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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

I feel like I'm a pretty good player now, but I started off bad (never played a CoD game) and at 17,000 kills I can't get past a 1.40 k/d ratio. I went 31-9 last night (that's a good showing, right?) and it didn't go up at all.

Once I get third prestige I think I'm done. Then I just have to choose between Black Ops and Medal of Honor. Have we heard if BO is getting a beta? MoH's is closed except for people preordering, which is dumb.


Tagged as I see fit
Did anybody else get a chain letter/message on the PS3 version of MW2 recently? I got one last night about a 20 dollar credit, made me laugh and then shudder at the thought of something like that becoming more popular. First spam message I've ever received.
Genesis Knight said:
I feel like I'm a pretty good player now, but I started off bad (never played a CoD game) and at 17,000 kills I can't get past a 1.40 k/d ratio. I went 31-9 last night (that's a good showing, right?) and it didn't go up at all.

Once I get third prestige I think I'm done. Then I just have to choose between Black Ops and Medal of Honor. Have we heard if BO is getting a beta? MoH's is closed except for people preordering, which is dumb.

At 17,000 kills, one game isn't going to impact your ratio no matter how well you do.
MaizeRage25 said:
At 17,000 kills, one game isn't going to impact your ratio no matter how well you do.

Technically, if he's at 17k kills and a 1.4 ratio, by going approximately 123 and 1 in the next match he plays his K/D ratio should go up .01 :lol
MaizeRage25 said:
At 17,000 kills, one game isn't going to impact your ratio no matter how well you do.

After that 31-9 where I went up to 1.40, I got a 0-2 mid-game join match that put me back down to 1.39. It took a 21-6 game to get back up to 1.40. WTF RAGE?!!!
I think my W/L is down to like .68. I spent to much money on this game, I want to enjoy myself not be aggravated.

Your sitting at the end of a hallway spamming the tube all game, fine, I'll find a better match...I'm a brat when it comes to that.
After much thought and careful consideration, I have to declare Quarry and Underpass as the two best maps.

They're both impossible to camp, have multiple ways to move from one side to the other, and allow for any type of play style.
FutureZombie said:
After much thought and careful consideration, I have to declare Quarry and Underpass as the two best maps.

They're both impossible to camp, have multiple ways to move from one side to the other, and allow for any type of play style.

I can name at least 5 spots for each of those maps where you can camp and dominate the whole game (like the house in the middle of the map in Underpass). You can't see shit in Underpass and Quarry just plain sucks if you happen to start from the bottom of the hill. Underpass might be worst map in the game overall in my opinion.
PetriP-TNT said:
I can name at least 5 spots for each of those maps where you can camp and dominate the whole game (like the house in the middle of the map in Underpass). You can't see shit in Underpass and Quarry just plain sucks if you happen to start from the bottom of the hill. Underpass might be worst map in the game overall in my opinion.

There's no place to camp and dominate the game on those maps. Any spot has too many access points and does not have the sight lines to be camp-able.

For instance, a map that is almost GREAT, but ruined by one camp spot is Salvage. The house is camp-able because from the top windows, you have sight lines that cross every choke point where people could conceivably come from. There's nothing like that on Quarry or Underpass.

Salvage is still a good map, and one of the top 8, but the house campers take it out of the running for being truly great. Derail would be a near perfect map if the spawns were fixed so people could spawn on the sides instead of the two start points. I'm not counting any of the new maps just yet because it's too early, but Carnival and Fuel seem fairly good. Trailer Park appears to be a disaster, and I have no idea why Strike and Vacant were put in the game, other than as a joke to try to piss off people who like to use SMGs.
Genesis Knight said:
Explain yourself.

I like Vacant in COD4. But in Danger Close and shotguns, Vacant is terrible in MW2. And I think we all knew that before even playing it. You can get by some with assault rifles, but with an SMG, you're pretty worthless. That's my findings at least. Truthfully I've only played the map 10 times because I leave the lobby when it comes up now, so maybe I just haven't tried hard enough, but I'd rather play almost any other map.

Strike... we already have Bailout, why put in another poorly designed map that has the same flaw? Mainly, you can't get from one side of the map to the other. You can, but you have limited paths, and that's the problem with Bailout. Again, I've only played it a few times, but it appears to be a map made up of sight lines, which makes using an SMG frustrating.

Trailer Park appears to be a terrible map. I can't put my finger on it, but it feels very off. It's almost like a mini Rundown because of the choke points.

I hate choke points, but if you like them, then I'm sure your opinion of which maps are good is different than mine.
FutureZombie said:
I like Vacant in COD4. But in Danger Close and shotguns, Vacant is terrible in MW2. And I think we all knew that before even playing it. You can get by some with assault rifles, but with an SMG, you're pretty worthless. That's my findings at least. Truthfully I've only played the map 10 times because I leave the lobby when it comes up now, so maybe I just haven't tried hard enough, but I'd rather play almost any other map.

Strike... we already have Bailout, why put in another poorly designed map that has the same flaw? Mainly, you can't get from one side of the map to the other. You can, but you have limited paths, and that's the problem with Bailout. Again, I've only played it a few times, but it appears to be a map made up of sight lines, which makes using an SMG frustrating.

+1 for good points.

Although you might try my tactic for Vacant. Use an FMJ LMG (like the RPD) with stopping power. Just keep to the edges and get a bunch of penetration kills whenever there's a UAV up. Works really well.
Genesis Knight said:
+1 for good points.

Although you might try my tactic for Vacant. Use an FMJ LMG (like the RPD) with stopping power. Just keep to the edges and get a bunch of penetration kills whenever there's a UAV up. Works really well.

I might try that. I haven't used a LMG in a long time because I started using SMGs about two prestiges ago, and after using an SMG, a LMG feels like you're playing in slow motion. But I need to adapt to this map, so it would be a good idea to look into it.
divisionbyzorro said:
I think it's funny that they tried to make this game more casual friendly, but they utterly failed. All they did was expand the gap between noobs, casuals, hardcore, and the godlike even more. I remember hearing SeaNanners talk about his K/D rising throughout the CoD games; his 3.0 in W@W was obviously at the top of the legitimate charts, but a 5+ in MW2? No MP shooter should ever let you maintain a 5+ K/D ratio. Either this means that your matchmaking system is shit, or your core mechanics are broken, and in this case it means that the killstreaks are ridiculously overpowered.

Like I said, I love the idea of killstreak rewards, but I really want to see BO tone them down and make them more tactical and less overpoweringly destructive.

EDIT: Or, how about this. Remember the "momentum system" debacle at the beginning of the year? I keep thinking about this, and I realized that what I would really like to see is something more like a currency system. I haven't played CS in years, but as I recall, you earned money per kill and objective. That money stayed with you and you could spend it to purchase better weapons. I'd like to see that come back, but with air support.

And honestly, I don't want to see air support count for your K/D. Or at the very least, since Treyarch keeps talking about stat tracking, they should count two K/D ratios: one with and one without air support.

Any KD over 2.0 in MW2 is if you do heavy amount of ground war and other shit over regular team deathmatch.

I only play TDM and I'm just now bring it over 1.5 with 24000 kills. It's hard to do any higher if you only play TDM.
Can someone explain to me the big deal with K/D ratio ? Why is it "the thing" that some people care about ? My sisters boyfriend asked if i played MW2, i said yeah, and the first thing he said was "Whats your kill death ratio ?", to which i had no reply. I just dont see why people go tits mental trying to get it higher.

Not trying to shit on peoples parades, just wanna know what the dealio is :D

Mine is 1.86 apparently


Shogmaster said:
Any KD over 2.0 in MW2 is if you do heavy amount of ground war and other shit over regular team deathmatch.

I only play TDM and I'm just now bring it over 1.5 with 24000 kills. It's hard to do any higher if you only play TDM.
I wouldn't say that. I play TDM exclusively and have a 1.75 and have been on the up and up. If you were talking about win ratio (especially when playing solo), you might have a point.


Decide to try to camp for a nuke, keep getting around 20 kills any dieing, need to get better with the damn gunner. pff camping is so boring, can't see how people do this all the time.


I have to say I love doing mad rushes. Some times I'm charging so hard I don't bother to reload, I just pick up a weapon off of one of my victims. :lol
Xux said:

Apparently MW2, at one point, had some kind of set class system and four tiers of Pro Perks. Pretty interesting.

Also, KDR means jack shit; it's just typical e-peen stuff. Anything over 1.31 just means you're a campy, noob-tubing little bitch.

So Painkiller would have been the perk Juggernaut Pro 4? Holy shit that would have been AWFUL!

And I have a 1.36 dude! I resent you and your stereotyping. :lol

KDR has as much to do with which killstreak rewards you use as anything. Like I said, when I was using a 5/7/+, my KDR was rising. When I moved to UAV/Jammer/Pred, it stayed steady.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Xux said:
Also, KDR means jack shit; it's just typical e-peen stuff. Anything over 1.31 just means you're a campy, noob-tubing little bitch.
I have 1.66 and have about 20 noob tube kills total (which was to get a title). Most people I know who do a lot of noob tubing have fairly bad K/D ratios.


FutureZombie said:
I like Vacant in COD4. But in Danger Close and shotguns, Vacant is terrible in MW2. And I think we all knew that before even playing it. You can get by some with assault rifles, but with an SMG, you're pretty worthless. That's my findings at least. Truthfully I've only played the map 10 times because I leave the lobby when it comes up now, so maybe I just haven't tried hard enough, but I'd rather play almost any other map.

Strike... we already have Bailout, why put in another poorly designed map that has the same flaw? Mainly, you can't get from one side of the map to the other. You can, but you have limited paths, and that's the problem with Bailout. Again, I've only played it a few times, but it appears to be a map made up of sight lines, which makes using an SMG frustrating.

Trailer Park appears to be a terrible map. I can't put my finger on it, but it feels very off. It's almost like a mini Rundown because of the choke points.

I hate choke points, but if you like them, then I'm sure your opinion of which maps are good is different than mine.

ITT, SMG-groupies hate maps which aren't smg friendly.


FutureZombie said:
After much thought and careful consideration, I have to declare Quarry and Underpass as the two best maps.

They're both impossible to camp, have multiple ways to move from one side to the other, and allow for any type of play style.
You named the two maps I found it easiest to camp and get my 10 nukes. :lol
Strider2K99 said:

Like I tweeted back to him: TDM and Domination. Keep it simple.

Although there could be value in a dedicated no-killstreak S&D as well.

bluehat9 said:
You named the two maps I found it easiest to camp and get my 10 nukes. :lol

I got my last nuke by spawn-tubing the shit out of Alpha in GW Dom on Underpass :lol That's when I retired the OMA-tubing kit for good.
divisionbyzorro said:
Like I tweeted back to him: TDM and Domination. Keep it simple.

Although there could be value in a dedicated no-killstreak S&D as well.

I got my last nuke by spawn-tubing the shit out of Alpha in GW Dom on Underpass :lol That's when I retired the OMA-tubing kit for good.

Domination doesn't count for what I said. I'm only talking about non-retarded game types. Nukes on domination should take 35 kills to make them count the same as real nukes.


Xux said:

Apparently MW2, at one point, had some kind of set class system and four tiers of Pro Perks. Pretty interesting.

Also, KDR means jack shit; it's just typical e-peen stuff. Anything over 1.31 just means you're a campy, noob-tubing little bitch.
Uh, no. I have 1.41 and I'm never camping, always moving around the map, only times I use noob-tube is when the other team is using it too much and my whole team pulls out the noob-tube to show them what it feels like, and I don't use any cheap combos or tac-knifing, right now I'm rolling with silenced SCAR, scavenger, cold-blooded & ninja. So basically what you are trying to say is "Anyone with a K/D ratio higher than mine HAS to be camping and/or noob-tubing! There can't be any other way to get higher than mine otherwise!". I agree that K/D ratio doesn't mean shit other than e-peen and the people who care about theirs are only playing the game for stats, not for fun, but please don't be talking bullshit like that man.

FutureZombie said:
I like Vacant in COD4. But in Danger Close and shotguns, Vacant is terrible in MW2. And I think we all knew that before even playing it. You can get by some with assault rifles, but with an SMG, you're pretty worthless. That's my findings at least. Truthfully I've only played the map 10 times because I leave the lobby when it comes up now, so maybe I just haven't tried hard enough, but I'd rather play almost any other map.
I can do really well on Vacant with UMP or MP5 (either my marathon lightweight silenced MP5 or stopping power + steady aim akimbo MP5s) on Vacant. I went 49-7 with the SCAR class I mentioned above, and I've held down the A room on Demo (room with boxes with the loading dock outside) for a whole round with a M240 (easily the worst LMG in the game).

10 games really isn't enough of a sample to base stuff like this on..


Xux said:
Also, KDR means jack shit; it's just typical e-peen stuff. Anything over 1.31 just means you're a campy, noob-tubing little bitch.

You seemed to push a few buttons with your statement... I have a 1.38 and most people would consider me a camper I guess. I call it being strategic. Set up some claymores, get a few kills, move to the next "spot." I readily admit that I use cunning and tactics to kill the enemy.

Straight-up FPS's don't appeal to me at all. IMO, the whole belly diving, jump strafing, no scoping, is farm more offensive than strategic play.

But I don't noob tube unless I'm trying to unlock gun attachments.
jedimike said:
You seemed to push a few buttons with your statement... I have a 1.38 and most people would consider me a camper I guess. I call it being strategic. Set up some claymores, get a few kills, move to the next "spot." I readily admit that I use cunning and tactics to kill the enemy.

I personally don't see anything wrong with patrolling an area (1/8 of the map for instance) but sitting in a corner of a room, with the sights aimed in and only moving to "refresh" the claymore is camping to me. Not implying that's you just giving my definition. :D


I dunno, I prefer starting at the bottom on Quarry. That way I can run straight to the 3rd floor of that warehouse and start tubing the whole map :lol
The carnival map is amazing. I hate how there are so many places to hide since I'm more of a run and gun shootout type of player, but the atmosphere, the clowns, the roller coaster track...that map is perfection.


Xux said:
Also, KDR means jack shit; it's just typical e-peen stuff. Anything over 1.31 just means you're a campy, noob-tubing little bitch.
Hey I'm sitting at 1.32.


FutureZombie said:
Domination doesn't count for what I said. I'm only talking about non-retarded game types. Nukes on domination should take 35 kills to make them count the same as real nukes.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion (I have a very unreasonable hatred toward Sabotage), but Domination is awesome dude!
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