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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


I'm 3rd prestige and this is my first time getting more than 25 kills with the FAL. It works really well with holographic site.


Mayyhem said:
I'm 3rd prestige and this is my first time getting more than 25 kills with the FAL. It works really well with holographic site.

It works really well with iron sights too. It's also a good gun for the final stand challenges since you're already tapping the shoot-button
divisionbyzorro said:
So am I the only one who doesn't necessarily want to see another perk-based multiplayer shooter for the fourth year in a row? I'm speaking of Black Ops, of course. I certainly want to see create-a-class return in some form, but I feel like the two-weapons-three-perks formula is getting a little tired. I'm really hoping that Treyarch steps out on a limb and tries to do something different this time around - maybe something kind of like what MAG did? Not in terms of permanently improving your damage/health, but how they handle creating your custom class?


I realize you acknowledge this somewhat in your post, but I just wanna stress this....

MAG is perhaps the worst example of character progression in a shooter. Annoyed by not having a stinger? Or cold blooded? Or OMA? etc. etc. Imagine that rage except it's because you just got killed by a guy who has more health, better accuracy, better armor, better gear, better gun with better attachments, runs faster, and has better healing. The difference between a level 1 and a level 60 in that game is fucking bottomless pit. That is not conducive to new players/those who cannot devote a ton of time.

To be fair though, the MAG system would work fine without the whole leveling part of it. If you started with 60 skill points, and you simply picked your build, then that would be cool. Assuming the skill trees were interesting anyway.
PedroLumpy said:
To be fair though, the MAG system would work fine without the whole leveling part of it. If you started with 60 skill points, and you simply picked your build, then that would be cool. Assuming the skill trees were interesting anyway.

That's kinda what I was getting at. I like the idea of getting X number of skill points, assigning points to various weapons, attachments, equipment, skills, etc., and letting you mix and match them all as you want. If I want to have three attachments on my weapon, I should be allowed to, but it should cost me enough skill points to where I have to give up something else.

It would also be a good way to balance out things like the grenade launcher. Sure, you can launch noob tubes if you want, but you'll pay through the nose for it!

I definitely don't want to see level 70s have categorically better stuff than level 1s. I have friends who have never played CoD, and they always say it's because they hate the idea of being killed by people with better stuff. I keep telling them they're wrong - it's not better stuff, it's just different stuff - but they don't believe me. Maybe one day I can convert them, but even I will walk away if a level 70 is really better than a level 1.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Once again I'm gonna be stuck right in the middle of a prestige for double XP. Someday I'm gonna time it right and be starting a new prestige.


Brian Fellows said:
Once again I'm gonna be stuck right in the middle of a prestige for double XP. Someday I'm gonna time it right and be starting a new prestige.

Meh at least you can get through the shitty 50s/early 60s levels quickly that way.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
cdyhybrid said:
Meh at least you can get through the shitty 50s/early 60s levels quickly that way.

Yeah but its the first 30 I need to get through as quickly as possible. I needs my claymores! After that I don't really care how long it takes.
divisionbyzorro said:
You act like he was standing behind freaking bulletproof glass! His head was exposed, and even without FMJ I bet you could spray right through that damn clown. He just found it amusing that he had basically found natural camouflage, not that he was invincible.

Ah I miswatched it then I guess, I had the feeling he had found a spot where the gun poked through the statue but he couldnt be seen, getting killed when seeminly no one was around would suck. If his head was poking out thats different I guess. Deathcam would have been the only option in that scenario, and if I got killed like that on a decent streak I would be raging.

P.S. That booster Juice video cracked me up, the clip where he lets the guy get 24 kills then kills him is SO harsh, still though, if he couldnt kill him he didnt deserve that 25th kill. :lol
bobs99 ... said:
P.S. That booster Juice video cracked me up, the clip where he lets the guy get 24 kills then kills him is SO harsh, still though, if he couldnt kill him he didnt deserve that 25th kill. :lol

I love that the booster is waiting for SandyRavage to set down his TI before getting that 25th kill. At that point, you don't need him to respawn back in - just kill him and get it overwith.

Ahhh - so good :lol

But what's getting really annoying these days is the influx of headshot boosters. You know what makes those guys so annoying? They don't leave when you stop them like nuke boosters do!


God damn commando - going though a claymore and a barrage of bullets to the face with stopping power. Freaking ridiculous.

Did you shooting air support doesn't count as getting hits...it brings down your accuracy percentage.
Brian Fellows said:
Once again I'm gonna be stuck right in the middle of a prestige for double XP. Someday I'm gonna time it right and be starting a new prestige.
I've convinced myself that the best way of looking at it is that you're making the most of the double XP because you'll have a kit you're comfortable with and therefore getting more kills than if you'd just presitged.

FFA is infested with boosters these days, it would be so easy for IW to resolve too :(

As for ELPRES's videos, his best are definitely when he's doing badly and getting pissed at himself. The ones where he goes, say, 21-7 aren't nearly as funny.


divisionbyzorro said:
I love that the booster is waiting for SandyRavage to set down his TI before getting that 25th kill. At that point, you don't need him to respawn back in - just kill him and get it overwith.

Ahhh - so good :lol

But what's getting really annoying these days is the influx of headshot boosters. You know what makes those guys so annoying? They don't leave when you stop them like nuke boosters do!
At first I was wondering wtf he was doing in a boosting lobby, but then when he killed the guy at 24 kills I understood, so awesome
So I decided to screw around with the Rangers last night. I forgot how much fun those guns can be! I even managed to go on a 10-streak using only the Rangers on a Ground War Team Deathmatch on Estate last night.

So I'm curious: when you guys use Rangers, do you prefer Lightweight or Stopping Power?

EDIT: And here's another question. I would love to see Black Ops give us greater custom game support. Maybe it doesn't have to be as crazy as Halo's Forge (although that would be pretty kickass), but even just giving us the opportunity to lock down the available classes, move objective points around, put barriers into the map, edit spawn points, etc.

I watch a lot of the RedSpades livestream on JTV (justin.tv/redspades), and he's known for hosting a variety of hilarious custom gametypes. But they all require buy-in from the players; i.e., they only work if the players agree to follow the rules. For example: a popular game on his channel is Dodgeball: you play 9v9 S&D on Terminal. Everybody has OMA or Scavenger + Throwing Knife. You meet up behind the metal detectors and just throw knives at each other until one team is eliminated. Personally, I would love to see the custom game support in the next CoD be robust enough to handle this sort of scenario.

Am I alone here? Or do you think that feature would be a strong selling point?


Man, I'd love to see a tweak done to Painkiller. I know I've bitched about it before, but god damn it... Combining Painkiller and Commando really should not be possible whatsoever. I think they could add another restriction - that you can't switch to secondary with Painkiller active. There is no reason why they should be able to knife-teleport, or run around with akimbo Rangers, with invincibility mode fully on.

How great would this game have been if IW just thought about some of this shit before tossing it in? :(

divisionbyzorro said:
So I'm curious: when you guys use Rangers, do you prefer Lightweight or Stopping Power
You know, I've never thought about it but I usually have them on a Lightweight class. Being able to shoot four shotgun shells at once, if you have to, really shouldn't need SP...but this is MW2 so who knows. :lol


They should just remove deathstreaks altogether IMO. Nothing worse than dying to someone that is getting a big handicap. Painkiller is especially annoying.
aku:jiki said:
Man, I'd love to see a tweak done to Painkiller. I know I've bitched about it before, but god damn it... Combining Painkiller and Commando really should not be possible whatsoever. I think they could add another restriction - that you can't switch to secondary with Painkiller active. There is no reason why they should be able to knife-teleport, or run around with akimbo Rangers, with invincibility mode fully on.

How great would this game have been if IW just thought about some of this shit before tossing it in? :(

Painkiller exists to help you escape a spawn trap, and it needs to be that strong for that purpose. Perhaps this would work: you spawn with Painkiller, which lasts 10 seconds, but it gets less and less effective during those 10 seconds. So rather than taking three times the number of hits for 10 seconds, it starts at 3x, but slopes down evenly to 1x.


divisionbyzorro said:
Painkiller exists to help you escape a spawn trap, and it needs to be that strong for that purpose. Perhaps this would work: you spawn with Painkiller, which lasts 10 seconds, but it gets less and less effective during those 10 seconds. So rather than taking three times the number of hits for 10 seconds, it starts at 3x, but slopes down evenly to 1x.
Isn't that already how it works?

I get the spawn trap aspect, but the spawn system doesn't! If I'm in their spawn, then I have myself to blame for getting painkilled, but if they're on our half of the map right next to our plant site? Fuck that shit. And even if I'm in their spawn, Commando + Painkiller should never happen...they're literally invincible!


Neo Member
Black OPs basically needs to take very few things as possible from MW2 and instead improve upon COD4 and WAW. How can anyone even defend painkiller as a legimate spawn trap escape? Why not build a decent spawn system and not let people get spawned trapped by toning down ridiculous air support?

Killstreaks should only be 3 5 7 but each ones customiseable, killstreaks don't add to the current killstreak. Boom
wud said:
Black OPs basically needs to take very few things as possible from MW2 and instead improve upon COD4 and WAW. How can anyone even defend painkiller as a legimate spawn trap escape? Why not build a decent spawn system and not let people get spawned trapped by toning down ridiculous air support?

Killstreaks should only be 3 5 7 but each ones customiseable, killstreaks don't add to the current killstreak. Boom

Agreed with EVERYTHING here, MW2 is a good game, but ultimatly at times it feels like the gimmicks overtake the gameplay.
aku:jiki said:
Isn't that already how it works?

I get the spawn trap aspect, but the spawn system doesn't! If I'm in their spawn, then I have myself to blame for getting painkilled, but if they're on our half of the map right next to our plant site? Fuck that shit. And even if I'm in their spawn, Commando + Painkiller should never happen...they're literally invincible!

As far as I know, it divides all incoming damage by 3 for the first 10 seconds of your life. With Marathon and/or Lightweight, you can get pretty far outside of your spawn in 10 seconds; hence why I suggest that the protection it gives you should degrade over time, rather than stay at full strength for 10 seconds.

But there's actually another way to deal with painkiller/juggernaut/martyrdom/last stand. I've been thinking about this a lot recently, and I've been trying to understand why people hate these perks so much when they don't actually help the user most of the time. It only recently clicked with me: it's because we don't know what's coming until after it's happened.

Take shotguns for example. Last Stand can really mess up a shotgun user. But what's really annoying is that he doesn't know his opponent is using last stand until after he's shot what should have been the killing blow. But what if there was some sort of obvious physical marking on the enemy which would let you know ahead of time that the guy had the Last Stand perk? Now you can plan ahead; you can try to take the time to line up a headshot, or start circle-strafing early, or whatever.

Painkiller could be the same way. Make the guy with painkiller glow, or something. Sure, sometimes you're caught out in the open and you're pretty screwed, but now you know that you should run rather than stay and fight.

I dunno - just something I've been thinking of recently.


I don't use the headphone/mic. Haven't in a very long time. I just don't. Too much sh*t talking... so I don't have an opportunity to ask people online.

Q: I see people's names on color... or they have additional digits or icons in the username. What does that mean? Are they mods? Are they cheaters/hackers?
ImperialConquest said:
I don't use the headphone/mic. Haven't in a very long time. I just don't. Too much sh*t talking... so I don't have an opportunity to ask people online.

Q: I see people's names on color... or they have additional digits or icons in the username. What does that mean? Are they mods? Are they cheaters/hackers?
Do you mean in their clan tag? If they have a colored name or illegal symbols, they hacked it.
List of things that they should bring into black ops:

-WaW's join squad system in game so you dont have to back out to get your friends
-WaW's Leave with Party feature
-WaW's xbox live party chat
-WaW's second chance(on the fence about this, depending on how the MP is changed and plays, but if you have a few of your buddies with second chance, its so helpful)
-how about a 2v2 or 3v3 TDM? i know theres team tactical, but sometimes I dont want to play the other modes.

Just some things off the top of my head. I wouldn't miss grenade launchers if they took them out, but you should only get one if anything.
- Ditch OMA entirely. It's a good idea in theory but there are too many ways to abuse it. Unlimited claymores and noob tubes simply make it too overpowered. Even without danger close it's a force to be reckoned with. I use it myself quite a lot, in fact nearly half of my classes have OMA, but that just shows how unbalanced it is. Scavenger isn't so bad since it requires you to make an effort to refill, but it's still unbalanced.
- Don't allow tubes during the first five seconds of Search and Destory. Give people a chance to disperse. So many maps are ruined because of spawn tubes.
- Remove needless items/attachments. No body wants rapid fire - it ruins SMGs because of insane recoil. Blast shield sucks. We don't need two red-dot sights. Heartbeat sensors promote camping. Etc etc etc. More doesn't always mean better. Cut down the crap.
- Give snipers more of a go. There are currently really only two maps that encourage sniping - Wasteland and Estate. The first because of the wide open space, the other because of camo. Oh, and maybe Derail, but I refuse to acknowledge such a pitifull map. Otherwise it's virtually pointless - what's the point of sniping if an AR carries as much distance and allows much more versitility? Make maps the allow sniping - don't unbalance it so that everyone will be sniping, but at least give them more of a go. Make clock towers and other high-altitude buildings. Make more objects for camo. Etc
- More recoil. Too many guns have little to no kick to them and it's completely unrealistic. This won't change though since COD attracts a very casual crowd these days.
- Balance up killstreaks. Stealth bombers should not require the same kills as a PaveLow. EMP should not require 15 kills. Chopper Gunner is way overpowered, AC-130 is much more decent. Ditch nukes entirely - it's a stupid idea to have a killstreak that promotes camping AND ends the game no matter the current score.
- No penalties for leaving games if you've just joined. Too many times have I joined games with red bars and wanted to quit, only to be forced to stay on since it would count as a loss to leave.
- Make it easier earlier on. In MW2 you don't get stingers until nearly halfway through levelling, and you don't get cold blooded until level 23 (or 25, I forget). It's bullshit and a complete turn-off for new players. At least give a default class with Anti-Air weaponary.
- More than anything else - make it a TEAM GAME. Modern Warfare 2 is easily one of the most selfish games I've come across. Now, I acknowledge this has a lot to do with the type of people who play it, but when team-mates shoot your claymores so that they can place their own and get kills, when teammates steal your emergency drop even though you tell them not to, and when players in S&D would rather sit back and do nothing than try to clutch victory and risk being killed, you know there's a problem. There is absolutely no team basis to MW2, unless you're in a lobby with friends. The game really needs to do something about it.

And what would that be? Ditch the K/D ratio.

Seriously. It's the chief reason people camp, why they would rather sit back than take risks, and why team-play is discouraged. What's the point of going for the objective if it might hurt your K/D?

So many people put emphasis on their ratio and it effectively ruins the game. The most important stat, by far, should be the W/L ratio, but in MW2 it's virtually negligent. That's completely bullshit and shows how messed up the game is.

And it's shame, because for all its faults, MW2's multiplayer is still great fun. It could just have been so much better.
_Alkaline_ said:
- Make it easier earlier on. In MW2 you don't get stingers until nearly halfway through levelling, and you don't get cold blooded until level 23 (or 25, I forget). It's bullshit and a complete turn-off for new players. At least give a default class with Anti-Air weaponary.

This I never understood why they did this in MW2 with launchers, they should just put RPGs as your first launcher, or at least give you a default starter class with RPGs so you can do SOMETHING to the air support. ONE AT-4 is fucking useless.
I really don't get the bitching about painkiller. That means the dude has already been shot to shit what ... 3 or 4 times before? Also, painkiller's only 10 seconds and odds are he's spawning across the map anyway.


BigNastyCurve said:
I really don't get the bitching about painkiller. That means the dude has already been shot to shit what ... 3 or 4 times before? Also, painkiller's only 10 seconds and odds are he's spawning across the map anyway.

Pain killer annoys me when the guy spawns immediately in front of me. Also I need some tips for this game. I want to be more consistent getting a KD of 2.0. What are some tips you guys an give me. Also can anyone give me some tips on how to prestige faster.


BigNastyCurve said:
I really don't get the bitching about painkiller. That means the dude has already been shot to shit what ... 3 or 4 times before? Also, painkiller's only 10 seconds and odds are he's spawning across the map anyway.
Why should I be punished if the other player sucks...they need to put a giant icon on top of the player so painkillers are easily avoidable.
You guys have good ideas!

Lionheart1827 said:
List of things that they should bring into black ops:

-WaW's join squad system in game so you dont have to back out to get your friends
-WaW's Leave with Party feature
-WaW's xbox live party chat

I agree wholeheartedly.

-WaW's second chance(on the fence about this, depending on how the MP is changed and plays, but if you have a few of your buddies with second chance, its so helpful)

I really liked second chance. It feels better than last stand. Last Stand is the "I want to screw over the guy who killed me before I die perk." Second Chance is the "I'm playing with buddies and I'd like to stay alive, thank you very much!" perk. But you have to give more XP for reviving than they did in W@W; it just usually wasn't worth it in anything other than S&D.

-how about a 2v2 or 3v3 TDM? i know theres team tactical, but sometimes I dont want to play the other modes.

How about 2v2v2v2 TDM? With buddy-spawning? That could be serious tactical fun!

Just some things off the top of my head. I wouldn't miss grenade launchers if they took them out, but you should only get one if anything.

I'm with you there. How about grenade launchers only have one shot and replace your normal grenade? That seems fair to me: the attachment just lets you fire a more precise grenade that explodes on contact.

_Alkaline_ said:
- Ditch OMA entirely. It's a good idea in theory but there are too many ways to abuse it. Unlimited claymores and noob tubes simply make it too overpowered. Even without danger close it's a force to be reckoned with. I use it myself quite a lot, in fact nearly half of my classes have OMA, but that just shows how unbalanced it is. Scavenger isn't so bad since it requires you to make an effort to refill, but it's still unbalanced.

I agree. OMA should never return in any future CoD. Even Scavenger is a bit much. It could come back if it only refilled bullets, but infinite claymores is too powerful.

Don't allow tubes during the first five seconds of Search and Destory. Give people a chance to disperse. So many maps are ruined because of spawn tubes.

I agree, but I might even suggest upping it to 10 or 15 seconds (I believe W@W used a 15-second timer). At the very least it should be 7 seconds to match the killstreak restriction timer.

Remove needless items/attachments. No body wants rapid fire - it ruins SMGs because of insane recoil. Blast shield sucks. We don't need two red-dot sights. Heartbeat sensors promote camping. Etc etc etc. More doesn't always mean better. Cut down the crap.

Eh; more doesn't hurt, and I rarely see HBS in games anymore unless it's S&D (and if you're not using Ninja Pro in S&D you're an idiot anyway).

- Give snipers more of a go. [...] Etc.

Snipers are fine. ARs are too accurate.

- More recoil. Too many guns have little to no kick to them and it's completely unrealistic. This won't change though since COD attracts a very casual crowd these days.

I don't care about realism, but yes - the ARs are too accurate. This should change, not for realism, but for balance. Adding idle sway would be enough to prevent sniping with ARs, since (with the exception of the ACR) they're all pretty fairly balanced once you start firing.

- Balance up killstreaks. Stealth bombers should not require the same kills as a PaveLow. EMP should not require 15 kills. Chopper Gunner is way overpowered, AC-130 is much more decent. Ditch nukes entirely - it's a stupid idea to have a killstreak that promotes camping AND ends the game no matter the current score.

I agree, although I find it funny that the Pave Low is generally stronger than the AC-130. Hopefully future titles will tweak killstreak balance after launch.

- No penalties for leaving games if you've just joined. Too many times have I joined games with red bars and wanted to quit, only to be forced to stay on since it would count as a loss to leave.

How about getting rid of join-in-progress completely? I'm a fan of adding a huge quit penalty and removing join-in-progress. If you quit early, you should get an XP debt penalty that you have to pay back before you can progress further on any challenges or leveling up. If enough of your teammates leave early anyway, the game ends early, and the remaining players on the forfeiting team are given an XP bonus for being good sports and sticking around, and the game won't count for their record.

- Make it easier earlier on. In MW2 you don't get stingers until nearly halfway through levelling, and you don't get cold blooded until level 23 (or 25, I forget). It's bullshit and a complete turn-off for new players. At least give a default class with Anti-Air weaponary.

You, sire, are a genius. You can keep Cold-Blooded and Stingers locked away, but giving a default anti-air class would do wonders to make the game better.

- More than anything else - make it a TEAM GAME. [...]

And what would that be? Ditch the K/D ratio.

So many people put emphasis on their ratio and it effectively ruins the game. The most important stat, by far, should be the W/L ratio, but in MW2 it's virtually negligent. That's completely bullshit and shows how messed up the game is.

The K/D isn't why people camp. It's the thrill of earning high killstreak bonuses. And if you seriously think that any FPS will stop tracking K/D, you're crazy :lol

And the reason nobody cares about the W/L ratio is because of the ridiculous join-in-progress issues. Why should I care about my W/L ratio when the game has no problem dropping me into a TDM where we're down 50 points?

And it's shame, because for all its faults, MW2's multiplayer is still great fun. It could just have been so much better.

True, true, true. And I still keep playing it almost every day :)


_Alkaline_ said:
I have nothing really against boosters since most of the time it doesn't affect me (and since some of the challenges in the game are way too demanding) but these videos are truly amazing.

I disagree... boosters aren't simply playing against each other, they are earning killstreak rewards AND using them. Not only that, it's impossible to win (FFA) when a booster is killing an opponent once every two to three seconds. It absolutely affects me.
jedimike said:
I disagree... boosters aren't simply playing against each other, they are earning killstreak rewards AND using them. Not only that, it's impossible to win (FFA) when a booster is killing an opponent once every two to three seconds. It absolutely affects me.

Absolutely. An FFA with boosters is the worst. You pretty much have to give up trying to actively win and deliberately go for killing the boosters just to get revenge.
_Alkaline_ said:
I have nothing really against boosters since most of the time it doesn't affect me (and since some of the challenges in the game are way too demanding) but these videos are truly amazing.

Yeah hearing those squeakers cry in the last few vids is great.
jedimike said:
I disagree... boosters aren't simply playing against each other, they are earning killstreak rewards AND using them. Not only that, it's impossible to win (FFA) when a booster is killing an opponent once every two to three seconds. It absolutely affects me.

I spose you're right, I rarely play FFA so I barely notice them, but if they're so terrible that they need to boost, they offer excellent cannon fodder. :D
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