PetriP-TNT said:What was 8 bit emblem? 10 kills w/o killstreaks?
Yuppers, well a 10-killstreak without killstreaks equipped.
PetriP-TNT said:What was 8 bit emblem? 10 kills w/o killstreaks?
Yikes, I don't think I've ever played a full match without that happening.Patrick Bateman said:Played my first match today without killing anyone.![]()
It was depressing..
Patrick Bateman said:Played my first match today without killing anyone.![]()
It was depressing..
I hate you already.Skel said:In other news, I really cannot get enough of this OMA Noob Tube class, I know it is cheap, but god damn is it fun.
Skel said:In other news, I really cannot get enough of this OMA Noob Tube class, I know it is cheap, but god damn is it fun.
Skel said:Yikes, I don't think I've ever played a full match without that happening.
In other news, I really cannot get enough of this OMA Noob Tube class, I know it is cheap, but god damn is it fun.
For me Free for all is all about ninja pro, a silenced assault rifle and just sound whoring the shit out of them. A silenced TAR with hardline (scavenger, ninja pro) and claymores is a top kit. 5-7-9 killstreaks and you're set.Oh, and free for all with a heartbeat, claymores, and scavenger [or OMA] is so unfair.
I went 30-8 four times last night.
<3 :lolPetriP-TNT said:I hate you already.
...annnd we JUST hit 25 MILLION unique players on Modern Warfare 2. Insanity! Also, got a lot of #MW2 DLC details coming this week! FINALLY!
This man speaks the truth.divisionbyzorro said:On consoles you have to burst to kill with them at range.
Dresden said:OMA is dumb as hell. At least Scavenger forces you to look for deathbags.
RPGs are too fun to use for explosive classes for me to use OMA. Got a five kills with one rocket on Skidrow the other day, I was trying to get to C from the alley and just fired at two people running out after capping it. Boom. I didn't even see the other three. :lol
I think most gun models in BC2 really look like shit compared to the ones in MW2. I'm not a MW2 nut or anything, i must have posted maybe a cple of times in here. But the other day i picked up a scar in BC2, and i literaly lol-ed.Skel said:The thing about the gun models is honestly just a preference thing. It has nothing to do with accuracies like a previous poster said, or looking funny. I just think they are more detailed and better to look at then the BC2 versions. Again just a preference.
That's not an SMG class, though. It's an AR class with an SMG on it.Sir Garbageman said:For my SMG class I go with the popular combo of: Ump w/ silencer / scavenger / cold blooded / ninja. Pure stealth class. The Ump has great iron sites on top of the fact it does enough damage where you won't miss stopping power.
aku:jiki said:Marathon is a must - SMG's are for wildly running and gunning!
Yeah, that still makes it an AR class though! The UMP is basically a mini-AR like the F2000 is a maxi-SMG.divisionbyzorro said:That's where the UMP is such a bizarre aberration - it's so accurate at distances that it can be used as if it's an AR. It will kill in 3 hits regardless of range, which is actually even better than the SCAR (which needs 4 at a distance). If you can control its recoil, you can use it like an AR and be no worse off from it.
aku:jiki said:Woo, I just launched the perfect Stealth Bomber! I waited until round 2 in a CTF, then I put the SB on their spawn, aimed at the most popular path away from it. I got the entire team with it! :lol
I have also reached prestige 8 and am starting to worry a little about reaching prestige 10. Then what? I'll probably stop playing or something, part of the fun has always been to force myself into variety but at the same time I don't want to pull off 1000 headshots with the M21. At the same time, I'm looking forward to doing unlocks and then getting to actually keep them.
40 penetration kills with the FAL is a fucking joke btw. Should've been 4.
That's not an SMG class, though. It's an AR class with an SMG on it.
Marathon is a must - SMG's are for wildly running and gunning!
This is why I feel that the UMP is probably better compared to the TAR and SCAR. I'm in the camp that all SMGs not called UMP typically should be coupled with Marathon and Silencer.divisionbyzorro said:That's where the UMP is such a bizarre aberration - it's so accurate at distances that it can be used as if it's an AR. It will kill in 3 hits regardless of range, which is actually even better than the SCAR (which needs 4 at a distance). If you can control its recoil, you can use it like an AR and be no worse off from it.
With the other SMGs, yes - they are close quarters weapons, best used fired from the hip while running around like a crazy person. (Okay, that's something of an exaggeration, but you get the point.)
For once, I agree with you. Though I put Marathon on all my non SMG classes as well, it's addictive.aku:jiki said:That's not an SMG class, though. It's an AR class with an SMG on it.
Marathon is a must - SMG's are for wildly running and gunning!
I spent over an hour tonight getting the last 15 FMJ kills with the SCAR. Fuck, it took some patience. I was basically looking for thin walls where I could shoot somebody from the waist down through a material etc.Tamanon said:Yeah, the Extended Mags unlock is a pain in the ass period. Especially compared to all the other ones.:/ It's why my first time through I only mastered the M16.
I've been preaching this to deaf ears for a while now, but I'll try again! :lolmr_boo said:Here's my Newb Sniper Kit:
AA-12 w Grip
Claymore & Stuns
SoH Pro
SP Pro
The reason people don't like them is twofold... For one, they don't feel like sniper rifles. There is no rewarding feedback in headshotting someone with an M21 at all. It feels like farming kills, and not at all like besting someone in combat.mr_boo said:I keep hearing that the best two sniper rifles are: Barret & Intervention. The other two are just not worth looking into?
OK - I'll run with the M93 and go Akimbo once I unlock that. I have the Akimbo unlocked for USP already - but from what you're saying M93 Akimbo > USP Akimbo.aku:jiki said:I've been preaching this to deaf ears for a while now, but I'll try again! :lol
I highly suggest having a M93 or Akimbo Magnums as your sniper secondary. With snipers, it's all about the switch time and shotguns take way too long. An M93 comes out as fast as the M9 (I believe) and akimbo'd, shit... I end up forgetting about my sniper rifle and just run around with the M93s more often than not. :lol
Anyway, M93 is the ultimate sniper sidearm! Comes out quick and is as powerful as a shotgun if akimbo'd.
OK - thanks for the advice. I'll eventually check out the M21 w ACOG later than - damn it, MW2 has a mountain of variable/viable kits - not enough time to play....aku:jiki said:The reason people don't like them is twofold... For one, they don't feel like sniper rifles. There is no rewarding feedback in headshotting someone with an M21 at all. It feels like farming kills, and not at all like besting someone in combat.
Second, they're much harder to one hit kill with. You pretty much need a neck/head shot or you will have to resort to spam fire (which goes back to point 1). You will not be killing any runners with these rifles.
The M21 with ACOG (and maybe even Scavenger) is basically a superpowered FAL though. That's fun for two matches until you start to feel like a cheesy bastard.
aku:jiki said:The reason people don't like them is twofold... For one, they don't feel like sniper rifles. There is no rewarding feedback in headshotting someone with an M21 at all. It feels like farming kills, and not at all like besting someone in combat.
Second, they're much harder to one hit kill with. You pretty much need a neck/head shot or you will have to resort to spam fire (which goes back to point 1). You will not be killing any runners with these rifles.
The M21 with ACOG (and maybe even Scavenger) is basically a superpowered FAL though. That's fun for two matches until you start to feel like a cheesy bastard.
div - what's your experience thus far in respect to sniper rifles?divisionbyzorro said:In a weird way though, it makes them more viable when silenced. The Intervention and Barret both suffer greatly when silenced (IMO), but the playstyle of the Wazoo and the EBR doesn't change when silenced. Of course, this is based on my very limited sniper experience, but that's the way I see it.
I like Scrapyard. Always somebody in the plane wrecks.Skel said:As for the 40 FMJ kills, the best map to do this on is Terminal imo. Basically every wall in the airport and the plane can be shot through, and the best thing to do is shoot from the cockpit through the windows in the terminal, that racks them up. I would usually get 7-8 FMJ kills that way when I was working on the mastery titles for the TAR, M4 and ACR.
Ah, good point! This is very true.divisionbyzorro said:In a weird way though, it makes them more viable when silenced. The Intervention and Barret both suffer greatly when silenced (IMO), but the playstyle of the Wazoo and the EBR doesn't change when silenced. Of course, this is based on my very limited sniper experience, but that's the way I see it.
PP2000 is a little beast to be sure, but it's not optimal in the way I mean. You have to turn off the safety on PP2k before you can use it - I think that makes it the slowest machine pistol to bring up.Skel said:PP2000 I think is a great secondary with a Sniper. It has great power up close for when you're running to points, and it has very little recoil so you can kill from quite far away as well.
Whenever I go for sniper FMJ's, I just wait for Highrise. Get up on that sniper shelf above A and go to town through windows. That's a good 10 in a decent match and if you manage to avoid that guy that MUST DESTROY YOU AT ALL COSTS.Skel said:As for the 40 FMJ kills, the best map to do this on is Terminal imo. Basically every wall in the airport and the plane can be shot through, and the best thing to do is shoot from the cockpit through the windows in the terminal, that racks them up. I would usually get 7-8 FMJ kills that way when I was working on the mastery titles for the TAR, M4 and ACR.
That is a good point from the speed point of view. But if you are talking speed I believe regular handguns are the fastest to pull out. That also comes back to my point about Commando though, I usually have the secondary ready to go before I need it, whereas if I am surprised the knife-teleporting can save me.aku:jiki said:PP2000 is a little beast to be sure, but it's not optimal in the way I mean. You have to turn off the safety on PP2k before you can use it - I think that makes it the slowest machine pistol to bring up.
The problem with that is, the bullet that kills the guy needs to have penetrated the window to get credit, and when you are shooting from farther away the window may already be completely broken by the time the guy is killed. The great part about Terminal is the people are right in front of the big window so that is never an issue.aku:jiki said:Whenever I go for sniper FMJ's, I just wait for Highrise. Get up on that sniper shelf above A and go to town through windows. That's a good 10 in a decent match and if you manage to avoid that guy that MUST DESTROY YOU AT ALL COSTS.
That's me. If I see someone is sniping and camping in the same spot the whole game I make sure I kill him as much as possible. I never lose either, UMP > sniper :lolaku:jiki said:That's a good 10 in a decent match and if you manage to avoid that guy that MUST DESTROY YOU AT ALL COSTS.
Hype?Wickerman said:
aku:jiki said:PP2000 is a little beast to be sure, but it's not optimal in the way I mean. You have to turn off the safety on PP2k before you can use it - I think that makes it the slowest machine pistol to bring up. said:You can melee people with that laptop?
Same. Whenever I get into a scrapyard game, I use it to try and get a nuke. So awesome.Skel said:In other news, I really cannot get enough of this OMA Noob Tube class, I know it is cheap, but god damn is it fun.
The video calls it a glitch, but is it or is it actually supposed to happen that way?Mush said:
Just use bling.At the same time, it kind of sucks that it's an attachment because there are other attachments I would have preferred to use.
Mush said:
Yeah its a glitch. It works for the Chopper Gunner, AC130 and Predator Missile. I haven't actually tried it out myself yetSkel said:The video calls it a glitch, but is it or is it actually supposed to happen that way?