AND he was level 70 lol. Then again your on-screen level doesn't indicate your ingame skill.Full Recovery said:I've always wondered how someone can go 1-16 in an entire match. At least try to break even and get a kill every time you die.
These people are the reason I lose 50% of the time, the other 50% they're on the other team. lol
Full Recovery said:I've always wondered how someone can go 1-16 in an entire match. At least try to break even and get a kill every time you die.
These people are the reason I lose 50% of the time, the other 50% they're on the other team. lol
Because it's like playing with one less man on your team? Yeah you could argue that he was the only one moving the bomb or trying to defuse. But if he can't kill opponents defending/offending then he is worthless. You can't just blindly run into the bomb site and arm the bomb either, even if he manages to stealth his way to the bombsite and plant it, more than likely he'll be surrounded by enemies. Then he'll die, they'll defuse and run the bomb back your way._Alkaline_ said:It's demolition, not TDM.
Who gives a shit about K/D in Demolition?
D23 said:this is hands down the best Modern Warfare 2 video ever created!
omg so goood, he did it better than IW itself..
D23 said:this is hands down the best Modern Warfare 2 video ever created!
omg so goood, he did it better than IW itself..
salva said:Wow, that's pretty badass. When did those scenes appear in the game?
kaizoku said:I sucked at this game today. I could barely manage a 0.5 KD ratio, I just don't understand how my scores can be so erratic. its not like I have good and bad games, I've been getting a 2.0 or better KD ratio almost every game for the past few weeks, then suddenly today I must've had like 4 hours of constantly getting evens at best. everything I did was wrong, everywhere I spawned, an enemy was onto me within seconds. even when a kill was certainly mine, the first shot would somehow not finish them off and a team mate would get them or they'd kill me first.
does anyone else go through similar bad patches? I got pissed and just kept going until I finally had a good game but man so frustrating, I dunno if its psychological, latency issues or simply physical fatigue on my part. I can usually hold my own, if not with reflexes then tactics i.e. map knowledge, flanking, setting traps and so on, but nothing was flying today.
confidence is shot, gonna forget about the 8bit price til I start playing well again.
Yeah, my overall K/D is positive and steadily climbing but not amazing (1.42). I usually go positive or at least 1:1 in the majority of games, but every now and then I'll have the occasional stinker 5-17 game when everything goes wrong.kaizoku said:I sucked at this game today. I could barely manage a 0.5 KD ratio, I just don't understand how my scores can be so erratic. its not like I have good and bad games, I've been getting a 2.0 or better KD ratio almost every game for the past few weeks, then suddenly today I must've had like 4 hours of constantly getting evens at best. everything I did was wrong, everywhere I spawned, an enemy was onto me within seconds. even when a kill was certainly mine, the first shot would somehow not finish them off and a team mate would get them or they'd kill me first.
does anyone else go through similar bad patches? I got pissed and just kept going until I finally had a good game but man so frustrating, I dunno if its psychological, latency issues or simply physical fatigue on my part. I can usually hold my own, if not with reflexes then tactics i.e. map knowledge, flanking, setting traps and so on, but nothing was flying today.
confidence is shot, gonna forget about the 8bit price til I start playing well again.
How can so many people think like this? He's not talking about someone who breaks even. He's talking about someone who CLEARLY IS NOT HELPING HIS TEAM AT ALL IN ANY FASHION by going 1-16. K/D ratio does not matter in objective games TO A CERTAIN EXTENT. 1-16 does not fit within that guideline. If he goes 1-16, there is not doubt that he is feeding the enemy kills and was probably solely to blame for at least some sort of killstreak reward. How can you even say that K/D does not matter? That argument makes no goddamn sense._Alkaline_ said:It's demolition, not TDM.
Who gives a shit about K/D in Demolition?
divisionbyzorro said:In a weird way though, it makes them more viable when silenced. The Intervention and Barret both suffer greatly when silenced (IMO), but the playstyle of the Wazoo and the EBR doesn't change when silenced. Of course, this is based on my very limited sniper experience, but that's the way I see it.
D23 said:this is hands down the best Modern Warfare 2 video ever created!
omg so goood, he did it better than IW itself..
Aselith said:A CG movie of the exact same scene created by IW is doing it better than IW? They just tell their story in game rather than through CG movies. Crazy, I know, but I think they want you to participate in their games.
D23 said:this is hands down the best Modern Warfare 2 video ever created!
omg so goood, he did it better than IW itself..
Lionheart1827 said:How the hell did he do that?
You have to admit, the video was pretty damn well done, though.
kaizoku said:I sucked at this game today. I could barely manage a 0.5 KD ratio, I just don't understand how my scores can be so erratic. its not like I have good and bad games, I've been getting a 2.0 or better KD ratio almost every game for the past few weeks, then suddenly today I must've had like 4 hours of constantly getting evens at best. everything I did was wrong, everywhere I spawned, an enemy was onto me within seconds. even when a kill was certainly mine, the first shot would somehow not finish them off and a team mate would get them or they'd kill me first.
does anyone else go through similar bad patches? I got pissed and just kept going until I finally had a good game but man so frustrating, I dunno if its psychological, latency issues or simply physical fatigue on my part. I can usually hold my own, if not with reflexes then tactics i.e. map knowledge, flanking, setting traps and so on, but nothing was flying today.
confidence is shot, gonna forget about the 8bit price til I start playing well again.
Aselith said:Yeah, sure it makes good use of angles and quick cuts. It's definitely is a good showpiece for his ability to make a kinetic action scene. I'm just saying that IW had different priorities. It's not better; it's different.
Also, the way he cobbled the two scenes together makes absolutely no sense. The two are taking place in way different time periods and he edited them together like they are happening concurrently.
smik said:![]()
get a grip, its good.
Looking at the guy's score, he didn't plant or defuse either. Going 1-16 is just hurting your team and giving the other team free killstreaks, no matter the mode. The whole "k/d doesn't matter" shit in this thread is hilarious._Alkaline_ said:It's demolition, not TDM.
Who gives a shit about K/D in Demolition?
RJNavarrete said:Just for fun I've decided to rock the intervention on every map at all times. :lol halfway through my eighth prestige.... I gotta do something to make it different!
Full Recovery said:I don't know why, but lately I've been using the intervention and I've made some shots that just should not of connected. I've also been on the receiving end as well, and it is painfully obvious that something is weird when you watch one of those kills in the final kill cam.
natedog4000 said:So my buddy and I just got verbal assaulted by some British people (we're American). So we entered a game and their clan tag is '616' so we ask if it is their area code and they blow up. throughout the game they just go on a rant, of which I barely catch every other word. I hear bits and pieces like, 'we created you're national anthem', 'muslim president', and 'some war on terrorism rant'. of course, at this point i started throwing some jabs back like about how the one person who was apparently was a girl, but sounded like a guy. The funniest thing of it all was how they kept calling me arrogant, but then proceded to tell me how they are better than me.
I know most british people are like this, and I'm sure their are americans just as bad, but I just figured I'd share my interesting story...
I know how the hitboxes work, and how the game predicts where you will be. But sometimes it just seems that those hitboxes stretch two or three times wider than what you actually are.kitch9 said:Lag compensation.
You'll save yourself a lot of headache by stop trying to work the internet out and accepting its the same for everybody.
D23 said:this is hands down the best Modern Warfare 2 video ever created!
omg so goood, he did it better than IW itself..
Randomized headshot. Any bullet you shoot that connects with any body part can magically be a headshot if the game wishes it to be.Full Recovery said:And then you get the odd instances where you shoot them in the gut and it magically gives you a headshot.
natedog4000 said:So my buddy and I just got verbal assaulted by some British people (we're American). So we entered a game and their clan tag is '616' so we ask if it is their area code and they blow up. throughout the game they just go on a rant, of which I barely catch every other word. I hear bits and pieces like, 'we created you're national anthem', 'muslim president', and 'some war on terrorism rant'. of course, at this point i started throwing some jabs back like about how the one person who was apparently was a girl, but sounded like a guy. The funniest thing of it all was how they kept calling me arrogant, but then proceded to tell me how they are better than me.
I know most british people are like this, and I'm sure their are americans just as bad, but I just figured I'd share my interesting story...
D23 said:this is hands down the best Modern Warfare 2 video ever created!
omg so goood, he did it better than IW itself..
Aselith said:Also, the way he cobbled the two scenes together makes absolutely no sense. The two are taking place in way different time periods and he edited them together like they are happening concurrently.
divisionbyzorro said:So all of these "How to get a nuke" videos on YouTube really piss me off. As if watching a video is going to magically make you get a nuke. You want to know how to get a nuke? Here it goes:
- Set your killstreaks to Harrier, Chopper Gunner, Nuke
- Play Domination (Ground War or Regular).
- Don't bother to capture any flags.
- Play cautiously to get a 7-kill streak.
- Find a good corner and hide your ass.
- Drop the harriers on an enemy flag.
- Pray that your enemies are retards, nobody shoots down your Harriers, and they get at least 4 kills.
- Pull up the Chopper Gunner, pray that your enemies are even bigger retards, that nobody shoots it down, and that you get at least 14 kills.
- In all of this, pray that you never run into a random noob tube, knife runner, or HBS user.
It's that simple!
divisionbyzorro said:
:lol The fuck?divisionbyzorro said:
legendary master baitor.divisionbyzorro said:
Hanmik said::lol wtf is going on for him.. ? :lol
that´s some good commentary :lol
Major Nelson said:Also, later this week weve got the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Unlock event running from March 12 [9:00 am PT / Noon ET] March 15 [9:00 am PT / Noon ET], during which Silver Xbox LIVE members will be able to enjoy online multiplayer in the game for free. Sign up for a free Xbox LIVE account today and be prepared to play.
Nice, can't wait to boost my K/D.divisionbyzorro said:Should be plenty of fresh meat this weekend on 360! :lol
SouzaNZ said:@FourZeroTwo Is the DLC going to included any match making fixes for the 360? Perhaps patch 1.05 or the latitude/longitude feature?
fourzerotwo said:@SouzaNZ We'll be patching prior to DLC that will include the same matchmaking update for 360 that PS3 got, along with other updates.