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Capcom announced Resident Evil 4 for PS2

SantaCruZer said:
well what can you say? :/

It's been denied so many times that RE4 wont hit PS2, and suddenly it does. Can't trust anybody in this business.

I bet that Metroid Prime 2 Echoes will bomb now also, and Nintendo is history.

It wouldn't surprise me if the RE4 controls is suddenly great now when it's on PS2.
Thats the spirit!


Will start substantiating his hate
MightyHedgehog said:
I highly doubt that Nintendo has much say in what platforms Capcom can release their own games on.
Depends on whether an agreement exists or not. In this case I'd say there was an agreement based on past comments.


Will start substantiating his hate
thorns said:
no, PS2 is.
Nonsense. PS2 is in a league of its own. Cube and Xbox are competing for second place worldwide. There's nothing Nintendo can do about Sony but it's certainly in their interest that Xbox doesn't get too much momentum.
If there was a strictly binding agreement involved, do you really think that Capcom would be so foolish as to enter into it if they couldn't retain final control over their own games? I don't remember anything about Nintendo funding RE4 or any of the Capcom 5. The C5 really seemed like more of a goodwill gesture toward Nintendo and not much more.
cybamerc said:
Also, I'm not necessarilly sure that a PS2 version is going to take away more from the Cube version than an Xbox version would. If the game came out for Xbox a lot of people would consider holding off for that version in hope of (even) better graphics. That won't happen with PS2.

The PS2 is still home to most of the RE fans, so that's why it has a better chance of taking away from sales. There's now no reason for those fans to buy a GC since they know its coming to the PS2. Sure its not going to look as nice as the GC version, but with the 10 or so month delay between releases there's a chance of some extras.


Iwata must have a migraine by now. The GC has truly become Nintendo's worst console in spite of their attempts to change the tides.

I would love to know how things went on behind the scenes. Did Capcom have to give something up or did they tell Nintendo to fuck off, we'll port whatever?


cybamerc said:
Nonsense. PS2 is in a league of its own. Cube and Xbox are competing for second place worldwide. There's nothing Nintendo can do about Sony but it's certainly in their interest that Xbox doesn't get too much momentum.

No, GC's primary market is kids while Xbox and PS2 aim for the same market and if you look at sales numbers, increase in Xbox sales has meant decrease in PS2 sales, while GC has been pretty constant. Nobody is competing for "second place". MS is building up momentum to take out sony for next round, while nintendo is.. well not doing anything really.


SolidSnakex said:
The PS2 is still home to most of the RE fans, so that's why it has a better chance of taking away from sales. There's now no reason for those fans to buy a GC since they know its coming to the PS2. Sure its not going to look as nice as the GC version, but with the 10 or so month delay between releases there's a chance of some extras.

Yeah there will extra content, that's a given. Hope it's something good..maybe an online mode would be asking too much though hehe.


SantaCruZer said:
well what can you say? :/

It's been denied so many times that RE4 wont hit PS2, and suddenly it does. Can't trust anybody in this business.

I bet that Metroid Prime 2 Echoes will bomb now also, and Nintendo is history.

It wouldn't surprise me if the RE4 controls is suddenly great now when it's on PS2.

No, all RE has shit controls, RE4 is not alone. RE OB 1/2 on PS2 are the shit of the shit. Take off your glass.


SantaCruZer said:
the malice is the only true hapiness.

You see the malice in RE4 or Shinji Mikami ? :)

BTW, I own all released RE on Cube (and RE1/2 on PC, RE:CV on DC/PS2). I don't have "malice" on Cube nor RE.


Will start substantiating his hate
MightyHedgehog said:
If there was a strictly binding agreement involved, do you really think that Capcom would be so foolish as to enter into it if they couldn't retain final control over their own games?
That's basically how it works.

Kobayashi made many hints at such an agreement in the past. I can't find the particular interview I'm thinking about but here's a quote from an interview with 1UP:
"Q: So why in America would you not put it out on PS2 as well?

A: We are not able to answer that question -- just give us some time. I'm pretty sure you guys know the reason.

Q: Contractual stuff, basically?

A: That's the basic stuff. Let's just say that's the basic stuff. There's no difficulty in developing the games at all."

In the interview I'm thinking about Kobayashi talks about how they talked Nintendo into allowing them to port the game because they didn't believe it could be profitable on the Cube alone. So an agreement did exist and when it is renegotiated Nintendo obviously has a lot to say.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
There have been some hilarious pictures posted in this thread, but one of my favorites hasn't been posted yet so...

Nintendo has been...


I wonder how Mikami is feeling.........he does hate PS2, so this should be interesting. My only guess is that he's pissed at Capcom.



This is really a sign of the times. Few games are exclusive anymore outside of 1st party development. If Nintendo is still serious about keeping or expanding their adult audiences, they have NO choice but go back and try making the games themselves. No one else is going to do them the honor.
This is great news for me. Now I don't have to buy a GC. Anyway I hope Capcom port Resident Evil Remake and Resident Evil Zero to PS2. :D

btw great thread :lol :lol



I will use this htread as proof for my thesis that the internet was a whole lot more enjoyable before every became a photoshopcomedian.
SolidSnakex said:
I'm sure the more hardcore gamers will still buy the GC version. Now that it is announced for the PS2, there will be alot of casuals waiting for that version instead. It really made no sense for Capcom to announce it so early if its not coming out till the end of next year. Do like NAMCO did with Tales of Symphonia, maximize the sales of the GC version then go with the PS2 version and get the rest out of it.

This is what I don't understand. I really don't think the reaction to this announcement would have been so huge if Capcom revealed this after the Cube version had been released (and a for a while).
Jesus Christ.

At this rate, we should be playing the new Zelda game on Playstation 3.

Nintendo, say hello to SEGA when you get there.


I don't get it.

What happened to the exclusivity deal they signed? You're telling me Nintendo only arranged for it to be exclusive until the end of 05?


Will start substantiating his hate

> What happened to the exclusivity deal they signed?

It was renegotiated.

> You're telling me Nintendo only arranged for it to be exclusive until the end of 05?

No. If that was the case it would have been mentioned at the time of the initial announcement or after the game has shipped.


Queen of Denmark
As a Nintendo fan, I acknowledge that this situation is unfortunate.

As a proponent of the One Console Future Project, I could not be happier.


While Capcom will end up getting more money this way, I agree with what SSX said about them following Namco's handeling of ToS.

It was pretty stupid to announce a different console version before the GC version because now they won't even max out on that.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Edit: If it were like GTA:SA, where the PC version was vastly superior in graphics and control, people who have a right to be excited. But waiting almost a year for a game with significantly degraded graphics? Buy a Gamecube people. They're dirt cheap.
<drinky crow> I'd gladly play the visually slightly inferior verion if that means Nintendo goes to 3rd party, a year sooner! </drinky crow>

It's a joke, but I feel that sentiment from a lot of people here...

I'm sure it's been said a million times in thread, but who f*cking cares? Anyone who's seen the videos and isn't deluded knows the Gamecube version is gonna crap all over the PS2 version in graphics. FACT.
Deep down inside, when you look at their Onimusha 3, or MGS3 on PS2, you know that it just might not be true, and that you may be putting a foot in your mouth ;)

True enough. If this was a thread announcing a PS2 port of Halo 2, it'd be nothing but 11 pages of :lol
Totally different thing. I'd be the first to admit that Halo 2 cannot be faithfully reproduced on the PS2 - much of what makes it the way it looks is it's use of features that are unfeasable on PS2 (like Normal Mapping or very high resolution textures) RE4 is just not the same way, as much of it's visual splendor relies on the efects that PS2 is actually pretty good at.


Well if the graphics are a factor, no doubt Capcom will pump the PS2 version with added 'bonus features', no matter how shitty they are.


cybamerc said:

> What happened to the exclusivity deal they signed?

It was renegotiated.

I doubt there was any deal at all, cause if there was a deal to be renegotiated Nintendo wouldn't have been stupid enough to let Capcom announce the PS2 RE4 before the GC version was even released


-- RE-make is already released and Resident Evil 0 is coming soon, after that Resident Evil 4. Isn't it Mr. Mikami?
S: Yes.... but I don't think I can say something about Resident Evil 4 yet, young staffs struggling to make good one, so it is changing everyday. Of course I am checking what is going on, but we really don't know what is going to happen.
The only thing I can tell you now is Resident Evil 4 will definitely release only on GameCube, not on another console, if it happens, I will cut my head off.


Link316 said:
I doubt there was any deal at all, cause if there was a deal to be renegotiated Nintendo wouldn't have been stupid enough to let Capcom announce the PS2 RE4 before the GC version was even released

Who said it was Nintendo's choice? We don't know how much say they have in the whole matter.


RE4 Exclusive to GCN (released 11-15-04):

NDrones: "RE4 is the savior of GCN. GOTY, no doubt. Suck it down!"
PSTwats: "RE4 sucks. The controls suck. Tanks suck. You suck!"
Xbots: "Halo 2 > *"

RE4 Exclusive to GCN (delayed until 01-11-04):

NDrones: "Well, we still have Metroid Prime 2. RE4 will save GCN in 2005. 2005 GOTY!"
PSTwats: ":lol RE4 still sucks. The controls suck. Tanks suck. GCN is doomed!"
Xbots: "Halo 2 > *"

RE4 Announced for PS2:

NDrones: "RE4 sucks. The controls suck. Tanks suck. But, the graphics will own PS2 version!"
PSTwats: ":lol GCN doomed! I can't wait to play RE4! 2005 GOTY!"
Xbots: "Halo 2 > *"
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