So I saw this last night at an 8:30 early screening, and Holy Mother of God this was a good movie. It's like a cross between a Bond / Bourne movie and a superhero film. It's in the top three of all of the Marvel movies, at least as good a movie as Avengers and Iron Man, and to be honest after I watch it a few more times I may honestly put it at the top of all the Marvel movies. Avengers gets points because of the uniqueness of it's cast all in one movie, but honestly CA2:TWS was just a better movie from a technical standpoint. I'd even go so far to say that it's better technically than any of the Nolan Batman movies. The action is what puts it above the others for me. It was well choreographed, intense, very little shaky cam nonsense as you could follow the action nicely all throughout the movie, and sometimes it just seemed brutal and powerful in it's presentation. Damn, the way Captain moved and fought in this movie!!!!! This is how Batman fights need to be done!!!!!!!!!
It had serious moments that worked, it had humor, it had Oh Shit moments, it had actual surprises and suspense, it had a great comradery feeling among it's cast, oh and yeah it had more enjoyable action than any other Marvel movie to date (maybe even any other superhero movie to date?). This was just an awesome movie, period. I'm impressed.
I'm also going to see it again Sunday morning.
EDIT: Ah, I posted in the spoiler thread instead of the main thread. So I can talk about specifics!
Bucky was great in this movie. They handled the character very well, even though I was hoping for more of his backstory but you get the feeling that they are saving that for CA3 which would work pretty well IMHO. I loved the final fight between Steve and Bucky, that was intense and well done. And wow, BW was great in this, Scarlett had almost as much screen time as Evans did. Some of their banter was fantastic, especially on the trip to NJ. And Falcon, I wonder if we will see him in Avengers 2. Plus the reference to Strange got a woot from the crowd, and I loved Nick Fury's tombstone, very subtle but a nice easter egg.
Damn fine movie.