Last time I went it pretty much went:
"Would you like to pre-order a game with that?"
"Not for now, thank you"
"Are you sure? Did you know Red Dead Redemption 2 is coming out this year?"
"Yes, I'm okay, thank you"
"It's best to pre-order since it's a popular game that will go quickly"
"I may preorder it later, but not now, thanks"
"Your choice! Would you like to protect your controller for a small fee?"
"No thanks, I'll just get this and be on my way"
"Are you sure? Nintendo doesn't cover past the first 90 days."
"No thanks, I'm good"
"If you come back with a broken controller in more than 3 months, I won't be able to help you"
"I'm really good. Thanks."
"Ok." *Hands receipt* "Next person!"
Might just be bad employees at that store, but it wasn't my only bad experience. It just sucks.
Why do people still put up with this horseplay?
Just be stern and ask for your receipt, "I don't need anything but my receipt."
Be a bit of a jerk if you need to be.
I've never had to be a jerk and I've never gone through anything more than "anything else?". Maybe it's because I walk in and go straight to the employee and ask for what I want without looking around the store. I don't think I've spent more than a couple of minutes at a time inside an EB.Why do people still put up with this horseplay?
Just be stern and ask for your receipt, "I don't need anything but my receipt."
Be a bit of a jerk if you need to be.
That would be ideal, I hope they do launch it.Itd be nice it was accompanied by the launch of GCU in Canada
Personally, I've had much more shipping problems with BB. At least, when amazon fucks up they give you discounts, free shipping and gift cards / credits all by themselves.I'm done with Best Buy ever since they dropped the ball two years ago. Amazon sucks with shipping - sometimes by a large margin - but I'd rather deal with them than BB and their Reward Zone nonsense.
I've never had to be a jerk and I've never gone through anything more than "anything else?". Maybe it's because I walk in and go straight to the employee and ask for what I want without looking around the store. I don't think I've spent more than a couple of minutes at a time inside an EB.
Personally, I've had much more shipping problems with BB. At least, when amazon fucks up they give you discounts, free shipping and gift cards / credits all by themselves.
Wonder what the deal is? 20% again?
Yes, usually.
No_Style posted about it a while back, and it was great to learn. Dunno how my settings switched back to Paypal's though.
Enjoy your rewardzone points that can't be used until one month after the game ships.
Enjoy your rewardzone points that can't be used until one month after the game ships.
LOL a month?
I just got my points from last year this past month. Took a year.
When did the game SHIP, though? I didn't get my Persona 5 points until April.
Saw Wario64 tweet about this today.Well...
I'm getting excited for E3 deals! I know it's not going to be good, haha, but I'm still excited. As long as a game or two price error or are in that $50 section on Amazon they've had a few times (usually Ubisoft games), I'll be happy enough.
I miss 20% off lowest price.
At least I still have my $40 KH3 preorder from 3 years ago. That's 50% off today's regular price!
I miss 20% off lowest price.
You mean 30% off lowest price!
We knew how good we had it back then, but even so, we DIDN'T know how good we had it back then.
Yep, it'll be 55-60% off by the time it releases!Should be an even better deal in 3 years!
At least I still have my $40 KH3 preorder from 3 years ago. That's 50% off today's regular price!
Yep, it'll be 55-60% off by the time it releases!
NieR: Automata is back down to $54.99
Is the Nier PC version fixed and everything? I remember reading about aspect ratio and resolution issues. I've been tempted to just get it for PS4 but ideally I'd love to play it in full ultra glory on PC if it all works.
Is Best Buy Canada successful enough to eat that cost?
I don't know why, but I feel like I'm constantly just waiting for the day when BB announces they're shutting down.
Sounds good. I'll wait it out a bit longer on cdkeys.PC version is fantastic if you install the fan patch.
It's extremely easy to do. You just download it and run it and you're done. You don't even need to tell it the file directory.
Almost every time something video game/blu-ray related goes on sale at Best Buy, you can expect Amazon to update their price to match it in a matter of hours. That plus having the Amazon Visa means I rarely go to Best Buy anymore.I was in a Best Buy today and it looked so sad. There was more employees than customers.
PS4 games were just 1 shelf whereas I remember PS3 games taking up an entire aisle.
I hope they dont go out of business but at the same time they did this to themselves.
Has anyone here ordered anything from play-asia recently? I never realised the customs wait was so bad. The item left Singapore on 4/22 and didn't clear customs until 5/20. Still hasn't arrived either.
Has anyone here ordered anything from play-asia recently? I never realised the customs wait was so bad. The item left Singapore on 4/22 and didn't clear customs until 5/20. Still hasn't arrived either.
This. Took well over a month.The last item I ordered from them took FOREVER to arrive. I was certain it wasn't going to arrive. It did eventually, but took a really, really long time.
and some people have the nerve to wish for EB Games to go under. You won't get BBQ from Amazon.My local EB is doing a BBQ for Crash Trilogy launch lol.
Not sure if its a corporate thing or the employees are organizing it themselves.
Almost makes me want to preorder with them instead of Amazon. I love BBQ.
If I wasn't on mobile I'd link you to the "help me build a pc" thread, but while the pc from bestbuy isn't awful I think you can do a lot better for just under 1k if you were to build it yourself. Last year's i5 and an rx460 wit 2gb video ram wont be maxing anything out obviously.
You can also find stuff on kijiji and rfd (lol). Just be wary that there's some guy that's buying second hand parts by lowballing people, putting builds together and selling them for slightly less than what you'd get buying new.
Where are you located, Toronto?
Looks like the LE Artbook for Overwatch is gone from Amazon Canada.
I didn't realize how good the EB trade promo for the New 2DS was: Trade a 3DS (any kind)/Vita and get $125 toward the N2DS.
I didn't realize how good the EB trade promo for the New 2DS was: Trade a 3DS (any kind)/Vita and get $125 toward the N2DS.
No need to take it easy on the ordering so long as you, subsequently, don't take it easy on the cancelling as well.I really should take it easy on the ordering this year, went a bit nuts the last few years lol
Importing from is the way to go for those now.Also, is it impossible to buy a new Vita in a store nowadays?