You guys have good ideas!
Lionheart1827 said:
List of things that they should bring into black ops:
-WaW's join squad system in game so you dont have to back out to get your friends
-WaW's Leave with Party feature
-WaW's xbox live party chat
I agree wholeheartedly.
-WaW's second chance(on the fence about this, depending on how the MP is changed and plays, but if you have a few of your buddies with second chance, its so helpful)
I really liked second chance. It feels better than last stand. Last Stand is the "I want to screw over the guy who killed me before I die perk." Second Chance is the "I'm playing with buddies and I'd like to stay alive, thank you very much!" perk. But you have to give more XP for reviving than they did in W@W; it just usually wasn't worth it in anything other than S&D.
-how about a 2v2 or 3v3 TDM? i know theres team tactical, but sometimes I dont want to play the other modes.
How about 2v2v2v2 TDM? With buddy-spawning? That could be serious tactical fun!
Just some things off the top of my head. I wouldn't miss grenade launchers if they took them out, but you should only get one if anything.
I'm with you there. How about grenade launchers only have one shot and replace your normal grenade? That seems fair to me: the attachment just lets you fire a more precise grenade that explodes on contact.
_Alkaline_ said:
- Ditch OMA entirely. It's a good idea in theory but there are too many ways to abuse it. Unlimited claymores and noob tubes simply make it too overpowered. Even without danger close it's a force to be reckoned with. I use it myself quite a lot, in fact nearly half of my classes have OMA, but that just shows how unbalanced it is. Scavenger isn't so bad since it requires you to make an effort to refill, but it's still unbalanced.
I agree. OMA should never return in any future CoD. Even Scavenger is a bit much. It could come back if it only refilled bullets, but infinite claymores is too powerful.
Don't allow tubes during the first five seconds of Search and Destory. Give people a chance to disperse. So many maps are ruined because of spawn tubes.
I agree, but I might even suggest upping it to 10 or 15 seconds (I believe W@W used a 15-second timer). At the very least it should be 7 seconds to match the killstreak restriction timer.
Remove needless items/attachments. No body wants rapid fire - it ruins SMGs because of insane recoil. Blast shield sucks. We don't need two red-dot sights. Heartbeat sensors promote camping. Etc etc etc. More doesn't always mean better. Cut down the crap.
Eh; more doesn't hurt, and I rarely see HBS in games anymore unless it's S&D (and if you're not using Ninja Pro in S&D you're an idiot anyway).
- Give snipers more of a go. [...] Etc.
Snipers are fine. ARs are too accurate.
- More recoil. Too many guns have little to no kick to them and it's completely unrealistic. This won't change though since COD attracts a very casual crowd these days.
I don't care about realism, but yes - the ARs are too accurate. This should change, not for realism, but for balance. Adding idle sway would be enough to prevent sniping with ARs, since (with the exception of the ACR) they're all pretty fairly balanced once you start firing.
- Balance up killstreaks. Stealth bombers should not require the same kills as a PaveLow. EMP should not require 15 kills. Chopper Gunner is way overpowered, AC-130 is much more decent. Ditch nukes entirely - it's a stupid idea to have a killstreak that promotes camping AND ends the game no matter the current score.
I agree, although I find it funny that the Pave Low is generally stronger than the AC-130. Hopefully future titles will tweak killstreak balance after launch.
- No penalties for leaving games if you've just joined. Too many times have I joined games with red bars and wanted to quit, only to be forced to stay on since it would count as a loss to leave.
How about getting rid of join-in-progress completely? I'm a fan of adding a huge quit penalty and removing join-in-progress. If you quit early, you should get an XP debt penalty that you have to pay back before you can progress further on any challenges or leveling up. If enough of your teammates leave early anyway, the game ends early, and the remaining players on the forfeiting team are given an XP bonus for being good sports and sticking around, and the game won't count for their record.
- Make it easier earlier on. In MW2 you don't get stingers until nearly halfway through levelling, and you don't get cold blooded until level 23 (or 25, I forget). It's bullshit and a complete turn-off for new players. At least give a default class with Anti-Air weaponary.
You, sire, are a
genius. You can keep Cold-Blooded and Stingers locked away, but giving a default anti-air class would do wonders to make the game better.
- More than anything else - make it a TEAM GAME. [...]
And what would that be? Ditch the K/D ratio.
So many people put emphasis on their ratio and it effectively ruins the game. The most important stat, by far, should be the W/L ratio, but in MW2 it's virtually negligent. That's completely bullshit and shows how messed up the game is.
The K/D isn't why people camp. It's the thrill of earning high killstreak bonuses. And if you seriously think that
any FPS will stop tracking K/D, you're crazy :lol
And the reason nobody cares about the W/L ratio is because of the ridiculous join-in-progress issues. Why should I care about my W/L ratio when the game has no problem dropping me into a TDM where we're down 50 points?
And it's shame, because for all its faults, MW2's multiplayer is still great fun. It could just have been so much better.
True, true, true. And I still keep playing it almost every day