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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
holy shit SHIELD being torn down was a bold step, was hoping for a big development in these Phase 2 movies instead of just keeping it status quo throughout.

also loved the second level bad guys and the way they set them up as survivors for either Avengers or Cap 3.

What is Phase 2 and Phase 3 of these Marvel movies? I don't get it. I've seen it talked about all day today.
What is Phase 2 and Phase 3 of these Marvel movies? I don't get it. I've seen it talked about all day today.

Phase 1

Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2
Captain America: The First Avenger
The Avengers

Phase 2

Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Avengers: Age of Ultron

Phase 3

Captain America 3
Thor 3
Doctor Strange(?)
Avengers 3
Phase 1

Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2
Captain America: The First Avenger
The Avengers

Phase 2

Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Avengers: Age of Ultron

Phase 3

Avengers 3

I'm really hoping we get a Black Panther movie in Phase 3.

Dr Strange is probably good bet as one of the Phase 3 movies.


Phase 1

Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2
Captain America: The First Avenger
The Avengers

Phase 2

Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Avengers: Age of Ultron

Phase 3

Avengers 3
You might want to add Cap 3 to Phase 3 since it's been revealed to be the May 6(?), 2016, Marvel movie a few weeks after WB changed BvS original release date to that date.


Phase 1

Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2
Captain America: The First Avenger
The Avengers

Phase 2

Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Avengers: Age of Ultron

Phase 3

Avengers 3

Cap 3 and Thor 3 are confirmed Phase 3. Feige has all but confirmed Doctor Strange for Phase 3 too. He's also said Phase 3 should be bigger than the previous phases. Plus, the Netflix series coming next year are part of Phase 3.


Cap 3 and Thor 3 are confirmed Phase 3. Feige has all but confirmed Doctor Strange for Phase 3 too. He's also said Phase 3 should be bigger than the previous phases. Plus, the Netflix series coming next year are part of Phase 3.

I don't think they really consider the Netflix stuff part of any movie "Phase". While they're in a shared universe, Feige runs the movie stuff while Loeb runs the TV stuff right?


I don't think they really consider the Netflix stuff part of any movie "Phase". While they're in a shared universe, Feige runs the movie stuff while Loeb runs the TV stuff right?

No, Feige is executive producer/showrunner on all of the MCU, which includes the upcoming Netflix shows. Loeb is head of Marvel TV. Basically when it comes to TV shows Feige is above Loeb. Obviously though Feige is only one man and his attention has thus far been focused on the films. I'm not really sure how hands on he'll be with the 5 Netflix shows. I'm fairly certain they are part of the third MCU phase though.

Loeb's equivalent on the film side (for now) would be Whedon. Both report to Feige.


No, Feige is executive producer/showrunner on all of the MCU, which includes the upcoming Netflix shows. Loeb is head of Marvel TV. Basically when it comes to TV shows Feige is above Loeb. Obviously though Feige is only one man and his attention has thus far been focused on the films. I'm not really sure how hands on he'll be with the 5 Netflix shows. I'm fairly certain they are part of the third MCU phase though.

Loeb's equivalent on the film side (for now) would be Whedon. Both report to Feige.

Feige is absolutely not the showrunner for Agents of SHIELD, and he doesn't appear to do any interviews for it. Loeb handles all the executive level PR. I know Feige is the big boss at Marvel Studios in general, but when it comes to being hands on, he doesn't seem very interested in the TV side at all, probably because he can't spare the time.


Feige is absolutely not the showrunner for Agents of SHIELD, and he doesn't appear to do any interviews for it. Loeb handles all the executive level PR. I know Feige is the big boss at Marvel Studios in general, but when it comes to being hands on, he doesn't seem very interested in the TV side at all, probably because he can't spare the time.

Looking into it a bit more, you're right, he has nothing to do with Agents of SHIELD. He doesn't even have a producer credit. I'm not really sure that means he will be hands off with the Netflix series though in the same way.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
So far, only Ant-Man and Cap 3 have definite release dates. Thor 3 and Strange are not as set in stone at this point.


Looking into it a bit more, you're right, he has nothing to do with Agents of SHIELD. He doesn't even have a producer credit. I'm not really sure that means he will be hands off with the Netflix series though in the same way.



"Produced by Marvel Television in association with ABC Television Studios, this groundbreaking deal is Marvel’s most ambitious foray yet into live-action TV storytelling."

Jeph Loeb is the head of Marvel Television. Kevin Feige is the president of Marvel Studios. The live action stuff now share the same universe, but I really don't think Feige has much to do with the TV stuff. :(




"Produced by Marvel Television in association with ABC Television Studios, this groundbreaking deal is Marvel’s most ambitious foray yet into live-action TV storytelling."

Jeph Loeb is the head of Marvel Television. Kevin Feige is the president of Marvel Studios. The live action stuff now share the same universe, but I really don't think Feige has much to do with the TV stuff. :(

Yeah, you may be right. But I hope you aren't. Someone needs to reign in Loeb a bit so the Defenders series aren't the same mess that AoS is.
Doesn't Loeb hate long reaching arcs? I vaguely remember something about him hating a story arc taking more than an episode or two to resolve...

Wasn't italso one of the main reasons the latter half of EMH S2 sucked so hard?


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Jeph Loeb is the head of Marvel Television. Kevin Feige is the president of Marvel Studios. The live action stuff now share the same universe, but I really don't think Feige has much to do with the TV stuff. :(

That's correct. Every time Feige is asked a question about Agents of SHIELD or Netflix series, he always directs them to Loeb.
read an interview with the script writer for The Winter Soldier, apparently the whole event only takes place in about 3 days.

also in another podcast reviewing the movie, I heard that Chris Evans and Scarlet Johansen write some of their dialog themselves, not Anthony Mackie though, although apparently he's unsatisfied with Falcon suit and was hoping to wear the red spandex costume. lol
Wasnt int confirmed by Feige, that we will get three Movies a year from Phase 3 onwards?

I heard they could/might do that but there's no confirmation that they will. maybe looking for how strong the marvel brand name is for their less known characters. so we should probably hope Guardians is a huge success.
read an interview with the script writer for The Winter Soldier, apparently the whole event only takes place in about 3 days.

also in another podcast reviewing the movie, I heard that Chris Evans and Scarlet Johansen write some of their dialog themselves, not Anthony Mackie though, although apparently he's unsatisfied with Falcon suit and was hoping to wear the red spandex costume. lol

I hope Mackie makes an appearance in AoU. Preferably with a proper suit and new wings.


Whoa, didn't know that.

Go read Fury's Big Week! It fills in all the gaps.

I just hope they change their minds with the Sharon Carter thing, I always found that relationship kinda creepy.

The screenwriters of Cap 1, 2 & 3 addressed this in their reddit AMA yesterday:

Q: Do you have any worries in writing the Cap/Agent Sharon Carter romance storyline so that it doesn't seem kind of creepy, seeing as how he fell so hard for Peggy in the first film?

A: She's Peggy's great grand niece. I think it's more nice than creepy.


Falcon just needs a revised suit with some red and white trim. The wings should be red going forward for sure.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Q: Do you have any worries in writing the Cap/Agent Sharon Carter romance storyline so that it doesn't seem kind of creepy, seeing as how he fell so hard for Peggy in the first film?

A: She's Peggy's great grand niece. I think it's more nice than creepy.

Makes sense given the age difference, but in the film, she tells Cap that she was speaking with her aunt?


I actually liked Cap's new suit quite a bit, but it was definitely great to bust out the WW2 uniform again, since it is clearly the best.
I actually liked Cap's new suit quite a bit, but it was definitely great to bust out the WW2 uniform again, since it is clearly the best.
Only thing I disliked about the new uniform was wearing the helmet with it.
just looked weird.
WW2 costume with the helmet looks alright though.


I'm really surprised they will let almost a year go by with no new marvel film. Guardians to Avengers is a long gap.


Neo Member
Phase 1

Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2
Captain America: The First Avenger
The Avengers

Phase 2

Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Avengers: Age of Ultron

Phase 3

Captain America 3
Thor 3
Doctor Strange(?)
Avengers 3

I've been saying this for a while now, pretty much ever since the post-credits scene in Avengers, but I have a personal theory that the very last movie in Phase 3 ( or the bridge between Phase 3/4) might be a big crossover movie outside of the normal films as a way to separate out the first "trilogy" of Phases/Avengers movies with the next (also as a way to hand the reins off to new characters/actors as by then quite a few of them may be skewing too old for their roles). It's just a hunch, and I've certainly no firm evidence, but in my meat brain it makes sense.

My current pet theory is that Avengers 3 won't actually be the big Thanos movie, but the last piece of the puzzle allowing it to happen. They're obvious setting up for the Infinity Gauntlet, and it's a huge enough concept to stand alone as it's own massive film. I mean, in the comics it took basically the entire universe's most powerful beings to try to stop him. At this point, we have three of the Infinity Gems(Stones) in play (Loki's Scepter, the Tessaract, the Aether) and they'd have until the end of AoU to put the remaining three in play.

Well, two as it looks like the Orb McGuffin from Guardians of the Galaxy will most likely be one as well. My money is that it may very well be the Soul Gem, with a potential Adam Warlock inside it. That final mystery movie before Avengers 3 may be left open for a potential GotG sequel.

I can see many ways it could play out. Marvel could do something insane like shoot Avengers 3 back-to-back with an Infinity Gauntlet movie, ending Avengers 3 with a huge cliffhanger. Judging by TWS, they're not adverse to ending their movies with a direct lead-in to another movie and not just in the usual post-credits way: Cap directly states he's going after Bucky in a way certainly intended to invoke stuff like the ending of Empire Strikes Back). For me, it's not even a question whether Marvel would be willing to try such a thing (this is the studio who's next movie involves a raccoon with a gun fetish), but more a question of when.
So Sebastian Stan is signed up for 9 movies. He's been in two so far. I'm thinking one more CA movie with Evans, a cameo in Avengers 2, and maybe a more prominent role in Avengers 3. If there's a Black Widow movie, he'll probably be part of it. What else? Solo Winter Soldier movies?

Probably becomes Captain America after Evans is done.


Saw it last night, thought it was really good, but left kinda empty because there's not much to discuss afterwards beyond nitpicking or pointless speculation for the next far-off step. For me, this definitely was a case of knowing too much from the comics, so the main tension wasn't the plot but seeing how'd they execute. I'll be happy the rewatch several of the action sequences.

Some nitpicks...
- Scar jo's hair was distractingly bad to me.
- I love Community, but seeing Abed took me out of the film.
- Crossbones seemed tiny.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
What he means is that in the comics Bucky stands in for Cap for a period when Steve Rogers is "dead". It's conceivable they could go that route in a future movie.

I thought foreshadowed it well with the scene where he's holding the shield as well as his general handling of the shield.

That's an interesting point. With Evans wanting to "retire" in a few years I could truly see them slowly transitioning Bucky to take over the role of Captain. I'd miss Evans, but I'm not entirely opposed to this idea.
Probably becomes Captain America after Evans is done.

For sure. I'm just hoping they dedicate at least one film on the lead-up to him taking over as Captain America. The best Bucky character development moments in the comics happened right after Steve's "death" and before he took over.
Marvel is not going to permanently kill steve rogers so bucky can be captain america. They'll recast evans although it'd be a shame since evans is perfect as steve rogers


Bucky will be Captain America right afte Dick Grayson takes over the Cowl as Batman in a live action movie (aka never).
shouldn't Cap just ask Stark to make some new wing for his new buddy Falcon.

Indeed he should, hopefully with a red and white finish to them too. I just don't want to see him don the full suit though, not sure how well that'd transfer to the big screen.

Go read Fury's Big Week! It fills in all the gaps.

Thanks for the recommend, I'll check it out over the weekend,

That's an interesting point. With Evans wanting to "retire" in a few years I could truly see them slowly transitioning Bucky to take over the role of Captain. I'd miss Evans, but I'm not entirely opposed to this idea.

Yeah, I'd be happy with Bucky becoming the new 'Cap' after Avengers 3. He did a fantastic job in TWS and the character is more interesting than Cap.


Going after bad guys. And he will strike down upon them with great vengeance and furious anger, for they attempted to poison and destroy his brothers. And you will know his name is Nick motherfucking Fury when he lays his vengeance upon them.

I'd really like a Nick Fury movie, just because of the tombstone.

Paging Feige.

If it's true, it means that Loki is truly the king of all scrubs because even with 2 infinity stones and an army of aliens, he couldn't beat the Avengers. Lol.

Dat choke.


Yeah, I'd be happy with Bucky becoming the new 'Cap' after Avengers 3. He did a fantastic job in TWS and the character is more interesting than Cap.

He really was the driving force for most of Brubaker's run. Quickly becomes interesting as he struggles with the idea of knowing he'll NEVER be as honest, good, or strong as Steve. He is earning the suit. That's a great character arc for cap 4 (or whatever) right there. I stopped reading after Captain America Reborn. I was just so disappointed in how that played out. Comics not sticking to ANYTHING is why I usually get frustrated and quit reading for years at a time.


Did they sign Dick Grayson for 9 movies?

Its pretty obivious that they just try to bound actors as long as possible to the roles. Also, this makes it easier to make One Shots and short cameos.

Really, we are in this point just to much into our nerdy superhero comicbubble. The people outside of it in the Mainstream audience wouldnt get it. They think Steve Rogers = Captain America. They are going to recast him just like they will recast Thor and Tony Stark.

Also, Steve Rogers IS Captain America. Bucky was just a needed imposter for a short timeframe. Just because comicbook fans loved him as Captain America doesnt change anything of it. Its like one of these awful comicbook thread here in GAF where people honestly claim that Dick Grayson is the true Batman.

If you think, Bucky will become Captain America for more than a half move, you would also believe that Sony would make 2-3 movies starring Ben Reilly as the main Spider-Man.

Not going to happen.


Anyone have a good picture of Cap with his blue jacket he wears through most of the middle of the movie (up until he changes to his classic costume for the finale)? I want to run it by fashion gaf to see what kind of jacket it is.
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