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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

PedroLumpy said:
Assuming let's say 50% of players bought the maps (number completely made up), if DLC and non-DLC players are never matched up, you effectively cut the numbet of matches you have access to in half. This has some consequences when it comes finding non-laggy matches. The bigger the playerbase, the better your chance of getting a smooth match.

Personally I felt COD5 had a decent balance between serving the needs of DLC and non-DLC players. As a non-DLC player myself, getting into lobbies with new maps was annoying, but I can understand that the DLC players want a chance to play their maps. I'd either veto or find another match in 20 seconds. Not a huge deal.

But hey at least it's not like Halo amirite?

Halo's way of handling it is pretty stupid, but it still seems better than this, its going to be frustrating when I play with people who own the map pack and then am the only one from my group who's booted. The loss of party chat will make it even harder to communicate the fact that I need another invite.
@Belfast, I should have said "etcetera". I assume domination - basically everything but DM - is in there but I haven't been able to play a match yet, so who knows. The ones I've listed were the ones i saw before matchmaking went down (back at 7AM CST when you could join lobbies but never load a map.)
Genesis Knight said:
@Belfast, I should have said "etcetera". I assume domination - basically everything but DM - is in there but I haven't been able to play a match yet, so who knows. The ones I've listed were the ones i saw before matchmaking went down (back at 7AM CST when you could join lobbies but never load a map.)

Yeah, 402 confirmed that the Stimulus playlist includes TDM.

It's basically "Stimulus Mosh Pit" and "Hardcore Stimulus Mosh Pit."

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
divisionbyzorro said:
Yeah, 402 confirmed that the Stimulus playlist includes TDM.

It's basically "Stimulus Mosh Pit" and "Hardcore Stimulus Mosh Pit."

That would suck. Hopefully that is not the way they do it for the PS3.
From 402's twitter:

"In the near future, as saturation of a larger portion of the community happens they'll make their way into all playlists."

Still no word on how it will affect parties. How was it handled in COD4 and 5 when mixed-DLC teams played together?
Storm is such a fantastic little map. So many sneaky angles that encourages very tactical play. I've been fortunate to play S+D twice on it tonight and I think that mode suits it perfectly.

Bailout is well designed but so far I haven't had any real good firefights on it. I'm always being picked off by some guy on a distant balcony or something. When I make it inside and have a scrappy fight on a flight of stairs it is good fun, though, and I think for that reason I'm going to avoid the street like the plague (I'm not a sniper).

Salvage is a bit primitive. I get what they were going for, but it feels like a maze and I just don't enjoy running around it. I haven't tried running around with a shotgun yet, though, and I think that would be a blast. :D

Overgrown and Crash are still as awesome as always.

def sim

Genesis Knight said:
From 402's twitter:

"In the near future, as saturation of a larger portion of the community happens they'll make their way into all playlists."

Still no word on how it will affect parties. How was it handled in COD4 and 5 when mixed-DLC teams played together?

DLC maps never showed up if you have one dude without them.


CoD map packs are why I love PS3 account sharing. Account sharing is beneficial for so many other reasons, but it seems to be made for multiplayer DLC.

And this next question is only sort of rhetorical, but this thread has not bitched enough (and legitimately this time):

Did they seriously not tweak OMA tubing? Seriously?

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
divisionbyzorro said:
Bowling said that this would only be the case "at launch." We'll see what they do later.

That doesn't make it any less lame. If I buy the map pack I want to play TDM without having to endure a bunch objective modes right out the gate.


It's safe to assume at this point that 402 is full of shit and doesn't know what he's talking about. He probably gets fed talking points from the marketing department with no contact from the actual developers.
BTW, if I download this onto my xbox on my account can another gold live account on the same console play the stim pack? In other words, is it per-account or per-console?


jiien said:
CoD map packs are why I love PS3 account sharing. Account sharing is beneficial for so many other reasons, but it seems to be made for multiplayer DLC.

What is this account sharing you speak of?
Genesis Knight said:
BTW, if I download this onto my xbox on my account can another gold live account on the same console play the stim pack? In other words, is it per-account or per-console?
I want to know this too, but for the PS3. Not paying $15 for my brother to play the new maps too.


Genesis Knight said:
BTW, if I download this onto my xbox on my account can another gold live account on the same console play the stim pack? In other words, is it per-account or per-console?

It should be like all other content... all users playing on the Xbox you downloaded it to can use it and you can use it on any Xbox. With 2 360's in my house, I always download to 1 and then play on the other.
Genesis Knight said:
From 402's twitter:

"In the near future, as saturation of a larger portion of the community happens they'll make their way into all playlists."

Still no word on how it will affect parties. How was it handled in COD4 and 5 when mixed-DLC teams played together?
COD4 [IW] did it right. If you had the map packs, they were activated and you were tossed into lobbies that had them in the rotation along with the old maps. If someone in your party did NOT own the map packs, then they simply got disabled for all.

COD5 [Treyarch] was fucked up... if a map from the map pack rotation came up, which happened often, you stayed in the lobby until the match was about to start then got booted for not having the map :lol :lol . Stupid ass treyarch.
RJNavarrete said:
COD4 [IW] did it right. If you had the map packs, they were activated and you were tossed into lobbies that had them in the rotation along with the old maps. If someone in your party did NOT own the map packs, then they simply got disabled for all.

COD5 [Treyarch] was fucked up... if a map from the map pack rotation came up, which happened often, you stayed in the lobby until the match was about to start then got booted for not having the map :lol :lol . Stupid ass treyarch.

Yeah, but COD4 isn't right either. If you bought the maps, you probably rarely got to play them because everybody had to have them. Unless the playlist deliberately brought up DLC maps when everybody in the lobby had DLC (thus making it not a natural rotation), you wouldn't see the maps you paid money for all the time.
divisionbyzorro said:
Yeah, but COD4 isn't right either. If you bought the maps, you probably rarely got to play them because everybody had to have them...
Well, almost all of my friends own the map packs so we got tossed into lobbies which had them in rotation. I played on Broadcast & Chinatown pretty often... although Chinatown almost always got skipped. :lol


Are we all so certain that the way DLC worked in WaW was a design decision and not a recommendation/command from Activision, in order to better sell DLC? I have no idea why you would purposely design the system as they did in WaW.
In before 'Treyarch sucks!'
D4Danger said:
I meant the numbers of players. 600k+ already for the DLC or is that total players from the outage?

Looks like there are almost 800,000 people on the 360 version right now, about 210,000 of them in the Stimulus playlists.

That's over $3,000,000 in DLC sales so far :lol


jedimike said:
What is this account sharing you speak of?

You can have up to 5 (or maybe 4, they changed it recently) accounts on your PS3 system. And any content you download through one account may be played in another account. The prerequisite would be that you obviously need people you absolutely trust (and that trust you) to share account information (especially if you save your credit card info). But the idea is that my friend will buy the map pack, and two or three of us on our PS3's will log into his account and start the download as well. When all is said and done, we only purchased the map pack once, but four of us are using it on our four different accounts.

You can even queue up the download, and finish downloading it back on your normal account.

To do this, all you need to do is make a new user on your PS3, and link it to their PSN account. Go into the Store, check out their download queue, and share away!

Before anyone asks, THIS IS COMPLETELY LEGAL. Sony reps have actually confirmed that you can do this, and have used it as a selling point/cool thing/etc. You get it.


jiien said:
Sony reps have actually confirmed that you can do this, and have used it as a selling point/cool thing/etc.
Do it while you can, cuz they might just decide to take the "feature" away in another firmware update down the line. :p

Is this possible on the 360 side?
jiien said:
Before anyone asks, THIS IS COMPLETELY LEGAL. Sony reps have actually confirmed that you can do this, and have used it as a selling point/cool thing/etc. You get it.
Got any links related to this? Looks at first glance like a multiple download DRM system being abused.

For example, most downloaded DRM content will allow for X downloads for the same account. PSN just might have it set to 4. If you were to delete the content could you redownload it as many times as you want?
NullPointer said:
Got any links related to this? Looks at first glance like a multiple download DRM system being abused.

For example, most downloaded DRM content will allow for X downloads for the same account. PSN just might have it set to 4. If you were to delete the content could you redownload it as many times as you want?

I don't know the details, but this certainly isn't new. This has been going on ever since the system launched, so if there were serious issues with it I bet you Sony would have been pressured to change it by now.
Or, considering Sony just nuked Linux support because of one as-of-yet-mostly-innocuous hack, they would have dealt with it by now.

Sony (understandably) takes no shit when it comes to lost sales.

That said, this account sharing thing sounds too good to be true. (Not a PS3 owner, so this is the first I've heard of it.)


From 2006, but:
Sony announced that players who download games from PlayStation's online shop can share them on up to five other PS3 machines.

If a player logs into his PlayStation 3 account on a friend's system, he can download any game he has already purchased. "You can send that content to four other friends for that initial investment," said Tretton. "We want to get the game in as many hands as possible."

"It's not about generating profits at each and every interaction with the consumer," he said.

bluehat9 said:
From 2006, but:
Sony announced that players who download games from PlayStation's online shop can share them on up to five other PS3 machines.

If a player logs into his PlayStation 3 account on a friend's system, he can download any game he has already purchased. "You can send that content to four other friends for that initial investment," said Tretton. "We want to get the game in as many hands as possible."

"It's not about generating profits at each and every interaction with the consumer," he said.


Just wanted to be sure.


NullPointer said:
Got any links related to this? Looks at first glance like a multiple download DRM system being abused.

For example, most downloaded DRM content will allow for X downloads for the same account. PSN just might have it set to 4. If you were to delete the content could you redownload it as many times as you want?


Sony announced that players who download games from PlayStation's online shop can share them on up to five other PS3 machines.

If a player logs into his PlayStation 3 account on a friend's system, he can download any game he has already purchased. "You can send that content to four other friends for that initial investment," said Tretton. "We want to get the game in as many hands as possible."

"It's not about generating profits at each and every interaction with the consumer," he said. "I think that really offsets the argument that says, 'Wow, that's a really pricey system.'"

Kinda old, but as divisionbyzorro said, this is nothing new. We had a few threads here on GAF where people were sharing/planning this out.

Also, there is no download limit for things in your download list. I've deleted and redownloaded things many, many times before.

Keep in mind that because this article is old, I think they've changed the number since then. I think you may only be able to have four unique accounts (and therefore, yours plus three friends, not four). If you google around, you'll find more information about it. It was something of a stealth update when they changed it back in the day.

Edit: While we're on the topic, I think there is still controversy about Tretton's original quote. But, again as people have said above me, if Sony ever planned to retract his statements and change the system, they would have done so long time ago. They certainly don't advertise this, because it actually IS about getting money from every user, but at the very least, they haven't been complete douches over there and removed the feature (fingers crossed). Anyway, some games/content are limited, on a per-game basis. Word is that certain online games, like Warhawk, won't work, or some such.

In any case, it works perfectly well for sharing map packs.

Edit edit: Also, was beaten, JERK. :)


NullPointer said:
Got any links related to this? Looks at first glance like a multiple download DRM system being abused.

He is correct in that it is completely legal to do this (and that Tretton has talked about it). But you are also correct in that it is DRM system being abused.

Yeah, yeah, I've read some sony fanboys feverishly defend the practice, but it doesn't make sense from a business perspective. Otherwise, I'd imagine that each PSN download would give the buyer 4 codes to share with friends, instead of each friend having to sign into the buyer's account and DL whatever he bought.

I fully expect Sony to close this loophole next gen.

EDIT: Beaten:lol


LosDaddie said:
He is correct in that it is completely legal to do this (and that Tretton has talked about it). But you are also correct in that it is DRM system being abused.

Yeah, yeah, I've read some sony fanboys feverishly defend the practice, but it doesn't make sense from a business perspective. Otherwise, I'd imagine that each PSN download would give the buyer 4 codes to share with friends, instead of each friend having to sign into the buyer's account and DL whatever he bought.

I fully expect Sony to close this loophole next gen.

EDIT: Beaten:lol

Well, not to nitpick, but the word "abuse" conjures up connotations of illegality. Which is why I emphasized that this is actually legal (for now, etc etc). It's not abuse if the system (and the overlords at Sony) allow you to do it.

On top of that, sharing is much less common than people would think. Though I don't have numbers (and don't think anyone would), it's pretty clear to see that many people don't know about it, and even more don't actually know four people they could completely share all details with. I would agree that if every single PSN account out there was shared the maximum amount of times in the most efficient way possible, Sony would have done something about it already. But clearly, that isn't the case, and so Sony sees no need to get uppity about it.

Also, if sharing was their intention, codes are essentially the same thing as they are doing now. What would codes change, besides explicitly giving you four licenses? As it is now, only four people can have a working copy anyway, and it's tied by account. Per game and outright telling the user that they now own four licenses would proliferate the "abuse" far more than Sony probably wants to happen.

However, I do totally agree that this will be gone next gen.

Edit: Also, back on topic and because it bears repeating:

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