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Captain America: Civil War | Production Thread

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Black Panther and Captain Marvel - of anything that's been announced I'd be most worried about these getting cancelled. Word on the street is that , thanks to spiderman a handful of the newer properties got pushed back. Right now Avengers 3 is due out before either of these films but you'd think marvel would want to introduce these characters more formally to include them in the infinity war wouldn't you ? If they do make it out I'm thinking 300-400 million each worldwide.


is there a source for this or is this based on insider-ey stuff?


Brand Fatigue won't really set in until Marvel releases a couple of duds. With the amount of money invested going forward I don't think they will let it happen. What I do see as an issue, is if they'll bother making more movies once infinity war is finished.

As this is a Civil War thread - I'll admit to being uncertain about how effective a film it can be. The comic version was told over the course of a year with dozens of comics included. How many more characters will really be around in the Marvel cinematic universe by then and how many of those will be fighting for screen time ?

Avengers 2 - Probably a sure thing at this point. Status Quo will be maintained. Box office prediction - 1 Billion + (70% from overseas)

Ant Man - A guilty pleasure spin-off, will neither tarnish nor excel the brand. Box office prediction - 350 million (50/50 split WW/NA)

Cap 3 Civil War - Uncertainty , if it's actually really good I suspect it will be on par with Cap 2's gross. 600 million + (60% overseas)

Dr Strange - A smaller film , the character isn't as well known and in the sea of competition I suspect it will get lost. Probably a safe failure though, if they lose a bit on this one it won't effect the larger whole. 250 million (50/50 split)

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 - I see great things here, guardians 1 was basically a nicely built fan version of star wars and I suspect the sequel will continue that trend. People really liked the first one and I think the second one will outdo it. It's lack of "super heroes" will save it from any kind of stagnation. 700 million + (60% overseas)

NEW spiderman film - this is going to get 2 years of promotion , not to mention the possible appearance in Civil War and I think it will be the biggest spiderman has ever been. 1 billion (65% overseas)

Thor 3 - I can see it maintaining the quality of the other 2 thor films, nothing more. 500 million (60% worldwide)

Black Panther and Captain Marvel - of anything that's been announced I'd be most worried about these getting cancelled. Word on the street is that , thanks to spiderman a handful of the newer properties got pushed back. Right now Avengers 3 is due out before either of these films but you'd think marvel would want to introduce these characters more formally to include them in the infinity war wouldn't you ? If they do make it out I'm thinking 300-400 million each worldwide.

Avengers Infinity war parts 1/2 - This one is a pretty safe bet, it will be made no matter what. The scope of who ends up being included in it is what could change. I'm thinking it will earn 2 billion world wide (between both films)

Finaly, The inhumans - this may be saved for post avengers 3 has a way to reboot the marvel universe. Or, much like black panther and captain marvel it could end up in limbo. If anything, since black panther is due to appear in civil war , perhaps his movie should still come out and captain marvel get's a delay until post avengers 3.

This way, marvel could make a NEW avengers with a different cast. Maybe toss out a she hulk film ?

Predictions straight from 2005.


You guys know what fatigue is?

I believe it will start setting in a day or two after antman comes out.

Brand Fatigue won't really set in until Marvel releases a couple of duds. With the amount of money invested going forward I don't think they will let it happen. What I do see as an issue, is if they'll bother making more movies once infinity war is finished.



If this thing *only* does Avengers numbers it's gonna be a disappointment.

1.6-1.8 Billion.

I'm calling it.

Being the 5th highest grossing film in history (AoU will be #3 or #2) will be seen as a disappointment?
Cap 3 Civil War - Uncertainty , if it's actually really good I suspect it will be on par with Cap 2's gross. 600 million + (60% overseas)

"Winter Soldier" made $714 million, why would "Civil War", featuring Cap, Iron Man, and now Spiderman, somehow make less? It's more likely to hit a billion than make less than Winter Soldier.



is there a source for this or is this based on insider-ey stuff?

Marvel already announced they were pushed back...Panther moved from Nov '17 to July '18, and Captain Marvel moved from July to Nov '18.

Don't know why that's prefaced with "word on the street is..." since Marvel put out a press release about it themselves. :lol


"Winter Soldier" made $714 million, why would "Civil War", featuring Cap, Iron Man, and now Spiderman, somehow make less? It's more likely to hit a billion than make less than Winter Soldier.

Especially because Robert Downey and Spider-Man are going to be in it...
I continue to think that Spidey having more than a cameo in Civil War is a very questionable assumption given the (pre- and actual) production timetable, but I guess it can't be that much longer before we get some clarification.


Marvel already announced they were pushed back...Panther moved from Nov '17 to July '18, and Captain Marvel moved from July to Nov '18.

Don't know why that's prefaced with "word on the street is..." since Marvel put out a press release about it themselves. :lol

ha. I thought he was referring to future unannounced properties but if it is those two...

It's probably gonna be a better movie than Age of Ultron, at least. And much more focused, I'm guessing. I could see this one doing pretty gangbusters (and I think it may be a mistake for people to assume that AoU is automatically going to do better than the first Avengers film).


Junior Member
It's probably gonna be a better movie than Age of Ultron, at least. And much more focused, I'm guessing. I could see this one doing pretty gangbusters (and I think it may be a mistake for people to assume that AoU is automatically going to do better than the first Avengers film).
What makes you say that?
It's probably gonna be a better movie than Age of Ultron, at least. And much more focused, I'm guessing. I could see this one doing pretty gangbusters (and I think it may be a mistake for people to assume that AoU is automatically going to do better than the first Avengers film).

Yeah, my biggest concern about AoU is the risk of so much Phase 3 setup that it loses sight of its own main storyline. Less so the Civil War setup, which sounds like it follows pretty organically out of the main plotline, more so the possible Inhumans and all-but-confirmed Ragnarok and Black Panther stuff.

(Also, to a slightly lesser degree, that Whedon is increasing the size of the team by 50% when he couldn't even do justice to all six members in the first film.)


To me, it seems like Age of Ultron will be very focused and not lose sight of its own plot.
I can understand those thinking it won't do more than the original Avengers though, as that was the first ensemble movie, and some might not have come out liking it as much. I surely didn't think The Avengers were a strong movie, but I can also see Age of Ultron doing better numbers honestly. Only time will tell.
What makes you say that?

Outside of the fact that the Russo brothers are better at this than Joss Whedon -

They're both taking on a lot of story material, but in AoU you've got Hydra, Ultron, the introduction of the twins, Wakanda, Ulysses Klaw, Vision, and apparently some Asgard material too. That's a LOT of very disparate things to cram into a film compared to the first Avengers, and it's got a shorter running time too apparently.

Civil War seems likely to be much more about the consequences of things we've already seen and restricted solely to Earthly characters. It's still expansive, but it's much less likely to buckle under its own weight than AoU is, if only because AoU is doing so very much.


I think age of Ultron is going to make the same kind of quality leap as first avenger -> winter soldier. Count on it.


Outside of the fact that the Russo brothers are better at this than Joss Whedon -

They're both taking on a lot of story material, but in AoU you've got Hydra, Ultron, the introduction of the twins, Wakanda, Ulysses Klaw, Vision, and apparently some Asgard material too. That's a LOT of very disparate things to cram into a film compared to the first Avengers, and it's got a shorter running time too apparently.


AoU is 20min longer.

I think age of Ultron is going to make the same kind of quality leap as first avenger -> winter soldier. Count on it.



Junior Member
To be fair, Joss Whedon kinda sets the bar as far as the MCU goes. Avengers 1 set the bar for all of Phase 2, & as of now only Winter Soldier & GotG rose above it. Age of Ultron will do the same thing.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
Yeah, Age of Ultron is probably going to be as long as TDKR, if not a TAD longer.

I think they confirmed(?) the running time earlier this month and it was about 5 minutes shorter than TDKR, 160 minutes. That's still crazy long. Hope it's not going to drag in parts.
Heres an idea:

I would have the Peter Parker be a young, clever, but impressionable kid who looks up to Captain America and takes a huge interest in him. When he gets his powers he tracks down Captain America at the start of CW and thinks he will be able use his powers to get some great pictures for his photography job (part time job during school), but also wants to try and understand his powers and how to be a hero. He travels to Washington and finds Cap whilst he is tracking down Bucky. Spidey then gets caught in the cross fire and sees heroes/villains all around him. Cue the end of the movie where presumably Cap dies, and in doing so shows Spidey what it takes to be a hero. Iron Man would also be a contrasting type of hero, showing spider man that there is more than way to be a hero and make a difference to people.

At the end of the movie he is inspired by Caps sacrifice/death and goes back to New York to be a hero and protect the people of new york. Cue the solo movie.

I posted this in the Spidey thread, I hope they do something similar.


I'll never understand the brand fatigue comments, personally.

I used to watch Batman, Spider-Man and X-Men cartoons every Saturday as a kid. When they were over, I was fiending for more. And I got more.. the next week. and the week after. and the week after.

What I'm trying to say is, give me monthly Marvel/comic book movies. I'm in there. If anything, there's not enough Marvel movies ever year, damn it.

As for the general public, I don't think they'll get sick of them any time soon. The genre has been going strong since X-Men 1 in 2000. Stinkers have hurt the genre (Batman and Robin, X-Men 3/Wolverine Origins, Fantastic Four 2, Ghostrider and other D-tier heroes), but release a good followup and it's all forgotten and back to making billions again (Dark Knight, Days of Future Past).

Excitement for comic book films seems higher than ever at the moment. I would have said the only exception is with Sony's Spider-Man films, but obviously that problem has been fixed :)


What I'm trying to say is, give me monthly Marvel/comic book movies. I'm in there. If anything, there's not enough Marvel movies ever year, damn it.
Movies stay profitable for longer than four weeks though, typically, especially if you have some sort of juggernaut like Iron Man 3 or The Avengers. If Marvel started releasing one each month, they would only be hurting themselves.

Going the various medium route like they are with shows on ABC and Netflix in addition to films is for the best. If anything, they could try to ramp up their Netflix output once Daredevil and Jessica Jones prove to be hits.


Movies stay profitable for longer than four weeks though, typically, especially if you have some sort of juggernaut like Iron Man 3 or The Avengers. If Marvel started releasing one each month, they would only be hurting themselves.

Going the various medium route like they are with shows on ABC and Netflix in addition to films is for the best. If anything, they could try to ramp up their Netflix output once Daredevil and Jessica Jones prove to be hits.

Well, of course it's not actually a viable strategy. 3 MCU films a year seems to be the plan going forward, and I don't think you can realistically squeeze another into the schedule.

I just want more!

I definitely like the various medium route. Hopefully the Netflix shows are a big success.
Well, of course it's not actually a viable strategy. 3 MCU films a year seems to be the plan going forward, and I don't think you can realistically squeeze another into the schedule.

I just want more!

I definitely like the various medium route. Hopefully the Netflix shows are a big success.

Yeah, it's gonna be about balancing it all with the movie and tv releases. You don't want the audience to be too hungry, but you also don't want them completely filled, just enough to always make them wanting a bit more.

4-5 months between every big Marvel movie is a nice balance.

EDIT: What also really helps is the story and universe it takes place in is also moving forward and evolving.
Well they are more than a month apart in terms of release date. Don't see it making any difference tbh.

I can see them dropping Captain America from the title in the overseas areas like they have done in some areas before. I think it will do a billion easily, probably more.

Nah, they can do a trillion if they turn RDJ into an Asian using CG and he beats down Cap many times.

China will call it Chinese movie of the century.


Yeah I'd personally love more than 2 a year at this point. I mean-it basically already looks like there's no possible way to accommodate an Ant Man sequel as it is.


I mean-it basically already looks like there's no possible way to accommodate an Ant Man sequel as it is.
I'm fine with that. I actually think it would be sort of great to just do some more one offs like The Incredible Hulk. Build the universe, introduce more characters, and maybe down the line if opportunity comes for a great sequel, then you can finally do one. While The Incredible Hulk 2 might be fun, what could be even more fun is letting the cosmic side of the MCU continue to build and eventually get Ruffalo to do a World War Hulk film.


Yeah I'd personally love more than 2 a year at this point. I mean-it basically already looks like there's no possible way to accommodate an Ant Man sequel as it is.

Keep thinking that until it does $800 million and then they'll find a way.
Keep thinking that until it does $800 million and then they'll find a way.

There's literally no room for a sequel until late 2019. They're not going to shuffle around release dates again.

Quite honestly, I think Marvel has already written it off, as a one-off if not necessarily at the box office. Its near-complete absence from the October fan event, and the odd decision to "move" it from the beginning of Phase 3 to the end of Phase 2, seems telling.


Quite honestly, I think Marvel has already written it off, as a one-off if not necessarily at the box office. Its near-complete absence from the October fan event, and the odd decision to "move" it from the beginning of Phase 3 to the end of Phase 2, seems telling.

I assume you mean NY comic con? The schedule was tight and they were busy filming, don't know why you were expecting much. I also don't see why having it end phase 2 instead of beginning phase 3 would lead you to believe that, especially when it comes out a couple months after AoU and with how massive Civil War has become.

Also you are starting to see the toy line for Ant-man emerge.


There's literally no room for a sequel until late 2019. They're not going to shuffle around release dates again.

Quite honestly, I think Marvel has already written it off, as a one-off if not necessarily at the box office. Its near-complete absence from the October fan event, and the odd decision to "move" it from the beginning of Phase 3 to the end of Phase 2, seems telling.

They were still filming, they didn't have enough to show for it. Unless you count the SDCC teaser.


I'm a bit worried for the lesser known heroes now that Spidey is in Marvels hands again.
I am more looking forward to the new heroe-films than yet another Spider-Man flick.

I had no problem with the MCU not including Spidey simply for the fact that I find new and original characters and stories more engaging than to rehash the same heroes again and again.

Spidey should have to wait until after Infinity War 2 imo. Stop cuttnig in line you douchebag!


I'm a bit worried for the lesser known heroes now that Spidey is in Marvels hands again.
I am more looking forward to the new heroe-films than yet another Spider-Man flick.

I had no problem with the MCU not including Spidey simply for the fact that I find new and original characters and stories more engaging than to rehash the same heroes again and again.

Spidey should have to wait until after Infinity War 2 imo. Stop cuttnig in line you douchebag!

What should change? Its one movie more for each phase and since Marvel makes no money from the Spider-Man movies directly, why should they not push the movies with franchises they actually own.

You should all relax...


Junior Member
Arent they though? Why wouldn't they make money from him?
Yup, Marvel doesn't see a dime from any of the Spider-Man movies, but they get money from any non-solo-Spidey movies they make (I.E. Civil War). But Marvel's still the designated driver for the Spider-Man car Sony owns seeing as Sony's too drunk to do it themselves.
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