since the X-Men films are a Fox property, other studios can't use the term "mutants" or mention that their dad is MagnetoSo they will just ignore who their dad is? Oh or are you saying they will change their origin story
since the X-Men films are a Fox property, other studios can't use the term "mutants" or mention that their dad is MagnetoSo they will just ignore who their dad is? Oh or are you saying they will change their origin story
since the X-Men films are a Fox property, other studios can't use the term "mutants" or mention that their dad is Magneto
They look nothing alike, also I'm not sure if they'll actually call pietro quicksilver in marvel. Falcon and crossbones are not named in this movie for example.The Cap vs Winter Solider fights were damn awesome, and the Armin Zola AI scene was interesting.
The appearances from Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were a nice teaser. Though having Quicksilver in Avengers 2 and Days of Future Past is going to confuse so many casual movie-goers. Why can't FOX and Disney just work something out? They don't have to surrender the rights, they can collaborate. Same with Sony (I just want Spider-Man in the MCU...)
Sooo what's going to happen to Agents of SHIELD? If SHIELD is no more after this movie...
They look nothing alike, also I'm not sure if they'll actually call pietro quicksilver in marvel. Falcon and crossbones are not named in this movie for example.
They show that his name is Falcon on the file he showed Cap and Widow when they found out he wasn't a pilot. Crossbones isn't Crossbones yet.They look nothing alike, also I'm not sure if they'll actually call pietro quicksilver in marvel. Falcon and crossbones are not named in this movie for example.
How stupid. Hopefully Marvel gets the rights back and we can get a Civil War film.
How stupid. Hopefully Marvel gets the rights back and we can get a Civil War film.
They look nothing alike, also I'm not sure if they'll actually call pietro quicksilver in marvel. Falcon and crossbones are not named in this movie for example.
I'm guessing they were all using code names, so Sam just used Falcon.
Which reminds me! Ramlo/Ralmo survived the helicarrier's crash you can see his charred body at the end of the movie.
I'm guessing he becomes Crossbones?
I'm guessing they were all using code names, so Sam just used Falcon.
Which reminds me! Ramlo/Ralmo survived the helicarrier's crash you can see his charred body at the end of the movie.
I'm guessing he becomes Crossbones?
I thought the neighbor girl totally dropped the ball in the control room. Was she trying to take him captive or something? He's a supernazi! Fuckin shoot him in the head! Also the CIA girl was totally in love with Cap after he gave his speech. He should get on that.
It's definitely up there with Iron Man 3 as my favorite Marvel solo movie, and both for very different reasons.
shooty bloodbath in a room of people signed on to their duty to protect as opposed to 20 million people? she dropped the ball, man.She was likely trying to prevent it turning into a shooty bloodbath by having them surrender... unfortunately it turned into exactly that when she got disarmed and he fired.
better than his comic counterpartOnly complaint is that the whole virtual evil nazi doctor guy scene, it was a liiiiiiiiiiiiiitle too cheesy in my opinion. Ah well, just a minor annoyance.
So I guess with the way it ended, Maria Hill won't become a permanent cast member on Agents of Shield?
I really doubt it, but it would be cool if they straight up rebranded that show.
Anthony Mackie's natural charisma is ridiculous. He could have played a broom and he'd steal scenes.
No way. I would kill for that design. What we got was a good compromise though.better than his comic counterpart
better than his comic counterpart
Rumlow? Yes. He'll become Xbones.
Rumlow? Yes. He'll become Xbones.
It will always felt like a stopgap since it's not like lord of the ring where there's a clear end game after 3 movie. They will keep making marvel movies as long as it keep making money, so the mcu will keep moving forward, with sequel tease at the end of every movie.
Anthony Mackie's natural charisma is ridiculous. He could have played a broom and he'd steal scenes.
So fucking good$♤●{|<{○}>○♢■▪♡■▪♡□☆♤□☆♤□☆♤●☆♤●☆■●>>|_=-^$-/#/# Marvel is on some next shit right now. Can't wait for Guardians and Age of Ultron!!!!!!
Dat Dr. Strange name drop!!! Who is the strike agent leader supposed to become? The one that fought falcon at the end. Agent Rimlaut?
watched in RPX. While the story was silly, the hand to hand fight choreography is about some of the best ive seen in western film/tv in the past decade. Some really good stuff. Cap finally feels like he got some weight to his movement instead of just feeling like wires are behind everything.
Something i didn't get though, why was hydra planning on taking out every trouble person RIGHT AWAY? Wouldn't shit be a bit obvious? And its just 3 helicarriers, surely there are enough heroes and what not in the marvel universe that can slap them down... but I guess them mentioning having banner and other heroes on target to take them out makes sense.
Still seems a bit too comic booky when everything else felt a bit more grounded...
I wonder how the series will handle thatCIA girl? Maria Hill?
I didn't expect Sitwell to be part of HYDRA. I expected him to be part of the pro-Cap side. The Winter Soldier throwing him out of the window and onto a truck was nuts.
A couple things reminded me of Star Wars. Late scene where Fury takes off his eyepatch. When Cap and Bucky had a staredown on the catwalk. "You may fire when ready."
CIA girl? Maria Hill?
I didn't expect Sitwell to be part of HYDRA.
Just got back.
Winter Soldier by Brubaker is my favourite run of Marvel comics ever, and this movie was such a freaking stellar adaptation. By far my favourite Marvel movie so far.
I DID NOT EXPECT ZOLA'S RETURN. HOLY FUCK. I had the biggest shit-eating grin on my face for his entire scene. Such a perfect and chilling set up for his future appearances...