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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

jiien said:
Edit: Also, back on topic and because it bears repeating:


This. A thousand times this.

I just may have to jump on the IW hate wagon. How could they not fix this?

How could they claim to fix it and then not fix it!!
divisionbyzorro said:
This. A thousand times this.

I just may have to jump on the IW hate wagon. How could they not fix this?

How could they claim to fix it and then not fix it!!
Have you ever tried to code while you are drowning in a sea of money?


So im really digging playing Overgrown and Crash again, two of my fav glad thay came out today i was getting burnt out on the other maps.


divisionbyzorro said:
This. A thousand times this.

I just may have to jump on the IW hate wagon. How could they not fix this?

How could they claim to fix it and then not fix it!!

Heh, yeah, that's what's bothering me the most. If they never claimed they were going to do something about it, then I'd live with it, since we have been since launch.

But to promise, and then to break that promise, it hurts.

Then again, maybe we're being really premature about this, and being that (as a PS3 user) I don't have access to these changes yet, maybe they're there but more subtle? I dunno, just trying to cover our asses if this blows up in our face because we're working with non-first hand data.

Ah fuck it, this is GAF. FUCK YOU IW RAAAAAGE


Finally got into a match. TDM in Bailout, then it was HQ Pro in Overgrown.

I went 16-2 in Bailout despite not knowing where anything was because these idiots kept insisting on charging up a curving stairway. 12 kills in the last two minutes of the game. People are so dumb.


jiien said:
Well, not to nitpick, but the word "abuse" conjures up connotations of illegality.

Not to me, it doesn't. It just means that a valid/legal loophole is being exploited to its full potential. Happens every day in the real world.

jiien said:
Also, if sharing was their intention, codes are essentially the same thing as they are doing now. What would codes change, besides explicitly giving you four licenses?

meh, it really isn't worth a debate at all, but giving the buyer 4 codes would mean that the other PSN users wouldn't have to log into the buyer's account to DL the content. To me, that isn't the same at all to how it's currently done. It would be tied to the PSN accounts that way, rather than the console(s), which is how it's done now. And yes, I do own a PS3.

BACK ON TOPIC: I think I might wait 'til this weekend to buy the maps just to let the bugs get sorted out. Depends on what my friends are playing tho


Sh0k said:
Are we going to be able to play the new maps in Free-For-All mode when they get into the regular rotation ?

I thought they were already in the normal rotation and these were playlists just for the DLC. If I select the normal TDM mode I won't see new maps even if everyone has the DLC?
Metalic Sand said:
What is OMA tubing? Been seeing that everywhere.

one man army with rpg's/grenade launchers/etc. I'm just guessing here (been off this game for a bit) but basically you just create two classes with the same nade launcher and RPG set up, one runs out hit OMA and repeat.


Metalic Sand said:
What is OMA tubing? Been seeing that everywhere.
EDIT: beaten :lol

EDIT 2: Actually you don't even need two classes. OMA will let you switch to the same class you are using, essentially just resupplying ammo.


Neo Member
Overgrown is snipers paradise, great map. The stupid DLC playlist forces me to do other gametypes then I usual do (I play domination only basically), so now I am running bombs and what not. Not sure if want, domination is more fun.
Ducks said:
EDIT: beaten :lol

not really I didn't put danger close and you did. I didn't even think about that one, how cheese. :lol

Come to think of it I saw a kill cam last night where the RPG's smoke trail passed the guys face and apparently that killed him.
zero margin said:
one man army with rpg's/grenade launchers/etc. I'm just guessing here (been off this game for a bit) but basically you just create two classes with the same nade launcher and RPG set up, one runs out hit OMA and repeat.

You can do it with one class. Just keep OMAing to the same class....

Unlimited smoke grenades, toobs, claymores etc. etc.
Not all that different than just having scavenger. Although I guess OMA allows you to simply camp in one spot and keep doing it. I've never used OMA.


Neo Member
PalaceBrother said:
You can do it with one class. Just keep OMAing to the same class....

Unlimited smoke grenades, toobs, claymores etc. etc.

Takes alot of time to 'reload' all the time. I never see people do this in online gameplay.
Clearly something went awry with the matchmaking on the new playlist, or I have suddenly lost all ability at the game.

Every single match I am put in lobbies full of 6th and 7th level + clan players who then proceed to massacre my team of randoms.

Because I am an anal twat who was interested in my progression at the game I always record my kills and deaths after a session. Yesterday I had an overall K/D ratio of 1.57:1. This morning's games before the maps was 2.77:1. The post map sessions in the Stimulus playlist was 0.43:1.

I expected to have to adjust to new maps but this is ridiculous. I'm guessing it's a matchmaking issue since it's happening on Overgrown as well, a map I must have played 10,000 times in the last two and a half years and know every nook of.

Until it starts matching me with players of my own skill level I have no chance of enjoying the new maps at all. Utter bullshit.


Loving the new maps and the new playlists. I think Overgrown is my favorite though (I like sniping). I did, however, get 22,000 EXP in a game of Domination on Bailout :lol Release was a clusterfuck but it's kicking ass now.
cultofweaver said:
Clearly something went awry with the matchmaking on the new playlist, or I have suddenly lost all ability at the game.

Every single match I am put in lobbies full of 6th and 7th level + clan players who then proceed to massacre my team of randoms.

Because I am an anal twat who was interested in my progression at the game I always record my kills and deaths after a session. Yesterday I had an overall K/D ratio of 1.57:1. This morning's games before the maps was 2.77:1. The post map sessions in the Stimulus playlist was 0.43:1.

I expected to have to adjust to new maps but this is ridiculous. I'm guessing it's a matchmaking issue since it's happening on Overgrown as well, a map I must have played 10,000 times in the last two and a half years and know every nook of.

Until it starts matching me with players of my own skill level I have no chance of enjoying the new maps at all. Utter bullshit.

This is relevant to my interests. Is anyone else getting murdered/slaughtering other people more than usual out there? I don't feel like trashing my KD today.
cultofweaver said:
Clearly something went awry with the matchmaking on the new playlist, or I have suddenly lost all ability at the game.

Every single match I am put in lobbies full of 6th and 7th level + clan players who then proceed to massacre my team of randoms.

Because I am an anal twat who was interested in my progression at the game I always record my kills and deaths after a session. Yesterday I had an overall K/D ratio of 1.57:1. This morning's games before the maps was 2.77:1. The post map sessions in the Stimulus playlist was 0.43:1.

I expected to have to adjust to new maps but this is ridiculous. I'm guessing it's a matchmaking issue since it's happening on Overgrown as well, a map I must have played 10,000 times in the last two and a half years and know every nook of.

Until it starts matching me with players of my own skill level I have no chance of enjoying the new maps at all. Utter bullshit.

This happening in multiple rooms? Sounds like bad luck maybe.


Genesis Knight said:
This is relevant to my interests. Is anyone else getting murdered/slaughtering other people more than usual out there? I don't feel like trashing my KD today.

It seemed like that for certain stretches, though I only played for about 2 hours, and I was on the other side of that particular predicament. One of our teammates got a nuke in two straight games.


I've been slaughtering people the last few matches (I don't think I've died more than five times in any single game), but I like flattering myself so it's clearly just mad skillz, yo.


I have to say, having the DLC have an exclusive playlist that rotates gametypes is not my cup of tea. Sure, have a DLC moshpit playlist, but throw in TDM and FFA at least.


Now, k/d ratio doesn't mean that much to me but it's going down the fucking shitter with all these game modes I usually never play. GIVE ME TDM. Motherfuck.
Najaf said:
I have to say, having the DLC have an exclusive playlist that rotates gametypes is not my cup of tea. Sure, have a DLC moshpit playlist, but throw in TDM and FFA at least.

Can't say I understand the decision either. Pretty sure TDM is far and away the most popular play list. Like FAR and away.


I can only think it was because so many of the other modes have such small numbers of folks playing it that they wanted to make sure that games were actually being started. I'm sure they'll just pop them in the rotation of other stuff after a few weeks, once they get a gauge of how many folks have the map pack.

I mean, judging by forum posts, you'd think they wouldn't have hit 10k buyers!


FafaFooey said:
Now, k/d ratio doesn't mean that much to me but it's going down the fucking shitter with all these game modes I usually never play. GIVE ME TDM. Motherfuck.
I want a TDM double XP playlist with the new maps only. Is that too much to ask for IW??


cultofweaver said:
Clearly something went awry with the matchmaking on the new playlist, or I have suddenly lost all ability at the game.

Every single match I am put in lobbies full of 6th and 7th level + clan players who then proceed to massacre my team of randoms.

Because I am an anal twat who was interested in my progression at the game I always record my kills and deaths after a session. Yesterday I had an overall K/D ratio of 1.57:1. This morning's games before the maps was 2.77:1. The post map sessions in the Stimulus playlist was 0.43:1.

I expected to have to adjust to new maps but this is ridiculous. I'm guessing it's a matchmaking issue since it's happening on Overgrown as well, a map I must have played 10,000 times in the last two and a half years and know every nook of.

Until it starts matching me with players of my own skill level I have no chance of enjoying the new maps at all. Utter bullshit.
I doubt there's any trueskill match up at all in the game.

You're probably just getting matched up with people that are more hardcore players than you since those would be the most likely to first buy the map packs, rather than just casual players who don't play that often.

Common sense, really.
zero margin said:
This happening in multiple rooms? Sounds like bad luck maybe.

Pretty much every room was like it. The first match I played was okay, Headquarters on Storm with mostly 2nd and 3rd level players. Went 13/10, got a few points for capturing the HQ. Since then I haven't been able to even attempt to compete.

As I say I am not a great player at all, my ability to post positive scores is from tactics and awareness rather than great coordination or skill with the sticks so I expected to have to adjust to the new maps. I remember playing Chinatown on CoD4 for the first few times and being overwhelmed with all the windows and sight lines. But this is a different matter entirely. I was literally spawning to die. Every game would have AC130s and Chopper Gunners up in the first few minutes.

There must be lobbies of 1st and 2nd level players out there with the amount of people playing surely? I just a want a nice competitive game with other people of my skill level. I don't even care about my ratio or anything.


Let me understand, the new maps are only playing certain game types? There's no TDM, FFA, TDM Express (my personal favorite) game types with the new maps? Oh man, I really hope they don't do this on PS3 in a month.

I don't really play a lot of other game types. The occasional Domination or S&D. But those times are rare. I'm a simple tastes type dude who likes to just have one goal: shoot the enemy. Forcing you to play certain game types you may not really play much of sounds kinda messed up...


Dresden said:

Yeah, just so it's all in one place, and clear for anyone who doesn't understand:

OMA pro takes you three full seconds to change classes. OMA also replaces secondary (and therefore, RPG, AT4, or Thumper), but OMA tubing in general refers to players who use OMA (and usually Danger Close) to constantly replenish the 'nade launcher on an assault rifle. (Some people use RPGs and Scavenger, but that isn't nearly as broken.) You can essentially sit in one spot with some handy cover near by, launch two 'nades, throw another 'nade or set up a claymore to protect yourself, and then sit behind cover to OMA. In three seconds, you're all set and ready to do it all over again, and with Danger Close, you don't even have to hit dead on.

It's one of the more annoying aspects of online play. Terminal as a map and Domination as a mode seem to almost encourage it :( Anyway, it's been a problem for a while and some IW person confirmed it would be tweaked with the release of this DLC/patch. So far, it looks like that isn't true.


Wow, they didn't do shit to OMA. Nice work on those "tweaks" we heard about.:lol

Salvage and Bailout are gonna be claymore city.


For the guy asking about Ground War, the maps are not loaded into any of the regular playlists at this point, they are only in the stimulus playlists.

With that said I really like the maps, but I hate the playlist. I basically only play domination, and sometimes SnD, so having to play Sabotage (which is god awful), TDM which is just camping galore, and HQ which I know some people like, but I hate, drives me crazy. I can't wait till these are loaded into the normal playlists.

I really like all 3 new ones, but it kills me how they create Salvage to be a run and gun map without camping, but people still find ways to camp, drives me absolutely nuts.

I really get way too mad while playing this game lol.


Shit, I've got 1100 points on my account and I really don't want to buy 500 points for $6.25 when I really just need 100. Is there no way to get smaller amounts of microsoft points?
I must admit that like a poster above me I seem to be matched with people WAY above my skill level. I'm hardly getting any positive ratio results in games tonight, which is extremely rare. It's not just learning the maps, either, as I know Crash and Overgrown like the back of my hand.

Eh, oh well, it will only make me better, I guess.


It's all of the hardcore addicts playing right now I think. I totally forgot how to play Overgrown!:D

Hyunkel double xp is only for the stimulus pack.
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