gnarkill bill
Rez said:yeah, I hated the Favela
yeah seriously.
Rez said:yeah, I hated the Favela
:lolJPB 1973 said:In reply to the above question, apparently the 1.01 patch disables all trophies, if you want the trophies, you have to delete the patch and play offline. A fix is in the works supposedly.
Thunderbear said:Isn't Brainstew pretty known for his antics, especially against the PS3?
Anyway... I personally can't believe the media is buying all the hype. It's a good game so far, but hardly original and not deserving of the astronomical scores its getting. Just my opinion, but it's all BS. Gameplay aside (which is good, but not OMG in my view), the graphics aren't all that great either (despite the 60fps).
This is just me, I'm glad for those that's enjoying it to the same level of the reviews. I just hope the reviews were objectively written rather than just buying into all the hype.
I played it on Normal and I died a ton on it. You just can't tell where guys are coming from and they constantly come from all directions. I've probably died as many times in the many levels I'm played since than as I did in that one mission.Dax01 said:So much hate for this "Favela" level.:lol Is it that bad on all the difficulties or just Hardened and Veteran? Haven't touched the game yet, but when I do, it's going to be the SP on Normal difficulty.
DMeisterJ said:Umm, no... I do have a PS3 and I am a fan of it, but I really don't care if it runs worse on the platform or not. I've come to the conclusion that most (if not all) multi-plat games are going to run worse on the platform. I've also come to the conclusion that I really don't care either way, as long as it doesn't play like a slide-show. Yes, frames drop, but the experience is smooth and I'm having a ball playing the game. Please stop trying to turn this into something it's not. My problem is that he has been posting that over and over again in multiple threads for days now. I could not care less about some fucking frames...
Matter of fact, I think I'll go back to playing MW2, instead of talking about it. toodles![]()
RoboPlato said:I played it on Normal and I died a ton on it. You just can't tell where guys are coming from and they constantly come from all directions. I've probably died as many times in the many levels I'm played since than as I did in that one mission.
brain_stew said:Really now.
gnarkill bill said:Not only that but I couldnt even tell where I was getting shot from half the time. I would think I had the area cleared and then I would have bullets flying at me from what seemed like nowhere. I was really starting to get frustrated. Its been a really long time since a game has done that to me. :lol
Is it live yet? I wasn't when I tried my code on PSN.brain_stew said:Any COD: Classic captures yet?
Teetris said:So, still no maxed PC shots/videos to be found yet? - PS3brain_stew said:Any COD: Classic captures yet?
brain_stew said:On that note anyone tried forcing Nvidia's SSAO (the COD4 profile should work) as it made a huge impact to the visuals in 4 and 5.
Rez said:I used to have issues just like this with Gears 1/COD4. I believe it has something to do with your router; it's NAT settings, specifically.
Teetris said: - PS3 - 360
Never heard of that. Are there any comparison shots from 4 with this? Does it work with AMD cards?
Jesus, I posted a LensofTruths framerate comparison,made a throwaway comment about some folks maybe wanting to use the facts to get the superior console version and I was called 'absolutely pathetic.':lolSuperEnemyCrab said:What do you think he is trying to turn this into? From my point of view all he posted was a technical comparison based on the facts we have been provided with the advice to make up your own mind if you would even notice the discrepancies. But fom your point of view he is dragging the PS3 version through the mud, right? I think you're taking it way, way to seriously. It's probably a good idea for you to leave the thread before you have a meltdown or something. :lol
Rez said:if you're playing the Favela, take comfort in knowing it gets much better after thatposquestionably designed level.
voltron said:So I was just talking to a buddy who claims the Aus version of MW2 as the terrorist scene cut. I didnt think that was true, but I havent been online much lately due to capped Internet.
Cant find any news stories indicating as much either.
Anyone know? (not that it affects me as I bought the region free Asian version)
I played CoD4 over the weekend and I like the jelly splash better. The solid red really got in the way sometimes and cut off the sides of the screen a bit. At least you can see through the jelly a lot more clearly.beast786 said:The Ketchup stains are HORRIBLE .. who idea was that. They already had a perfect system which everyone else copied.
Man, I hate that thing.
Violater said:Yea it was that level and now
Ahhh the thermal sniper is sex pure unadulterated sex
Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff I'm back there again :/
theignoramus said:Jesus, I posted a LensofTruths framerate comparison,made a throwaway comment about some folks maybe wanting to use the facts to get the superior console version and I was called 'absolutely pathetic.':lol
That's good. Which makes your problem pretty weird_Alkaline_ said:According to MW2 my NAT setting are set to Open.
Takes 30-45 seconds to load. The game's six years old. Oh well.Teetris said: - PS3 - 360
Never heard of that. Are there any comparison shots from 4 with this? Does it work with AMD cards?
Tenkai Star said:I don't see the fun part at all. In the beginning it was funny that it was there but gameplay-wise. What were they thinking.
Demigod Mac said:Goodness, this PC version installation is torturous. I guess Activision didn't take into account that there's around a 99% chance that anyone installing this game probably already has Steam installed (it tries to install Steam no matter what) - then that didn't work (for a moment it says installing Steam, then, nothing happens), so I had to use Steam's hidden install from disc feature using the command line, and now it's taking forever to copy files from the DVD. Feels like I'm downloading the game at this rate.
DMeisterJ said:I take issue with this one man crusade you have to keep on bringing up frame-rate drops because what's the fucking point? Play the fucking game and stop trying to drag the PS3 version through the mud. Ugh.
Teetris said:So, still no maxed PC shots/videos to be found yet?
CorporalDork said:I got the Aussie PC version and the scene is definitely in there and it is definitely not cut.
TheExodu5 said:I never got a Steam install prompt with mine. A Steam window opened up asking for the CD-key and that was it. Most painless install I've ever done.
You need to erase the patch that you got when you first started up the game then load it without the patch and it should be there. After that you can re-install the patch.Apocalyptatron said:Why are there no trophies listed? It's not in my trophy collection?
CorporalDork said:That's because you had Steam already installed.
From my perspective, the install, the setup and the entire system for this game is one of the best and smoothest PC game's I've EVER had.
Very few times, if ever do I recall not having to find some sort of fix or setting change or something to do to my computer to get it to run.
This time, bang - worked like a charm and the Steam integration is great (this is my first time using Steam as well - yes that is crazy but I haven't played any PC games since MW the first time around).
LabouredSubterfuge said:I've gotta ask, is that Lorik Cana in your avatar? :lol
I'm almost done with the game so I want to finish up but if I finish, delete my save and the patch, do that, and restart I can get trophies normally or are they glitched out as long as you have the patch?Synless said:You need to erase the patch that you got when you first started up the game then load it without the patch and it should be there. After that you can re-install the patch.