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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |OT| Got 99 Problems, But Sales Ain't One.


Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone have any issues playing over the 360 wifi? I was at my parents place over Xmas and was playing like that and at first I didn't notice much, but a few days ago it seemed like I couldn't kill ANYONE. It was taking full clips to drop some guy and/or on the kill cam I was seeing something not even close to what I thought I saw.. ie - They'd see me much sooner than I'd see them or my shots weren't even showing up on their screen even though I was getting the little "x" and sound effect indicating I was hitting them.

I haven't tried playing since I got back home to my wired xbox to try it out again (will do that tonight), but I was just curious to know if playing over wifi really is that big of a disadvantage. Also should note that the signal strength is just fine, NAT is open, and everything else seems to be ok.
Does anyone have any issues playing over the 360 wifi? I was at my parents place over Xmas and was playing like that and at first I didn't notice much, but a few days ago it seemed like I couldn't kill ANYONE. It was taking full clips to drop some guy and/or on the kill cam I was seeing something not even close to what I thought I saw.. ie - They'd see me much sooner than I'd see them or my shots weren't even showing up on their screen even though I was getting the little "x" and sound effect indicating I was hitting them.

I haven't tried playing since I got back home to my wired xbox to try it out again (will do that tonight), but I was just curious to know if playing over wifi really is that big of a disadvantage. Also should not that the signal strength is just fine, NAT is open, and everything else seems to be ok.

Don't ever play multiplayer over WiFi if you have the option to use wired ethernet. The risk is just too great.
Yeah, I never do except when I'm visiting my parents. But I never realized it had THAT much of an effect.

I'm dubious of this claim. Until MW3 I hadn't experienced any lag problems and I only play with the wifi adapter (older 360).

My router is 10 feet below the system, so maybe the proximity helps in my situation.
It's been perfect for me for s good while.
Enjoying all those clan challenges are you? How about that wonderful prestige calculator? I'm Prestige 5 right now...only 10.3 years to go to get to Prestige 10 apparently...woohoo!

If you never see the ethernet cord having intercourse with the wall jack, consider yourself lucky, nay blessed!


It was taking full clips to drop some guy and/or on the kill cam I was seeing something not even close to what I thought I saw.. ie - They'd see me much sooner than I'd see them or my shots weren't even showing up on their screen even though I was getting the little "x" and sound effect indicating I was hitting them.

That all sounds normal for MW3. ;)


Unconfirmed Member
I'm dubious of this claim. Until MW3 I hadn't experienced any lag problems and I only play with the wifi adapter (older 360).

My router is 10 feet below the system, so maybe the proximity helps in my situation.
I was using the same thing, older 360 with a wifi adapter. When I really noticed it was when I brought it over to my friends to play side by side (he had an extra TV), he was connected via ethernet cable, I was on his wifi, and he'd even get into the games sooner, see the "after match" menus quicker, and just generally seem to do better. Sometimes we'd be on opposite teams and of course we'd cheat and look at each others screen to see where the other guy was, but somehow he'd always kill me first even though I "thought" I saw him first, started firing my gun first, etc. Yet he'd drop me 75% of the time. Even he couldn't believe it.


In a game where split second decisions happen constantly lag is a deciding factor. Even if it is a few milliseconds difference.
I've got a wired connection downstairs and a wifi connection upstairs and I don't notice a difference. I perform about the same no matter where I play the game.


Although I agree with wired being better and there being lag issues with pretty much any online game, I kind of feel like people use lag as an excuse anytime they lose. I run with friends who are ALWAYS complaining about lag. So much that I sometimes just mute them because I'm tired of hearing it.

Not pointing these comments at anyone in particular but there are always going to be players that are just plain better than you and some people just can't seem to accept that fact. If you're consistently getting gunned down its more likely that you're just not as good as you really think you are and less likely that its a network connection or netcode issue.


Host disadvantage is a fucking joke. I can see the guy and get 1 hit out of 10 dead on bullets. I rage quit and oo big surprise, host migration! Get rid of that shit


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
This game needs an Infection playlist so I can stop getting hundreds of messages from little kids asking me to join theirs.


Host disadvantage is a fucking joke. I can see the guy and get 1 hit out of 10 dead on bullets. I rage quit and oo big surprise, host migration! Get rid of that shit

I've been able to adjust for most of it. Sometimes it seems WAY worse than others though (I'm assuming it's when there is super high latency between me and whomever I'm hosting). There will be one guy on the other team that just has my number no matter what situation I encounter them in.

Oh and forget about knifing as host. FML. People off-host get like a 10 foot lunge and you get 2 inches if it'll even connect. Most of the time I just lunge forward and they spin around and one shot me. :rolleyes: I lose in CQB to a knife an average of 2-3 times a TDM match when I'm host.


I've been able to adjust for most of it. Sometimes it seems WAY worse than others though (I'm assuming it's when there is super high latency between me and whomever I'm hosting). There will be one guy on the other team that just has my number no matter what situation I encounter them in.

Oh and forget about knifing as host. FML. People off-host get like a 10 foot lunge and you get 2 inches if it'll even connect. Most of the time I just lunge forward and they spin around and one shot me. :rolleyes: I lose in CQB to a knife an average of 2-3 times a TDM match when I'm host.
That's exactly the problem. That one guy killed me at every encounter on Dome. Dome is small so I kept dying over and over. Such a stupid idea


Didn't bring my PS3 home over break, so obviously haven't played any Mw3. Looking at the last few pages of posts makes me glad!

Hopefully IW does something about the lag comp in the coming weeks.. We'll see. Bowling says they're back in the studio, I think.


Although I agree with wired being better and there being lag issues with pretty much any online game, I kind of feel like people use lag as an excuse anytime they lose. I run with friends who are ALWAYS complaining about lag. So much that I sometimes just mute them because I'm tired of hearing it.

Not pointing these comments at anyone in particular but there are always going to be players that are just plain better than you and some people just can't seem to accept that fact. If you're consistently getting gunned down its more likely that you're just not as good as you really think you are and less likely that its a network connection or netcode issue.

Nonsense. There may be people that overly complain, but sometimes the game gives you a consistently shitty connection. The level of bad connection varies, and for some it's real bad. Bad enough that it's pretty obvious while playing. But never mind. It's all in my head, and I just suck. No offense, but maybe your one of the lucky ones to not have as bad lag and can't relate to how bad others have it.
A good way to see how bad you're lagging is to count how many bullets the other players are killing you with. If you appear to die every time to a single bullet, you're lagging.


Nonsense. There may be people that overly complain, but sometimes the game gives you a consistently shitty connection. The level of bad connection varies, and for some it's real bad. Bad enough that it's pretty obvious while playing. But never mind. It's all in my head, and I just suck. No offense, but maybe your one of the lucky ones to not have as bad lag and can't relate to how bad others have it.

I never said its all in your head. But I do call bullshit when people complain about every single death being because of lag. Play some games with some real garbage netcode and you'll be wondering why you ever complained about any COD game. :)
So I a picked up the 360 version which looks so much nicer than the arse ugly PS3 one that I used to own. Can I change it to play like it does on the PS3 with ADS and fire on the bumpers instead of the triggers? Looking at the control schemes it looks like I can't but I figure id check anyway..


So I a picked up the 360 version which looks so much nicer than the arse ugly PS3 one that I used to own. Can I change it to play like it does on the PS3 with ADS and fire on the bumpers instead of the triggers? Looking at the control schemes it looks like I can't but I figure id check anyway..

Not as far as I know, but I'm a PS3 owner. It's the one thing that gets me when I'm at a friends house playing cod.. I can't fire quickly with the 360 triggers.
So I a picked up the 360 version which looks so much nicer than the arse ugly PS3 one that I used to own. Can I change it to play like it does on the PS3 with ADS and fire on the bumpers instead of the triggers? Looking at the control schemes it looks like I can't but I figure id check anyway..

Why the hell would you want to do that? Just get used to the superior way to fire.
So I a picked up the 360 version which looks so much nicer than the arse ugly PS3 one that I used to own. Can I change it to play like it does on the PS3 with ADS and fire on the bumpers instead of the triggers? Looking at the control schemes it looks like I can't but I figure id check anyway..

You should really train yourself to use the 360 triggers as intended. Default control schemes are usually the default because they've been vetted through extensive play testing.

Similarly I should probably train myself to play standard (as opposed to inverted) controls...but I can't ever fathom doing it. I know, pot kettle black etc.


You should really train yourself to use the 360 triggers as intended. Default control schemes are usually the default because they've been vetted through extensive play testing.

Similarly I should probably train myself to play standard (as opposed to inverted) controls...but I can't ever fathom doing it. I know, pot kettle black etc.

Default controls have the melee knife and pron crouch wrong. Tactical is the way to go.


So I a picked up the 360 version which looks so much nicer than the arse ugly PS3 one that I used to own. Can I change it to play like it does on the PS3 with ADS and fire on the bumpers instead of the triggers? Looking at the control schemes it looks like I can't but I figure id check anyway..

I don't know about you, but 360 controllers are pretty uncomfortable if you hold them with your index fingers over the should buttons instead of the triggers. Just adjust to the triggers IMO. They're way more comfortable.
I'm a dirty drop-shotter on occasion so I need crouch on the sticks. Besides, I never think to melee when I'm at point blank range anyway, so having it on the sticks is a waste for me.
I'm not the only one that often accidentally hits melee on the thumbstick right? I've had countless deaths where I get a huge jump on my guy but do this and die hah

True. I'm not going to lie either: a big percentage of my melee kills are accidental thumb-freakouts when I round a corner.
I'm not the only one that often accidentally hits melee on the thumbstick right? I've had countless deaths where I get a huge jump on my guy but do this and die hah

i have melee and crouch switched, so i find that a lot of the time I am accidentally doing dropshots. sometimes it helps. other times it throws off my aim.

Tweet from bowling confirms:
Fmg nerf
Type 95 nerf
Striker nerf
Shotgun buff

End of January boys

Only other thing left would be to buff the LMGs.


Hey guys I have been away from the game for a few weeks (my Xbox is in my dorm and I am at home on winter break). I was just wondering what the info is on DLC? Has anything been released/announced?


Hey guys I have been away from the game for a few weeks (my Xbox is in my dorm and I am at home on winter break). I was just wondering what the info is on DLC? Has anything been released/announced?

Last I heard the first piece of DLC is out the end of January.


Didn't they already nerf the Type-95? It sucks when hip-firing now which was what I though was what made it so strong in short to mid range.


I don't have a lot of problems with the Type 95 anymore, but maybe I'm getting lucky in not finding a lot of people using it.

Could just be a placebo for them saying it got nerfed or maybe a few games with lag but I have this feeling like its also not as accurate from long range anymore.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I killed a camper on my team yesterday.

He was on the other team the first few games and he was camping like crazy. You know the kind that don't move from their spot until you kill them. I killed him way more than he killed me but it still pissed me off on general principle. So when he was on my team and I found him in one of his spots I threw my Care Package marker at his feet and the package landed on his head killing him dead.

I don't have a lot of problems with the Type 95 anymore, but maybe I'm getting lucky in not finding a lot of people using it.

I don't see it nearly as much as I used to. I think because it is a burst fire gun it didn't need a huge nerf to turn most people off. Its still a great gun in the hands a good player but its not going to prop up average to below average players like it was.


Tweet from bowling confirms:
Fmg nerf
Type 95 nerf
Striker nerf
Shotgun buff

End of January boys
lol. I love how shotguns went from being absolute shit @ launch, to being so damn buff that they are cheap and overused (Hi Striker), to now getting a nerf. Oh, IW, never change.

I killed a camper on my team yesterday.
I just block their site lines until they die. Or just follow them to their next camping spot. Usually get the message...good times.


Unconfirmed Member
Tweet from bowling confirms:
Fmg nerf
Type 95 nerf
Striker nerf
Shotgun buff

End of January boys
Thank god

BTW - Does anyone believe that IW makes the guns weaker the more you use them to encourage you to try new things? It could be a placebo effect, but I swear when I use a new gun I can own with it for a while, but then it seems I can't kill anyone with the same amount of shots after I've leveled it up. I'll then switch to a new gun that I unlocked and just destroy with it, rinse, repeat.
Thank god

BTW - Does anyone believe that IW makes the guns weaker the more you use them to encourage you to try new things? It could be a placebo effect, but I swear when I use a new gun I can own with it for a while, but then it seems I can't kill anyone with the same amount of shots after I've leveled it up. I'll then switch to a new gun that I unlocked and just destroy with it, rinse, repeat.
kinda the opposite for me. When I start with a weapon I suck with it, but the more I use it the more I understand its strengths and weaknesses, and compensate for them.
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