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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?


Good grief at that gif.

And yeah, I took it as them being experimented on. Von Strucker and his group seemed to have tapped the sceptres powers to create 'miracles'. I guess that's Marvel's way of getting around them not being able to use Mutants?

Where did they get that scepter from though? I don't think it was Loki's but it looked familiar. And if it is Loki's, how did they get it? I wonder when the Quicksliver and Scarlet Witch stuff was filmed, god that was a good tease.
That totally looked like Loki's scepter.

Enjoyed this one a lot more than the first one. Overall, I like how balanced the confusing attitude of the main characters was towards questioning what side they were on and wanted to continue risking their life for. The super computer was great.
Where did they get that scepter from though? I don't think it was Loki's but it looked familiar. And if it is Loki's, how did they get it? I wonder when the Quicksliver and Scarlet Witch stuff was filmed, god that was a good tease.
That scepter is last used by black widow to shutdown the portal during avengers movie. Since thor don't bother to take it back to asgard with him when he bring loki back, we assume that scepter is in possession of shield. Which happeb to be infiltrated by hydra.
This movie ... WOW!

Sooo goooooood!
I have no idea how you can get this from Cap 1 but some how you did it Marvel! This ranks higher than pretty much any other Marvel film (last fav was IM3 ... I call it a close one between them).


Wouldn't be surprised if the third movie will be the Death of Captain America. Would make sense since Chris Evans has two Avengers and one Cap movie left on his contract, and like said before in the thread Bucky has 7 movies left.


Chili Con Carnage!
I've liked pretty much all of the MCU films but this was easily my favourite, felt like a (pre-Craig) Bond film but the fantastical action actually made sense. The fight scenes were really great too.

I really hope quicksilver & scarlet witch are the only two mutants that make it in to MCU, if they pull a "oh we zapped the whole world with Loki's staff and now hundreds of thousands of people have powers" I'm going to be disappointed.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Do you want to know what the Winter Soldier does now?
He calls himself Adam Kadmon and presents an Italian show about mysteries and conspiracies(yesterday he talked about the connections between strategy of terror, security and freedom, coincidence? lol)

Caught a showing tonight and I've gotta say, it's easily my favorite Marvel movie to date, and it's got a shot for taking the top spot for comics movies in general for me, though I'd need to watch it a few more times to really say that. Part of that's because I'm a big Cap fan to begin with and the Winter Soldier is one of my favorite arcs/characters, but it's also because everything from the action to the story to the acting was just perfect for me.

The best part for me was how they finally gave us Cap fighting and using his shield like he does in the comics with some crazy rebounds, and fully using his super strength and conditioning. The only thing that trumped it was THEN making the Winter Soldier a huge badass and giant threat by having him repeatedly go toe-to-toe with Cap. The Cap fanboy in me cheered like mad during that.

End Credits Observation: Using Von Strucker in connection to the twins is actually pretty interesting not just because it introduces them to us, but because he can actually take Magneto's place as their father. He is, after all, the father of twin mutants (Fenris, aka Andrea and Andreas Von Strucker) as well who might very well be tied up over at Fox Studios along with the X-Men due to them being mutants and former X-Men villains. If so, it's a pretty clever workaround on Marvel's part and one I approve of.

I do like the fact that he also seems like more than just a throwaway cameo villain in AoU as many feared he might just be, and with his ties to AIM it's possible he might have more to do with Ultron than many people believed. It's obvious they're not going the comics route with Ultron, and it's been repeatedly hinted it would tie back to Stark-tech. AIM's certainly stolen their fair share of Stark tech in the comics: I could see Ultron turning out to be an AIM experiment with the JARVIS AI gone horribly rogue.

Finally, someone took the four lists of Cap's To Do notebook:

I entered to ask about the ending and the list, happy to see them already answered :)
I'm in Italy and my sister read "Vasco Rossi" in the list, i thought she misread but now i think she's correct! :O
We'll see Xmen or Wolverine in the next Avengers movie?
So... my first thought when Natasha released all of Shield/Hydra's stuff on the internet?

Banner is going to be so fucking pissed. Because he probably had the most to lose with his identity becoming public knowledge. He's going to have a hell of a job trying to blend back into regular society if he ever wants to leave.

My second thought was that Ultron doesn't need to be Jarvis anymore to have info on all the Avengers. All Ultron needs now is an internet connection. Hell, all anyone needs is an internet connection and they get everything.


I don't know anything about this, why FOX has the rights of XMen and how someone could stop Marvel from using the XMen?
Well, FOX owns everything movie related to the X-Men. So the characters, the term "mutant" and everything surrounding the franchise in movies can only be used by FOX. Yes, Marvel Studios can't even use the word mutant in their cinematic universe. FOX has a solid contract which states that if they have a X-Men movie in production, they don't have to return the rights to Marvel. It's already announced that X-Men Apocalypse is coming...

And it won't happen any time soon, because FOX is working on their own cinematic Marvel universe which includes the X-Men and the Fantastic Four.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Well, FOX owns everything movie related to the X-Men. So the characters, the term "mutant" and everything surrounding the franchise in movies can only be used by FOX. Yes, Marvel Studios can't even use the word mutant in their cinematic universe.

And it won't happen any time soon, because FOX is working on their own cinematic Marvel universe which includes the X-Men and the Fantastic Four.

Too bad, thanks though :)


I love Pokken!
I don't know anything about this, why FOX has the rights of XMen and how someone could stop Marvel from using the XMen?

During the 90's Marvel was one step from bankruptcy, so they sold the movie rights of several characters to Sony and Fox.
Fox has Fantastic Four (Galactus, Silver Surfer and the Skrull included) and the entire X-Men universe of mutants. Sony has Spider-Man.


The Amiga Brotherhood
During the 90's Marvel was one step from bankruptcy, so they sold the movie rights of several characters to Sony and Fox.
Fox has Fantastic Four (Galactus, Silver Surfer and the Skrull included) and the entire X-Men universe of mutants. Sony has Spider-Man.
I have always assumed that Marvel was involved in Marvel heroes movies but some things always felt off, now i know why. Thanks :)
Where did they get that scepter from though? I don't think it was Loki's but it looked familiar. And if it is Loki's, how did they get it? I wonder when the Quicksliver and Scarlet Witch stuff was filmed, god that was a good tease.

It's definitely Loki's sceptre and as B.W had it at the end of Avengers (with Thor not really seeming to care about it), it's safe to assume that Shieldra passed it on to Von Strucker not too soon after.

Dude must've hit rock bottom after the events of IM2 and in a fit of desperation joined Hydra.

I think he was Hydra at that point already. It makes sense that they'd be worried about someone like Tony Stark suddenly becoming Iron Man. It's not really something Zola could have foreseen either.
My god this was good. Cant wait to see more Steve Rogers in AoU. I just hope Whedon does as good a job with his abilities as the Russo brothers did. He had a pretty poor showing in Avengers imo.

The senator appearing in this was a nice touch. Also loved the Dr Strange namedrop even though I knew about it beforehand.


Okay, I have no idea what happened in the mid-credits scene (I'm more of a DC guy), but holy hell this movie was awesome. It's up there with the original Iron Man for the best Marvel movie I've seen.

Great story that managed to break the formulaic nature of Marvel's other recent films, good character chemistry, fun action scenes and plot twists, etc. Was kinda surprised that they killed Fury, but then they brought him back again, which felt kinda like a cop-out. But who cares?!

I need the Blu-ray of this in my collection, despite not owning the original lol.


Okay, I have no idea what happened in the mid-credits scene (I'm more of a DC guy)
HYDRA is still active despite the events of the film, Baron von Strucker (the guy with the monocle) controls one of its other cells and has both Loki's scepter and Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch. He plans to feed Cap info on other HYDRA cells to keep him away.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
So I saw this last night at an 8:30 early screening, and Holy Mother of God this was a good movie. It's like a cross between a Bond / Bourne movie and a superhero film. It's in the top three of all of the Marvel movies, at least as good a movie as Avengers and Iron Man, and to be honest after I watch it a few more times I may honestly put it at the top of all the Marvel movies. Avengers gets points because of the uniqueness of it's cast all in one movie, but honestly CA2:TWS was just a better movie from a technical standpoint. I'd even go so far to say that it's better technically than any of the Nolan Batman movies. The action is what puts it above the others for me. It was well choreographed, intense, very little shaky cam nonsense as you could follow the action nicely all throughout the movie, and sometimes it just seemed brutal and powerful in it's presentation. Damn, the way Captain moved and fought in this movie!!!!! This is how Batman fights need to be done!!!!!!!!!

It had serious moments that worked, it had humor, it had Oh Shit moments, it had actual surprises and suspense, it had a great comradery feeling among it's cast, oh and yeah it had more enjoyable action than any other Marvel movie to date (maybe even any other superhero movie to date?). This was just an awesome movie, period. I'm impressed.

I'm also going to see it again Sunday morning.

EDIT: Ah, I posted in the spoiler thread instead of the main thread. So I can talk about specifics!

Bucky was great in this movie. They handled the character very well, even though I was hoping for more of his backstory but you get the feeling that they are saving that for CA3 which would work pretty well IMHO. I loved the final fight between Steve and Bucky, that was intense and well done. And wow, BW was great in this, Scarlett had almost as much screen time as Evans did. Some of their banter was fantastic, especially on the trip to NJ. And Falcon, I wonder if we will see him in Avengers 2. Plus the reference to Strange got a woot from the crowd, and I loved Nick Fury's tombstone, very subtle but a nice easter egg.

Damn fine movie.


Just saw it and loved it, but one thing left me a little bit confused: the USB from the first half of the movie. I'm still not 100% sure what was on it, which is a pretty big deal considering that it was the central driving force of the first half of the movie (trying to open the files lead to Fury's "death", Shield thinking Cap America had it caused them to attack him, Cap and Black Widow went to the computers that held Zola's "brain"). You'd naturally think that it just held some of Hydra's plans, but part of that doesn't add up.

->If it only had plans, why was the USB copied from a computer on the tanker? Or rather, wouldn't Hydra plans be on lots of shield computers? including ones in Shield HQ. If so then a hacker like Natasha could have gotten the documents off any computer, making the Tanker irrelevant (while also meaning the chances of the data leaking are a lot higher, seeing as it would be one more accessible computers)

->Why did Fury order Natasha to get the data in the first place? He didn't know that Shield was untrustworthy at that point.

->I may have misheard a line, but when Fury was trying to access the USB, didn't the computer say that he was the author of the file? Why would it be in his name. (I am having a hard time remembering the scene exactly, so I'll probably need to rewatch that scene. I am probably completely wrong here).

I guess that because they never read the files themselves and just heard Zola's AI talk about Hydra plans (which he could have done regardless of the presence of the USB) it just left me curious. I'm sure that it can be explained that it just had some of Hydra's plans, but then that means that while the USB drove the plot for the first half of the movie, it actually had practically no importance what so ever.

Edit: Also, in Australia, Cap's List had Tim Tams.


Nick Fury is wearing sunglasses now and he's in Europe until his next movie appearance.

Going after bad guys. And he will strike down upon them with great vengeance and furious anger, for they attempted to poison and destroy his brothers. And you will know his name is Nick motherfucking Fury when he lays his vengeance upon them.

I'd really like a Nick Fury movie, just because of the tombstone.


never left the stone age
Going after bad guys. And he will strike down upon them with great vengeance and furious anger, for they attempted to poison and destroy his brothers. And you will know his name is Nick motherfucking Fury when he lays his vengeance upon them.

I'd really like a Nick Fury movie, just because of the tombstone.

I'd like a Nick Fury movie because Samuel L Jackson. He was born to do it. It's his sole purpose in life.

Edit: Wasn't the boat directly tied to Insight? Maybe the computers had the algorithm stored locally or something, and that's what was copied to the USB. Which is why the file pointed to the data center where Zola's brain was stored, since he created it in the first place.


->Why did Fury order Natasha to get the data in the first place? He didn't know that Shield was untrustworthy at that point.

Only question I can answer but;

If I remember it right, they said that Fury ordered the pirate attack on the boat so he could have an excuse to retrieve the data without attracting attention. He had a suspicion SHIELD was untrustworthy at this point but didn't know how and what. So he needed the data.


->If it only had plans, why was the USB copied from a computer on the tanker? Or rather, wouldn't Hydra plans be on lots of shield computers? including ones in Shield HQ. If so then a hacker like Natasha could have gotten the documents off any computer, making the Tanker irrelevant (while also meaning the chances of the data leaking are a lot higher, seeing as it would be one more accessible computers)

IIRC, it had the algortihm on it and the tanker was somehow connected to the satellites which in turn were connected to the helicarriers. So Hydra had been using the tanker to upload the algortihm to the satellites in order to eventually control the helicarriers. When Black Widow copied the files, she got the algorithm too.

->I may have misheard a line, but when Fury was trying to access the USB, didn't the computer say that he was the author of the file? Why would it be in his name. (I am having a hard time remembering the scene exactly, so I'll probably need to rewatch that scene. I am probably completely wrong here).

You heard right. They probably did so that no random non-Hydra SHIELD agent wouldn't find it and might think twice before trying to hack into it.


I'm pretty sure the drive contained data that included Zola's algorithm which they were going to use in Project Insight. It protected itself from being viewed, so while it confirmed Fury's suspicions that something was very wrong with SHIELD, it still didn't tell him exactly what. They couldn't access the data, and the Natasha couldn't break into it, but she did trace the "source" (lol movie hacking technology!), which eventually brought them to Zola. Zola spilled the beans himself, thinking they would not survive the encounter. After they did, they got further confirmation out from Sitwell, and once they knew exactly what the algorithm was going to do, Fury and Hill came out with the countermeasure.

Ultimately, the drive was really just a plot mechanic to get them to Zola. Lol.
I just hope they give TWS storyline proper closure, i didn't know that the actor has a 9 picture deal. Hopefully they keep up the momentum and don't balls it up.

Really enjoyed the film, every actor was fantastic
this movie just make me want a stand alone Winter Soldier movie, I haven't read the comics, but I really want to know what happens next for him. looks like it could be a good stand alone personal story for WS


Too bad, thanks though :)
Is it really bad though? We wouldn't have these awesome Marvel Studios movies if we didn't give up the film rights to those characters.

We should thank Sony (Spidey), Fox (X-Men) and New Line (Blade) for making cool movies in the late 90s, early 2000s.

Marvel wouldn't be in the position it's in without their help. They also created their competition lol.


this movie just make me want a stand alone Winter Soldier movie, I haven't read the comics, but I really want to know what happens next for him. looks like it could be a good stand alone personal story for WS

Unless some unforeseeable issue gets in the way, I think there will definitely be a "stand alone" movie with the Winter Soldier at some point in the future.
That scene where you saw Bucky strapped to the chair. How they were treating him like a dog was rough. Just how he took the bite guard like it was a normal thing before they wiped his memory. Sebastian Stan killed it in this, and I can't wait to see more.


The Dr Strangr name drop got me so hype
The AoU teaser at the end gave me fucking chills despite knowing about it the while time


That scepter is last used by black widow to shutdown the portal during avengers movie. Since thor don't bother to take it back to asgard with him when he bring loki back, we assume that scepter is in possession of shield. Which happeb to be infiltrated by hydra.

God I'm dumb, I forgot all about that. It's been a while since I've revisited Avengers.
So Sebastian Stan is signed up for 9 movies. He's been in two so far. I'm thinking one more CA movie with Evans, a cameo in Avengers 2, and maybe a more prominent role in Avengers 3. If there's a Black Widow movie, he'll probably be part of it. What else? Solo Winter Soldier movies?
What he means is that in the comics Bucky stands in for Cap for a period when Steve Rogers is "dead". It's conceivable they could go that route in a future movie.

I thought foreshadowed it well with the scene where he's holding the shield as well as his general handling of the shield.


I read speculation that Loki's scepter is actually the mind gem. Is there any validity to this?

If it's true, it means that Loki is truly the king of all scrubs because even with 2 infinity stones and an army of aliens, he couldn't beat the Avengers. Lol.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I read speculation that Loki's scepter is actually the mind gem. Is there any validity to this?

It's entirely possible. I seem to remember Feige saying in an interview that we'd seen 3 infinity stones so far, which would be the tesseract, aether and the staff.
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