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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?


Nothing new, but my impressions:
- The Winter Soldier was a great villain. I dislike most villains because they're lame. He was really cool. One of my favorite villains now. I'm really interested how he will develop in future movies.
- Action was fucking awesome. Loved the combat. Captain's shield is great. The punches felt really powerful.
- A lot of Black Widow which I liked.
- Zola + the whole Hydra plot twist was awesome.
- A lot of small great references (like the things to see/do list).
- Props to Marvel for destroying Shield, never expected that. Looking forward how the universe will continue to develop itself.

Tied with Iron Man 1 as best solo Marvel movie. But this movie is probably way more enjoyable when watching for the second time.

Also why so much Apple product placement? Apple doesn't pay for product placement (usually). It was pretty over the top, especially the shot when they're uncovering the file from the USB where you can see 'Macbook Pro' sign in the bottom.

Anyways, like I said: fucking awesome movie.


Nothing new, but my impressions:
- The Winter Soldier was a great villain. I dislike most villains because they're lame. He was really cool. One of my favorite villains now. I'm really interested how he will develop in future movies.
- Action was fucking awesome. Loved the combat. Captain's shield is great. The punches felt really powerful.
- A lot of Black Widow which I liked.
- Zola + the whole Hydra plot twist was awesome.
- A lot of small great references (like the things to see/do list).
- Props to Marvel for destroying Shield, never expected that. Looking forward how the universe will continue to develop itself.

Tied with Iron Man 1 as best solo Marvel movie. But this movie is probably way more enjoyable when watching for the second time.

Also why so much Apple product placement? Apple doesn't pay for product placement (usually). It was pretty over the top, especially the shot when they're uncovering the file from the USB where you can see 'Macbook Pro' sign in the bottom.

Anyways, like I said: fucking awesome movie.
Eh...happens in all movies. Noticeable but not that big of a deal.

Bob Iger is on the Apple Board of Directors btw.


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
So shouldn't everyone be pissed at Cap? He spilled all of Shields secrets which had to include Hulks identity, Iron mans tech, Hawkeye's Identity plus exposed every secret of all the aliens and cosmic weapons etc. Seems like none of the Avengers especially Banner would be cool with him.
SHIELD (and thus HYDRA) does not have Iron Man tech. Everything else is correct, and let's add the "gifted" and psychic list that SHIELD had to that pile... the consequences of this will be real fun to watch :)

JARVIS hacked SHIELD in The Avengers.
This, the only Stark tech that they had were the repulsors in the new helicarriers.


The Chevy placement makes sense. I mean GM = Government Motors ;)

I wanted to see the old Crown Vics but i guess they're really gone.


Indeed it was and she still looked hot.

And yeah, the 3D was dreadful. Couldn't make out a number of dark scenes. The opening where Sam and Cap are running around the monument was near impossible to make out until the last lap and the ship scene was just a nightmare to follow.

Yeah, I love me some Hayley Atwell. I'll look closer on the next viewing. My friend said he knew it was her by the rack lol. I was really disappointed I couldn't enjoy that opening scene as well, for that same reason.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Kevin Feige Interview: Captain America, The Avengers 2 and Doctor Strange

Another thing you hint at, openly, is… you do use the words “Doctor Strange.”

Right. Stephen Strange.

Right. We know who he is.


Does that imply that he’s active somewhere and we just don’t know it, or is that something to figure out later? Or maybe he doesn’t even know how important he is?

Well, “we” know what it means and where we want to head with it, but we were comfortable with keeping it in there and leaving it in there because there are a few different ways to interpret it. The whole thing, what Sitwell’s saying is, this algorithm is going to predict if you’re going to become a problem for Hydra or not. So you don’t have to just be Tony Stark, actively plotting to save the world. You could be a kid whose SAT scores and whose essays have indicated that you’re going to be a problem one day. So is Stephen Strange the Sorcerer Supreme? Probably not at that point. Is he an unbelievably talented neurosurgeon who’s opinionated and kind of arrogant? Probably. That might put him on the list.

I want to talk about the teaser at the end. [SPOILER ALERT.] We see that Loki’s staff has not been forgotten about. Are we to believe that maybe that’s another one of the Infinity Stones, or is that just pure speculation at this point?

Well, it’s certainly pure speculation at this point. I’m not even sure if we even recognize Loki’s scepter [as an Infinity Stone], but that’s a big hint as to what will be causing them trouble in the next movie.


My god! I didn't expect Sitwell to go out like that. It was a "Holy shit!" moment for a lot of us in the theater. I got to say, I wasn't expecting the film to be that good since I wasn't a fan of the first one. The first one wasn't bad, it was just alright. Winter Soldier on the other hand is amazing. It's definitely my favorite Phase 2 film yet. GotG may dethrone it. Who knows.

Though, my viewing didn't start off well. Apparently, someone in the back forgot to pull the curtains back so we could see the whole damn screen. It wasn't fixed at all. Instead, five minutes into the actual movie itself, the screen went black so they could minimize it instead of pulling the damn curtains back. Got a free ticket for any movie out of it though.


Junior Member
Oh shit, I just realized something.

Cap knows how Howard died. God help HYDRA if Tony were to learn about it.
The "people" in the MCU thread will be the same "people" who post here, or anywhere else. It's not like it's another forum!

What do you mean you people?! *flying crossbody*

But yah, I think we're clear to go whole hog in that thread now too.

That being said...Tony has to find out at some point. Cap's not going to keep that secret, even to protect Bucky.

tldr Stark gonna whoop that ass


Saw it last night, thought it was really good, but left kinda empty because there's not much to discuss afterwards beyond nitpicking or pointless speculation for the next far-off step. For me, this definitely was a case of knowing too much from the comics, so the main tension wasn't the plot but seeing how'd they execute. I'll be happy the rewatch several of the action sequences.

Some nitpicks...
- Scar jo's hair was distractingly bad to me.
- I love Community, but seeing Abed took me out of the film.
- Crossbones seemed tiny.

How does seeing an actor play a different role in a different medium and a different title take you out of the movie? How can you watch anything if seeing actors play more than one role is that distracting?


Another "Holy shit!" moment for my friends and I was when Bucky came aboard the third Helicarrier. He complete kicked ass and then he just kicks a guy and sends him to a horrible death. Can't decide which one was a worse fate: Sitwell's death or that random S.H.I.E.L.D. guy's. I cringed when both happened.

On Bucky/Winter Soldier, I wish he was shown more often. He's definitely one of the best parts of the film.


Where was the Doctor Strange reference?

Anyway, this movie rocked. Marvel and the Russo Bros. knocked it out of the park with this one. I can see why they locked them down for another one. It was just a really fun, intense, and solid movie. Not just as a comic book movie, but it was a pretty damn solid political/conspiracy action-thriller.

WB has really got to step up their game, because if this is how Marvel is going forward, then they have get things right with Batman/Superman.


Just got back from seeing it. It was amazing.

I enjoyed the First glance at Quicksliver and Scarlet Witch at the end there. Glad they dident kill off Winter Soldier just yet.

I wonder how this will impact Agents of Shield now.
Also why so much Apple product placement? Apple doesn't pay for product placement (usually). It was pretty over the top, especially the shot when they're uncovering the file from the USB where you can see 'Macbook Pro' sign in the bottom.

I actually thought them going to the store was one of the most 'realistic' things in the movie strangely enough. Tons of people visit Apple stores and log onto the Macs to browse the web, check email (by logging into their personal accounts), watch youtube and shop online (I've actually placed an order off Amazon's site while hanging out at the Apple store).

Two people using a USB drive on a Macbook Pro at an Apple store may seem a bit odd, but I'm sure it's probably happened a few times at some stores. So again, them going to the Apple store strangely seemed normal rather than actual product placement. Same goes for (I'm presuming) Sam's iphone when he's playing Marvin Gaye for Steve at the hospital, he just wanted to play some music for him which happened to be on his phone.

The GM placement was more blatant than the Apple stuff.


Yeah, dude was crushed. Brutal scene.

And I thought it was interesting that Rumlow survived...Crossbones to make an appearance in Cap 3?

Think so, Frank Grillo has said that this movie would set up more of a full-on Crossbones appearance later.

Just saw the movie and really enjoyed it. They shook up the status quo in a big way and I'm really interested to see how the MCU progresses from here without SHIELD. It's kinda strange to think about there being no more SHIELD, considering how important it has been to tying these movies together and basically prepping the audience for the Avengers, but I guess we've crossed that threshold now.

Can't wait to see how Age of Ultron and especially Cap 3 build on this. I'm down for some Cap/Fury HYDRA hunting adventures.


How does seeing an actor play a different role in a different medium and a different title take you out of the movie? How can you watch anything if seeing actors play more than one role is that distracting?
Wow, relax.

Abed doesn't have a well-known body of diverse work, is best known for Community, has a distinct look, Abed as a character routinely breaks the 4th Wall, and because the film was directed by the Russo brothers, who directed Community, it triggers that 4th Wall awareness.

If that isn't a special case, I don't know what is.


Really enjoyed this. Finally a Cap movie we deserve, miles ahead of the first one. Top 3 movie in the Marvel movie universe easily.

The action was excellent, well shot and choreographed. Falcon's flight, Cap + Winter Soldier fight scenes were executed very well.

Like TDK was more of a crime thriller this was more of a spy thriller. There were hardly any super powers used (just Cap really) so it felt more grounded even if there was some crazy off the wall comic book stuff.

Script was tight, when it gets going it doesn't let go. Didn't feel like a 2 hour movie. I would say this is probably the most competent movie out of all the Marvel movie but it doesn't have the highs of the Avenger fangasm or Tony Stark's charisma carrying the movie.

My only con with the movie was that it made no sense to me why Hawkeye wasn't in this. Maybe I missed some development in the MCU (like the Shields show IDK) but that just felt like an oversight. I can understand IM, Thor and Hulk not showing up but Hawkeye worked for SHIELD too and the story was almost entirely focused around SHIELD.

Hyped for Avengers of course. I almost shit my pants when the guy said "this is the age of m-" thinking he was going to say mutants... then he said mutants and I was like "aawww". I know FOX owns the mutant term so it wasn't a shock to me.


Hyped for Avengers of course. I almost shit my pants when the guy said "this is the age of m-" thinking he was going to say mutants... then he said mutants and I was like "aawww". I know FOX owns the mutant term so it wasn't a shock to me.

I was really hoping he would say "age of Marvels". Might have been cheesy and confused a lot of people ("did they just reference the comic book company in movie?"), but it would've fit so perfectly if they're using that staff to empower many more Marvel characters.
- Props to Marvel for destroying Shield, never expected that. Looking forward how the universe will continue to develop itself.

This is one of the things I've liked about the movies so far. They know they can't keep the movies going as long as the comics, so they try to differentiate themselves when possible. They made Stark reveal he was Iron Man, gave Banner (more) control over his Hulk self and come to terms with it (though the comics do go through this, swinging back and forth with control), and have now dismantled SHIELD because, really, there's no convincing way of keeping it around after something like this.

In short, the movies don't have a status quo to really maintain. They make a changes to the mythos and run with it.

As for my own thoughts on the movie, I really enjoyed it, though I missed the mid-credit scene. Some of the best fight and actions scenes I've ever watched, largely thanks to how the people keep moving and don't stop or pause awkwardly. The characters played off each other very well, and complimented each other nicely in what they could or couldn't do. They were essentially the Avengers-lite, and I use "lite" with great reluctance.

On a minor note, one of the things I really enjoyed is how they've done the shield-throwing in these movies. That sort of thing is easy to get wrong and appear silly, but they were able to show it in a way that conveys a lot of fluidity in the throw and the impact from it hitting. It's still an unrealistic way of fighting, but they're able to portray it as in a way that looks plausible.
Absolutely loved the movie. Quite a few people cheered when the name Stephen Strange was uttered. I guess around 80% of the people didn't see the post credits scenes.

One thing which really bugged me about the movie was that the World Security Council was very inconsistent with what we saw of them in the Avengers. In the Avengers they are shown as evil with an All for the Greater Good mindset where they are ready to blow up whole of New York with a fucking nuke just to eliminate the Chitauri but in this movie all of them outright refused to join Pierce. It would have been better if they actually showed some of the council actually siding up with him.


Absolutely loved the movie. Quite a few people cheered when the name Stephen Strange was uttered. I guess around 80% of the people didn't see the post credits scenes.

One thing which really bugged me about the movie was that the World Security Council was very inconsistent with what we saw of them in the Avengers. In the Avengers they are shown as evil with an All for the Greater Good mindset where they are ready to blow up whole of New York with a fucking nuke just to eliminate the Chitauri but in this movie all of them outright refused to join Pierce. It would have been better if they actually showed some of the council actually siding up with him.
Pierce was an agent of HYDRA. Why would the WSC side with him? That doesn't make sense.

To them the Avengers were a sideshow. The WSC wanted to destroy NY because they felt that was the only real way to get rid of Loki and the Chitauri. They're not evil per se.


I'm unsure on this myself. How does this compare to other films in the MCU?

Cap 1 did 4 million for midnight showings. Thor 2 managed around 7.5 million.

Winter Soldier is off to a fantastic start. Being estimated it could pull in around 120 million this weekend if numbers hold up which would put it pretty close to Iron Man 2 opening numbers.


Was that Hayley Atwell in old lady makeup on the bed? It seemed like another age appropriate actress in the role for that scene. If not, that was some pretty convincing make up.
It was partially done with make up, and partially done with digital effects. I think that's why it avoided the "looks like a young actress with bad age make up" thing that happens in so many movies. Of course, there were a couple of small points that looked a tiny bit unreal, but I think it looked a hell of a lot better than any other method.

Also, did anybody else notice the film being really dark, blurry and hard to follow at times in Real 3D? I enjoyed the movie alot despite this, but next viewing is gonna be on a regular screen and pretty much for all the upcoming movies from here on out if they continue doing that post conversion process for 3D.

And yeah, the 3D was dreadful. Couldn't make out a number of dark scenes. The opening where Sam and Cap are running around the monument was near impossible to make out until the last lap and the ship scene was just a nightmare to follow.

If you're seeing a 3D movie, and it's dark, it's purely the theater's fault. When showing a 3D film, the theater is supposed to crank the power on the bulb to make up for the fact that each eye is only getting half the luminosity than usual. A lot of theaters don't do this, either because they don't have the hardware for it, or because they want to save money, and upping the bulb's power makes it burn out faster.

Essentially, either complain about it to the theater manager, or stop watching 3D movies there.

This article discusses it in further detail:
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