Yes, it is indeed bullshit. I'm from Calgary, and the single 5% tax is literally the only thing I miss about living there lol.
Lol, there really isn't much to miss about here
Yes, it is indeed bullshit. I'm from Calgary, and the single 5% tax is literally the only thing I miss about living there lol.
While BB is showing Mar 7 for Pro controller, Zelda and the Switch, it is showing Mar 3 for the extra charger. This is making me worried that the March 7 estimate is more than them playing it safe. The theory about the stock being in Vancouver may be true
So, not shipping stuff or anything, but...
Atelier Sophie The Alchemist of The Mysterious Book has dropped to $49.99 (from $79.99) on Amazon.ca
If I order this, will my Switch ship quicker?
It's true for gift cards from all retailers. Gift cards are a huge scam pushed on consumers by retail. Giving a gift that forces someone to go to a certain retailer instead of cash that they can use anywhere? Fucking geniuses.On a somewhat related note, I worked at EB years and years ago, and I remember learning a fun fact that some ungodly number of gift cards never go redeemed (or, there is like a dollar or two left after the transaction, so the customer just says "meh, keep it"). I can't remember the exact number, or if that's still a thing like it was, but unused gift card currency makes them a fuck ton of money.
It's true for gift cards from all retailers. Gift cards are a huge scam pushed on consumers by retail. Giving a gift that forces someone to go to a certain retailer instead of cash that they can use anywhere? Fucking geniuses.
I mean, it's opportunistic but it isn't a scam lol. People could just as easily put a modicum of thought into an actual gift (or just admit defeat and throw cash into a card).
If this theory/rumor is true, they would have no stock for walk-ins along the east? That CSR on the BB forum must've been working real "hard" if true
So, not shipping stuff or anything, but...
Atelier Sophie The Alchemist of The Mysterious Book has dropped to $49.99 (from $79.99) on Amazon.ca
It's less of a scam now that balances don't expire* like they used to but the amount of effort retail puts into convincing people they're a good idea is astounding. I hate when people give me gift cards.I mean, it's opportunistic but it isn't a scam lol. People could just as easily put a modicum of thought into an actual gift (or just admit defeat and throw cash into a card).
Sitting here at work with my BB Switch preorder tab open in another window, trying to get some work done but the F5 key wont stop calling me...
A console that quickly drops in price isn't a healthy console... one that has staying power means it's successful. You should be rooting for a console with a robust lineup, not to save $50 6 months from now.
Yeah, I think the rule is:
console drops in price really quickly: in trouble but not doomed (3DS)
console drops in price after a year or two: successful (PS4/XB1/etc.)
console never drops in price: doomed (Vita, Wii U)
I have been charged for everything from BestBuy. Pro-C, Switch, and Zelda.
Oh... it is coming tomorrow. I BELIEVE!! YES.
Should I skip school to make sure I don't miss the package? I have work at 245PM, think it will arrive at my house before then? When do they normally arrive.
That's YMMV.Should I skip school to make sure I don't miss the package? I have work at 245PM, think it will arrive at my house before then? When do they normally arrive.
Well it is March after all.Madness in this thread right now
I have been charged for everything from BestBuy. Pro-C, Switch, and Zelda.
Oh... it is coming tomorrow. I BELIEVE!! YES.
Should I skip school to make sure I don't miss the package? I have work at 245PM, think it will arrive at my house before then? When do they normally arrive.
Western, Central, or Eastern Canada?
Delivered as early as March 07.
Amazon has shipped my Switch and Zelda.
I want to know who's fault is it that no Switch have started to ship in Canada so far, while in the US they started shipping them fucking yesterday.
There's clearly a distribution problem somewhere. Or is Nintendo of Canada being dicks and forbidding retailers to start shipping before release day?
I want to know who's fault is it that no Switch have started to ship in Canada so far, while in the US they started shipping them fucking yesterday.
There's clearly a distribution problem somewhere. Or is Nintendo of Canada being dicks and forbidding retailers to start shipping before release day?
Amazon has shipped my Switch and Zelda.
Why did I receive the product before the tracking number was made available?
Occasionally, we ship new release products before tracking numbers and order statuses are loaded into our system. We try to get every game into your hands as soon as possible. To accomplish this, we sometimes use external resources that ship the product directly from the source, thereby eliminating extra handling time. Our systems are updated as soon as we get the data back from the external resource, which is sometimes well after your product has been shipped. When time is of the essence, we place the priority on getting the product to you rather than updating our records because, in the end, getting the product to you is what it is all about.
Whoa. Gives me hope. Do you mind sharing your city / shipping speed / carrier they used?
And it was said to arrive on the 8th like everyone else?
Hamilton/Priority/Canada Post
It had said it was gonna ship on the 6th and come 7th-8th since it was pre ordered.
Remember, guys. This is what it says on EB:
Still getting me really anxious though lol
My Switch pre-order from The Source just shipped with Canada Post. No tracking info available yet. Hype!
Hamilton/Priority/Canada Post
It had said it was gonna ship on the 6th and come 7th-8th since it was pre ordered.
mine shipped from bustbuy using canada post. lets see when it comes in...
I got charged by BestBuy but my Switch console shows Delivered as early as March 07.
This is so annoying, I preordered the moment that link went live and I live in Toronto.