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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?

Anyone have a good picture of Cap with his blue jacket he wears through most of the middle of the movie (up until he changes to his classic costume for the finale)? I want to run it by fashion gaf to see what kind of jacket it is.

Here you go

He really was the driving force for most of Brubaker's run. Quickly becomes interesting as he struggles with the idea of knowing he'll NEVER be as honest, good, or strong as Steve. He is earning the suit. That's a great character arc for cap 4 (or whatever) right there. I stopped reading after Captain America Reborn. I was just so disappointed in how that played out. Comics not sticking to ANYTHING is why I usually get frustrated and quit reading for years at a time.

Completely agree with this.

Its pretty obivious that they just try to bound actors as long as possible to the roles. Also, this makes it easier to make One Shots and short cameos.

Really, we are in this point just to much into our nerdy superhero comicbubble. The people outside of it in the Mainstream audience wouldnt get it. They think Steve Rogers = Captain America. They are going to recast him just like they will recast Thor and Tony Stark.

Also, Steve Rogers IS Captain America. Bucky was just a needed imposter for a short timeframe. Just because comicbook fans loved him as Captain America doesnt change anything of it. Its like one of these awful comicbook thread here in GAF where people honestly claim that Dick Grayson is the true Batman.

If you think, Bucky will become Captain America for more than a half move, you would also believe that Sony would make 2-3 movies starring Ben Reilly as the main Spider-Man.

Not going to happen.

While I agree with you to a certain extent, I think it will still happen. The thing about Brubaker's run with Winter Soldier -> Death of Cap -> BuckyCap is that it's such a compelling story that can easily be adaptable to a movie. Arcs of it already have been, and with the quality of the Winter Soldier movie, I don't see why the rest wouldn't be a logical next step.

Regarding your point about nobody getting the BuckyCap transition, why not? Bucky has already been introduced as Rogers's best friend, has been shown to be a badass who can move and fight like Steve, and is last seen as wandering around re-discovering his past. Nobody thought that the Captain America character would work with the mainstream audience, but that didn't stop it from happening. What Marvel needs to do is develop his character a bit more.

After Evans leaves, I don't see how a Bucky Cap series of movies couldn't work where they could be something along the lines of Bourne Legacy without Matt Damon. Whether or not it will be successful is another story.
Anyone see who was being targeted in the Avengers tower?
Or was it just the building itself?

Its like one of these awful comicbook thread here in GAF where people honestly claim that Dick Grayson is the true Batman.
My god this.
He was not Batman, he is Dick Grayson impersonating Batman.


You can kill off Steve, but you can't do it the same way as in the comics. It'd have to be some sort of sacrifice thing.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Phase 1

Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2
Captain America: The First Avenger
The Avengers

Phase 2

Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Avengers: Age of Ultron

Phase 3

Captain America 3
Thor 3
Doctor Strange(?)
Avengers 3

Oh so every phase is based on the build up to each Avengers movie? Awesome! Smart business men they are. And it makes sense story wise too.


So was they Winter Soldier involved with the death of the Starks at all? Or was that just Hydra? Wasn't sure what to think when they started going through all the people that were killed because they posed a threat to Hydra.


So was they Winter Soldier involved with the death of the Starks at all? Or was that just Hydra? Wasn't sure what to think when they started going through all the people that were killed because they posed a threat to Hydra.
It wasnt spoken out but heavily implied.
Fun flic!

Really loved the look at the Marvel Spy community. I'd KILL to see Magic done soon with Dr Strange. The good doctor is in my top tier Marvel characters.

Then I need Cloak & Dagger, you bastards!


So was they Winter Soldier involved with the death of the Starks at all? Or was that just Hydra? Wasn't sure what to think when they started going through all the people that were killed because they posed a threat to Hydra.

While Steve and Nat were with Zola he showed among other things this:



So was they Winter Soldier involved with the death of the Starks at all? Or was that just Hydra? Wasn't sure what to think when they started going through all the people that were killed because they posed a threat to Hydra.

I'm not going to lie, when you said "Starks" I was thinking Game of Thrones and imagining Winter Soldier going after the Stark kids.

But yeah, it was stated without outright stating it. That newspaper clip said car accident? "Car accidents" of important individuals were sometimes believed to be cover ups for espionage assassinations back during the Cold War.


So shouldn't everyone be pissed at Cap? He spilled all of Shields secrets which had to include Hulks identity, Iron mans tech, Hawkeye's Identity plus exposed every secret of all the aliens and cosmic weapons etc. Seems like none of the Avengers especially Banner would be cool with him.


I'm not going to lie, when you said "Starks" I was thinking Game of Thrones and imagining Winter Soldier going after the Stark kids.

But yeah, it was stated without outright stating it. That newspaper clip said car accident? "Car accidents" of important individuals were sometimes believed to be cover ups for espionage assassinations back during the Cold War.
I admit when I was typing this I stopped mid way and tried to recall which stark family I was talking about lol

Still a crazy revaluation if you think about it, and I loved how they portrayed Winter Soldier. The sound his arm makes when powering up is insane.


My Apartment, or the 120 Screenings of Salo
So shouldn't everyone be pissed at Cap? He spilled all of Shields secrets which had to include Hulks identity, Iron mans tech, Hawkeye's Identity plus exposed every secret of all the aliens and cosmic weapons etc. Seems like none of the Avengers especially Banner would be cool with him.

Yeah, he should have just let Hydra wipe everyone out instead.


Yeah, he should have just let Hydra wipe everyone out instead.
He destroyed Shield helicarriers. They dumped all of Shields files on the net after that fact. So ya now every terrorist, nut, and mad scientist has access to things they only dreamed of.


So shouldn't everyone be pissed at Cap? He spilled all of Shields secrets which had to include Hulks identity, Iron mans tech, Hawkeye's Identity plus exposed every secret of all the aliens and cosmic weapons etc. Seems like none of the Avengers especially Banner would be cool with him.

Not sure about Iron Man's tech, outside Stark helping them a little bit with the ships, I don't think SHIELD used any Stark Industries technology.


Not sure about Iron Man's tech, outside Stark helping them a little bit with the ships, I don't think SHIELD used any Stark Industries technology.
I only said Iron Man because in Iron Man one Nick hacked Jarvis and in Avengers coulson overrode him.


I thought Kretschmann looked really cool from the mid-credits scene. Dialogue was a tad scruffy, but he looked cool and sounded cool.


Was there another scene in the credits after we see Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch? I left after that because I work early Fridays and it was 12 when the movie ended.

I loved the movie. The best one IMO. The action was soooooo good.


Was there another scene in the credits after we see Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch? I left after that because I work early Fridays and it was 12 when the movie ended.

Yes. They showed Bucky in the Captain America Exhibiton in the Smithsonian were he found his own infotext.


Yes. They showed Bucky in the Captain America Exhibiton in the Smithsonian were he found his own infotext.
I was really hoping they would show Iron Man landing for the birthday party visit that was promised instead, but both scenes were plot stuff instead, laaaame. :p


Was that Hayley Atwell in old lady makeup on the bed? It seemed like another age appropriate actress in the role for that scene. If not, that was some pretty convincing make up.

Also, did anybody else notice the film being really dark, blurry and hard to follow at times in Real 3D? I enjoyed the movie alot despite this, but next viewing is gonna be on a regular screen and pretty much for all the upcoming movies from here on out if they continue doing that post conversion process for 3D.
Did they sign Dick Grayson for 9 movies?

All that means is that if Marvel DECIDES to put this actor in a movie he is contractually obliged to appear in w/e movie until he has done 9.

Why? Because they learned from IM and RDJ that they may want to lock people down for as many movies as possible because once their movie's a hit and the film deal is over it becomes a bitch and a half to negotiate a new contract without having to pay them a ton more money.

That's where the 9 films come from. 9 films where the actor will be payed a certain amount. Doesn't mean the actor's guaranteed to even do 9 films.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Was that Hayley Atwell in old lady makeup on the bed? It seemed like another age appropriate actress in the role for that scene. If not, that was some pretty convincing make up.

Yes. There were on set photos featuring Atwell wearing her old age costume. I'm guessing her face was done with CG.
He really was the driving force for most of Brubaker's run. Quickly becomes interesting as he struggles with the idea of knowing he'll NEVER be as honest, good, or strong as Steve. He is earning the suit. That's a great character arc for cap 4 (or whatever) right there. I stopped reading after Captain America Reborn. I was just so disappointed in how that played out. Comics not sticking to ANYTHING is why I usually get frustrated and quit reading for years at a time.

I've heard really good things about that run, really need to dedicate some time to actually reading it.

I hope they do go down the Bucky as Cap route. It makes the most sense and I can't imagine a lot of people being against it if it's done properly.
Was that Hayley Atwell in old lady makeup on the bed? It seemed like another age appropriate actress in the role for that scene. If not, that was some pretty convincing make up.

Also, did anybody else notice the film being really dark, blurry and hard to follow at times in Real 3D? I enjoyed the movie alot despite this, but next viewing is gonna be on a regular screen and pretty much for all the upcoming movies from here on out if they continue doing that post conversion process for 3D.

Indeed it was and she still looked hot.

And yeah, the 3D was dreadful. Couldn't make out a number of dark scenes. The opening where Sam and Cap are running around the monument was near impossible to make out until the last lap and the ship scene was just a nightmare to follow.
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