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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?


My Apartment, or the 120 Screenings of Salo
What happened to Batroc again? I kinda thought Pierce had him killed during their interrogation, but maybe I imagined that.

I'm pretty sure they never said. I like to think Buttrock just kicked some dudes in the face and escaped. Like they saying goes "He who kicks and runs away lives to kick another day."
I have this weird feeling that the upcoming Spider-Man won't make as much money as it should, but I'll save that for another thread.

Should like it deserves to or should like it'll make money but not enough for Sony to continue with this big line-up of expensive movies?

I want it to be good, because I love Spider-Man (and truthfully, I want every movie to be good) but I'm also really curious what an MCU Spider-Man movie would look like.


Well, that was awesome. One of my favorite Marvel films and I'm very curious to see what the Russos do next with the third movie.

I suppose one criticism I have would be that despite being in the title, Bucky isn't in it all that much. Then again, one could argue that gives all his scenes all the more punch as he just shows up out of nowhere each time and just starts wrecking shit up. They did a fine job conveying what a threat he was.

Still, I would have liked a little more from Steve about the reveal. What they had was alright, but felt lacking. Though I suppose given the pace of the movie it was more of a 'deal with it when there's time'.

I really want to see Bucky get more screen time. I'd love either a movie with him at the front or at least a deeper exploration of what happened, even if I know the general story.

Man, I was not expecting that Zola reveal. I knew he was in the movie, but I figured it would be something like just flashbacks to what was done to Bucky to make him the Winter Soldier. As soon as I saw the big TV in that room with the camera on top, I started grinning. The effect really was unsettling, though I'm not entirely convinced that Zola is necessarily gone.

Liked Redford as Pierce as well. He was really rather creepy with how matter of fact he was about killing 20 million people. He genuinely believed that he was doing the world a favor as well. That scene where he kills his maid was disturbing to a degree with how he looks all regretful while still just killing her like its nothing.

Really liked that the whole Hydra/Shield aspect of things was integrated the way it was. It was actually hard seeing the loyal Shield operatives get taken down like they were. This could really shake up the Marvel Universe on Earth at least and I hope they really explore when they can in future movies. For one, I'd like to see Tony find out Hydra took out his parents.

Wish they had done more with Sharon Carter, but this served as an alright introduction so hopefully we can see a bit more from her next time around.

That scene with Peggy was really heart wrenching.

Really liked Anthony Mackie as Falcon. He and Evans seemed to have good back and forth between them and I thought they introduced him and the flight suit well. Wonder if we'll see some modifications to it come next time he's up.

Liked what we had of Widow and Fury this time around. Expanded on their characters in ways that hadn't really been done before and showcasing what makes them great.

Evans was great of course. I like that he has Steve kind of take everything with a grudging smile and comment, but still kind of gave the feel he was just covering it up. The hilarious awkwardness at times was great to like him flirting with Sharon or reacting to that kiss.

Stan didn't have too much to work with I suppose as he didn't get that many lines, but I thought he did well with what he had. His expressions at points like when Steve calls him Bucky that first time were great as well as at the end. I like that music theme he had going too.

Hope we get to see more of Cobie Smulders. Liked what we had though. The lack of Hawkeye was a shame, but there probably wouldn't have been time. Still, just a mention would have been nice like him being on a mission away.

Still, the whole freedom aspect to the plot felt weak at times to me, though honestly it did enough to deliver what was an enjoyable movie with characters I liked.

There were some many great little easter eggs to both characters and between the movies, such as the Senator from Iron Man 2 or that little mention of Stephen Strange. I wonder if we might see more if we paused when the array was choosing targets. Might need to check that when it comes out.

Speaking of Strange, I'm curious as to whether he's actually accomplished anything yet or is still just a surgeon. I'd guess the latter I suppose.
Well, that was awesome. One of my favorite Marvel films and I'm very curious to see what the Russos do next with the third movie.

I suppose one criticism I have would be that despite being in the title, Bucky isn't in it all that much. Then again, one could argue that gives all his scenes all the more punch as he just shows up out of nowhere each time and just starts wrecking shit up. They did a fine job conveying what a threat he was.

Still, I would have liked a little more from Steve about the reveal. What they had was alright, but felt lacking. Though I suppose given the pace of the movie it was more of a 'deal with it when there's time'.

I really want to see Bucky get more screen time. I'd love either a movie with him at the front or at least a deeper exploration of what happened, even if I know the general story.

Man, I was not expecting that Zola reveal. I knew he was in the movie, but I figured it would be something like just flashbacks to what was done to Bucky to make him the Winter Soldier. As soon as I saw the big TV in that room with the camera on top, I started grinning. The effect really was unsettling, though I'm not entirely convinced that Zola is necessarily gone.

Liked Redford as Pierce as well. He was really rather creepy with how matter of fact he was about killing 20 million people. He genuinely believed that he was doing the world a favor as well. That scene where he kills his maid was disturbing to a degree with how he looks all regretful while still just killing her like its nothing.

Really liked that the whole Hydra/Shield aspect of things was integrated the way it was. It was actually hard seeing the loyal Shield operatives get taken down like they were. This could really shake up the Marvel Universe on Earth at least and I hope they really explore when they can in future movies. For one, I'd like to see Tony find out Hydra took out his parents.

Wish they had done more with Sharon Carter, but this served as an alright introduction so hopefully we can see a bit more from her next time around.

That scene with Peggy was really heart wrenching.

Really liked Anthony Mackie as Falcon. He and Evans seemed to have good back and forth between them and I thought they introduced him and the flight suit well. Wonder if we'll see some modifications to it come next time he's up.

Liked what we had of Widow and Fury this time around. Expanded on their characters in ways that hadn't really been done before and showcasing what makes them great.

Evans was great of course. I like that he has Steve kind of take everything with a grudging smile and comment, but still kind of gave the feel he was just covering it up. The hilarious awkwardness at times was great to like him flirting with Sharon or reacting to that kiss.

Stan didn't have too much to work with I suppose as he didn't get that many lines, but I thought he did well with what he had. His expressions at points like when Steve calls him Bucky that first time were great as well as at the end. I like that music theme he had going too.

Hope we get to see more of Cobie Smulders. Liked what we had though. The lack of Hawkeye was a shame, but there probably wouldn't have been time. Still, just a mention would have been nice like him being on a mission away.

Still, the whole freedom aspect to the plot felt weak at times to me, though honestly it did enough to deliver what was an enjoyable movie with characters I liked.

There were some many great little easter eggs to both characters and between the movies, such as the Senator from Iron Man 2 or that little mention of Stephen Strange. I wonder if we might see more if we paused when the array was choosing targets. Might need to check that when it comes out.

Speaking of Strange, I'm curious as to whether he's actually accomplished anything yet or is still just a surgeon. I'd guess the latter I suppose.

I was trying desperately to catch names as they were acquiring targets, but I couldn't keep up and the text was small. When it gets released I'll start scanning, since I know there's something in there. Marvel's a bunch of sneaky bastards


Should like it deserves to or should like it'll make money but not enough for Sony to continue with this big line-up of expensive movies?

I want it to be good, because I love Spider-Man (and truthfully, I want every movie to be good) but I'm also really curious what an MCU Spider-Man movie would look like.

Whether it deserves to or not will be based off of the quality of the movie.What I meant was that usually a Spider-Man movie is easy money in the box office. I feel Cap 2's success will continue to bleed into May, and that X-Men and Godzilla releasing pretty close to it might hurt it's BO performance a bit. I love Spider-Man so I'll see it anyway, but wouldn't be surprised if it didn't do well. Even with Sony's desperate over marketing.

Hopefully. I'll be there day 1 to piss on sony pictures grave.

That's not very nice.


Hopefully. I'll be there day 1 to piss on sony pictures grave.

That seems petty though. I don't even like the tone of the Amazing Spider-man movies, but at least Sony is putting actual effort into making something that people do seem to enjoy. Not my preference, but they're not shitting on the character and the rights. I'll be much more inclined to "piss on the grave" of a studio like Fox for how they handled stuff like Daredevil and Fantastic Four.


I was trying desperately to catch names as they were acquiring targets, but I couldn't keep up and the text was small. When it gets released I'll start scanning, since I know there's something in there. Marvel's a bunch of sneaky bastards

Indeed, I'd be more surprised if there wasn't something there. It'd be cool if we could find targets like Danny Rand, Luke Cage, and the like there.


The thing that surprised me more was Cap throwing a knife at that dudes hand who was going to pull the fire alarm.

Weird, I've read a lot of people say they were shocked or surprised by that. Cap did things that that in the first movie too. He right out threw a knife in a guys back on the Hydra flying wing, then picked a dude up and threw him out of the bomb doors. Brutal.
this was really good

chris evans and frank grillo were
Weird, I've read a lot of people say they were shocked or surprised by that. Cap did things that that in the first movie too. He right out threw a knife in a guys back on the Hydra flying wing, then picked a dude up and threw him out of the bomb doors. Brutal.

I think mainstream people have the impression that Captain America is such a good boy scout type of character, the kind of heroes that don't kill and just knock people out with blunt force attack (punch/kick/shield throw)

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
What I wish they'd do with Zola is to have if that the "Zola Algorithm" is Zola. So that wherever a copy of it is installed and run Zola quickens and comes to life. He would be the true ghost in the machine, and an omnipresent threat. Even if someone wrote a worm virus to scrub the internet for him, all it takes is a copy hidden on a piece of media somewhere to set him loose again.

What we saw blown up in the bunker was merely the original copy, that required all those tape drives to store at the time.

I think mainstream people have the impression that Captain America is such a good boy scout type of character, the kind of heroes that don't kill and just knock people out with blunt force attack (punch/kick/shield throw)

It has been observed before that Cap's weapon being a shield is symbolic - he stands for defending the good rather than being the aggressor. But they're still playing up the fact that Cap is a soldier and was after all on the front lines in WWII. This movie also seems to consciously emphasize that he is extremely smart. Every tactical action he takes is ahead of the enemy, each move calculated to end a threat as efficiently as possible so he can target the next one. It comes off as harsh and shocking at moments, but he is not actually cruel. He never seems to engage in brutality where it is not required.


There were some many great little easter eggs to both characters and between the movies, such as the Senator from Iron Man 2 or that little mention of Stephen Strange. I wonder if we might see more if we paused when the array was choosing targets. Might need to check that when it comes out.

I think I noticed, or at least I thought I noticed, the Avengers Tower on the sat screen when the heli-carriers went on line and were gathering their targets...


I think I noticed, or at least I thought I noticed, the Avengers Tower on the sat screen when the heli-carriers went on line and were gathering their targets...

Yeah, Avengers Tower was definitely there with one of their targets. Probably Tony or maybe Pepper.


Yeah, Avengers Tower was definitely there with one of their targets. Probably Tony or maybe Pepper.

I heard someone sitting behind me say "Oh, Tony Stark is targeted".

On a some what related note, where exactly is "Avengers" tower? I am not a big reader of the MCU and, I always assumed it was Stark Tower in NYC.
Doesn't he live in California ? No way those carriers a few thousand feet up can see, let alone hit something more then 2000 miles away.

His house got blown up in Iron Man 3, so it's not a stretch to assume he moved to New York to live in his tower.

However, they also might have been targeting Banner or Pepper in the tower.


I heard someone sitting behind me say "Oh, Tony Stark is targeted".

On a some what related note, where exactly is "Avengers" tower? I am not a big reader of the MCU and, I always assumed it was Stark Tower in NYC.

Yeah in the MCU Stark Tower becomes the Avengers tower, it's in place of the MetLife building.
When they mentioned AI I was hoping we would see something related to Ultron. Maybe the foundation of what would eventually become Ultron or something that will come back into play during the course of Avengers 2. So I was surprised it turned out to be Zola. I say this simply because there had been reports that this movie ties the most into Avengers 2. While I agree it laid some groundwork for the film, I was kind of hoping for a little bit more. Like the World Security Council building Ultron to have something that could act on Avengers level threats without having to worry about if the Avengers will come together in time. I guess Project Insight acted like that to a point with taking out "undesirables", but I don't think it could deal with something like Thanos.


My Apartment, or the 120 Screenings of Salo
Matthew Ellis (the POTUS in MCU) was also a target for the AI.

Yeah, I noticed that too.

Something I'm interested in seeing if they address or not when it comes is that Ellis should be out of office by the time their 2017 movies come. IM3 takes place around Christmas 2012 with him in office so that means that Ellis would have to have been elected in 2008 (incidentally the year the MCU began) and based on some of the dialog in that movie, and the fact that he's still around during the events of The Winter Soldier, that means he would have been re-elected in November of 2012 and not eligible to run again come 2016. Wondering if we'll see someone we already know run for office in that time.
Act 1 and 2 of this was great. Act 3 felt like every mother Marvel act 3. Lacked any punch. Luckily, it wasn't a bad Act 3. It just wasn't as great as Act 1 and 2 were building up for. The themes were dropped, and there as no emotional punch. The Winter Solider himself could've been better as well. I think they needed to build up the legend of him more before his big fight in the streets with Cap.

And I'm getting tired of these after-credits scene. I don't give a shit anymore! They feel like they're strictly for the comic readers at this point. Or am I crazy?

Still a good movie. I'd recommend it to a friend.
The action sequences were really good. It almost bordered on excessively violent, especially given that Marvel's under the Disney umbrella . Iron Man 3 had toned down on things like Tony Stark's drinking, had a Christmas theme, and a child actor. Thor 2 had a lot of humor or tried to be funny.

It also had suicide bombers, coke-snorting terrorists, and a critique on how vets are treated when they come back from war.


Just for the hell of it I googled Captain Britain and it turns out he does exist. Then I googled Captain Germany and Captain Soviet Union. Wow marvel. I'll stop here.

If there is a photo of Captain Germany punching Stalin in the face I will make it my wallpaper.


My Apartment, or the 120 Screenings of Salo
Saw it again. I didn't notice that. Damn, it's going to be hard convincing Tony not to kill Bucky.

This would never happen, but what if Tony finds out and goes out on a hunt for him and the Iron Man VS Hulk scene ends up being the Hulk trying to stop a rampaging Iron Man, rather than the other way around?
That. Was. Fantastic.

I loved that so much. Equal to Iron Man 3 for me, with a better climax than IM3. Had more fun than the Avengers.

- Great cast. Chris Evans nails Cap. Falcon was cool as fuck, and Mackie played him well. This was the first movie where I genuinely liked ScarJo as Black Widow. I wasn't a fan in Avengers and IM2, but she was great here. Fury and Smulders were good as well. Redford played a decent villain. Stans was really good as the Winter Soldier. Had to do most of his acting with the eyes, I think he did well. The main trio had great, great chemistry. Can't wait for the next one.

- Action/fight scenes were awesome as fuck. Flight suit was baller as fuck.

- Loved the paranoid conspiracy tone. I didn't really expect Hydra infiltration to be so deep, but of course it has to go all the way to the top. Zola reappearing as a computer was a pleasant surprise. Really dug the story. I loved the final scene with Cap and Bucky.

- SITWELL, YOU BASTARD! I wonder what this means for Agents of SHIELD. So Fury will go underground and resurrect a new SHIELD with Coulson assisting?

- I know that it's not his movie, but I found it funny that Steve didn't give Tony Stark a call at any point during the movie.

- Where was Hawkeye at? Not even a mention. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch at the end was cool though. Of course the villain is the guy wearing a monocle.

- If Steven Strange isn't Doctor Strange yet, why was he a threat to Hydra/SHIELD?

- I wonder if the next film is about Steve confronting the legacy of the Super Soldier program, especially since the writer or director of this one mentioned a 'psychotic 1950s Cap'.


That. Was. Fantastic.

I loved that so much. Equal to Iron Man 3 for me, with a better climax than IM3. Had more fun than the Avengers.

- Great cast. Chris Evans nails Cap. Falcon was cool as fuck, and Mackie played him well. This was the first movie where I genuinely liked ScarJo as Black Widow. I wasn't a fan in Avengers and IM2, but she was great here. Fury and Smulders were good as well. Redford played a decent villain. Stans was really good as the Winter Soldier. Had to do most of his acting with the eyes, I think he did well. The main trio had great, great chemistry. Can't wait for the next one.

- Action/fight scenes were awesome as fuck. Flight suit was baller as fuck.

- Loved the paranoid conspiracy tone. I didn't really expect Hydra infiltration to be so deep, but of course it has to go all the way to the top. Zola reappearing as a computer was a pleasant surprise. Really dug the story. I loved the final scene with Cap and Bucky.

- SITWELL, YOU BASTARD! I wonder what this means for Agents of SHIELD. So Fury will go underground and resurrect a new SHIELD with Coulson assisting?

- I know that it's not his movie, but I found it funny that Steve didn't give Tony Stark a call at any point during the movie.

- Where was Hawkeye at? Not even a mention. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch at the end was cool though. Of course the villain is the guy wearing a monocle.

- If Steven Strange isn't Doctor Strange yet, why was he a threat to Hydra/SHIELD?

- I wonder if the next film is about Steve confronting the legacy of the Super Soldier program, especially since the writer or director of this one mentioned a 'psychotic 1950s Cap'.

Zola's algorithm predicted potential future dangers that could be based on the persons intelligence etc. Which is why Hydra had 20 million people on the list. Clearly only a few hundred at most would actually be real threats but any potential was highlighted.
Steven Strange is called Doctor Strange because he's an actual Doctor, it's not really a super hero name.

I know, but there's Dr. Strange, and then there's Doctor Strange.

Zola's algorithm predicted potential future dangers that could be based on the persons intelligence etc. Which is why Hydra had 20 million people on the list. Clearly only a few hundred at most would actually be real threats but any potential was highlighted.

Zola's algorithm didn't just target current threats, but potential threats as well. Strange must have made one too many incendiary Facebook updates.

Riiiiiiiight, gotcha. I remember that part, but didn't immediately click. Kinda like the Machine from POI.


- SITWELL, YOU BASTARD! I wonder what this means for Agents of SHIELD. So Fury will go underground and resurrect a new SHIELD with Coulson assisting?

Ever since Thor and the one-shots, something never quite sat well with me about that Sitwell guy. It's nice to be vindicated. He should've done the double fisted Hydra salute at some point though.
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