Just for your pleasure, stolen from 4chan:
:O is this real?
Just for your pleasure, stolen from 4chan:
:O is this real?
It's real.:O is this real?
Coluche... french clown.
Much agreed, and very appropriate. Just make sure it isn't the one with Nick Fury in it, Cap'.
Not at all. He felt like...Cap.
Anyways, did my folks from overseas actually get both post credit scenes? I remember we left one of them out for one of our previous films before it was released in the U.S.
I'm going to say Hydra.I wonder if the man who was playing Galaga was Hydra or SHIELD.
These are the sorts of things I wonder about.
Yeah, but even Pierce was talking about how many people they needed to kill with them. And the algorithm Zola made chose targets in the White House, Avengers tower and so on. I just find it hard to believe that the majority of people would have been "Oh well, I'm scared and SHIELD is awesome so all of those must have been bad people, so I'm ok with this."
SHIELD could just say it was The Ten Rings. Or someone else. SHIELD is very mighty, they could make this up easily.
Alright, I've updated my Modern Era comic book movie rankings. This is missing a couple movies that I didn't see (Ghost Rider, Catwoman). Also note that I'm a Spider-Man fanboy.
Now i wonder what about, as you mentioned the 10 Rings and AIM. hmm.......
Now that we know the truth. Watching the first MCU movies makes you wonder how deep and what else HYDRA has been behind. Now i wonder what about, as you mentioned the 10 Rings and AIM. hmm.......
10 Rings
Hammer Industries
Military Branch Trying to get control of Banner?
Anything else Hydra could've been up to?
I geeked out so much at the Stephen Strange name drop.
Alright, I've updated my Modern Era comic book movie rankings. This is missing a couple movies that I didn't see (Ghost Rider, Catwoman). Also note that I'm a Spider-Man fanboy.
Just came back from it. Meh. guessed every story beat. Movie was okay, better than Cap 1 - but then again that isn't saying much. I enjoyed Thor 2 more, as at least that has a bit more of an identity.
Nothing wrong with the Cap himself, I kinda like his character. It's just the way they make these movies, it feels like they came right off the latest production belt in the marvel movie making factory.
Is Coulson post-death mentioned at all in this?
Is Coulson post-death mentioned at all in this?
Nope. Officially Coulson is still dead as it was said the Avengers themselves weren't high enough on the security clearance to know. Coulson makes a point in the Sif episode to tell Sif not to tell Thor he is alive either as he wants to tell them himself.
Shit goes down before Coulson can return to base and see Fury too
Government officials?
Well the Us president from iron man3 counts? He appears on the monitor for a brief second.
Is Coulson post-death mentioned at all in this?
Also the burned guy at the end is likely to become Baron Zemo, as a friend pointed out to me.
Nope. It's as if Agents of SHIELD doesn't even exist in the MCU. Which is probably the best way to go about it.
I kinda like AoS now though. After that latest episode, I'm pretty sure they're tying it to Zola.
They can tie whatever they want into their crappy little show, as long as none of it ties back into the stuff that the rest of us actually watch.
Did anyone else find that scene with Peggy to be absolutely heartbreaking? It really came out of nowhere and really got to me.
The plot was not such a success, I think the Marvel franchise is crumbling under the weight of its own plot threads. If TWS took place without the rest in the same universe it would have worked much better, now it completely disregards things like how other superheroes like Iron Man or the Hulk would easily destroy the helicarriers and no indication was present in any of the previous movies or the TV series SHIELD was in fact a HYDRA front. It's becoming difficult to reconcile Thor and Cap being in the same universe while one never mentions HYDRA and the other ignores the existance of aliens.
All signs point to Dr Strange being the second 2016 Phase 3 movie.
Dormammu has to be the villain. They put him in MvC3 for a reason!