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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?

If any character in the Marvel universe is half-crazy, it's Wanda. I actually would say she's outright crazy, or at least severely unstable. She often is confident when she is in control of herself and things are going well for her, but remember that we're talking about the woman who completely lost it and wiped out (basically) all of mutantkind with her reality warping powers.
Plus, both the Maximoff siblings are definitely nutty, they just express it differently. Pietro spazzing the fuck out is just as spot-on as Wanda's eerie kinda-crazy thing.

She only went crazy once and dealt with it in WCA after Darker than Scarlet.

Bendis ignored the fact and tried to turn her into a villain.

Please don't quote HoM and Disassembled. Those events ignored history of her dealing iwth the problems.

And Pietro isn't insane either. He is just constantly bitter.
She only went crazy once and dealt with it in WCA after Darker than Scarlet.

Bendis ignored the fact and tried to turn her into a villain.

Please don't quote HoM and Disassembled. Those events ignored history of her dealing iwth the problems.

And Pietro isn't insane either. He is just constantly bitter.

Yes, but she has been crazy, that is my point. The fact she grew up in a dysfunctional family setting with her brother trying to control her didn't help, either.

Also, Pietro not insane? Please. He might not be a nutjob psychopath like the Punisher, but calling him "just bitter" is a bit of an understatement. He's done more than one thing to prove that he has issues. The whole problematic relationship and marriage with Crystal, his reaction to finding out their child didn't have any powers, and forcing her into the Terrigen Mists in an age that is way below recommendation.
I know some of this is partly rooted in when Wanda made him one of the mutants to lose their powers, and him trying to cope with it by inhaling Terrigen didn't bother me, but doing that to his own daughter? That's crazy, not bitter.


Sub-title of the thread is genius!

Saw this tonight and it's easily the best Marvel solo film so far and the second best superhero movie I've seen behind Avengers. Loved the political thriller plot elements, the action scenes were brilliant (car chase with Fury was my favourite), the fight choreography was fantastic and some of the best I've seen in ages and they did a great job of giving most characters a good amount of screen time. It basically felt like a Secret Avengers movie rather than a Captain America movie at times.

The Winter Soldier himself was a total badass and it was great seeing him translated to the big screen so well. The same goes for Falcon, I was worried what they would do with him when he was first announced, but I'm glad they just basically made him the Ultimate Comics version and it was nice to see him play such a large role in the second half of the film.

It was great to hear the Dr Strange reference too. I totally want to go and see this again.


OK, after a few days have passed, there's one thing that bothered me a bit that I don't think anyone has mentioned.

I haven't watched Cap 1 for a while, but if I remember correctly, Zola in that movie looked like he did have some reservations with what Red Skull was doing. Obviously, he was in it for the science, but in very subtle ways, he always looked like he was not quite sure of how far RS had taken everything.

Fast-forward, and now he is 100% behind Hydra and working it inside of SHIELD. It's obvious he didn't do it alone, and it stands to reason that a lot of the recruited scientists and other people after WWII were on it too (and I understand Zola is a quintessential villain in the comics, so not using him for this would've been a missed opportunity), but during that AI scene it did seem to me that he was much more of a Hydra agent than how he looked in the first movie.

I concede that might've been only my perception, as the first part of my post was never shown explicitly, but it still left me wondering a bit.


OK, after a few days have passed, there's one thing that bothered me a bit that I don't think anyone has mentioned.

I haven't watched Cap 1 for a while, but if I remember correctly, Zola in that movie looked like he did have some reservations with what Red Skull was doing. Obviously, he was in it for the science, but in very subtle ways, he always looked like he was not quite sure of how far RS had taken everything.

Fast-forward, and now he is 100% behind Hydra and working it inside of SHIELD. It's obvious he didn't do it alone, and it stands to reason that a lot of the recruited scientists and other people after WWII were on it too (and I understand Zola is a quintessential villain in the comics, so not using him for this would've been a missed opportunity), but during that AI scene it did seem to me that he was much more of a Hydra agent than how he looked in the first movie.

I concede that might've been only my perception, as the first part of my post was never shown explicitly, but it still left me wondering a bit.

Hmmmm. I haven't seen the first movie in a while, so this might not be the most accurate viewpoint, but if Zola was hesitant about anything, maybe it was more so of the danger and power the Tesseract presented, rather than anything else? I don't see why a Nazi scientist working for the Red Skull would really have any concerns about world conquest or Hydra, but he could be worried about the Tesseract's power being used too quickly without understanding it fully.


That could be it. I think he always seemed too scared to me in that movie. Both of the cube's power and of RS himself, and when he was captured he pretty much gave everything away. He never struck me as a loyalist, and well, Hydra loses heads fairly quickly.

Him being behind TWS I can totally picture, due to the science and experimenting aspect of it. That means he doesn't really have any ethical concerns, but even then he never struck me as someone with an ultimate plan. I guess he was mostly just part of it again, with his algorithm being the central piece, I just never thought of him as someone who identified so deeply as part of Hydra like when he was talking to Cap and Widow, but then again, the first movie wouldn't really be a place to show that.
So...who's ready for the massive influx of people coming in here tonight?

This is just like what happened with Gravity; I saw it eariler than expected (like a month or so), so I couldn't say shit to the friends and such until much later


That could be it. I think he always seemed too scared to me in that movie. Both of the cube's power and of RS himself, and when he was captured he pretty much gave everything away. He never struck me as a loyalist, and well, Hydra loses heads fairly quickly.

Him being behind TWS I can totally picture, due to the science and experimenting aspect of it. That means he doesn't really have any ethical concerns, but even then he never struck me as someone with an ultimate plan. I guess he was mostly just part of it again, with his algorithm being the central piece, I just never thought of him as someone who identified so deeply as part of Hydra like when he was talking to Cap and Widow, but then again, the first movie wouldn't really be a place to show that.

Remember back in TFA how he had a separate hall in the prison? Remember he had Bucky tied? He's pretty far the moral horizon, yeah he's a pussy (i mean, he's like 4' 5") but that doesn't makes him less ruthless and with the protection of the "good guys" he could have anything he ever desired, total freedom to do what ever he wanted without risking his neck.


I know that he always had his crazy scientist persona (I know what he did to Bucky and that he wasn't exactly a good guy) I just never thought of him as a Hydra loyalist till the end too.


That could be it. I think he always seemed too scared to me in that movie. Both of the cube's power and of RS himself, and when he was captured he pretty much gave everything away. He never struck me as a loyalist, and well, Hydra loses heads fairly quickly.

Him being behind TWS I can totally picture, due to the science and experimenting aspect of it. That means he doesn't really have any ethical concerns, but even then he never struck me as someone with an ultimate plan. I guess he was mostly just part of it again, with his algorithm being the central piece, I just never thought of him as someone who identified so deeply as part of Hydra like when he was talking to Cap and Widow, but then again, the first movie wouldn't really be a place to show that.

I don't get the impression that he was a leader or someone who ran Hydra at all. It seemed more like his AI was being tapped as a resource, and since the real person was dead, the AI had no reason to not want to help as long as it furthered their scientific cause. In the end, it was other Hydra agents actually carrying out plans and making decisions, and in the post-credits it was Von Strucker supervising the current experiments. Zola was always just a tool I think.

Edit: As for how much of a "loyalist" he was, I suspect he was just following the lead of others who already planned to infiltrate SHIELD. A lot of the grandstanding he does in the movie has more to do with him personally taunting Steve Rogers, because they knew each other, and he wanted to feel that he was "beaten" him even from beyond the grave.
That could be it. I think he always seemed too scared to me in that movie. Both of the cube's power and of RS himself, and when he was captured he pretty much gave everything away. He never struck me as a loyalist, and well, Hydra loses heads fairly quickly.

Him being behind TWS I can totally picture, due to the science and experimenting aspect of it. That means he doesn't really have any ethical concerns, but even then he never struck me as someone with an ultimate plan. I guess he was mostly just part of it again, with his algorithm being the central piece, I just never thought of him as someone who identified so deeply as part of Hydra like when he was talking to Cap and Widow, but then again, the first movie wouldn't really be a place to show that.

Strucker at the end is Hydra too right? seems like he could be the one pulling string behind the scenes. Alexander Pierce is not necessarily be the mastermind behind all this.


So...who's ready for the massive influx of people coming in here tonight?

This is just like what happened with Gravity; I saw it eariler than expected (like a month or so), so I couldn't say shit to the friends and such until much later
That's a good thing. More discussion.

Strucker at the end is Hydra too right? seems like he could be the one pulling string behind the scenes. Alexander Pierce is not necessarily be the mastermind behind all this.


Alright, cool. The reviews on this seem rather diverse and the comparisons to older films interesting as well.

Most of the Marvel in house productions have been varied for me to date, but this keeps sticking out.
The way I see it, Zola was always bitchmade, but a snake in the grass either way. So he never really stuck to helping SHIELD, really.

Then when he got turned into an AI...you remove the bitchmade part and shit gets real


Edit: As for how much of a "loyalist" he was, I suspect he was just following the lead of others who already planned to infiltrate SHIELD. A lot of the grandstanding he does in the movie has more to do with him personally taunting Steve Rogers, because they knew each other, and he wanted to feel that he was "beaten" him even from beyond the grave.

I think you are right on this.

The whole AI scene was pretty cool. I loved his voice.

Strucker at the end is Hydra too right? seems like he could be the one pulling string behind the scenes. Alexander Pierce is not necessarily be the mastermind behind all this.

Could be. I didn't want to make any assumptions on Strucker until we see his role in full, but that was a badass scene.


Strucker at the end is Hydra too right? seems like he could be the one pulling string behind the scenes. Alexander Pierce is not necessarily be the mastermind behind all this.

Oh yeah. I almost forgot of him. He did mention that are going to slip some info of other HYDRA bases to keep Rogers and the rest busy while he goes ahead with other more grandiose scheem.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Also, if you watch the scene between Zola and Tommy Lee Jones character in the first film, Zola seems more committed to HYDRA's cause, Jones notes that he does not have a cyanide pill like the other HYDRA agents.


I would take that as being less committed actually :p Why risk giving anything away, if it is all for "the greater cause".
Also, if you watch the scene between Zola and Tommy Lee Jones character in the first film, Zola seems more committed to HYDRA's cause, Jones notes that he does not have a cyanide pill like the other HYDRA agents.

I would take that as being less committed actually :p Why risk giving anything away, if it is all for "the greater cause".

I thought that at first too, but if there were two directives:

Lower Level: Cyanide Pill
Higher Level/Potential Refugee: Infiltrate



Finally, someone took the four lists of Cap's To Do notebook:

Saw it last night and absolutely loved it. When they released the first MCU movies, and I saw how they handled the first Captain America movie, I knew this plotline would make it on the screen. Couldn't be happier especially considering Bucky became one of my favorite characters when I was still reading comics. Also loved the Brubaker cameo.


Just saw this.

Next-level fight scenes. Holeeeeee shit.

I am super impressed with the production values of these comic book movies. They just keep getting better and better.

The story was great.

And, dare I say it, the movie was visceral in the best possible way. The action scenes were very impressive and brutal.

Redford was a great villain who believed in what he was doing without being a cackling cartoon evil.

And Winter Soldier was a super cool villain. And I like that the power levels of everyone here was not super-comic level like in the Avengers. It felt more grounded if that makes sense.

Loved the Zola reveal.

Black Widow never looked better. Give her that solo movie.
Just got back from seeing this. I'll definitely be glued to the television for the rest of the season for 'Agents of SHIELD' now, just to see how that show deals with this fallout. Good job on finally getting that synergy, Marvel.

Great film. Winter Soldier was what Kai Leng should have been in Mass Effect 3.



I'm sitting in the parking lot outside of the theater, my mind obviously blown by the fucking amazing movie I just saw, and one thought keeps standing out:

I just heard Garry Shandling and Robert Redford say "Hail Hydra". I can't believe how awesome that is.
As a huge captain america fan I will say that The Winter Soldier delivered immensely.

Had a huge smile on my face the whole time. They nailed Bucky and now I want Cap 3 more than AoU


I'm guessing that the high school kid who was a serious threat to shield (along with Strange and Bruce Banner) was Amadeus Cho?

If they do a Herc 'n Cho buddy movie hoooooollllyyy fuck

Also, the evil computer scientist - now im not as up on Captain America as I am the rest of the Marvel U- but was that supposed to be MODOK or something?


I read that Sebastian Stan is signed on for Bucky in nine movies. He will take up the shield at some point.
People are saying there are no tie-ins to Ultron, but I got the impression that Zola's "algorithm" is going to morph into the Ultron A.I. So much seemed to tie into that with Project Insight, for me at least.
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