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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Full Recovery said:
I see the beta test has gotten off to a rough start. Have any of you noticed any changes in commando? (lunge distance)

Nope, in one of my first games I had a guy lunge around the corner of a box he was behind (at a 90 degree angle) and stab me.


cdyhybrid said:
Nope, in one of my first games I had a guy lunge around the corner of a box he was behind (at a 90 degree angle) and stab me.


Storm is the only new map I like. Double xp is good but I hate playing all these other modes like sabotage, ctf and headquarters. Can't wait until tomorrow.
Foliorum Viridum said:
I must admit that like a poster above me I seem to be matched with people WAY above my skill level. I'm hardly getting any positive ratio results in games tonight, which is extremely rare. It's not just learning the maps, either, as I know Crash and Overgrown like the back of my hand.

Eh, oh well, it will only make me better, I guess.

It seemed to settle down a bit eventually. Someone on my friends list suggested it may be related to the way it now searches games choosing ping over skill matching. It certainly seemed like there were more Brits and mad Germans on tonight than I usually get. I didn't hear a single American accent for about 10 games.

Bailout is very good, Storm is messy but hopefully will settle down a bit when I know the routes. Salvage I hate. It's almost like it was designed for knifing commando pricks. Every corner seems to place you in commando range of the dickheads. Crash is still great, and Overgrown is still a shitty snipefest.

If the matching problems turn around these were worth buying I reckon.


Good on them for getting the maps into all rotations tomorrow and double XP for all playlists tomorrow.

Still curious how they're going to handle the playlists though as far as people who have DLC versus those who don't, I want to play the new maps on some of the other playlists :(

Also I want to know what the fuck happened with OMA.


Wow, these maps are amazing!

My top 5 maps in MW2 are now-

1. Bailout
2. Crash
3. Terminal
4. Favela
5. Storm

And I LOVE terminal... fucking amazing maps.


Okay, I cannot wait for tomorrow when I hopefully can play these in other playlists. I've just had three games in a row where I was put into gametypes I have never ever played and got completely dominated worse than I ever have in this game. Then I just had two matches of CTF where I was in first place on our team both times, we got shut out and I was first on our team the 2nd match with 3 kills and 34 deaths, I shit you fucking not. I don't know if matchmaking balancing is fucked, or that I'm just getting matched against people who do nothing but these gametypes, but it fucking blows hard.

Also since I just prestiged I don't have any (decent) anti-air, and the last several games I've played in not a single person on my time carried any anti-air, so we got dominated so hard partly because the enemy team would have 2 or 3 harriers/choppers up at all times. When I'm dying so frequently I'm taking out helicopters with a AT4 by respawning to get another shot there's a fucking problem.


SailorDaravon said:
I don't know if matchmaking balancing is fucked, or that I'm just getting matched against people who do nothing but these gametypes, but it fucking blows hard.
There is no matchmaking balance. Never has been.


zewone said:
There is no matchmaking balance. Never has been.

True enough, but very generally speaking (with an exception here or there) we don't usually either COMPLETELY dominate an enemy team or vice versa. If a group of us plays for say a full 5 or 6 hour session, during that time we'll generally only see a situation where we lose at maybe a 2:1 ratio once or twice at the very most, and I can't remember us ever losing worse than that.

The last hour and a half or so have been complete shut outs in objective games, and with a collection team k/d ratio maybe 0.1-0.2. We're talking far and away the worse I've ever seen in my 7+ days of gametime, and happening literally every single match. Something is fucked.


SailorDaravon said:
True enough, but very generally speaking (with an exception here or there) we don't usually either COMPLETELY dominate an enemy team or vice versa. If a group of us plays for say a full 5 or 6 hour session, during that time we'll generally only see a situation where we lose at maybe a 2:1 ratio once or twice at the very most, and I can't remember us ever losing worse than that.

The last hour and a half or so have been complete shut outs in objective games, and with a collection team k/d ratio maybe 0.1-0.2. We're talking far and away the worse I've ever seen in my 7+ days of gametime, and happening literally every single match. Something is fucked.

A group of my friends and I usually play TDM. Lately, we've been playing Mosh Pit for a change of pace, and I don't mean to sound like an ass, but the caliber of players in those modes tends to be much, much lower than in TDM. Granted, we're talking about objective vs kills, but when I'm the flag carrier and have no problem mowing the whole enemy team down on my way back, by myself, then kills are just as important as the objective. Anyway, what I mean to say is, I'm not totally sure that this map pack has anything to do with it, because, after my experience in Mosh Pit lately, most of the games I've been in have been absolute slaughters, where the resulting score (in CTF, for example) has been 20-0, and all of our teammates had something like 30+ kills, less than 10 deaths, and everyone carried the flag at least twice, kinda thing. I'm on the PS3, and we don't have the map pack yet. You know?

So I think it's more like, a bunch of people that are very unused to playing different modes (which all feel and play very different) on unfamiliar maps are getting matched against guilds who may just be better, and can coordinate, even if that's not normally what they play. Maybe you guys have just been really unlucky, but I don't see how matchmaking would change just because new maps/playlists are in.

Edit: Eh, I don't know what to say. I just can't imagine what could possibly change the matchmaking though. Assuming the programmed this game decently (har har), it should be modular enough that matchmaking/balancing is separate from what maps/playlists are available.

Sucks though :T


It's probably because there's less casual players to beat up on since those guys are probably either not getting the maps or not getting them day 1.

Edit: Just noticed the FF avatar trio. :lol
so the disconnects have stopped but I see what people were saying about getting dominated. I was playing against one team who was literally capping flags in seconds, spawn, cap, spawn cap. Get off the 360 jeeez.
Yeah that happened to me earlier; they always had somebody at our flag spawn so as soon as they secured our flag in their base they had captured it again and were half way back. :lol We weren't idiots - we tried to stop this - but they were too well organised for a team of randomers to really do anything about it.


I was just put on Quarry and my team was loosing big, we start to catch up and eventually take lead. But I started to noticed something strange. I had to turn mi Microphone on and tell everyone to carry their launchers because they were using a glitch to call air support. The map was constantly filled with Harriers, chopper Gunner and Cobra. We eventually bailed on it. Its amazing to think that with all of that they almost lost, but it wasn't fair so we left!!!


Connection was pretty shitty today but I had some great matches. At times I wanna throw this game away or break it, but I really feel good getting lots of kills in :D


Neo Member
Good to see they are actually listening to complaints and fixing what they can, I heard that the pricing was all Activision and actually made a good number of IW employees mad, but what can they do about it, not worth losing your job over a couple hundred MS points...

BTW: A contest went up, giving away 3 codes, fairly good odds - thought I would let you guys know if you are in need of the code (as it is a bit overpriced)....



Neo Member
zero margin said:
Two games so far, both of them lost connection to host. Piss poor implementation all around.

EDIT - Three straight games.

I played all night from 7 till now and didn't have this experience at all. I wouldn't say it was a bad implementation because you ran into a couple jerks and quit out. I was actually surprised at how fast the dlc pack downloaded during peak times as well.

Also these are my favorite maps in the game now. They are all a blast.


Anyone having Xbox Live issues tonight? Trying to figure out if it's something with my network connection or it's just on their end.
I'm not a huge fan of TDM. Without an objective to direct the flow of traffic, the game feels far too random and campy for my tastes. Demolition is probably my favorite, with Domination close behind and CTF right after that.

A few notes on the maps:

  • Storm: It seems at first to be boring and simple, but it plays great. I played some HQ, CTF, and Demolition on it; all felt very solid. Probably the best map in the pack.
  • Salvage: It's a lot bigger than I thought it would be! It feels very similar to Scrapyard, and once I learn it it'll probably play a lot like it too.
  • Bailout: The most complex map. It's very long. Lots of twisty passages. CTF is hella fun on this map. I still have a lot to learn as far as how to properly play it. It's really like the inverse of Favela - open in the middle, but well-covered and twisty on the edges.

Most of you guys probably know about Crash and Overgrown already. I'm getting destroyed on those maps right now because I played almost zero CoD4 :lol


Having never played CoD4 online: I really like Bailout and Overgrown. Salvage and Crash are both good as well. The few times I got Storm we got pounded so bad that honestly I got no feel for the map either way.
I was never a fan of overgrown (I always got owned on that map for some reason) but crash is still fuckin amazing. The new ones I'm still not sure yet, storm I know I like but bailout and salvage I need more time.


Another thing I forgot to ask and didn't see mentioned yet..

Did they fix the m9 silencer problems still showing up on radar?

And did they fix the sight alignment issues some guns had? FAL, M9 w/tac knife etc.


Neo Member
Loving every one of the new maps. And the old Cod4 favorites are of course awesome.

One serious question though - Was SitRep Pro nerfed? I seem to be unable to hear Ninja's at all where before the patch I could hear them but at a reduced volume from normal players. Can anyone confirm this? If true this is a major blow to SitRep Pro. :(


hmm....still debating on whether or not to get the new maps. I will probably cave and get them tomorrow. Anyone have a link to some vids detailing the maps?
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