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Capcom announced Resident Evil 4 for PS2


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
There are only sporadic attempts at damage control in this thread... you Nintendo folks MUST improve.
DarienA said:
There are only sporadic attempts at damage control in this thread... you Nintendo folks MUST improve.

they are too happy playing kiddie titles to damage control.

Mama's milk = Nintendo titles.
DarienA said:
There are only sporadic attempts at damage control in this thread... you Nintendo folks MUST improve.

It's not easy to come up with a master plan damage control in this amount of time. We've got the hilarious petition, "it will look like utter shit" and "smart move to secure support for DS and Revolution!!!!111".

Sho Nuff

DarienA said:
There are only sporadic attempts at damage control in this thread... you Nintendo folks MUST improve.





Edit: What's funny though is how when RE was thought to be GCN exclusive, PS2 fanboys said it was an old washed out franchise and Devil May Cry was there to replace it. Judging by these posts, someone was lying...
I'm sure this will come as a shock to many, but I don't see this as that big a deal.

If I'm reading the release dates correctly, GC will get it Jan 2005 while PS2 will get it late 2005. I don't know how well Viewtiful Joe is selling on PS2, but I doubt it's going gangbusters. I think the Resident Evil franchise has been diluted over the years, and doesn't have the same draw anymore. I'd wager 60-70% of RE4's total sales will come from GCN (of course I reserve the right to change this estimate at any time).
Iam inclined to say that Nintendo might not be responsible for RE4 advertising anymore, i cant see Nintendo advertising a game that is going to appear on Ps2.......also if shareholders do really care about what fans think, then perhaps N fans should start to send letters to them for releasing all those PS2 exclusives like okami, Maximo,devil may cry etc....still the timing for this was horrible........its like they want to minimize their gc version sales.......


DJ Demon J said:
I'm sure this will come as a shock to many, but I don't see this as that big a deal.

If I'm reading the release dates correctly, GC will get it Jan 2005 while PS2 will get it late 2005. I don't know how well Viewtiful Joe is selling on PS2, but I doubt it's going gangbusters. I think the Resident Evil franchise has been diluted over the years, and doesn't have the same draw anymore. I'd wager 60-70% of RE4's total sales will come from GCN (of course I reserve the right to change this estimate at any time).

The way I look at it, with such a gap between releases it almost certain that the PS2 version is going to get more content, which will make multiplatform owners a bit hesitant to bite on the GC version without further information. On top of that, I think your numbers might reflect what happens in the west. I could see a TOS stituation happening in Japan, however. This all speculation of course, but I don't think it's too hard to see that this announcement has done nothing positive in Nintendo''s case regardless of the final outcome.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Sho Nuff said:


Now you know that isn't necessarily going to be true...

The PS2 should have little problems replicating things like character models (at least the main characters). I'd imagine that they will be able to bring over most of the geometry pretty faithfully (with only minor downgrades). Textures will present much more of a problem...

I think we made end up seeing a port that is about on par with Viewtiful Joe PS2. That is, the game will look pretty accurate, but a lot of small changes were made that resulted in degraded visuals.
Will the title be ported by the same studio?

Could this lead to Mikami leaving Capcom, because I doubt he wanted this?

But, what I really want to know what the tech heads think will make in the transition from Cube to PS2?


After seeing Onimusha 3 and the DMC3 demo, I don't see why the PS2 wont be at least adequate. I doubt it'll be a disaster. I don't think I can wait to play the PS2 version, extra content or not though.
dark10x said:
Now you know that isn't necessarily going to be true...

The PS2 should have little problems replicating things like character models (at least the main characters). I'd imagine that they will be able to bring over most of the geometry pretty faithfully (with only minor downgrades). Textures will present much more of a problem...

I think we made end up seeing a port that is about on par with Viewtiful Joe PS2. That is, the game will look pretty accurate, but a lot of small changes were made that resulted in degraded visuals.

Actually, the fire, water are things I dont see the PS2 replicating. Textures aswell, can the PS2 do indirect texturing.


Funny enough Mikami wanted to port an enhanced version of DMC1 over to GameCube early on, but Capcom higher ups wouldn't allow it as they were getting a decent rate reduction by keeping it PS2 exclusive. I wouldn't be surprised if that was part of Mikami/Studio 4's motivation in dropping the franchise (for Studio 1 to take over)... maybe Mikami/Studio 4 will similarly refuse to port RE4 themselves (leaving it to either Studio 1 or more likely Studio 3).


kpop100 said:
After seeing Onimusha 3 and the DMC3 demo, I don't see why the PS2 wont be at least adequate. I doubt it'll be a disaster. I don't think I can wait to play the PS2 version, extra content or not though.
Yeah, I'd say Demento already looks pretty close to RE4 quality wise actually. Maybe they share some coding assets?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
OG_Original Gamer said:
Actually, the fire, water are things I dont see the PS2 replicating. Textures aswell, can the PS2 do indirect texturing.

I doubt those effects would present a large problem. The PS2 can handle things like that very well...

If they were using heavy shaders or something out of the PS2's reach, perhaps...but it does not seem that they are.

The image quality probably won't be too bad either. Not 480p, of course, but I doubt they will rely on field rendering since it is only a 30 fps title.


jarrod said:
Funny enough Mikami wanted to port an enhanced version of DMC1 over to GameCube early on, but Capcom higher ups wouldn't allow it as they were getting a decent rate reduction by keeping it PS2 exclusive. I wouldn't be surprised if that was part of Mikami/Studio 4's motivation in dropping the franchise (for R&D1 to take over)... maybe Mikami/Studio 4 will similarly refuse to port RE4 themselves (leaving it to either Studio 1 or more likely Studio 3).

nintendo should hire mikami.


Nintendo Disaster | Resident Evil 4 to PS2!
posted by tempo88 :: 2004/11/1 16:42:34 :: comment :: print

Resident Evil 4 Being ported over to the evil PS2...

It has been a point that has been discussed at great length, and it has always seemed like just a pipe-dream on behalf of Sony fanatics, but due to increasing pressure (and more obviously a lot more money) Capcom have been 'forced' to post Resident Evil 4 over to the PS2, removing it's much touted GC exclusivity.

Basically this is a money decision, Capcom may spruce it up with other reasons but it is hugely obvious that a title as expensive and development-demanding as Resident Evil 4 will not make a significant profit on the GameCube, put it on the PS2 as well, though...

Obviously though, it can't be a direct port. Resident Evil 4 is a hugely demanding title in technological terms, something that the PS2 simply can't support. So expect the port to be more of a conversion.

The comments on http://www.cube-europe.com/news.php?nid=7149 are funny too :D


jarrod said:
Funny enough Mikami wanted to port an enhanced version of DMC1 over to GameCube early on, but Capcom higher ups wouldn't allow it as they were getting a decent rate reduction by keeping it PS2 exclusive. I wouldn't be surprised if that was part of Mikami/Studio 4's motivation in dropping the franchise (for R&D1 to take over)... maybe Mikami/Studio 4 will similarly refuse to port RE4 themselves (leaving it to either Studio 1 or more likely Studio 3).

Capcom can just fire him if that's what they want to do. From what I've seen it seems he's really fallen out of favor with the suits at Capcom. He may be talented but he's certinately not the only talent they have. I'd be worried about my job if I was him.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
SantaCruZer said:
nintendo should hire mikami.

Err, why?

Nintendo is known for delivering rock solid play mechanics and great game design. Even if you dislike the Nintendo aesthetics, you can't really deny that they consistantly deliver high quality gameplay.

I can't think of a single Mikami title with good gameplay mechanics, however. He doesn't seem like a good fit for Nintendo...

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Actually, the fire, water are things I dont see the PS2 replicating
That is actually one thing I have very little doubt will be replicated nicely.
First level of Onimusha 3 has probably the best realtime fire effects in any (released) game so far. When you play it, make sure that when you get to the burning castle, walk up the stairs and walk to the right on the porch, so that you can see the fire and smoke upclose.


dark10x said:
Err, why?

Nintendo is known for delivering rock solid play mechanics and great game design. Even if you dislike the Nintendo aesthetics, you can't really deny that they consistantly deliver high quality gameplay.

I can't think of a single Mikami title with good gameplay mechanics, however. He doesn't seem like a good fit for Nintendo...

Mikami would be a good fit on Nintendo since he appearently dislike the PS2 .(and sony)

Nintendo is known for delivering rock solid play mechanics and great game design

Agree, but it seems that many in this forum don't think that way.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jarrod said:
Goof Troop!

Was there anything unique or special about the game? I've never played it...

It was a lot more difficult to butcher play mechanics back in the day, but perhaps GT was something unique?

Mikami would be a good fit on Nintendo since he appearently dislike the PS2 .(and sony)

So you want Nintendo to hire someone simply due to the fact that they hate the competition? I would hope that Nintendo would NOT act in such a fashion...

I just don't believe that the two would mix. Mikami games are the exact opposite of what Nintendo usually stands for...

SantaCruZer said:
I liked Goof Troop.

Wonderful. What did it play like?

Deku Tree

If I were Capcom upper management, I wouldn't want Mikami involved in putting RE4 on PS2. With all the fanboyism he's displayed, you never know whether or not he'd make it crappy on purpose.


dark10x said:
Was there anything unique or special about the game? I've never played it...

It was a lot more difficult to butcher play mechanics back in the day, but perhaps GT was something unique?

I liked Goof Troop.


dark10x said:
Was there anything unique or special about the game? I've never played it...

It was a lot more difficult to butcher play mechanics back in the day, but perhaps GT was something unique?
It's an excellent overhead adventure/puzzler... short but sweet from what I remember. I believe Mikami actually worked on NES/SNES Disney games mainly before breaking out with Resident Evil in 1996 (which was so successful he got his own software R&D division afterward).

While I despise RE thanks to the mantra of slick presentation over engainging mechanics, Studio 4 has done some more traditional games too design wise (Viewtiful Joe being a recent example). I'd say it's more the genre overall having rather busted mechanics though (this goes for not only RE, but Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, Eternal Darkness, etc) rather than Mikami's games specifically.


The only problem I can see with the port is textures and overall image quality at the most. The particle effects and even the water don't seem something that would be out of reach for the PS2. It might take a bit more effort in the coding, however.

As for Mikami at Nintendo, I don't have much of an opinion either way. If Nintendo still really wants to keep or expand the adult audience, I don't think they have any choice but to make the kind of games they need themselves. Having someone with Mikami's sensiblities would help Nintendo, a company whose design aesthetics remain closely tied to family friendly images and themes. At the same time, Mikami isn't the only person they could hire and I'm sure there other companies would try to court him if he did decide to leave or was fired. I don't think he's at that level where his name insures an amazing product.


The only problem with such a big thread is that 75% of it is repeated discussion :) Maybe someone should do a summary of the thread so far at the top of every new page.
Marconelly said:
That is actually one thing I have very little doubt will be replicated nicely.
First level of Onimusha 3 has probably the best realtime fire effects in any (released) game so far. When you play it, make sure that when you get to the burning castle, walk up the stairs and walk to the right on the porch, so that you can see the fire and smoke upclose.

I have no doubt that the PS2 can make great looking fire, but I don't see it looking the same. RE4 is using indirect texturing aswell making every flame have a heatwave affect.

Polygon count won't be a problem though.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
OG_Original Gamer said:
I have no doubt that the PS2 can make great looking fire, but I don't see it looking the same. RE4 is using indirect texturing aswell making every flame have a heatwave affect.

Polygon count won't be a problem though.

Plenty of PS2 games feature a similar heatwave effect on each fire source. Even if they had to approach it differently, there is no reason why it couldn't be done.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Yeah, I've seen heatwave effect around the flames, torches, etc, in many PS2 games. I'm not going to pretend I know exactly how it's done on the PS2, but way too many games has it, so it's obviously not a big deal to make it work.
dark10x said:
Plenty of PS2 games feature a similar heatwave effect on each fire source. Even if they had to approach it differently, there is no reason why it couldn't be done.

One more thing I like point out is that the fire in RE4 isn't static, its constantly moving when dealing with villagers that have torches, that also are a source of lighting. Just watch the TGS 2k4 video and you'll see what I'm saying.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
OG_Original Gamer said:
One more thing I like point out is that the fire in RE4 isn't static, its constantly moving when dealing with villagers that have torches, that also are a source of lighting. Just watch the TGS 2k4 video and you'll see what I'm saying.

Yes, I'm aware of that. I still don't think that it presents a problem...

It may need to be engineered differently, but I believe it could be done. Also, the actual realtime light sources are likely per-vertex...


Heatwave effects on PS2 are done using a simple frame buffer deformation. Plenty of PS2's games use thoses kind of effects.
It's pretty identical, visually speaking, to GC's indirect texturing, in this case.
Until Capcom comes out and says it (Not some picture on a website in a language I can't read) I look on this as another rumor. And even if true late 2005 compared to very early 2005 is a long time. It could even slip to early 2006. By then everyone will be oohing and ahing the X-Box 2 and RE4 will be considered an outdated port. Sure you Sony fanboys wait until the PS2 version, I'll have beaten it and unlocked all the secret stuff been wowed by its awesomeness and moved on to another great GC game(Zelda hopefully) by then.


A couple of pages back I said Mr. Mikami would leave CAPCOM for Nintendo. I've heard rumors of it for a while now, suppossedly Nintendo got some industry veterans to work at thier new Tokyo studio to work on more diverse games for next generation...maybe Mr. Mikami is one of them, but he has to wait until RE4 is done before leaving. There was no contract for exclussivity, this was more of a developer to developer agreement (Miyamoto to Mikami) and handshake type deal. Too bad CAPCOM uppers obviously *never* wanted the series on GAMECUBE...so they ask Nintendo to invest in them in exchange and Nintendo says no for two reasons. 1-Nintendo doesn't want to put thier money into a company 'cos what's the point if all the talent leaves said company. 2-CAPCOM (even after the suppossed exclussive CAPCOM 5" announcement was *still* supporting PS2 moreso while giving GAMECUBE basically tablescraps that eventually were gonna end up getting cancelled or ported to PS2 in the end. Would YOU have invested knowing this? Then when they invest in Bandai (a company that's based in money-making IP's regardless of game making talent) CAPCOM probably took it personally. With this, poor financial's for the past couple of years and thier hopeless need to crawl back to the Sony teet Sony probably told them to announce the PS2 version NOW before the holiday shopping season which not only hurts GAMECUBE's hardware sales & mindshare, but it also will sorta sabotage thier own RE4 GAMECUBE version sales. All this just to spite Nintendo and make nice with Sony. You know it's true...I mean, why else announce it now? Sony is going for the throat! You don't think this wasn't thier idea? CAPCOM's managment probably went along with it 'cos I bet that Mr. Mikami is leaving for Nintendo as soon as RE4 ships for GAMECUBE! I just wish Mr. Okamoto was at Nintendo too so that CAPCOM would be even more of a shell. Nintendo needs to rely on themselves from now on, if third parties keep pissing and moaning about working with Nintendo, then fuck 'em, leaves more money for Nintendo...back to the N64 model if you ask me...don't give a shit about anyone but yourself and laugh all the way to bank doing it!
UltimateMarioMan said:
Until Capcom comes out and says it (Not some picture on a website in a language I can't read) I look on this as another rumor.

With a name like UltimateMarioMan, I'm not surprised at this statement.


UltimateMarioMan said:
Until Capcom comes out and says it (Not some picture on a website in a language I can't read) I look on this as another rumor. And even if true late 2005 compared to very early 2005 is a long time. It could even slip to early 2006. By then everyone will be oohing and ahing the X-Box 2 and RE4 will be considered an outdated port. Sure you Sony fanboys wait until the PS2 version, I'll have beaten it and unlocked all the secret stuff been wowed by its awesomeness and moved on to another great GC game(Zelda hopefully) by then.

It is in English


edit: Beaten, that means so many people are reading this very thread, ha ha ha ha !


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Sure you Sony fanboys wait until the PS2 version, I'll have beaten it and unlocked all the secret stuff been wowed by its awesomeness

Not all Sony fanboys are going to wait for a port...

I know I'll play it on GC. Casual gamers are the likely audience for this port...

and moved on to another great GC game(Zelda hopefully) by then.

You mean THE other great GC game. :p You act as if PS2 fans would only have RE4 to look forward to or something...
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