Side note: this actually might be the NDP's third best election performance ever. 2011 and Broadbent's last election.
I mention that to say that although obviously the Orange Crush was wiped out, it'd be interesting to interpret what's actually going on. It seems to me that basically everything the NDP "loaned" from the Liberals in 2008 or the Liberals or Bloc in 2011 reverted back, but what they're left with is just about where they were before, or a little more. Maybe a bit diluted because of the rise in raw seat count, naturally. At 35+ seats, they're still stronger than they were under McLaughlin or McDonough or even most of Layton's time as leader or even under Douglas. I guess it depends how you read the "dillution" as being significant or not.
Edit: I see I'm not the first to note this.