- The fight choreography was outstanding. Illustrating the impact of superhuman chaos is always amazing to see and I'm so happy they realized that so well with this film.
- It was almost shocking how much more lively and personable Natasha was in this. Loved her in the Avengers and with TWS, she's really come into her own feeling like a fully formed person. Her friendship and chemistry with Steve (and later Sam) made for my favourite moments in the film behind the Bucky bits. I'm super glad Natasha knew who he was and had an encounter prior, but it doesn't seem like they have a history the way they do in the comics which if true, is pretty disappointing.
- the Peggy scene... destroyed me. It's going to make watching the eventual Agent Carter series devastating knowing she ends up with dementia. That makeup/cgi was incredible.
- Sitwell noooooo!

I was actually kinda stunned by that reveal and equally hurt.

Even his death was shocking in its brutality yet also mildly hilarious.
The twins look incredible and I'm super hyped for Tuesday's AoS due to this so, yeah I'm in a good place.