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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

Mr. Snrub said:
As you can see, a lot of my complaints are taste/personal preference--it's just the sort of game I can't get into. I like the feeling of being in part of something larger, not a lone ranger who singlehandedly wins the match for a team. The insanely powerful killstreaks make sticking-together-as-a-team a stupid tactic, which just doesn't jive with me. Mostly, though, I've just never been a team deathmatch--I like having a set objective and having to work with others to achieve that.

First - did you try playing playing Sabotage or Demolition? Those modes require the greatest degree of teamwork, and can be very satisfying when played with a team that works together and has a good strategy. (Conversely, they're incredibly frustrating when played with a team of random pubbies who don't want to work together).

Second - no, you don't want to bunch up together, but you do need to work together. Teamwork in MW2 is more about good mic communication than anything else; calling out positions and coordinating simultaneous flanking assaults.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
zero margin said:
So after I praised the shit out the TAR yesterday I couldn't do a damn thing with it last night. Fuck that gun. :lol
I'm the same! I seriously went on a spree of like 200 kills in a few sessions and then nothing for weeks. Everytime I pick it up it feels useless. Guess I gotta remind myself it's best at hipfire and not longer range stuff.
Especially silenced and with hardline perk, I was getting 7-8 hit markers on people long distance and not killing them. Might as well be throwing rocks. So I guess I'll just suck it up and work towards ex. mags (again) on the SCAR-H.


Extended magazine with the Scar doesn't really change things, tbh. I still prefer the silencer on it when I use it.

Might want to try the RPD with Hardline. Always a three shot kill. Or the UMP... lol.
So after playing a weekend's worth of BF:BC2, I feel like I'm qualified to chime in on the MW2 vs. BC2 feud going on between different parts of GAF. So without further ado I present to you "Phrases that you will say while playing MW2 and BC2."


-"What the fuck? How did he know I was there?"
-"Ugh Commando/noobtubes/killstreaks/shotguns are so cheap!"
-"Hitmarkers hitmarkers hitmarkers!"
-"How did he not die? I shot him like 10 times."
-"Dammit knifing is too quick."
-"Wow these spawns suck!"


-"What the fuck? How did he know I was there?"
-"Ugh tanks/RPGs/shotguns are so cheap!"
-"Hitmarkers hitmarkers hitmarkers!"
-"How did he not die? I shot him like 10 times."
-"Dammit, knifing takes so damn long."
-"Wow these spawns suck!"

Seriously, the games are so similar and share so many issues. The only thing that I noticed BC2 is far better at than MW2 is matchmaking.
backflip10019 said:
So after playing a weekend's worth of BF:BC2, I feel like I'm qualified to chime in on the MW2 vs. BC2 feud going on between different parts of GAF. So without further ado I present to you "Phrases that you will say while playing MW2 and BC2."


-"What the fuck? How did he know I was there?"
-"Ugh Commando/noobtubes/killstreaks/shotguns are so cheap!"
-"Hitmarkers hitmarkers hitmarkers!"
-"How did he not die? I shot him like 10 times."
-"Dammit knifing is too quick."
-"Wow these spawns suck!"


-"What the fuck? How did he know I was there?"
-"Ugh tanks/RPGs/shotguns are so cheap!"
-"Hitmarkers hitmarkers hitmarkers!"
-"How did he not die? I shot him like 10 times."
-"Dammit, knifing takes so damn long."
-"Wow these spawns suck!"

Seriously, the games are so similar and share so many issues. The only thing that I noticed BC2 is far better at than MW2 is matchmaking.

I just finished listening to the last episode of RebelFM. They spent 10+ minutes ranting about all of the things about BC2 that suck and break the game. And then go on to say that it's still better than MW2. Sounds like exactly what I would say about BC2; I know MW2 is busted in many ways, but it's miles better than BC2 :lol

In short, MW2 and BC2 couldn't be more different in terms of how they feel. They're totally different.


Junior Butler
backflip10019 said:
Seriously, the games are so similar and share so many issues. The only thing that I noticed BC2 is far better at than MW2 is matchmaking.

Yes, as much as I hate every last one of the things you mentioned, I still love me some BC2. Even as a BF2 purist. I was addicted to MW2 for awhile, but I can't even play that game anymore. I tried the Steam free weekend deal for the PC version of MW2 (after playing the PS3 version so much) and couldn't get back into it in the slightest.

There's just that huge "who knows wtf can happen" aspect of BC2 that's hard to describe. Like shooting down a blackhawk with a rocket launcher from half the map away, watching the passengers jettison from the falling wreckage. There's so many unexpected and epic moments that make the game so rewarding.
I never noticed BC2's matchmaking to be any better, regardless that game was a novelty for me that quickly wore off. Got rid of the game today actually. Think it was a case of severe burn out and lack of a squad of friends to play with which that game basically requires.


Alligator F*ck House
IW drama


kaizoku said:
that raffica nuke...holy shit. he was just untouchable all the way through.

I'd rather he talk about what he was doing and thinking, like did he see some movement here, hear some footsteps there, see a red blip on the radar or whatever. Makes me wanna go back to my M16 class though.

Are there any good "tutorial" style videos out there?

I said after the free weekend that I wasn't really interested in MW2 but watching that video got me a bit hyped.
Played my first perfect match yesterday on Wasteland: 20-0

I used the Barrett with FMJ and CBpro. Killstreaks were Predator, Harrier and Chopper Gunner. I know that here are a bunch of people with a couple of nukes, but for me that was great, too.


LeMaximilian said:
Here's one I made a while back, specifically geared towards what your asking for coincidentally.

this video helped me a lot. I can't lock down that spot as well as shown on the video, but it convinced me to throw extended mags on the SCAR (i can't believe how handy that has been when 2 or 3 dudes pop up on me) and switch to the auto shotgun instead of spas.

Hardline is much better than I thought it was, too. Though, I opt for the AC130 instead of chopper gunner.

Wish there were more videos like this. I'd like to know good hunting spots on other maps.
Ugh, can't wait for Treyarch's next game. This game appears to be more and more of a broken mess each time I play it. Been leveling up on the PS3 version, only got about 4 hours on it and like 8 days on the 360 version. All I play is Demolition and the mode has retarded into a shitfest of Lightweight shotgun Commando runners and One Man Army Pro Danger Close noob tube extraordinaires. Played a match just now with a friend and we were pitted against a clan of 4 dudes. Map is Highrise, two of them camp outside of the spawn building while we are on offense, one sits on the helipad with his OMA noob tube combo, and the other did the trick to get on the roof, and he also has OMA. So any time we spawn inside the building, if we can make it past the two campers inside, we have to hope the OMA doucher on the roof hasn't set up claymores on the exit we choose (since you know, if he plants the claymore from the roof while looking over the ledge, it actually plants it on the ground level, 30 feet below him), and if we choose the right exit and make it out without being blown to bits by a claymore, we then have to worry about not being seen by either doucher with OMA noob tubes. Somehow we won a round.

Just makes you wonder as you play and think about IW imploding and the new studio etc etc, did they fuck this game up with all of this stupid stuff on purpose? Maybe trying to sink the name a little before their studio crumbles? One Man Army, Commando, Lightweight, Deathstreaks, Nukes. What the fuck. Guess it's time to take another month off this piece of shit.
Bumblebeetuna said:
Just makes you wonder as you play and think about IW imploding and the new studio etc etc, did they fuck this game up with all of this stupid stuff on purpose? Maybe trying to sink the name a little before their studio crumbles? One Man Army, Commando, Lightweight, Deathstreaks, Nukes. What the fuck.

No, yes, no, no, and no.

First, there's no way they tried to deliberately ruin the game. I think they made the exact game they wanted to make. Just because your nerd rage can't handle the way it plays doesn't mean that they somehow tried to make it "stupid." That's actually a very self-focused way of thinking about things; perhaps if the game wasn't the most-played video game of all time you might have a leg to stand on.

Second, I can't believe you would whine about Lightweight of all things. I'm not even going to bother to respond to that.

Third, you're right to complain about OMA. I've been complaining about it myself. It ruins matches when it is abused. Fortunately it seems that most people have gotten bored with it.

Fourth, stop whining and equip a Stinger if you hate nukes. It is next to impossible to nuke a competant team.

Fifth, we've had the Commando discussion many times in this thread. There are certainly valid arguments to be had on both sides.

Finally, deathstreaks in general are fine. Yes, Painkiller specifically is too strong; dropping it to a .5 multiplier over a .3 multiplier and dropping the timer from 10 to 6 seconds would make it much better. That said, I rarely die to painkiller unless I'm shotgunning, which is just something I have to be prepared for.

Oh, and :lol at eagerly anticipating Treyarch's next game. They reskinned CoD4's multiplayer, added tanks and dogs, and you're really looking forward to their creative direction? W@W was incredibly well executed, but it did nothing interesting creatively (in the multiplayer anyway).
divisionbyzorro said:
No, yes, no, no, and no.

First, there's no way they tried to deliberately ruin the game. I think they made the exact game they wanted to make. Just because your nerd rage can't handle the way it plays doesn't mean that they somehow tried to make it "stupid." That's actually a very self-focused way of thinking about things; perhaps if the game wasn't the most-played video game of all time you might have a leg to stand on.

Second, I can't believe you would whine about Lightweight of all things. I'm not even going to bother to respond to that.

Third, you're right to complain about OMA. I've been complaining about it myself. It ruins matches when it is abused. Fortunately it seems that most people have gotten bored with it.

Fourth, stop whining and equip a Stinger if you hate nukes. It is next to impossible to nuke a competant team.

Fifth, we've had the Commando discussion many times in this thread. There are certainly valid arguments to be had on both sides.

Finally, deathstreaks in general are fine. Yes, Painkiller specifically is too strong; dropping it to a .5 multiplier over a .3 multiplier and dropping the timer from 10 to 6 seconds would make it much better. That said, I rarely die to painkiller unless I'm shotgunning, which is just something I have to be prepared for.

Oh, and :lol at eagerly anticipating Treyarch's next game. They reskinned CoD4's multiplayer, added tanks and dogs, and you're really looking forward to their creative direction? W@W was incredibly well executed, but it did nothing interesting creatively (in the multiplayer anyway).

I wasn't being serious about them deliberately ruining MW2 :lol It just boggles the mind how a team of developers as high quality as Infinity Ward could sit and design this and see it in motion and think nothing is wrong.

Lightweight on its own is no problem. Lightweight combined with lag, Commando and overpowered shotguns makes it a crock of shit. There are better ways to implement a system where some players can sprint around faster than other players. I appreciate it's tactical uses in games like CTF or SnD. However, most people use it to run around with Akimbo shotguns and knife everyone from 10 feet away. Good idea for a perk, not so good implementation.

Your comment about nukes is irrelevant. MW2 is a team game. I can do whatever I want with a stinger but it doesn't stop jackass1 and jackass2 on the bottom of my list from going 6-35. Secondly I think I have been nuked like.. 2 or 3 times in my 8-9 days of play time and probably racked up at least 10 nukes myself. I wasn't exactly "whining" about it, thanks. Even if I had never been nuked, it's a moronic design decision. Which is why I included it with the other terrible additions to the game. And what positive can there be from Commando? There is none. There is no viable reason for allowing someone to fly up a flight of stairs in an instant and knife someone, especially when your game already has latency issues and a spotty melee system at best.

The issue with deathstreaks is the same as Lightweight. In general it's a good idea, in reality virtually everyone uses Painkiller. And Painkiller is terrible. So jackass1 dies a lot. Don't make him Juggernaut when he respawns, able to take a grenade and four dead on bursts from a FAMAS without even blinking.

World at War played entirely differently than MW thanks to the variety of weapons (unlike MW which was basically a bunch of automatics with no recoil) and the variety in maps (unlike MW which was a bunch of rectangles and cramped choke points). They also support their community infinitely better than IW does, have a much better online offering in terms of features (squads, less latency, lobby leaderboards). There was also that article recently where they said they would have no Commando, no powerful weapons as secondary weapons and no kill streak award that ends the entire game. It's going to be great :D
mr_boo said:
That's annoying, but I've got a better one for you. I've actually had a fellow team member follow me around just so he could purposely obscure my view - it was incomprehensible as to why he did this. I eventually out - ran him, but I never figured out what the point of that was.

Had one on derail the other day, I was sniping the guys on the roof of a building by their spawn point, I was prone in the middle of some tree's and a guy on my team just stood pretty much on top of me knifing at me, I kept moving but he kept following and doing it, suffice to say someone on the enemy team got a nice double noobtube kill a minute or so later...


Man, everyone is starting to just use the UMP now. It's getting kinda boring, I at least try to change some things up when I use a SMG like the Vector or the MP5.

I also have been having lots of fun with the Javelin in search & destroy. I get so many kills with it, I guess so many people are expecting it in search.
Bumblebeetuna said:
I wasn't being serious about them deliberately ruining MW2 It just boggles the mind how a team of developers as high quality as Infinity Ward could sit and design this and see it in motion and think nothing is wrong.

Lightweight on its own is no problem. Lightweight combined with lag, Commando and overpowered shotguns makes it a crock of shit. There are better ways to implement a system where some players can sprint around faster than other players. I appreciate it's tactical uses in games like CTF or SnD. However, most people use it to run around with Akimbo shotguns and knife everyone from 10 feet away. Good idea for a perk, not so good implementation.

Your comment about nukes is irrelevant. MW2 is a team game. I can do whatever I want with a stinger but it doesn't stop jackass1 and jackass2 on the bottom of my list from going 6-35. Secondly I think I have been nuked like.. 2 or 3 times in my 8-9 days of play time and probably racked up at least 10 nukes myself. I wasn't exactly "whining" about it, thanks. Even if I had never been nuked, it's a moronic design decision. Which is why I included it with the other terrible additions to the game. And what positive can there be from Commando? There is none. There is no viable reason for allowing someone to fly up a flight of stairs in an instant and knife someone, especially when your game already has latency issues and a spotty melee system at best.

The issue with deathstreaks is the same as Lightweight. In general it's a good idea, in reality virtually everyone uses Painkiller. And Painkiller is terrible. So jackass1 dies a lot. Don't make him Juggernaut when he respawns, able to take a grenade and four dead on bursts from a FAMAS without even blinking.

World at War played entirely differently than MW thanks to the variety of weapons (unlike MW which was basically a bunch of automatics with no recoil) and the variety in maps (unlike MW which was a bunch of rectangles and cramped choke points). They also support their community infinitely better than IW does, have a much better online offering in terms of features (squads, less latency, lobby leaderboards). There was also that article recently where they said they would have no Commando, no powerful weapons as secondary weapons and no kill streak award that ends the entire game. It's going to be great

Ah, but see I think the nuke has a positive impact on the game. The threat of a possible nuke should be enough to make people behave in the best interest of the team when an Apache or AC-130 is up in the air. If there was no nuke, why I should I even bother shooting down air support? I might as well just switch to cold-blooded and run around minding my own business. But since he might have a nuke, and I would really like the game to keep going, I'll shoot that shit down as soon as I can.

And again, there's nothing wrong with lightweight. Even stacked up with marathon and commando, it's easily the least offensive part of that combination. And the fact of the matter is that a guy running around with marathon, lightweight, ninja, and a UMP is vastly more effective than a knife runner.

But in the end everybody has to bitch, don't they? In CoD4 we bitched about 3xFrag, juggernaut, M16s, P90s, etc, like they were the end of the world. In W@W we bitched about tanks, dogs, juggernaut, MP40s, ridiculously long artillery barrages, etc, like they were the end of the world. In MW2 we bitch about commando, painkiller, nukes, OMA, shotguns, etc, like they are the end of the world. There's always going to be something about a shooter you don't like. You either accept it as part of the game and learn how to adapt, or you rage quit.
Or peacefully quit, but we all know nobody does that.

PS - Oh, and W@W does not have less latency. That's just your rose-colored-goggles. I played enough W@W to get to a prestige and a half. I know what that game was like.


zero margin said:
So after I praised the shit out the TAR yesterday I couldn't do a damn thing with it last night. Fuck that gun. :lol

zero you passed your badluck over to me! Yesterday night using the SCAR, I could not hit or kill anything - was so frustrating. I may try my luck with the TAR tonight. :lol

divisionbyzorro said:
... But since he might have a nuke, and I would really like the game to keep going, I'll shoot that shit down as soon as I can.

I wish more people played with this mentality. How many times I been playing and I'm practically seeing my team all hiding indoors while I'm trying to shoot down wtv'er shit is in the air to avoid a potential nuke.

Foliorum Viridum said:
I had such a weird dream last night about being in a S+D match. It seemed to happen in real time. :lol

:lol :lol
You shoot down air support so that uh.. it doesn't kill you? MW1 had no nukes yet people had no issues shooting down choppers. I don't really need the threat of some guy getting 25 kills in a row and ending the game to make me play like a team player. And even if it's there to promote teamwork, it's just another terrible idea wasted on a community that for the most part ignores it entirely. Kind of like.. I'm pretty sure they didn't intend on everyone using OMA to unleash infinite noob tubes, but that's what happened. Has there ever been another game that rewards you for such a trivial feat with a game ending ability? I think it's safe to say the nuke won't return in MW3, assuming IW develops it.

Ninja more effective than Commando? :lol Does anyone even use HBS anymore, outside of HC SnD? The ability to move quieter is nice but without it, who cares if someone hears you from ten feet away when you can warp to their spot from that 10 foot distance and knife them? :lol

Of course everyone has to bitch about something. No game is perfect. I've adapted fine, thanks. The game is simply starting to wear thin and the flaws it has with me are starting to show through. Guess it just took longer for me to notice than others. Time for another month break I guess. Though I gotta come back for the new maps on PS3 because just like when the game launched, that will be the best time to play. Before people discover the best spots to camp and knife rush and OMA themselves up some nice kill streaks :lol

There's no point is arguing the latency of the two games, there are no dedicated servers so it all comes down to connection. I have a 20MB FIOS connection and WaW connections were never an issue for me. Yet there seems to be built in lag in MW2, kind of like Gears of War. When I am host I certainly notice a smoother gameplay experience, never had that with MW1 or WaW. I played it enough to prestige all ten times and go back up to 65. So I guess I know more of what it was like? :D
Also, I was very disappointed when I couldn't shoot down a harrier with the AT launcher :lol I think I tried three times (separate occasions), but of course it didn't work. I got so excited when I saw the Harrier and realized I had a launcher...just not an AA rocket.
Patrick Roy said:
zero you passed your badluck over to me! Yesterday night using the SCAR, I could not hit or kill anything - was so frustrating. I may try my luck with the TAR tonight. :lol

Ouch, not good when even the SCAR isn't working for you, :lol maybe try the M4A1? I know when I'm in the same spot and seems like nothing works that always is there for me.
Bumblebeetuna said:
Ninja more effective than Commando? :lol Does anyone even use HBS anymore, outside of HC SnD? The ability to move quieter is nice but without it, who cares if someone hears you from ten feet away when you can warp to their spot from that 10 foot distance and knife them? :lol

A gun runner with Ninja or Steady Aim is more effective than a knife-focused runner with Commando nine times out of ten. I'll just leave it there.
divisionbyzorro said:
A gun runner with Ninja or Steady Aim is more effective than a knife-focused runner with Commando nine times out of ten. I'll just leave it there.

Depends on the map imho. Unfortunately most MW2 maps are very tight spaced, meaning Commando doucher wins.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Bumblebeetuna said:
Depends on the map imho. Unfortunately most MW2 maps are very tight spaced, meaning Commando doucher wins.

I am almost never in a game where a knife runner is anywhere near top scorer.

I'll have games where the same few guys piss me off majorly, but I will probbaly kill them just as many times or someone else will.
kaizoku said:
I am almost never in a game where a knife runner is anywhere near top scorer.

I'll have games where the same few guys piss me off majorly, but I will probbaly kill them just as many times or someone else will.

In general, knife runners are only good for stopping your killstreak. Hence the rage.
Patrick Bateman said:
He sounds like a douche.

He must have been nervous because wtf is with the voice changing and basically saying what would you guys like to see 100 different ways spanning 10 mins. He didn't say shit about the damn match. :lol


Mr. Snrub said:
Also, I was very disappointed when I couldn't shoot down a harrier with the AT launcher :lol I think I tried three times (separate occasions), but of course it didn't work. I got so excited when I saw the Harrier and realized I had a launcher...just not an AA rocket.
The AT will take down a Harrier, just not in one shot. :D It takes two AT shots, or one AT shot and half a clip from the RPD. Alternatively, 50 shots or so from the RPD with Stopping Power Pro will take it out. And I take out chopper gunners with the RPD all the time, since I usually run RPD+RPG now and it's faster to just gun it down rather than die, switch class, and fire two Stinger shots.

And Ninja >>> Commando, by far. Terrible players won't notice your footsteps, but competent players will, and those guys are the ones you watch out for. Non-detection by HBS is just icing on the cake.

And finally, if there's a douche commando running around, pull out a freaking shotgun! :lol

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Commando pro users aren't really an issue on PC from my experience. And by default there is no "auto-aim" with the knife. I don't really use Commando pro so I'm not sure if that adds any.
kaizoku said:
I am almost never in a game where a knife runner is anywhere near top scorer.

I'll have games where the same few guys piss me off majorly, but I will probbaly kill them just as many times or someone else will.

Same here. Like I said, all I play is Demolition. People who run around knifing usually get a good amount of kills but they also die a lot and they never seem interested in the objectives so they are never scoring high and it's usually easier to beat them. But it's still a major detriment to the game imho.

I hope they one day do a bare bones playlist with no perks of kill streaks, or a MW1 playlist with no shit perks like OMA or Commando. That would be glorious.


I think I probably hate the Commando perk as much as I did Juggernaut in COD4. I know Juggernaut was a great perk for new players trying to get their footing, but when I used to shoot at people in their 3rd prestige or higher and I saw the red cross symbol I thought "really?"

I figured that far into COD4, you would have a general idea of the maps and have a feel for the game already. That's why it would piss me off seeing someone at a high prestige using that perk.

By the way, I was playing the other day and somebody definitely lived up to the "Joint Ops" and "Blunt Trauma" titles. We're sitting in the lobby and all you heard was the bubbling of the bong, followed by coughing.
So I was playing against some iTz-tagged players again and decided to google them. So I stumble on their site and first few comments I saw were like "hey guyz i uses only intervention fmj i prestige 10 cod 6 cod 4" so I thought to myself "well I already knew that"...

but does anyone know why like a million players suddently use that tag (and all annoying as hell!)
PetriP-TNT said:
So I was playing against some iTz-tagged players again and decided to google them. So I stumble on their site and first few comments I saw were like "hey guyz i uses only intervention fmj i prestige 10 cod 6 cod 4" so I thought to myself "well I already knew that"...

but does anyone know why like a million players suddently use that tag (and all annoying as hell!)

I lost a round of S&D the other day because some guy with iTz on his name wanted to quickscope the last guy on the other team. I pretty much have no respect for anyone with "iTz" in their gamertag.
zero margin said:
He must have been nervous because wtf is with the voice changing and basically saying what would you guys like to see 100 different ways spanning 10 mins. He didn't say shit about the damn match. :lol

I guess he did that commenting after he played the game.
Patrick Bateman said:
I guess he did that commenting after he played the game.

:lol yeah I figured since he was looking at the camera but what do you mean? Why would during or after make a difference. Just curious.
zero margin said:
:lol yeah I figured since he was looking at the camera but what do you mean? Why would during or after make a difference. Just curious.

If he had made the dumb comments during the game - OK. But talking so much childish shit after the game - err, not so much.


Mr. Snrub said:
Also, I was very disappointed when I couldn't shoot down a harrier with the AT launcher :lol I think I tried three times (separate occasions), but of course it didn't work. I got so excited when I saw the Harrier and realized I had a launcher...just not an AA rocket.

It takes more than one rocket from an AT4 to destroy a Harrier.
So I played a bunch of free-for-all tonight just for a change. It's actually kinda fun if you can get in a good lobby. I got to experience all of the joys of FFA, including screwing over boosters and making them rage quit :lol I'll definitely have to spend some more time exploring what the mode has to offer.
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