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Capcom announced Resident Evil 4 for PS2

Jacobi said:
-- RE-make is already released and Resident Evil 0 is coming soon, after that Resident Evil 4. Isn't it Mr. Mikami?
S: Yes.... but I don't think I can say something about Resident Evil 4 yet, young staffs struggling to make good one, so it is changing everyday. Of course I am checking what is going on, but we really don't know what is going to happen.
The only thing I can tell you now is Resident Evil 4 will definitely release only on GameCube, not on another console, if it happens, I will cut my head off.


"So Mr. Mikami, will you be sticking to your word?"


Jacobi said:
-- RE-make is already released and Resident Evil 0 is coming soon, after that Resident Evil 4. Isn't it Mr. Mikami?
S: Yes.... but I don't think I can say something about Resident Evil 4 yet, young staffs struggling to make good one, so it is changing everyday. Of course I am checking what is going on, but we really don't know what is going to happen.
The only thing I can tell you now is Resident Evil 4 will definitely release only on GameCube, not on another console, if it happens, I will cut my head off.

Mikami actually said that? He has to be feeling like shit along with Iwata.


AirBrian said:
RE4 Exclusive to GCN (released 11-15-04):

NDrones: "RE4 is the savior of GCN. GOTY, no doubt. Suck it down!"
PSTwats: "RE4 sucks. The controls suck. Tanks suck. You suck!"
Xbots: "Halo 2 > *"

RE4 Exclusive to GCN (delayed until 01-11-04):

NDrones: "Well, we still have Metroid Prime 2. RE4 will save GCN in 2005. 2005 GOTY!"
PSTwats: ":lol RE4 still sucks. The controls suck. Tanks suck. GCN is doomed!"
Xbots: "Halo 2 > *"

RE4 Announced for PS2:

NDrones: "RE4 sucks. The controls suck. Tanks suck. But, the graphics will own PS2 version!"
PSTwats: ":lol GCN doomed! I can't wait to play RE4! 2005 GOTY!"
Xbots: "Halo 2 > *"
Classic! Especially the Xbots


Vagabond said:
Think of some of the larger games on GC, most notably Resident Evil. I'm betting that if Capcom was making profit then the Resident Evil games, Mega Man Collection, Viewtiful Joe and others would have been GC exclusive. However, Capcom has been in the red. Higher Ups probably demanded PS2 ports of the aforementioned games.
Well as overall platforms, Gamecube has been beating Capcom's internal targets (while PS2 hasn't) the past few years. Gamecube hasn't been the problem for Capcom financially, it's been mainly non gaming related investments actually.

Still, I can see why specifically a PS2 port of RE4 would be wanted by the higher ups. It's smart move too, Capcom should be moving more multiplatform and stop dealing in exclusives (all Japanese firms should actually). RE Outbreak 1-2 & Monster Hunter should get Xbox ports too probably, while Ookami & MegaMan X8 would do well on GC I'd imagine.


jarrod said:
Well as overall platforms, Gamecube has been beating Capcom's internal targets (while PS2 hasn't) the past few years. Gamecube hasn't been the problem for Capcom financially, it's been mainly non gaming related investments actually.

Still, I can see why specifically a PS2 port of RE4 would be wanted by the higher ups. It's smart move too, Capcom should be moving more multiplatform and stop dealing in exclusives (all Japanese firms should actually). RE Outbreak 1-2 & Monster Hunter should get Xbox ports too probably, while Ookami & MegaMan X8 would do well on GC I'd imagine.

Unfortunately, I don't think that's what's going to be happening. Multiplatform development is going to concentrate on the Xbox and PS2. I read somewhere that fan requests was part of the reason for RE4 going PS2. Whether that's true or not, I doubt that Nintendo fans could petition Capcom for ports of DMC 3 or something else. Capcom will let Nintendo have Mega Man because of the GBA and because he's kid friendly. If Nintendo hadn't pulled strings at the beginning of this generation to get RE, there would be no RE4 on the GC.
Insertia said:
I want my Resident Evil: Directors Cut, RE2, and RE3 UMD pack in for PSP Capcom. :)

Yeah, because we haven't got enough milking of these titles and series this gen. Just let it die, handhelds suck big time and horror games are sure as hell not enjoyable being played in a bus.


king zell said:
was RE:CV announced exclusive to DC?

Sega actually did the game development of Code Veronica for the Dreamcast, not Capcom. So, yeah, at the time it was believed to be exclusive to the system.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Guns N' Poops said:
Yeah, because we haven't got enough milking of these titles and series this gen. Just let it die, handhelds suck big time and horror games are sure as hell not enjoyable being played in a bus.

Speak for yourself :).
Way to over react, geez. -_-

This does nothing to Nintendo personally, they are not going the way of Sega. Some of you who are saying this do realize that Sega was in debt for like 8 years? Nintendo has never been in debt, and is one of the strongest companies in the video game industry. Enough of that though.

Resident Evil 4 is still coming to Gamecube and a year earlier than the PS2 version at that. This is a Japanese announcement, so who knows how long a US port will take for PS2. While it's a stupid move to announce the PS2 version 2 months before release, it's not going to make that big of a difference. You think casual gamers are going to read a Japanese press release and decide to wait a whole year for a game? I think not. And we know everyone here is going to get or atleast try the Gamecube version first.

This really does send a signal that we need a one console community. Perhaps not as harsh as Drinky Crow suggests, but if we had the same hardware in different forms from Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony that played the same software, I think it would really change the way the industry works. It should really be like the DVD consortium in this regard.

This will never happen though, especially with the viewpoint of a certain company who is trying to take control of the industry at any cost.
kitchenmotors said:
Resident Evil 4 is still coming to Gamecube and a year earlier than the PS2 version at that. This is a Japanese announcement, so who knows how long a US port will take for PS2. While it's a stupid move to announce the PS2 version 2 months before release, it's not going to make that big of a difference. You think casual gamers are going to read a Japanese press release and decide to wait a whole year for a game? I think not. And we know everyone here is going to get or atleast try the Gamecube version first.

The US, Europe and Japanese release are all scheduled for late 2005 for the PS2. Those casuals won't have to read the net because it'll be all over magazines soon enough and it'll have word of mouth to let everyone know its no long and exclusive title.
SolidSnakex said:
The US, Europe and Japanese release are all scheduled for late 2005 for the PS2. Those casuals won't have to read the net because it'll be all over magazines soon enough and it'll have word of mouth to let everyone know its no long and exclusive title.

Enough to make that big of a difference? I don't know, maybe...if Capcom shows anything on the PS2 version. But I don't see that happening until the Gamecube version is released. I think this press release was just a stock holder type deal.


ge-man said:
Who said it was Nintendo's choice? We don't know how much say they have in the whole matter.

actually Nintendo would have plenty of say in the matter is there was any contract, in fact they would be the ones holding all the cards


Link316 said:
actually Nintendo would have plenty of say in the matter is there was any contract, in fact they would be the ones holding all the cards

I said it on like the first page, and I'll say it again... At the very least, I can't imagine them not having an agreement at least through the end of 2004, since the game was originally scheduled for "200X" when it was announced and estimates put it at late 2003, early 2004 initially. To even ANNOUNCE this, if that's the case, some terms had to be reached. I really suspect Capcom will do SOMETHING for Nintendo, though what that is I can't even begin to guess. Maybe they'll warn them before they kick them in the nuts next time.


Soul4ger said:
I said it on like the first page, and I'll say it again... At the very least, I can't imagine them not having an agreement at least through the end of 2004, since the game was originally scheduled for "200X" when it was announced and estimates put it at late 2003, early 2004 initially. To even ANNOUNCE this, if that's the case, some terms had to be reached. I really suspect Capcom will do SOMETHING for Nintendo, though what that is I can't even begin to guess. Maybe they'll warn them before they kick them in the nuts next time.
Sacrificing RE4 exclusivity for more rounded GC support from Capcom might be in Nintendo's interists I'd say, especially as GC's software schedule gets lighter in it's twilight years. Or maybe something extending to DS or Revolution?
Could someone post Capcom's financials for the past 4 years? I am interested in seeing what kind of financials really made them focus in on capitalizing from US/EU growth to please their shareholders.


Link316 said:
actually Nintendo would have plenty of say in the matter is there was any contract, in fact they would be the ones holding all the cards

But this is assuming what the terms were. Maybe Capcom did have some kind wiggle room as others suggested. Who knows? All I know is that there must have been some agreement, otherwise so many people like Mikami would not have sworn up and down that this was GC only.

In the end I think that Nintendo should take this as a sign. I think that they should really consider giving up console development and work exclusively on handhelds and toys. Few have faith in them as console makers.


Just wanted to have my name in this historic thread. :)

I will say that the damage is only to the hardcore Nintendo fans. Capcom broke their hearts and Nintendo has let them down with their limp noodle management.

As far as console sales go, RE4 wasn't going to push any hardware. It's still only about Mario, Zelda, and Metroid.


jarrod said:
Sacrificing RE4 exclusivity for more rounded GC support from Capcom might be in Nintendo's interists I'd say, especially as GC's software schedule gets lighter in it's twilight years. Or maybe something extending to DS or Revolution?

Let's hope that's the case, though I'm having a hard time imagining what they could've traded for.


ge-man said:
Let's hope that's the case, though I'm having a hard time imagining what they could've traded for.
Well, maybe just additional support up until GC leaves retail space? Mainly in the form of PS2 and arcade ports I'd imagine... Capcom didn't mind supporting Saturn or DC up to the end (at least in Japan).

As is Capcom still has a few projects coming to GameCube though...

-Viewtiful Joe 2 (Clover Studio)
-Mobile Suit Gundam Vs Z-Gundam (Studio 1) published by Bandai
-Resident Evil 4 (Studio 4)
-Killer 7 (Studio 4)

.... I'd say games like Ookami, Capcom Fighting Evolution or the Bionic Commando remake would make good canidates for GC ports. I never understood why games like Dragon Quarter, Maximo 1-2 or MegaMan X7-8 never saw GC releases though, they seem like a perfect fit with the userbase.


jarrod said:
Sacrificing RE4 exclusivity for more rounded GC support from Capcom might be in Nintendo's interists I'd say, especially as GC's software schedule gets lighter in it's twilight years. Or maybe something extending to DS or Revolution?

I agree, actually, though I am disappointed to see so many Capcom employees made to look like assholes. I have a feeling it would likely be something of the latter, too, and, more specifically, something(s) for the DS. But, we'll just have to wait and see. Part of me refuses to believe Nintendo could let something like this happen, without doing ANY damage control. But they have proven to be foolish in the past.
ge-man said:
Let's hope that's the case, though I'm having a hard time imagining what they could've traded for.

"You'll get as many Rockmans as you want. In all colors, and a spin-off series for each letter...deal...deal?! Oh come on, our shareholders are crying."


Quick question: Can anyone look up the sales numbers, in North America, for Mega Man X Command Mission on the GC and PS2?


Guns N' Poops said:
"You'll get as many Rockmans as you want. In all colors, and a spin-off series for each letter...deal...deal?! Oh come on, our shareholders are crying."

Funny, the GC has already recieved Mega Man stuff for the most part with the exception of the new X game. It even got Network Transmission as an exclusive. I hardly think RE4 for Mega Man would be a worthwhile trade at this point.


I think the contracts were related to sales of games and the REmake and RE0 both failed at the box office as far as CAPCOM was concerned. Frankly RE should be on the PS2. I think it was a slap in the face to the community who made those games a success on the PS1 that CAPCOM put tjem on the cube. I think they have brought a lot of their problems this generation on themselves by supporting Nintendo with RE.

I also believe a forthcoming anouncement will probably be made to move the REmake and RE0 to the PS2. This is CApcom king of ports and master of the franchise milk.
Yikes. I didn't see this one coming. Capcom really had Cube fans going (me one of them). I wish I could afford to game these days I'd prolly be alittle hurt.


Soul4ger said:
Quick question: Can anyone look up the sales numbers, in North America, for Mega Man X Command Mission on the GC and PS2?
Just to make it easier, can someone post all Capcom NPD numbers this gen?


wipeout364 said:
I think the contracts were related to sales of games and the REmake and RE0 both failed at the box office as far as CAPCOM was concerned. Frankly RE should be on the PS2. I think it was a slap in the face to the community who made those games a success on the PS1 that CAPCOM put tjem on the cube. I think they have brought a lot of their problems this generation on themselves by supporting Nintendo with RE.

I also believe a forthcoming anouncement will probably be made to move the REmake and RE0 to the PS2. This is CApcom king of ports and master of the franchise milk.

If the contract was related to sales, this would've happened a long, long time ago. Not two months before the game is supposed to make its highly-anticipated debut.


wipeout364 said:
I think the contracts were related to sales of games and the REmake and RE0 both failed at the box office as far as CAPCOM was concerned. Frankly RE should be on the PS2. I think it was a slap in the face to the community who made those games a success on the PS1 that CAPCOM put tjem on the cube. I think they have brought a lot of their problems this generation on themselves by supporting Nintendo with RE.
Er, I think you're 100% wrong on all counts. :)


king zell said:
was RE:CV announced exclusive to DC?
And if what I've read tonight was true, RE was originally announced as exclusive to PS before they ported it to the SS. Capcom have a long history of blatant lies, it seems.


Does Nintendo really think that letting shit hit the fan so early in a console's life is a good thing for their next-generation? I know I'm leaning towards a PS3 or Xbox 2 next generation. The only thing that holds me back is Zelda.


Firest0rm said:
Does Nintendo really think that letting shit hit the fan so early in a console's life is a good thing for their next-generation? I know I'm leaning towards a PS3 or Xbox 2 next generation. The only thing that holds me back is Zelda.
Do you really think this was primarily Nintendo's choice?


Actually, he's right on some level. Putting RE on Gamecube was a complete slap to the face of its audience and Capcom suffered the consequences. :)


No no, what I meant was in general. So much shit has happened to them. They let everyone leave them. Their not showing any support for the console, IMO. When I look at Xbox or PS2 their getting more support from their OWN developers. Nintendo is doing shit.


jedimike said:
I will say that the damage is only to the hardcore Nintendo fans. Capcom broke their hearts and Nintendo has let them down with their limp noodle management.

Why is their damage to people with a Gamecube?

There still getting the game in January. This thread makes it sound like Capcom pulled the game from the Cube and made it PS2 exclusive.

The only people that it "hurt" are people that are worried about sales of games/consoles/etc. It didn't hurt anybody who actually enjoys games or wants to play RE4.

When January rolls around I'll be playing this game on my Gamecube (even if it came out on the PS2 at the same time as the Cube I'd still get it for the Cube) and it will be as fun as it originally would have been. I don't get how it not being exclusive takes away from the fun of the game. That doesn't make any sense.

The Gamecube is still getting the better version and is getting it almost a year earlier.


Soul4ger said:
If the contract was related to sales, this would've happened a long, long time ago. Not two months before the game is supposed to make its highly-anticipated debut.

I'm sure sales had only a small role to play. I think the reason for this change is shareholder pressure. There's also a possiblity that Capcom is kicking Nintendo in the nuts a bit for investing in Bandai while they totally ignored their pleads for Nintendo investment. There had to be something of more substance for Capcom essentially jeapordize the sales of the GC version. Some people have bought the GC just for the series--Capcom has to realize that.


Firest0rm said:
No no, what I meant was in general. So much shit has happened to them. They let everyone leave them. Their not showing any support for the console, IMO. When I look at Xbox or PS2 their getting more support from their OWN developers. Nintendo is doing shit.
OK, that makes sense if you're talking in general. Although it's a much bigger problem than what you're describing, but that's a different thread/subject. :)

Culex said:
They must have had some input. You don't lose a hyped exclusive overnight because you did nothing.
That's why I said "primarily" -- I'm sure Capcom's financial instability had more to do with it than anything else. Look at Viewtiful Joe. It exceeded Capcom's internal sales expectations, yet still gets ported to PS2 and PS2 gets the sequel. Just my thoughts though. There isn't much Nintendo can do to fight against the HUGE userbase of PS2 and the potential income.
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