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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?


Isn't he gone though? His whole consciousness was in that bunker and Pierce even said that Cap had "cost" him Zola.

Yeah as it stands he is dead though I would imagine someone like Zola would have a backup.

I do like that they went with a 70s tech style Zola made it a lot cooler than showing some 2014 computer style where he has a perfect face etc.


WOW. Such a fantastic sequel to the first film. Loved the pacing, the cast, the choreography, and the score (score is phenomenal). Even the closing credits kicked ass. Really don't understand why Thor never came back for Loki's staff, but it's a plot point for the sequel now, so eh.

DAMN, that main theme that plays when Cap is doing his super soldier thing is so fucking goooood.


carters old makeup was cg, right? i thought it looked pretty good and a lot better than the usual old makeup shit. the only thing that gave the cg away was the mouth area, which looked kinda weird in a few shots.

Shit was jokes, man. I would rather they used a different actress - an elderly woman.

Worst part of the movie.


I absolutely love that Widow trying to set Cap up on a date was explained with Cap visiting Peggy. Widow's bit could have just been treated as fluff banter, but, instead, we see that the reason Cap's not biting on any of the proposals is that he goes off and sees Peggy. He still has "his girl"...that scene brought so much more meaning to all of the times Cap brushes off dates.

Also, going into the movie, I knew two spoilers:
1. that the story ends up drastically changing the MCU in some way
2. that there was a cool engraving on Fury's tombstone

Putting them together had me thinking that they might actually kill off Fury, which made the attack on him in his car so much more suspenseful, and then the assassination at Cap's apartment hit pretty damn hard. Unfortunately, the trailers had shown the "Looks like you're giving the orders now" line...so, yeah...sort of hoped it was a cut take or something. Hollywood needs to stop including spoilers in their trailers.

However, I do like that they digitally edited the spoilers to mask Winter Soldier's identity a bit, and also to hide who's body was on the slab when Cap and Widow were in the hospital.

Also, for anyone who found the shaky cam to be too much, did you see it in 3D? From just my local discussions, I'm finding that complaint only applies to the 3D showings...wondering if that's universal.


Just came back from seeing it with my lady. I like it as much as The first Iron Man and Man of Steel movie which means I think it's better than The Avengers.

My fav action scenes are Captain America fighting that guy on the boat towards the end, Nick Fury underattack, elevator scene, the freeway scene and the finale between Captain America and The Winter Soldier on the ship.

That guy on the boat was baltroc the leaper I think.
I saw it a second time since its so great. This time I couldn't help but notice that this movie is Metal Gear.

It starts with a stealth mission on a tanker. There was a fight in an elevator. We find out that the worlds defense system is run by an AI that wants to use all the worlds information to control people and create perfect order. The creation of this AI began after a mission involving two friends each taking a different message from it. One with an eye patch and the other who goes on to head the largest spy network. One friend believes the world should be filled with order, the eye patch guy wants to use military strength to do good.

So then our hero and his red haired female partner has to go on a giant ship and implant a chip to stop the evil AI before it destroys the world. The hero has to battle a guy from his past that has a new arm. Our hero nearly dies in the end but succeeds in taking down the AI.
you know, its kinda weird that hydra still decided to keep that name around, so weird people are still hail hydraing around... takes some of the seriousness away lol. When hydra is already so in bed at the core of SHIELD... they are pretty much shield now... i guess they liek that name still?

btw: is there any info on capt's martial arts style? It's definitely way more flashy than anything US armed forces teaches you. I assume he has some free time... I see some judo, taekwando, karate.

They reason they still use Hydra is an identifier for each other within the greater SHIELD.

And in the comics, Cap knows every martial art. Though they haven't said as much in the MCU to my knowledge. Chalk it up to his adaptibility I guess?
so what is the purpose of SHIELD in the marvel cinematic universe? Are they just a more scifi UN?

what was the original purpose of the 3 helicarrier thing again? It was pretty much what hydra was planning, but without the person of interest system i think.


I saw it a second time since its so great. This time I couldn't help but notice that this movie is Metal Gear.

It starts with a stealth mission on a tanker. We find out that the worlds defense system is run by an AI that wants to use all the worlds information to control people and create perfect order. The creation of this AI began after a mission involving two friends each taking a different message from it. One with an eye patch and the other who goes on to head the largest spy network. One friend believes the world should be filled with order, the eye patch guy wants to use military strength to do good.

So then our hero and his red haired female partner has to go on a giant ship and implant a chip to stop the evil AI before it destroys the world. The hero has to battle a guy from his past that has a new arm. Our hero nearly dies in the end but succeeds in taking down the AI.
Did you rike it?


One question: why was Sharon Carter renamed to just "Kate" in the movie? I understand the idea of changing her to a more distant relation to Peggy, but they didn't make any connection there. Why change the name completely?

Oh, and I loved Widow's "huh, they really do sting" response to hitting herself with her own Widow's Bite.


so what is the purpose of SHIELD in the marvel cinematic universe? Are they just a more scifi UN?

what was the original purpose of the 3 helicarrier thing again? It was pretty much what hydra was planning, but without the person of interest system i think.

Shield has always been a somewhat morally questionable organization but in general they did have the good of everyone in mind.

Which is why Hydra infiltrating works so well because Hydra has similar goals they just have their Nazi like methods to achieve it so they can hide their end goal but blend in generally.

Fury and company were going to go with the Insight Program because the whole greater good thing. Shield expected insight would be used to locate terrorists etc. and basically do what Obama does now with drones. Catch is Hydra and Zola created insight and instead of just hunting terrorists they had millions of people to kill good and bad anyone who could potentially fight hydra.

Its a clever way of talking about the drone war the US undertakes today but probably flies over a lot of heads


Oh, in Age of Ultron, Widow needs this look, complete with big "B" earrings and a "W" clasp.

One question: why was Sharon Carter renamed to just "Kate" in the movie? I understand the idea of changing her to a more distant relation to Peggy, but they didn't make any connection there. Why change the name completely?

Kate was just a cover she used when pretending to be a nurse.

Widow tells Cap her real name is Sharon at the end. No mention of the last name though.
So just watched Captain America in IMAX3D, the movie actions is very good, however if you are watching it in 3D, you might not be able to fully understand what just happen in a fast moving action scene.

1. A bunch of action scenes that are amazing
2. Captain America being, badassery over leveled

1. Not recommending in IMAX3d for it fast action scenes, although it could be me, however my buddy seems to agree with me
2. Cliche much? Although I would write it off as it a comic book movie with a hero who save the world.

Movie rating 4/5


I saw it a second time since its so great. This time I couldn't help but notice that this movie is Metal Gear.

It starts with a stealth mission on a tanker. We find out that the worlds defense system is run by an AI that wants to use all the worlds information to control people and create perfect order. The creation of this AI began after a mission involving two friends each taking a different message from it. One with an eye patch and the other who goes on to head the largest spy network. One friend believes the world should be filled with order, the eye patch guy wants to use military strength to do good.

So then our hero and his red haired female partner has to go on a giant ship and implant a chip to stop the evil AI before it destroys the world. The hero has to battle a guy from his past that has a new arm. Our hero nearly dies in the end but succeeds in taking down the AI.

... Goddammit. I can't unsee it now.
Wasn't expecting to like this movie that much, but it was dope as fuck. Two things specifically made me freak out.

1. Shield, the people with all the technology, have holograms, but they are so shitty. It really bothers me when movies taking place in modern day have holograms where the light just converges by itself. And none of the characters freak out about this amazing technology. Now you see me and Need for Speed being recent examples. This film, despite Shield tech being top of line, still has to have a curved glass window to have the light reflect, awesome.

2. The Cap suplexing The Winter Soldier. 'Nuff said.

Redford smugly looking at the helicarriers blasting the shit out of the air from his office window was great too.


Great flick, but it's pretty stupid no other Avengers helped. I know I know, but still.

Of the three Phase 2 movies, I think this one set up the clearest reason for not including the other Avengers. Simply put, Cap didn't know who to trust. Heck, even Fury didn't trust Widow or Cap until he was sure. Yes, he gave Cap the drive, but Hill was the only one who knew he was going to fake his death.

Cap even says to Falcon that the only reason they're at his house was because he was the only person he knew that wasn't on SHIELD's radar. The other Avengers would certainly be on it. And Hawkeye, the other SHIELD agent? Well, if you're worried about who to trust, you certainly don't go to the guy who recently led an attack on you while being brainwashed by a god.

Yeah, no, the lack of other Avengers is a bit valid for IM3, not so valid for Thor2, and fully explained by the story in CA2.


Unconfirmed Member
Man that movie was PIMP!!! Loved every second of it. That's how I always imagined Cap to fight when reading the comics. Loved that they used the shield so effectively and often. Mackie is such a cool dude, he's a great Sam Wilson.

Did anyone catch any easter eggs during the target lock scenes? They showed quite a few faces/names, but I didn't catch anything cause my eyes were darting all over. I saw the Avengers Tower picture in this thread, but were there names of other heroes not yet in the movies?


Man that movie was PIMP!!! Loved every second of it. That's how I always imagined Cap to fight when reading the comics. Loved that they used the shield so effectively and often. Mackie is such a cool dude, he's a great Sam Wilson.

Did anyone catch any easter eggs during the target lock scenes? They showed quite a few faces/names, but I didn't catch anything cause my eyes were darting all over. I saw the Avengers Tower picture in this thread, but were there names of other heroes not yet in the movies?

I too was trying to listen during that part but they were going too fast. I thought one of the names I heard was Ant-Man(Scott Lang) but im not sure. I wonder how Tony is going to feel now that he knows that hydra killed his father. Also that last credit scene has me thinking that Bucky and Cap team up and they go against crossbones and try to take down Hydra once and for all.
Random thought: the digital effects used to make Chris Evans the Tiny Steve again were mind-blowing once again, and much more impressive than the first attempt.


Of the three Phase 2 movies, I think this one set up the clearest reason for not including the other Avengers. Simply put, Cap didn't know who to trust. Heck, even Fury didn't trust Widow or Cap until he was sure. Yes, he gave Cap the drive, but Hill was the only one who knew he was going to fake his death.

That's a terrible reason for the Avengers to not assemble. I'd rather they not try to contrive a reason to keep the other heroes out of the world ending stakes these solo movies keep pushing.
Yeah, no, the lack of other Avengers is a bit valid for IM3, not so valid for Thor2, and fully explained by the story in CA2.

It was pretty valid for Thor 2. The part of the fight that took place on Earth was only a few minutes long and was in England. Unless one of the other Avengers just so happened to be in England at the time, none of them would have been able to get there in time.

Maybe, just maybe, Tony Stark might have been able to make it by the end of the fight... but he also didn't have any suits prepped. So. Yeah.

That's a terrible reason for the Avengers to not assemble. I'd rather they not try to contrive a reason to keep the other heroes out of the world ending stakes these solo movies keep pushing.

I think the best explanation would be that they were all on the Hydra hit list and therefore under constant surveillance. It was explicitly stated for Banner in the movie, but I could see the same for the others. If Cap tried to contact them, it would have been like sending up a flare to SHIELD, telling them where he was.

And the whole thing was kinda under wraps, so it's not like they would have been able to find out on their own until it was too late.


That's a terrible reason for the Avengers to not assemble.
Why is it a terrible reason? The Avengers don't have much experience with each other. SHIELD brought them together for two days, they fought once or twice together and that's it. Cap's thrown into a situation where he can't trust the people that he's been working with for the past year. Why would he call on someone he spent a weekend with? Someone he knows full well is constantly being monitored by SHIELD.

I agree with you on IM3, as the reason there is rather contrived. Thor2, well, that happened mostly in Asgard, with the fight in Oxford over in a matter of minutes. For Cap, it wasn't like there was some other element shoved in to keep him from calling on Stark. Contacting Tony or Banner would have simply been the stupidest move he could have made.
That's a terrible reason for the Avengers to not assemble. I'd rather they not try to contrive a reason to keep the other heroes out of the world ending stakes these solo movies keep pushing.

That's exactly what they're doing. They're not trying because it's not too much to expect some suspension of disbelief so they can tell the story they want to tell.

People keep bringing it up though.


It was pretty valid for Thor 2. The part of the fight that took place on Earth was only a few minutes long and was in England. Unless one of the other Avengers just so happened to be in England at the time, none of them would have been able to get there in time.

Maybe, just maybe, Tony Stark might have been able to make it by the end of the fight... but he also didn't have any suits prepped. So. Yeah.

I think the best explanation would be that they were all on the Hydra hit list and therefore under constant surveillance. It was explicitly stated for Banner in the movie, but I could see the same for the others. If Cap tried to contact them, it would have been like sending up a flare to SHIELD, telling them where he was.

And the whole thing was kinda under wraps, so it's not like they would have been able to find out on their own until it was too late.

Why is it a terrible reason? The Avengers don't have much experience with each other. SHIELD brought them together for two days, they fought once or twice together and that's it. Cap's thrown into a situation where he can't trust the people that he's been working with for the past year. Why would he call on someone he spent a weekend with? Someone he knows full well is constantly being monitored by SHIELD.

I agree with you on IM3, as the reason there is rather contrived. Thor2, well, that happened mostly in Asgard, with the fight in Oxford over in a matter of minutes. For Cap, it wasn't like there was some other element shoved in to keep him from calling on Stark. Contacting Tony or Banner would have simply been the stupidest move he could have made.

He trusts an ex military PTSD counselor he met half a week ago, but he can't trust the team he saved the world with? Especially considering Black Widow was a part of said team, and she lies for a living. He had no reason to trust her when she ran up on him in front of the snack machine, but chose to hear her out anyways.

And how does this team comprised of the world's greatest heroes not have an efficient way to contact each other? How can Nick Fury trick the world into believing he died but can't get a line to Stark? Do none of the Avengers check in when they hear the news that Nick Fury was assassinated at Captain America's apartment?

The reasoning to have one hero after the other embroiled in worldwide stakes (usually across days) by themselves is goofy on its face and it's best for the writers to just not even acknowledge it. Or tell much more scaled back stories.


This movie is phenomenal. I only enjoyed the first hour of cap1 but this movie rivals The Avengers, even exceeds it in many ways. Bless that imax soundstage.

I don't know how the directors pulled this off given their pervious work. Good fucking job.


I love how they showed Caps real strength in this one. He was tearing everything up. That fucking suplex on WS and the chock slam. Jesus, this had amazing fight scenes. I'm going to go see it again next week sometime. Just have to, it was that good.

Also, Falcon, Widow and WS all kicked ass too.


Pretty damn cool movie. Definitely pushed the boundaries of what we expect from a Marvel Studios film, but it did fall into old habits at times. I just wish there could be one Marvel Studios film with a really good score.
-Chris Evans is hotter than the sun, and he completely owns the role of Captain America (Also, the shout-out to his gay fanbase was amazing.)
-Black Widow is amazing, and her new hair looked way better in motion (Black Widow movie now???)
-Falcon was much cooler than I was expecting, his jokes were well done (The goggles are awful though.)
-Peggy... ;_;
-Needed WAY more Agent 13
-Yay Maria! But working at Stark Industries now? ?_?
-I'm glad Bucky didn't die, they need more time to develop that plotline (The sound cue that plays for him is super creepy.)
-Pierce was effective, but also extremely obvious, but I don't think that was really a problem
-Rumlow was a good foil, I'm glad they are still gonna use him
-Fury's chase scene was crazy
-In fact, all the action scenes in the movie were crazy, in the best way possible
-The Doctor Strange reference got me totally hyped
-Bye Sitwell
-Zola is the Clairvoyant, yes?
-I am extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemely interested in seeing how this affects AoS
-Thank you based Marvel


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I'm pleased people are loving this. It's not like the first was a 10/10 masterpiece... and it could easily have devolved into silly sequels... but I'm really happy to see this being its own thing.


Kills Photobucket
Pretty good movie. The shaky cam on what looked like well done fight scenes was a little too present, but they did seem to restrain themselves.

I was torn between how stupid and silly it was to bring back Hydra, and delight in hearing Toby Jones again. (I think it still end up in the win column)

Where the hell was Hawkeye?


As far as twists being used as info dumps go, Zola being an AI has to be up there as one of my all time favorites. I was thrilled in the theater.


Pretty good movie. The shaky cam on what looked like well done fight scenes was a little too present, but they did seem to restrain themselves.

I was torn between how stupid and silly it was to bring back Hydra, and delight in hearing Toby Todd again. (I think it still end up in the win column)

Where the hell was Hawkeye?
Toby Jones, you mean?

Are you confusing him with the candyman, Tony Todd?


Best action in a Marvel movie yet. The fights have such a great sense of weight to them. Shot gorgeously too. Hopefully Avengers 2 takes some cues from this movie.
-Chris Evans is hotter than the sun, and he completely owns the role of Captain America (Also, the shout-out to his gay fanbase was amazing.)
-Black Widow is amazing, and her new hair looked way better in motion (Black Widow movie now???)
-Falcon was much cooler than I was expecting, his jokes were well done (The goggles are awful though.)
-Peggy... ;_;
-Needed WAY more Agent 13
-Yay Maria! But working at Stark Industries now? ?_?
-I'm glad Bucky didn't die, they need more time to develop that plotline (The sound cue that plays for him is super creepy.)
-Pierce was effective, but also extremely obvious, but I don't think that was really a problem
-Rumlow was a good foil, I'm glad they are still gonna use him
-Fury's chase scene was crazy
-In fact, all the action scenes in the movie were crazy, in the best way possible
-The Doctor Strange reference got me totally hyped
-Bye Sitwell
-Zola is the Clairvoyant, yes?
-I am extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemely interested in seeing how this affects AoS
-Thank you based Marvel

Huh? Where was this? Otherwise yeah, I'd pretty much list the same things. Zola wad just too awesome, I hope he's not gone for good. Setting it with my family we were kinda hoping for a Red Skull tease/reveal of some sort

Also, when Cap was watching that vintage documentary with Peggy, she said that Steve saved her and her husband or something like that. Any idea who she's referring to? Dum Dum perhaps?
Forget everything. Can we talk about how hard Cap. America kicks people in this movie? They go far , man.

The whole thing was pretty good, too.


Saw the movie last night. Definitely the best solo marvel film and I think on par with The Avengers. It was full of great moments. I didn't expect it to be that dark though and I loved that. Winter Soldier was such a tragic hero and I liked the way they handled the Bucky reveal and the second post credits scene. It's obvious he will be a major character in many of the later Marvel films and I guess he will definitely have a major role ln Cap 3. His battles with Cap were the greatest moments from the movie for me, especially when he used the knife.

Other than the Winter Soldier, Crossbones appearance was really neat. I didn't actually realize Rumlow was him until the very end but nevertheless I liked his portrayal as a top agent. He's alive, so a proper Crossbones introduction is possible. Zola's reappearance as that computer really gave me the chills and I enjoyed him in al his creepiness. If I had to guess I'd say his mind is not destroyed yet and there are more to expect from him. Also, I liked Falcon a lot and he was probably the most "human" character.

About the HYDRA/SHIELD thing, it wasn't that big of a twist, but still it's a major turning point for the MCU. Shield does not longer exist(for the time being I guess) and I really want to see how they'll handle that in Agents of Shield, Avengers 2 or even Iron Man. Really intriguing that Age of Ultron is the next "earthly" Marvel film. Oh and I really liked the twins, especially Quicksilver. His insane behaviour in the cell was awesome. The post credit scene was really great and the Scepter's return was the only moment the whole theater went wild. Such is the awesomeness of Loki I guess...

Also, STEPHEN STRANGE. That was a massive shock. I need to see him in MCU now.
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