I think I prestiged too far or something. I remember when I was on prestige 6, I would mostly play against players around 4-7 or so. Bunch of hacked 10's too. Since going to prestige 8, all I ever get teamed up with are prestige 2's and 3's and even total newbies. The opponents aren't much different, but since they're usually a party and my team is randoms, that means we get destroyed all the damn time.
I mean...shit. It's cool that you're new at the game, man, but why the fuck are you running AWAY from the flashing light on your screen that also makes a beeping noise to remind you and, uh, is the entire point of the fucking game mode you picked?! God damn it noobs!
whitehawk said:
Also Danger Close Pro always helps. Extra killstreak damage is always good.
It really does make a huge difference at least for Chopper Gunner. I've never used a DC Pro'd AC but that has to be pretty sweet too. All those near misses should be kills then!