I do have a Nexus 7 from last year, but I've been getting annoyed by some aspects and iOS just has better software support period. Stuff like Smartglass is a joke on Android versus iOS or Windows 8.
When I say "reached the point" I meant with the latest hardware with stuff like the iPod Touch 4g being a victim of the rapid boom. Yeah, that was already unable to run GTAIII without locking up just a year later, and is effectively dead support-wise now. It's actually one of the biggest reasons I've been vehemently against the idea of mobile/tablets displacing dedicated handhelds, equal with the "no buttons" thing. Fuck the idea of having to pay hundreds each year or every other year just to be able to play the latest games.Nope. My three year old iPod is considered ancient by mobile standards and can't run iOS 7 since apple made a boneheaded descision and designed it to be optimised for only the latest hardware.
I've ended up mainly using the Nexus 7 for web browsing, and it would seem for that alone the iPad CAN be much nicer.The old Nexus 7 definitely has performance problems. I bought the new one to replace it but I also have full sized ipads so I don't lose out on ios software. I think it makes a lot of sense to go with ios for the next device even if you like android. I like having access to all the different platforms. I still use my new N7 most but I do heavy duty browsing on iPad and some games like Hearthstone are going to be ios only for the time being (well not counting pc which is where I'm playing it now since that's where the beta is)
I've got a Nexus 7 and will eventually be getting a PS4. I'm good.
On muh way into Surface 2. Thanks Apple but no, thanks.
Depends on what for. To be fair (and not many would argue) the Kindle HDX is not an "android tablet". It's a device designed almost solely around consuming content from Amazon. If Amazon and web content is all you need/want, then the HDX is a great device. If you even want Android tablet/phone apps, the Kindle HDX is VERY hamstrung.. You can only easily load Amazon App Store apps. Google Play is not available and much more difficult to get apps from.
Looks nice, but you know the next Ipad will come out next year around the same time and will make the Ipad Air look like shit. So hesitant to buy tablets and smartphones these days because of the constant upgrades.
Wasn't it quite easy to sideload the Google Play Store onto the old Amazon tablets? Did they change that?
If it's still possible get the Play store running on the Kindle Fire HDX by any means it seems to have a pretty great value for its price *_*
People will buy this $500 product for games alone.
This is completely separate from what I was referring to really. Yeah, there's exciting new developments, but I remember how we got a VooDoo2 in 1998, only to be unable to play Deus Ex very well in 2000, nevermind Quake 3 Arena being literally incompatible with it. This is the situation mobile hardware's in right now or was in a few years ago at least, where something can be amazing on release then truly obsolete a year later. I wouldn't want that displacing handhelds entirely, much like how it'd have been terrible to not have consoles like the PS1, N64, or Dreamcast in addition to PCs in that time period.It's not so much the graphics, it's things like Oculus Rift. I'm thinking wait and see on the Rift (and a new video card to support it) before I get a new one of these more-of-the-same devices.
I don't think anyone was really debating this, and when you think about it this is basically like saying PCs always win over consoles because more people will buy PCs, I have little doubt the combined number of prebuilt desktops and laptops sold each year makes a mockery out of combined console sales.Ipad will win because ppl do not solely buy it for gaming. Gaming consoles are bough for games only.
Every time apple announces new products I just sit there dumbfounded. How can a rational human be okay with paying 400 dollars for the iPad mini?
sooo.. saving $50 for..... ummm.. what again?
I can't think of a single check box where Surface 2 could/would get ticked. At least with Android tablets like HDX and Nexus 7 you have "great tablet for the price".
Surface 2 is "lesser tablet for only $50 savings"
less surface area on the screen
fewer apps
slower SoC
$50 savings?
Did Apple add a microSD card slot and can I hook my 360 controller up to play games now?
That's just how technology is, improving at a rapid pace. Doesn't mean you have to try and keep up with the latest devices. I don't really want to upgrade until iPad 3 is no longer supported. The only reason why I'm thinking about it is because iPad 3 doesn't perform very well on iOS 7.
If the A7 package shot seen in the promo real is accurate, the RAM is the same size and speed as the 5S.
You can hook your iPad to your 360 to play games.Did Apple add a microSD card slot and can I hook my 360 controller up to play games now?
but the catch 22 is that there are no games worth playing on win8 RT![]()
but the catch 22 is that there are no games worth playing on win8 RT![]()
But iOS7 has built-in controller support!I understand the topic title is a joke (and I would never buy an Apple product anyway), but if it was really a choice between a next-gen system and one of these, and the purpose was gaming, it's obviously no choice. One can play games with controls that aren't abhorrent, and the other can't. Touch screen only controls <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< every other form of controls, except Kinect which is worse.
because you can play games on them. much like you can play games on computers using intel processors and steamos.Why is this on Gaming?
stat bonuses if you collect the full setI have an iphone and a macbook. To this day I still don't see the purpose of the ipad.
Did Apple add a microSD card slot and can I hook my 360 controller up to play games now?
I have a friend with a Surface (I'm not a big tablet person), and he plays a lot of games (including SNES roms) with his 360 controller on his surface. Pretty neat.
More like 10 months
Because once you own a tablet, you'll never want anything else. Ever.
you know, Surface Pro 2, not RT, RT is bad, plain bad, Pro2 is way better than iPad in many of these chackboxes.sooo.. saving $50 for..... ummm.. what again?
I can't think of a single check box where Surface 2 could/would get ticked. At least with Android tablets like HDX and Nexus 7 you have "great tablet for the price".
Surface 2 is "lesser tablet for only $50 savings"
less surface area on the screen
fewer apps
slower SoC
$50 savings?
because you can play games on them. much like you can play games on computers using intel processors and steamos.
stat bonuses if you collect the full set
It's $400 for the gimped version without any 3G / 4G capabilities and a tiny 16 GB hard drive.
If you want a version with slightly-decent hard-drive space and the ability to use data plans, it'll cost you $600+/$700+.
So 1GB? Could this thing just be the iPhone 5S hardware except it's now pushing over four times the pixels?
Ipad will win because ppl do not solely buy it for gaming. Gaming consoles are bough for games only.