This might be the most bizarre leak story I've ever seen:
Trudeau Says Terrorists Shouldn't Be Stripped Of Citizenship In Leaked Audio
CTV is running with it too. Except it's not exactly a secret -- they've been really vocal about their position on the issue. In the audio, Trudeau even says he anticipates being attacked over it:
I get that the Conservatives are trying to paint Trudeau as sympathetic to non-white people, but I'm pretty sure he'd be more than happy to restate his opposition to C24.
I'm wondering how Mulcair is going to present himself in the debate tonight. It's his last chance to speak to a national-ish audience (since I don't think the French debate will be nationally televised), which means it's his last chance to go after Harper in front of Canada. It would make sense for him to break out Angry Tom, and hope that it connects with voters who want change, but at the same time he'd run the risk of turning off people who were attracted to the NDP because of Layton's sunnier disposition.
And speaking of the debate, anyone know any details of where it'll be available? I can't find any links, even on the Munk website.