this game with headphones and the Astro MixAmp. Even now I still go wow at some of the pick outs I make from the sounds I hear.