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Canadian Election

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Just voted for the PQ. At least here in Quebec we have a good party that takes care of us.

If I would of been out of Quebec and in the west I think I would of voted for the conservatives.
Fight for Freeform said:
Mike: Just keep in mind that most of the Liberal's screw ups had lot more to do with Martin, than Chretien.

On the other hand, I have to admit that if it weren't for these screw-ups, the Liberals would have had a pretty clean record.

But they did screw up, and they'll pay for it by losing the majority/election.
That may be true, but they honestly could've fucked up even more than they did with the financial screw ups, and it still wouldn't make me vote for a party who is Pro-Life.


I'm decided. I'm voting green. They all suck, are irresponsible hacks. My vote will emulate them (aka sucky and irresponsible).


Ahh, that was easy. Nice to skip past all the suckers in the big long line and just walk up and get your ballot. Bring your voter registration card, losers!

Nice thing about being in a city centre, you get all the options. Had I known I would have Green, Communist *and* Marijuana Party candidates I might have gone to the debate!








Not knowing what riding I was in, I did a search to see what my options where. Upon checking, I saw that I had a Marxist-Leninist guy! So I figured I'd vote to him. Just to make sure I had the right riding, I asked my parents, and it turns out I was looking at the wrong riding. Now, in the riding that I'm ACTUALLY in, there is no Marxist-Leninist. So I'm gonna end up voting NDP probably


Gas Guzzler
I voted for the Conservatives today. I started this election voting Anybody But the Liberals, but now I feel good voting for the Conservatives. I hope they form the government.


Voted NDP, but my riding (Nova Scotia) already went Liberal.

Thus far, it's been a big increase for the Liberals in Atlantic Canada, NDP down One (Although it wasn't a safe seat at all, incumbent left politics) and the Conservatives down 3, but the big change is the popular vote.

Right now, Conservatives down almost 12%, Liberals up about 4% and then the NDP gaining about 6%. Thus far, the merger seems to have had a negative effect in Atlantic Canada.


CBC and CTV calling a liberal minority government and Martin is losing his race at last count.

Bloc is the kingmaker, since the NDP/Liberal count so far is not a majority yet.


CBC projects Liberal Minority Government, as does CTV.

Now it just comes down to whether NDP and Liberal can combine or not. Although really, most social policy the Bloc will support Liberals on.


As expected, my riding went NDP again. And with 30 of 159 polls reporting, John M. Siedleski of the Marijuana Party is WAY out in front of Communist Party candidate Anna-Celestrya Carr, 49-15!

Damn, we should have elected Carr.
Anna-Celestrya Carr

Party: Communist Party
Age: 18

Career Background: Active in the Aboriginal, refugee, youth, peace and women's movements.
I can not even *imagine* a more annoying combination of interests, and she's frigging 18 years old to boot. Sending her to Parliament would be worth it just for the inevitable reality TV series it would spawn.


I think as more British Columbians vote (still a lot of time left here), the NDP will gain more ground. Here's hoping for a Liberal-NDP minority.
canada.com is down.

Still, I'm disappointed on how many people are willing to forgive the Liberals inepitude. I hate their wishy washy politics. If you left, NDP, right Conservative, there really is no reason to go liberal other than the fact that YOU CAN'T MAKE UP YOUR MIND!

Ah well, polls are closed, whats done is done.


Ian Hanomansing is the pimp. Once Manbridge hangs up his spurs Ian is all over that anchor desk on The National.

My mom has an amusing crush on him. My dad's pretty cool about it.

I'm cheering for a Liberal minority at this point, with the NDP getting some serious juice from their ability to form a coalition especially on social issues, along with the bloc.
Gorgie said:
canada.com is down.

Still, I'm disappointed on how many people are willing to forgive the Liberals inepitude. I hate their wishy washy politics. If you left, NDP, right Conservative, there really is no reason to go liberal other than the fact that YOU CAN'T MAKE UP YOUR MIND!

Ah well, polls are closed, whats done is done.

Well, some leftists people would choose the Liberals over the NDP because the Liberals have a better chance of leading a government than the NDP. If the polls had the NDP neck to neck with the Conservatives, perhaps then it would be better to vote for the NDP. People can't always get what they want, and perhaps they feel that it would be better to get some of their views represented rather than none or little at all. This is coming from a repentant Ralph Nader supporter.
My local poll is one of the closest ones in Canada. As of right now, there is a 115 vote difference between the Liberal canidate (who I voted for) and the Conservative canidate.


So far:

136 Liberals
94 Conservatives
55 Bloc Quebecois
22 NPD

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! GO PQ GO! Last record was 54 seats in 93. We OWNED.



One day my friends, one day!
Malakhov said:
So far:

136 Liberals
94 Conservatives
55 Bloc Quebecois
22 NPD

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! GO PQ GO! Last record was 54 seats in 93. We OWNED.



One day my friends, one day!

Maybe a Liberal-NDP coalition is possible after all. Some separtist-disliking people must be glad that the Bloc won't be as vital to the incoming government. No offense intended to Bloc supporters.


Non vital? Haha, are you out of your mind? The Liberals have no choice to turn to Layton and get his support or they are SCREWED against the BQ and Conservatives. The BQ just set a record as to how many seats they're gonna have lol

There's a LIVE results button to the left. Just click LAUNCH, you need flash. It's really cool, as you can see how your riding is doing.

Eggplant, your right, and I'm glad its a minority government as every party will have their say on new policies.

Here goes, the PQ got 12% of the popular vote, but 18% of the seats. Liberals got 38% of the popular vote, but 44% of the seats. The conservatives got 29% of the votes, but 30% of the seats, and the NDP's got 15% of the popular vote, but 7% of the seats.

This is why Canada needs proportional representation, the ridings don't work anymore. Basically, all the votes go to the party, and after the election, the party can decide who from the party gets a seat, based on which area of the country gave the most votes, and candidates willingly to serve that area.


Hopefully the Bloc's success means an inevitable and successful separatist movement.

Then again, haven't they moved away from such a platform? Isn't it mostly pulling for special attention to Quebec? Shouldn't we then be unsurprised at their results?
Malakhov said:
Non vital? Haha, are you out of your mind? The Liberals have no choice to turn to Layton and get his support or they are SCREWED against the BQ and Conservatives. The BQ just set a record as to how many seats they're gonna have lol

Where did I use the term "non-vital"? I meant to say that the Liberals or Conservatives would not have to depend on the Bloc for government. Earlier polls had indicated that the NDP and Liberals would not have enough seats to meet 155, thus making the Bloc the kingmaker. However, it now appears that the NDP and Liberals have enough seats combined.


Socreges said:
Hopefully the Bloc's success means an inevitable and successful separatist movement.
I wish my friend, I wish since I'm a separarist but I highly doubt it. Not everyone who voted BQ tonight are separatists.


eggplant said:
Where did I use the term "non-vital"? I meant to say that the Liberals or Conservatives would not have to depend on the Bloc for government. Earlier polls had indicated that the NDP and Liberals would not have enough seats to meet 155, thus making the Bloc the kingmaker. However, it now appears that the NDP and Liberals have enough seats combined.
But the thing is the NDP is much much closer to the BQ than the Liberals. This is the biggest win ever for the BQ tonight.

Have you watched much of the debates and followed the coverage? It was basicly like this:

Layton - I agree with you
Duceppe - So do I
Layton - So hmm would you hold my dick for a second I have to pee?
Duceppe - Sure and after that can you wipe my ass after I'm done?
Layton - Sure thing!


Today is a good day for my party (ndp). No complaints here. Hopefully, we'll have a vote on proportional representation soon.


Maybe some don't realize this...

Bloc is the most leftist party in Canada, and thus they match up with Liberals/NDP social issues. In passing legislation of a social issue, they will pretty well have Liberal/NDP/Bloc support overall.

Right now, watching Landslide Annie closely. I know her Nephew.


There's many reasons why I'd like to separate from Canada but if I get into details I'll never finish.

- We could finally decide by ourselves what we would with our money from returns and taxes.

- We could decide how we would invest our money because we don't receive our just part from the federal governement as it is for research and development in particular. (Some federalists here are gonna go around and say that Quebec does receive a lot of money but we don't get any investments ie: Chambly and GM).

- We'll save a lot of money by only having one governement instead of having 2 ministries.

- Also, we will be able to affirm ourselves as the one and only french population in America, proud and responsable of our language and of our culture and protect it.

- Since Canada was created there always have been differences between Quebec and Canada wich only have gotten worse since the constitution renewal in 1982 wich brought us Meech and Chalottetown without any results whatsoever. These differences cost canadians A LOT of money.

- We want our country where we can be responsible of our future wich is even more important because of the mondialisation, a good numbers of our representants have been refused by the federal governement to international conventions ie: January 7 in 2000, we learned that Ottawa stopped Bernard Landry from meetings with costa-rica and Panama by ordering his diplomats to deny him any meetings with the leaders of these 2 countries.

We're being told what to do and what not to do and this country is supposed to be a confederation.

It's not that we have something against our fellow western neighboors, it's just that it would be better for both of us.
Memles said:
Maybe some don't realize this...

Bloc is the most leftist party in Canada, and thus they match up with Liberals/NDP social issues. In passing legislation of a social issue, they will pretty well have Liberal/NDP/Bloc support overall.

Right now, watching Landslide Annie closely. I know her Nephew.


I'm pretty happy with these results. I think that Layton's voice in the house of commons will definitely be a positive one. One of the things he hopes to propose is proportional voting for the elections themselves. That would make more sense and everyone's vote really would count. Anyways...

I'm sure we're bound to be screwed in some way over the next little while, but I also feel that this government could be a positive change for Canada. Shit, as long as education costs go down NOW, I'll be happy.


It's not that we have something against our fellow western neighboors, it's just that it would be better for both of us.
They should make the vote a national one. You'd get your independence in an instant, believe me. ;)

The Liberals KICKED MAJOR ASS in my area :)

I spent the whole day with my dad, former school trustee in the area, canvassing 2 polling areas

Our Candidate destroyed the Conservative

Even the Conservative scrutineer's at the polling stations were shocked

Then the victory party was pretty sweet, free beer :p

And clearly Ontarians are still pissed off at Mike Harris as Tony Clement and David Johnson both got thrashed

Unfortunately, Belinda Stronach managed to win her riding :/

And how the hell did Olivia Chow lose?!?!


Olivia Chow was a surprise, yeah. For a while there Layton was behind too.

You'll also notice that a lot of Paul Martin's hand-picked MPs got pummeled as well. They lost Hamilton to the NDP because of Sheila Copps' ejection.


Gas Guzzler
I wouldn't mind seeing Quebec separate from Canada.

If there was a national vote for Independence, I'd vote for Quebec to become it's own country.

So long as Quebec pays its share of the national debt.


I've never been to Quebec and I don't have any ill feelings towards it. :-\ I don't really know the reasons for seperation outside of wanting to exercise their own culture and not being considered "Canadian" since the culture is pretty different as is. I guess if people living in the province really want to seperate that badly though, maybe we should let them. The Canadian map would look weird if that happened though...


I really really cannot understand why everyone is so keen on proportional representation. As far as I can tell, there is no way to work it such that you have a fully proportional system where the party members have any personal responsibility. I've heard a suggestion along the lines of that if a party gets 45% of the popular vote, 45% of the legislature is made up of members of that party.

So who are those members then accountable to? Do they just vote along party lines, in which case we may as well just vote four or five people into a tiny little legislature. Where does the ability to remove someone who you don't agree with from office, whether you like their party or not, come in? Not to mention, how do we say who we want to make up the party we vote for?

I see a lot of people gung ho about it, but I don't see a lot of actual solutions described. I understand that you don't want your vote lost, but it seems to me that purely proportional would be asking for less choice rather than more (like david kilgore in Edmonton South is supposedly against gay marriage, but in every other way a Liberal. How does that translate?). It's a strengthening of the parties, and it basically seems like taking the problem of party leaders being able to force their party to vote a certain way to an extreme.


Liberal 135 + NDP 19 = 154

Conservative 99 + Bloc 54 = 153

In other words, the Bloc is one riding away from holding the balance of power? I'm not sure I understand the system properly.
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