Sweet Ivy
Maybe worth it, but a bit pricey!Oh my god. My poor heart. I want this more than anything, I've been waiting eons...but I can't at that price :'(
Maybe worth it, but a bit pricey!Oh my god. My poor heart. I want this more than anything, I've been waiting eons...but I can't at that price :'(
No Man's Sky isn't a part of the E3 deal on Amazon?
No, I must resist. There's just too much coming out around that time of year. That two week timeframe I'm already planning on getting Battlefield One, Titanfall 2, and the Last Guardian. Rest in pieces my bank account
And yet if you put in a cart and try to place an order, your savings is $6 off $69.99.Final Fantasy XII dropped to $69.99.
And yet if you put in a cart and try to place an order, your savings is $6 off $69.99.
That's not 20%. 20% would be $14. Is this the new math?
Makes me think you guys should be double-checking your discounts. Especially if you've got giant orders with lots of games in them.
A lot of these games announced are not coming out untill late 2017, which means maybe there will be 30% off next year. Lol
Final Fantasy XII dropped to $69.99.
So I add the ones I want into my amazon cart. In this case:
The Last Guardian CE
Monster Hunter: Gen
Shin Megami Tensei 4 Apocalypse
and P5 steelbook edition.
Then I wait and see if the prices go down further?
What about next time I make an amazon order, do I remove them from my cart? How does that work exactly?
Of the ones listed in my cart only FF15 shows a rebate (30%)
Sorry but I don't seem to quite understand the system to get the most bang for me' buck.
you like RPGs man but no DQ, SMTIV:A?GAF, am I missing anything? (based on the taste of the games listed). I have PS3/PS4/Vita/Wii U/3DS
Anyone have an idea as to why the discount seems to be missing something?
I ordered:
Dragon Quest Builders
Trails of Cold Steel (PS3/Vita)
Zelda U
Kingdom Hearts 2.8
Pokemon Sun + Moon
World of Final Fantasy
Resident Evil 7
Final Fantasy XII
They all should be qualified for the E3 deal but it ends up being a couple bucks more expensive than what my math says.
739.86 * 0.8 = 591.89, rather than the 611.89 it's showing as the subtotal.
you like RPGs man but no DQ, SMTIV:A?
Just checked and mine's off by a few dollars, too. Should be 439.94 before tax but I'm being charged 447.93.
I just did a 20 item order, and ended up with $7.90 missing from the discount. So I talked to customer support and he went through every item and said that it seems like they're only doing 19.5% discounts instead of 20%... what. He gave me a $7.90 promotion to make up the difference.
Are they going to fix this themselves or do we all have to talk with support?
You guys weren't kidding about the Amazon multiple orders thing. My account has been presumably banned (I can't login), and they sent me an email requesting banking information, including the address of my main bank and the phone number.
I don't know what that's about, but I'm not feeling this hassle for 20% off. Back to Best Buy and VGP with me.
What are the discounts this year at BestBuy and Amazon?
Yeah, this was the first time I have made an Amazon account. I had 10 orders, which I cancelled last night and then re-ordered and put into a single order. That might have raised a red flag, but every CSR I've contacted, either online or by phone, has been like talking to a brick wall. Plus, I don't really like how they are asking me personal information in order to just "create an inquiry" - seems strange to me. I'd rather just have my account closed at this point.how many orders did you make? and is a new account? it might have been flagged for so many orders done in such a short time if the account is new.
I'm just guessing though.
The Order 1886 is currently $0.97 on best buy..
Yeah, this was the first time I have made an Amazon account. I had 10 orders, which I cancelled last night and then re-ordered and put into a single order. That might have raised a red flag, but every CSR I've contacted, either online or by phone, has been like talking to a brick wall. Plus, I don't really like how they are asking me personal information in order to just "create an inquiry" - seems strange to me. I'd rather just have my account closed at this point.
The Order 1886 is currently $0.97 on best buy..
That would be a valid reason, and I would typically appreciate that level of security, but it's a real frustrating first experience. You'd think that they'd expect an influx of new members during this time, all who are trying to snag the best deals possible before they disappear.that's unfortunate. I do think that they're asking for your information because they do need to verify that they are speaking to the actual person, and not someone who hijacked your CC info.
As an alternative, Best Buy is giving back reward zone points if you want to go that route.
Infinite Warfare Legacy not part of 20% off ;_;
Guess I'll wait for a few days or a week after launch and see if they say anything about releasing Modern Warfare separately.
Amazon had the game, along with a bunch others for the 30% off deal last night. I came back and checked again and it's back to $109. Last night the Legacy edition was $79.
Damn it, really?
I have the standard edition pre-ordered on Amazon, and I just placed a pre-order at EB Games for the Legacy Edition with my trade-ins (amounted to paying it off), but I'm keeping an eye out on Amazon now.
Amazon had the game, along with a bunch others for the 30% off deal last night. I came back and checked again and it's back to $109. Last night the Legacy edition was $79.
Yeah, I'm hoping the price goes back to $79. I was to tired last night to do anything and was gonna pre-order a few games today. That bit me in the ass.
I thought this whole E3 deal was suppose to last all of this week.
First year for me with no pre-orders, can't justify the cost, even with the discount (plus Amazon's shitty shipping)
I'll pick up anything I want when it drops in price
Infinite Warfare Legacy not part of 20% off ;_;
Guess I'll wait for a few days or a week after launch and see if they say anything about releasing Modern Warfare separately.
First year for me with no pre-orders, can't justify the cost, even with the discount (plus Amazon's shitty shipping)
I'll pick up anything I want when it drops in price
Crackdown 3 and FFXII both have wrong discounts. I went through all the items individually in my order and found those to be the problematic games, so it seems like discounted games, or those that dropped in price since they went up, have a wrong discount, like the lower price eats away at the discount.
FFXII for example had a 16 dollar discount (79,99*20%) at first, and now that it went down to 69.99, the discount is 6 dollars, so the 10 dollar price drop took away 10 bucks from the discount.
Amazon had the game, along with a bunch others for the 30% off deal last night. I came back and checked again and it's back to $109. Last night the Legacy edition was $79.