Canadian Gaming Deals and Discussion Thread 7: More Shipping Talk than Anime & TV GAF

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If you're in Quebec.

Ebox just announced 120 mbps for $69.99 a month for the first year (10 more after that). Unlimited bandwith.

I think they serve part of Ontario too.

Effective October 1st.

I left them a year ago for videotron because I wanted cable tv, but I got rid of the cable tv part in April.

Guess I'm going back.


Does anyone know what the LTE bands are for MTS and Telus? Planning on picking up an unlocked phone but I want to make sure I get one with the right LTE bands.

I know I for sure need band 4, but what else should I be looking for?


Neo Member
If anyone's interested : i have an Amazon E3 2015 preorder for Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4) and Last Guardian (PS4). Pre-ordered them planning to eventually buy a PS4, but never got to it. Not too excited about the PS4 Pro and I'll probably keep sticking to PC.

They're both ticked at 71,99 minus 30% - if someone wants to grab them at that price (or one of them) for cost + shipping, send me a PM and we'll work something out. Otherwise, I'll probably end up cancelling the order altogether. I'm in Quebec city.


If you're in Quebec.

Ebox just announced 120 mbps for $69.99 a month for the first year (10 more after that). Unlimited bandwith.

I think they serve part of Ontario too.

Effective October 1st.

I left them a year ago for videotron because I wanted cable tv, but I got rid of the cable tv part in April.

Guess I'm going back.

wait what? I pay like 60 for 15/10 with them...

got a link for that^?


wait what? I pay like 60 for 15/10 with them...

got a link for that^?

Check their facebook page.

It's gonna be official on September 1st.

That's for cable, probably only those that are connected through Videotron's last mile.

edit: Just called and made the switch. They're going to activate it on the 13th. Same day as PS VR! Hopefully won't have any issues with that on that day.

Now I just have to call Vidéotron and tell them I'm transfering on that day.


My flight to Lisbon, Portugal and back plus 5 days accommodations combined after all fees and taxes is cheaper than the cheapest iPhone 7 in Canada =\



If you're in Quebec.

Ebox just announced 120 mbps for $69.99 a month for the first year (10 more after that). Unlimited bandwith.

I think they serve part of Ontario too.

Effective October 1st.

I left them a year ago for videotron because I wanted cable tv, but I got rid of the cable tv part in April.

Guess I'm going back.

They're available in my area, but I don't see this deal on their website.


Question for you guys regarding Amazon E3 orders.

i placed a bunch of orders on amazon during e3 and have a bulk of them coming out within the next month..

if i get Amazon Prime free trial for a month can i convert those already ordered from them to ship faster? cause currently the delivery dates seem much after release
Question for you guys regarding Amazon E3 orders.

i placed a bunch of orders on amazon during e3 and have a bulk of them coming out within the next month..

if i get Amazon Prime free trial for a month can i convert those already ordered from them to ship faster? cause currently the delivery dates seem much after release

Not unless you get a really sympathetic CSR (and good luck with that). Prime shipping only applies to orders placed while you have Prime. It can expire afterwards and you'll retain the free two-day shipping, but you can't subscribe now and convert earlier orders into Prime-shipped ones.

Or not? I thought I saw a bunch of reports in prior E3 threads that CSRs wouldn't change orders, but it looks like I was wrong. Sorry!


Question for you guys regarding Amazon E3 orders.

i placed a bunch of orders on amazon during e3 and have a bulk of them coming out within the next month..

if i get Amazon Prime free trial for a month can i convert those already ordered from them to ship faster? cause currently the delivery dates seem much after release

Correct. You can upgrade the shipping. I've done it in the past too.
LOL. Only took over a week for Amazon to email me the pre-order add-on for SMTIV:A. I mean I'm still playing Cold Steel II so it's not like it really matters, but I just thought it was funny nonetheless.



this feels like something they're doing only because they're obligated to

Reminds me of the Uncharted 2 Fortune Hunter's Edition thing. Super cool and super limited collector's edition, but the contest was only open to US residents. Bunch of us complain in the PlayStation Blog comments, and they give us a contest...with only one Fortune Hunter's Edition available.

LOL. Only took over a week for Amazon to email me the pre-order add-on for SMTIV:A. I mean I'm still playing Cold Steel II so it's not like it really matters, but I just thought it was funny nonetheless.

Amazon once sent me my beta code for Rainbow Six Siege the day after the full game came out.
I was able to convert several 2015 pre orders to prime shipping after getting it in 2016 without issue. Could have just gotten lucky on my first shot though?

It kind of looks like I was just wrong about not being able to convert orders, I thought I remembered people in previous E3 threads trying and failing, but I actually have no first-hand experience. I shouldn't have sounded like I was so sure about it. My bad, everyone!


Cheers, I'll try contacting them tomorrow to see if I can get that specific deal.

As a follow-up.

I had to call Videotron this morning to tell them I'm transferring.

Well.. turns out I'm not.

Didn't think they would make any interesting offers...

But 61.95 for the 120mbps unlimited is too good to pass on. (price is also good for 2 years, instead of just 1 with ebox)
As a follow-up.

I had to call Videotron this morning to tell them I'm transferring.

Well.. turns out I'm not.

Didn't think they would make any interesting offers...

But 61.95 for the 120mbps unlimited is too good to pass on. (price is also good for 2 years, instead of just 1 with ebox)

That's...really good. I mean they recently bumped me to 60mbps for free but I do have to pay the 10 bucks for unlimited bandwidth. Does that price require you to have cable TV as well?


Check their facebook page.

It's gonna be official on September 1st.

That's for cable, probably only those that are connected through Videotron's last mile.

edit: Just called and made the switch. They're going to activate it on the 13th. Same day as PS VR! Hopefully won't have any issues with that on that day.

Now I just have to call Vidéotron and tell them I'm transfering on that day.

holy shit you're right

I live alone and 120mbps unlimited sounds completely unnecessary but it's like ... 8$ more than what i'm currently paying so hey why not



That's...really good. I mean they recently bumped me to 60mbps for free but I do have to pay the 10 bucks for unlimited bandwidth. Does that price require you to have cable TV as well?

It's the only service I have with them. Just internet. And they included the router rental in the price too.

By comparison, up to now I was paying 77.94 for 30 mbit right now. $5 was from router rental, and 9 from 300 gb bloc.

Bonus is that instead of waiting until the 13th when they were going to make the transfer, I'll have that speed active when I get home from work tonight.

holy shit you're right

I live alone and 120mbps unlimited sounds completely unnecessary but it's like ... 8$ more than what i'm currently paying so hey why not


Yeah, for me it was a price reduction to begin with. And videotron made me an even better off if you didn't see above.


If anyone else is considering cancelling their PSVR preorder (the bundle with the wands), PM me first. I recently came into a bit of money and would like to pick one up, but I already cancelled mine. We can figure out a way so that I can pay you and just change the shipping address to me.


If anyone else is considering cancelling their PSVR preorder (the bundle with the wands), PM me first. I recently came into a bit of money and would like to pick one up, but I already cancelled mine. We can figure out a way so that I can pay you and just change the shipping address to me.

I would also be interested in doing this.
Anybody with a pre-ordered PSVR bundle on Amazon Canada, what delivery date does it show for you? are those placeholder dates or am I really getting this thing around October 24?


Really? WTF? I pre-ordered the minute pre-orders went live and mine says arriving between Oct 20 and Oct 24, what a freaking joke.

amazon? I would preorder from BB and get some rewards points, zero incentive to get anything from amazon now honestly beside slow ass shipping.


You're right, but it's too late now I guess.

BB just announced midnight launch party in the State so maybe they will do it is selected store in Canada, there should be a decent chance of getting one. At this point I would buy everything from local BB to keep the stores alive than the forever downgrading Amazon. There are also london drugs, the source etc, places where people don't normal shop for games.


Agreed, my e3 preorders from last year/this year started to arrive late since this year. Called/emailed and it's still slow. Switching to BB for sure if they are not gonna fix this slow ass shipping.
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