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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


xDangerboy said:
Not having a good squad or good teammates an ruin BC2 match for anyone. It isn't like MW2 where playing on your own is a viable way to play.

To your point about the gun models:

I really don't see what you are talking about. The only time guns might look funny is when you put an ACOG on a submachine gun; and those look just as funny in MW2.

To your point about vehicles:

Vehicles are only overpowered in BC2 when no one is spawning with the tools to destroy it, or, no one is getting on the numerous stationary rockets or using c4. But it all comes back to teammates. If you don;t have a good squad or smart teammates, you're right, dealing with vehicles is almost impossible.

I think you should give playing it another chance, but try and get a squad together before you do. The game shines the most with good partners. But MW2 is definitely a better solo MP experience.
I guess it wasn't clear in my post, but I do like the game, I just enjoy MW2 more in general.

The thing about the gun models is honestly just a preference thing. It has nothing to do with accuracies like a previous poster said, or looking funny. I just think they are more detailed and better to look at then the BC2 versions. Again just a preference.

As for the maps/vehicles. I have been playing all week as an Engineer. When I shoot a rocket at a tank which I have been trying to do quite a bit, it takes off maybe a 3rd off its life, whereas a C4 takes it out in 1 hit I think? I really don't get that. Ok you have to be closer to hit it with the C4 so make it take 2 rockets, not 3 or 4.
I think the best example of the point I was trying to make is the map called Atacama Desert. That is quite possibly the worst map I have ever played in a shooter. If you are not in a helicopter or a tank you may as well just throw a grenade at your feet. I like the vehicle combat somewhat, but I feel it should be more evenly balanced between Infantry and Vehicles, because on the big maps it is very unbalanced I think.

Don't even bother bringing up MW2 in that thread, those guys troll the game just to make themselves feel better and reassure themselves that BC2 will knock MW off it's pedestal.
Yea that's exactly what I meant about not posting it over there. The part that makes me laugh the most is when they say the campaign is better. Lulz.

Oh one other thing. I just started playing with the OMA + Noob Tub + Danger Close class this afternoon. Omg that is fun :lol LTTP I know :D


kaizoku said:
you know, something must've changed cos I fucking despise terminal with every fibre of my being now. It used to be a decent map, but its like someone flicked a switch. For the past 8 games on there or so I've been demolished with the worst being my most recent game with a score of 1-9.

one to fucking nine. that is obscene. when you consider the orevious games I went on a run of 19-1, 24-10 and similar scores against the same players, I suddenly get swamped 1-9?

WTF. There was literally nothing I could do. I wasn't rushing, I wasn't being suicidal, I was just losing every single encounter, spawning with no friendlies and 4 enemies around me, missing every damn bullet whilst everyone on the other team seemed to be able to run around like rambo and kill me from every single angle. high, low, left right, behind, in front.

I've decided its a shit map and I seem to have completely and utterly forgotten how to play it.
Terminal is like the only map I have a love/hate relationship with. Sometimes I have nothing but pure spite for it because of all the rooftop/corridor/plane camping that goes on. Other times it can be really really fun. Everything else I either hate outright or adore.


I think Terminal was meant to have a circular flow but it rarely happens, you don't often have to worry about people flanking you from the outside. The plane really bottlenecks everything and few people have the balls to run out in the open to flank up the escalators.

What normally happens is most of team A goes towards burgertown and meets team B. Where there is a standoff of frags/flash/stun. One or two people go setup camp in the plane with their claymores and wait.

What I like to do is jump out the window next to the plane staircase, follow the building up and around to the door. Flash twice as I'm coming up the escalators and get a few kills before they realize I'm up their ass.

If more people would do that I think Terminal would be a much better map, but the plane area just sucks now because of campers. I guess you could say that there are FAR too many hiding spots. Stuff like the metal detector area and that little room. All of the little pillars near the edges on the walls. Just big enough for someone to crouch with their Scar and wait for you to go by. And there are far too many of these areas to be able to check each and every one of them before you advance, so you get shot in the back.
Full Recovery said:
I think Terminal was meant to have a circular flow but it rarely happens, you don't often have to worry about people flanking you from the outside. The plane really bottlenecks everything and few people have the balls to run out in the open to flank up the escalators.

What normally happens is most of team A goes towards burgertown and meets team B. Where there is a standoff of frags/flash/stun. One or two people go setup camp in the plane with their claymores and wait.

What I like to do is jump out the window next to the plane staircase, follow the building up and around to the door. Flash twice as I'm coming up the escalators and get a few kills before they realize I'm up their ass.

If more people would do that I think Terminal would be a much better map, but the plane area just sucks now because of campers. I guess you could say that there are FAR too many hiding spots. Stuff like the metal detector area and that little room. All of the little pillars near the edges on the walls. Just big enough for someone to crouch with their Scar and wait for you to go by. And there are far too many of these areas to be able to check each and every one of them before you advance, so you get shot in the back.

The bookshop really redeems it though, even though theres not full circular motion, depending on where the enemies are you can flank them using the shop. Its not a total standoff luckily.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
jedimike said:
It's not always the map... sometimes you just get shit on with this game, especially with the small maps. You'll get spawned and die within seconds and it just keeps happening over and over and over for 5 or more spawns. Those are the times when I try to break my controller in half. It'll occasionally happen to me in Terminal, Scrapyard, Highrise, and as expected, Rust. I don't think they are bad maps... sometimes you just have a round of bad luck. I just thank my team for carrying me and then make a comeback on the next map.

I was just ranting but in all seriousness I blame the particular host, occassionally some hosts simply seem to jive better with you and some do better for others.

my play style also requires that I more or less know where my enemy is coming from, i.e. they're on one half, we're on the other. That way I feel like I can control the flow of the map and read enemy movements better, when flanking is happening and enemies are coming from all over, I can't do shit. Thats why I cant play FFA!

last Terminal map was 15-9 which is a bit more acceptable.


bobs99 ... said:
The bookshop really redeems it though, even though theres not full circular motion, depending on where the enemies are you can flank them using the shop. Its not a total standoff luckily.
No, not really. The spot that is camped most often is either that wall looking into the walkway with the bookshop or the place up top with the air unit. Both of those spots have the advantage against anyone who is coming from the bookshop.


corkscrewblow said:
Clearly you've never played CS. de_cpl_fire and de_nuke are the best maps ever.
Nuke is such an awesome map, I'm a fan of the more linear and less cluttered design of CS maps also.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Full Recovery said:
No, not really. The spot that is camped most often is either that wall looking into the walkway with the bookshop or the place up top with the air unit. Both of those spots have the advantage against anyone who is coming from the bookshop.

it used to be that on highrise a team who knew what they were doing would be able to totally pen an enemy team in if thy were a bit lax. The same seems to apply to terminal now, except on terminal its harder to escape because there's nowhere to run without someone seeing you or cutting you off.

still probably the most rage inducing map in those kind of conditions, you'll have noobtubers coming at you from one direction, campers in the middle and knife runners coming from behind. oh and akimbo shotguns running around everywhere too.


Neo Member
Anybody have any SMG build recommendations other than the obvious Marathon/Lightweight/Commando setup. I feel like that's the only way I can be even be semi-effective with them.


Accidentus said:
Anybody have any SMG build recommendations other than the obvious Marathon/Lightweight/Commando setup. I feel like that's the only way I can be even be semi-effective with them.
I got Fall for the UMP, silenced, using Scavenger+Cold Blooded Pro+Ninja Pro. SMG becomes a long range weapon with that.


rezuth said:
Nuke is such an awesome map, I'm a fan of the more linear and less cluttered design of CS maps also.
Nuke is the best CS map (imo) because of the spam spots. Nothing beats someone calling hut then spamming it from ramp and getting 2-3 kills through the wall.

Accidentus said:
Anybody have any SMG build recommendations other than the obvious Marathon/Lightweight/Commando setup. I feel like that's the only way I can be even be semi-effective with them.
My default class for every prestige has been this:

silenced UMP
Raffica or Striker+grip

Stopping Power
Steady Aim till 29 then Ninja pro from there on out

Works pretty well as I've held a k/d above 3.0 the whole time. I can't imagine using the UMP and NOT having Marathon on though, seems ridiculous to use Scavenger with it.
Full Recovery said:
M1014 ext mags > SPAS

But for 1v1 situations SPAS>m1014.

Where would you rate the AA-12 on this spectrum, though? I'm interested in mastering one of these shotguns.

rezuth said:
Nuke is such an awesome map, I'm a fan of the more linear ....

At first I thought this was some new form of the Halo is a pretty cool guy meme


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
JustHadToJoin said:
Where would you rate the AA-12 on this spectrum, though? I'm interested in mastering one of these shotguns.

AA-12 is good for very close range, its definitely a back up for your main rather than alternative.

With the SPAS I can change my game up if I'm struggling and it'll be really effective. The range is sometimes ridiculous. To demonstrate, on the snowy submarine level one guy came in through the middle S shaped corridor, peeked round the corner and one shot kills me. I was stood at the opposite corner peeking the other way. The AA-12 range doesnt even seem to be half that plus you have to pump a few times and get each shot on target.

I like the AA-12, I equipped it onto every class as a trial but I think I'm gonna switch back on most classes. the SPAS would sometimes save me with a lucky twitch hipfire shot in their general direction, that'll never happen with the AA-12 unless they're right in my face.


My preferred shotgun is the Striker. I find it a nice compromise between the range of the SPAS and 'spammability' of the AA-12. Compared to the M1014, it has a bigger clip and I find it also has more range. But you need to pair it with both Stopping Power and Steady Aim, otherwise those longer range one hit kills are a lot less reliable.


After prestiging for my first time, I've developed a love for the SPAS. I especially love the physics when you kill someone with it, something very satisfying with them flying backwards.


wanna play with my PS3 buddy today

but it takes forever to fetch the playlist...what should I do? I was already a Type 2 NAT, and swapped the wired connection from xbox to ps3

while the same connection 360 version finished fetching playlist for like 1 sec...I havent been playing both version for a while...


Jonsoncao said:
wanna play with my PS3 buddy today

but it takes forever to fetch the playlist...what should I do? I was already a Type 2 NAT, and swapped the wired connection from xbox to ps3

while the same connection 360 version finished fetching playlist for like 1 sec...I havent been playing both version for a while...
After a while, it's better to just back out and try again. Sometimes switching 'party leader' can also make a difference. And sometimes it just sucks, there's nothing much you can do. :(
Though I've had better performance since I flashed my router to dd-wrt.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
I'm rank 59 on my first prestige and I haven't touched my favourite gun all prestige as I was levelling up lesser guns.

Finally got mastery for SCAR and FAMAS today so I get the ol M16 out and man I'd forgotten how much I loved it! I kick ass with this baby. just went 18-1 and 17-2 with no attachments on it.

so much better than the FAMAS and I dont even know for sure why. feels heavier as well which I prefer.


I'm loving the UMP right now. Honestly, I do amazing with it every time.

UMP + stopping power + silencer = godly

Then add in marathon and ninja. So good.
Ive only been using the Aug Bar lightmachine gun (grip and holo sight) and the P90.

Both with extra damage perk.

I have two P90 classes, one is akimbo and another is stealth.

I get mostly decent kills and scores.
Sometimes dual p90's


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
whitehawk said:
I'm loving the UMP right now. Honestly, I do amazing with it every time.

UMP + stopping power + silencer = godly

Then add in marathon and ninja. So good.

UMP was gonna be my 3rd gun to do challenges on, but I got to the "get 20 kills with the ACOG scope" and it was so against my UMP/knife playstyle that I sucked at it. and it was to unlock thermal! thermal for the UMP? really?

I havent touched LMGs either this prestige, they're awesome for hipfire cos you can just spray with a grip and do some real damage, so get steady aim equipped!
Bling G18 with akimbo and silencer + stopping power are absolutely killer, holy shit. Way better than a shotgun and you can kill 4 enemies easily.


My god, I don't know how you guys stand team games. I have never RAGED this hard while playing CTF. Jesus! Like every fucking team I was put on had a bunch of morons in it. Nobody defends, everybody rushes to the flag. And when I had the flag, nobody covers my back. I got shot down, the flag was right there. The enemy was 5ft from him. Instead of just hip-firing, he fucking ADSes, and his sensitivity is on like 2 or someshit, so he's dragging the fucking reticule while the enemy simply runs right by him and gets the flag. FUCKING ARGGHGHG

Going back to free for all. Best mode ever.
ultim8p00 said:
My god, I don't know how you guys stand team games. I have never RAGED this hard while playing CTF. Jesus! Like every fucking team I was put on had a bunch of morons in it. Nobody defends, everybody rushes to the flag. And when I had the flag, nobody covers my back. I got shot down, the flag was right there. The enemy was 5ft from him. Instead of just hip-firing, he fucking ADSes, and his sensitivity is on like 2 or someshit, so he's dragging the fucking reticule while the enemy simply runs right by him and gets the flag. FUCKING ARGGHGHG

Going back to free for all. Best mode ever.
Easy, you just have carry your whole team ;)


corkscrewblow said:
Clearly you've never played CS. de_cpl_fire and de_nuke are the best maps ever.

Haha, actually I haven't. Back then, I never had my own computer, and my parents didn't want that 'vile' stuff around. :(

I was actually thinking of including a little disclaimer in my original claim, because I know that CS maps are absolutely worshipped. :p

salva said:
Bling G18 with akimbo and silencer + stopping power are absolutely killer, holy shit. Way better than a shotgun and you can kill 4 enemies easily.

I don't even bother to silence it. I've taken down guys at ridiculous ranges with akimbo Glocks because of the glitch, and it just takes practice keeping the recoil down. So powerful for secondaries.


Fuuuuuuuuck, just got totally robbed on getting the 8bit Price Emblem. Was at 9 kills, stabbed a guy in the back, he didn't die. He turns around, I stab him again, he doesn't die. We then do the circle thing, and he manages to get me first on the next stab. FUUUUUUUUUUUUU


ultim8p00 said:
My god, I don't know how you guys stand team games. I have never RAGED this hard while playing CTF. Jesus! Like every fucking team I was put on had a bunch of morons in it. Nobody defends, everybody rushes to the flag. And when I had the flag, nobody covers my back. I got shot down, the flag was right there. The enemy was 5ft from him. Instead of just hip-firing, he fucking ADSes, and his sensitivity is on like 2 or someshit, so he's dragging the fucking reticule while the enemy simply runs right by him and gets the flag. FUCKING ARGGHGHG

Going back to free for all. Best mode ever.

Party up with friends.


hey - serious question for the people that hate this game, say it's designed for casuals (which is really a sliding scale these days), that's it's too wild and unpredictable and takes some of hte skill out of it...

do the hardcore modes not solve most of these problems? i can't say because, though i played them heavily in cod4, i've come to rely too heavily on my heartbeat sensor to even attempt entering a hardcore match

would appreciate an answer from an angry mw2 hater


SailorDaravon said:
Fuuuuuuuuck, just got totally robbed on getting the 8bit Price Emblem. Was at 9 kills, stabbed a guy in the back, he didn't die. He turns around, I stab him again, he doesn't die. We then do the circle thing, and he manages to get me first on the next stab. FUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Ouch. Keep at it man, it feels soooooooooo good when you unlock it :)


Kinda annoying how much of an explosives fest HQ has become. Not a good idea to use teamwork in that mode when it means a free predator for the opponent. Pretty much one person caps while you hope five is enough to cover all of the paths to it. Gotta love when the dude with painkiller comes down my path. Or I'm on the cap and get a few people droppin' their martyrdom frags on me.

Lovin' some P90 right now. Been alternating between it and my MG4 depending on the map size. Kinda fun avoiding ARs and the UMP. Also haven't put claymores on any of my classes yet, either, despite getting a crapton of claymore kills last prestige. Maybe I'll switch to frags or throwing knives next session just mix it up even more.
Headquarters is the mode I play when I feel like totally dominating. I like to wait a little bit away from the HQ, where I know people will be approaching, and just pick them off. Favela is the best - I got 9 kills the other day from the same window before a grenade finally got me. :lol
Foliorum Viridum said:
Headquarters is the mode I play when I feel like totally dominating. I like to wait a little bit away from the HQ, where I know people will be approaching, and just pick them off. Favela is the best - I got 9 kills the other day from the same window before a grenade finally got me. :lol


Sigh for what? Preventing the enemy from getting to the objective? :lol People in this thread act like if you don't have a 4-50 ratio you're not a team player.
Foliorum Viridum said:

Sigh for what? Preventing the enemy from getting to the objective? :lol People in this thread act like if you don't have a 4-50 ratio you're not a team player.

I'm assuming then that the rest of your team would be capturing the HQ whilst you defend it.

All too common in my experience is for virtually all on the team to be camping outside the HQ for kills without even thinking of capturing it.
Yeah, it was captured about 3/4 kills into my streak. If I see it just sitting there I go for it. Unfortunately, you're right, that happens quite a lot.

But it annoys me when 5 guys huddle around a HQ and get killed with one grenade. You should never have more than two people in the actual room with the HQ in.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
just had another game on terminal and after starting off with 2 deaths to the same guy, I went on a complete and utter rampage, got a 26 killstreak and ended the game with a match winning kill against the original guy who killed me twice :lol beautiful

I dunno how it happens but sometimes things just click and you become unstoppable. I was taking out everyone in all kinds of ways and I had the whole area between C and A as well as the bookstore and the corridor completely pinned down by myself. It was like the enemy couldn't see me at times

26-2 is quite possibly my best score yet. I've had games with higher kills but never dominated a game completely the way I did here. and all without camping!


salva said:
Bling G18 with akimbo and silencer + stopping power are absolutely killer, holy shit. Way better than a shotgun and you can kill 4 enemies easily.
Akimbo G18 is the bomb. Bringing back the 90s baby.


_Alkaline_ said:
I'm assuming then that the rest of your team would be capturing the HQ whilst you defend it.

All too common in my experience is for virtually all on the team to be camping outside the HQ for kills without even thinking of capturing it.
In HQ, it's actually not kill-camping, it's just that all the explosives in this game has made HQ basically unplayable. Can't sit in there with your whole team unless you just love getting RPG'd, noobtubed or semtex'd. It's better if one person caps and everybody else guards chokepoints.
divisionbyzorro said:
I belive the G18 and the Raffica were both pretty much meant to be used akimbo; the PP2K and TMP not so much.

No way. While I'll admit to enjoying akimbo rafficas on occasion, it's so much better solo. With akimbo it would be suicide not to use steady aim, and then you have to give up ninja. Ninja pro + silenced m93 is such a ridiculously powerful combo.


On PC, by the way, akimbo G18s are treated much like akimbo 1887s were in their prime: They are very much unbalanced, bizarre killsticks that need some real balancing. However, because they're not endemic on consoles, that'll probably never happen (I don't think anyone at Infinity Ward has actually played the PC version of their game).
Fugu said:
On PC, by the way, akimbo G18s are treated much like akimbo 1887s were in their prime: They are very much unbalanced, bizarre killsticks that need some real balancing. However, because they're not endemic on consoles, that'll probably never happen (I don't think anyone at Infinity Ward has actually played the PC version of their game).

I would assume that's because the mouse allows you to control their kickback much more effectively. On consoles you have to burst to kill with them at range.
Accidentus said:
Anybody have any SMG build recommendations other than the obvious Marathon/Lightweight/Commando setup. I feel like that's the only way I can be even be semi-effective with them.

For my SMG class I go with the popular combo of: Ump w/ silencer / scavenger / cold blooded / ninja. Pure stealth class. The Ump has great iron sites on top of the fact it does enough damage where you won't miss stopping power.

I'm not the greatest player in the world but I almost always tear it up when I use this class.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
I've decided that from now on I will have no killstreaks equipped and will be going all out for that price 8bit emblem.

damn, now I'm relaly psyched about playing, and I only just stopped. MW2 addiction is no good for me :(
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