I absolutely love that Widow trying to set Cap up on a date was explained with Cap visiting Peggy. Widow's bit could have just been treated as fluff banter, but, instead, we see that the reason Cap's not biting on any of the proposals is that he goes off and sees Peggy. He still has "his girl"...that scene brought so much more meaning to all of the times Cap brushes off dates.
Also, going into the movie, I knew two spoilers:
1. that the story ends up drastically changing the MCU in some way
2. that there was a cool engraving on Fury's tombstone
Putting them together had me thinking that they might actually kill off Fury, which made the attack on him in his car so much more suspenseful, and then the assassination at Cap's apartment hit pretty damn hard. Unfortunately, the trailers had shown the "Looks like you're giving the orders now" line...so, yeah...sort of hoped it was a cut take or something. Hollywood needs to stop including spoilers in their trailers.
However, I do like that they digitally edited the spoilers to mask Winter Soldier's identity a bit, and also to hide who's body was on the slab when Cap and Widow were in the hospital.
Also, for anyone who found the shaky cam to be too much, did you see it in 3D? From just my local discussions, I'm finding that complaint only applies to the 3D showings...wondering if that's universal.