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Capcom announced Resident Evil 4 for PS2

Wow! I mean, the Capcom guys have finally pulled their heads outta their asses! For a dying series, RE needs to be on as many platforms as possible if they're going to expect some kind of resurgence in popularity with RE4. The other GC-exclusive RE games were marketed like invisible shit and sold pretty poorly...compared to their sales expectations. 3rd party games, unless they're family-oriented, like SA2 Battle, still sell like crap for the system. I'm still wondering how it'll look on the older system by comparison, but, like many have already said, the PS2 version will probably outsell the GC version by a fair bit...even if many RE fans have already purchased the GC for RE4 and the others.

Anyway, I'm still going to get the GC version...since it's first and, perhaps, the PS2 version since it'll likely have extra stuff.

Oh yeah...funny thread. :lol


Knows the Score
So, is Resident Evil still a tired franchise, or does this make it a fresh, appealing new take on a old favourite?


317. mmm, cock... now I'm hungry
315. Let me explain to you the kind of man Shinji Mikami is. He's a man who knows that when you put another man's cock in your mouth you make a pact. A bond that cannot be broken. He's a man will get down on his knees and put that cock right in his mouth.


Edit: Spoiler provided for people who haven't seen Team America.
I was about to go to bed. But then I decided to check the forums...and I just read this whole classic thread...



I want to see Most Wanted Games in Famitsu... haha, I wonder how long before RE4 PS2 has surpassed the GC-version!


Will start substantiating his hate
I think it's a rather bold assumption that Nintendo did anything to piss Capcom off. Rather I think Nintendo is helping Capcom out. Bad for GameCube but good for ongoing relations.

Shinji Mikami leaves Capcom to set up his own studio, only dedicated to Nintendo games

Heh The GC turned out to be an another N64 after all.......sigh
"I think it's a rather bold assumption that Nintendo did anything to piss Capcom off."

Probably has more to do with this game having a big budget and them wanting to make sure they make everything back. By putting it on the PS2 it'll definetly break that and likely be their biggest game this generation.

" Rather I think Nintendo is helping Capcom out."

Guns N' Poops said:
Can anybody post the overall sales of Code Veronica PS2, REmake and RE Zero in USA and Japan to compare? I'm curious.

Sorry for quoting myself, but I'd still love to see the numbers to compare.



"No enemy has ever withstood our might."




Oh my god......

First the official PSP price and now THAT!!

Sorry, but can you see the SONY-Style here?

You can fight them as long as you can! But finally.....
...and you are dead

And again: I want to see Reggie now! rofl
All I know is that I've waited for years for Resident Evil 4, and I'm picking it up the day it hits the market. On January 11th, 2005, for the GameCube. I don't want to wait another year, for the PlayStation 2 version.
trippingmartian said:
Why compare the numbers of two GC originals and one DC to PS2 port?

Just to see the sales potential of the series between the 2. I got the impression that the Code Veronica wasn't that successful.
Guns N' Poops said:
Sorry for quoting myself, but I'd still love to see the numbers to compare.

Japan - 337,761
US - 860,799

Japan - 388,644
US - 423,489

Japan - 267,470
US - 467,300
I'm sure it's been said a million times in thread, but who f*cking cares? Anyone who's seen the videos and isn't deluded knows the Gamecube version is gonna crap all over the PS2 version in graphics. FACT.

Edit: If it were like GTA:SA, where the PC version was vastly superior in graphics and control, people who have a right to be excited. But waiting almost a year for a game with significantly degraded graphics? Buy a Gamecube people. They're dirt cheap.


Will start substantiating his hate

> Probably has more to do with this game having a big budget and them wanting to make
> sure they make everything back.

They'll have no problem making back the money spent on development on the Cube alone. But they'll likely make more by releasing it on both platforms.

> What?

They know what Capcom's situation is and realize that by not holding Capcom to the exclusivity agreement they'd be helping them out. Just like with Killer 7.


ravingloon said:
I'm sure it's been said a million times in thread, but who f*cking cares? Anyone who's seen the videos and isn't deluded knows the Gamecube version is gonna crap all over the PS2 version in graphics. FACT.

Edit: If it were like GTA:SA, where the PC version was vastly superior in graphics and control, people who have a right to be excited. But waiting almost a year for a game with significantly degraded graphics? Buy a Gamecube people. They're dirt cheap.
Wow, a post that makes sense! Get your sense outta here, GC is doomed!
ravingloon said:
I'm sure it's been said a million times in thread, but who f*cking cares? Anyone who's seen the videos and isn't deluded knows the Gamecube version is gonna crap all over the PS2 version in graphics. FACT.
True enough. If this was a thread announcing a PS2 port of Halo 2, it'd be nothing but 11 pages of :lol
My only comment on this is that I had no reaction to this announcement but this thread is fucking hilarious. Lots of great photoshop. That is all.

What I want to know more than anything else:

1) What is Nintendo's reaction to this. And how much they knew.

2) What is Nintendo / Capcom's relationship at this point in time.

Nintendo did mention at the time of VJ going multi - that CAPCOM approached them and discussed the branching out of the game onto PS2 and that they understood the fiscal realities.

Basically the fallout will be more interesting than this news. 1 year is a long time and come end 2005, we'll all be discussing other AAA games on all platforms and this fiasco will be nothing. At least they're not porting this to Xbox - that would be the ultimate fiasco. Greater than this PS2 business.
TheGreenGiant said:
At least they're not porting this to Xbox - that would be the ultimate fiasco. Greater than this PS2 business.

They really should, IMO. Guaranteed to, at least, make the money spent on it's conversion-development. Probably no chance of it, though...seeing how Capcom generally treats XBOX this gen.
ravingloon said:
I'm sure it's been said a million times in thread, but who f*cking cares? Anyone who's seen the videos and isn't deluded knows the Gamecube version is gonna crap all over the PS2 version in graphics. FACT.

Edit: If it were like GTA:SA, where the PC version was vastly superior in graphics and control, people who have a right to be excited. But waiting almost a year for a game with significantly degraded graphics? Buy a Gamecube people. They're dirt cheap.

I'm sure the more hardcore gamers will still buy the GC version. Now that it is announced for the PS2, there will be alot of casuals waiting for that version instead. It really made no sense for Capcom to announce it so early if its not coming out till the end of next year. Do like NAMCO did with Tales of Symphonia, maximize the sales of the GC version then go with the PS2 version and get the rest out of it.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
TheGreenGiant said:
At least they're not porting this to Xbox - that would be the ultimate fiasco. Greater than this PS2 business.

Wait till next week....

Nintendo is done for after this. First Sega, then Namco, now Capcom. No one is going to ever buy a Nintendo console for a 3rd party "exclusive" again because now they know that they can just wait for the Playstation version. Any/all gains the Gamecube has made over the N64 in terms of 3rd party support these last few years has been erased in the past 6 months.

The Revolution had better be just that or Nintendo is cooked.

Oh, and ports of REmake and REZero are pretty much guaranteed now.
SolidSnakex said:
I'm sure the more hardcore gamers will still buy the GC version. Now that it is announced for the PS2, there will be alot of casuals waiting for that version instead. It really made no sense for Capcom to announce it so early if its not coming out till the end of next year. Do like NAMCO did with Tales of Symphonia, maximize the sales of the GC version then go with the PS2 version and get the rest out of it.

8-10 months is a long time to wait - the announcement does kill the "buy Cube for RE4" crowd though. Yeah.. stupid Capcom/Nintendo for allowing this.

Funky Papa

The january NPD data should be a riot for many reasons. Oh man, I fear that month.

BTW, SSX do you happen to have your avatar on high-res? My nerdy heart pumps for Kylie's mouth :D
SolidSnakex said:
Do like NAMCO did with Tales of Symphonia, maximize the sales of the GC version then go with the PS2 version and get the rest out of it.
Too bad they announced the JPN PS2 port before the US/Euro GC versions came out.


MightyHedgehog said:
They really should, IMO. Guaranteed to, at least, make the money spent on it's conversion-development. Probably no chance of it, though...seeing how Capcom generally treats XBOX this gen.
Isn't the only reason they're porting it to PS2 to get the most out of its huge userbase? Xbox has about the same userbase as GC, there would be no point in releasing an Xbox version, unless they can make it look considerably better with lots of new features, which I doubt.


Will start substantiating his hate
There's also the possibility that Nintendo has allowed the game to be released on PS2 but not Xbox.
cybamerc said:
There's also the possibility that Nintendo has allowed the game to be released on PS2 but not Xbox.

Why would they dod that. The PS2 version has a much better chance of taking away from potential RE4 GC sales and GC sales in general than a Xbox version would.
Grubdog said:
Isn't the only reason they're porting it to PS2 to get the most out of its huge userbase? Xbox has about the same userbase as GC, there would be no point in releasing an Xbox version, unless they can make it look considerably better with lots of new features, which I doubt.

Ultimately, the point is going to be selling as many as they can, regardless of platform. If they can do that well, the series will be able to sell to a greater number of people who are actually anticipating it, regardless of console-maker in the future... That is assuming that Capcom will do the smart thing and make the future main RE line a multiplatform one.
cybamerc said:
There's also the possibility that Nintendo has allowed the game to be released on PS2 but not Xbox.

I highly doubt that Nintendo has much say in what platforms Capcom can release their own games on. Remember that Capcom, themselves, said that if the games were not selling well, or that they felt differently in the future due to sales-concerns, they were open to multiplatform release.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Wow, this is quite the thread...

While I would never purchase it on PS2 (downgrades galore), I am excited to see if they can pull off visuals even remotely close to the GC version.


Will start substantiating his hate
SolidSnakex said:
Why would they dod that. The PS2 version has a much better chance of taking away from potential RE4 GC sales and GC sales in general than a Xbox version would.
Because Xbox is the the GC's direct competitor and it's better to have the game on just one extra platform than two. It's not like Capcom would release RE4 on Xbox instead of PS2 given the opportunity.

Also, I'm not necessarilly sure that a PS2 version is going to take away more from the Cube version than an Xbox version would. If the game came out for Xbox a lot of people would consider holding off for that version in hope of (even) better graphics. That won't happen with PS2.


well what can you say? :/

It's been denied so many times that RE4 wont hit PS2, and suddenly it does. Can't trust anybody in this business.

I bet that Metroid Prime 2 Echoes will bomb now also, and Nintendo is history.

It wouldn't surprise me if the RE4 controls is suddenly great now when it's on PS2.
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