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Can you guys stop talking about censorship in Dead Rising?


We just want to consume without asking questions, like the damn zombies in the Willamette mall!!!
Who cares about a little bit of censorship???



But for real, barely any reviews mentioning the censorship is balls beyond the walls.

Are you wondering what was cut?

Removed Erotica bonus points from photo's (removed the Erotica feature entirely), the Butcher was Asian but now he's a white guy, the Vietnam PTSD veteran has had all references to Vietnam removed, less zombies, Non functioning mirrors. Removed original voice actors..



Everyone should just play the initial release on PC. It came much later, so it is patched, but had none of the censorship, I think it came out in 2016 or something like that.
Not true. It's based off of a censored European version. Granted I don't remember what all was changed but at the point we're playing one version to avoid changes in another...

I really can't express in any language how much I despise this shit so I'm just going to say "lemon titty fart" and call it a day.
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I played the OG Xbox 360 version back in the day. Except for the "no points for taking photos up the skirts", what else is censored?
Thankfully I don't have strong urges to take photos of female zombie's cunts.


The funny thing is that they are doing the whole "removing politics from games" thing. They are removing some of the in your face political aspect of the photo journalism that this capturing of "news" inherently has a fetishistic and voyeuristic aspect. They are removing references to how people become obsessed with politics and see everything through a political lens. Likewise, they are removing a political reference to how immigrant labour is used in the industrial meat industry because it is seen as too brutal and dehumanising for "natives".


World’s Biggest Weeb
wow, just wow. Imagine needing T&A in a video game because you feel so insecure about your manhood. Just go look at porn you dorks.

And didn’t you know that zombies are basically a bunch of harmful stereotypes of African Americans? How can anybody be OK with this kind of racism? Yikes, y’all.

/s in case it wasn’t obvious.


They keep messing up remasters. It is amazing.

They also took out the kid's speech impediment in the FF9 remaster. I wish someone would fix that.


Gold Member
I thought asians were basically considered white males in the oppression pyramid, what changed?

You know what, don't aswer, we are already way too political.
Yea, I don't want to go there, but they swapped out the Asian for a White guy, enough said.
I don't know why some people find it hard to understand. Censorship is not good. It's not about the particular specific thing that has been censored. It's the principle. Saying that's it's minor or inconsequential is not a rebuttal. No society that has advocated for censorship, not matter how superficial have ended up the good guys.
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