Movie had all the right elements but did not know what to do with them. There were moments that could have had profound emotional hooks but went unattended. I think it's clear they went and used Falcon and BW as foil characters, but this movie could have done more to delve deeper into the parallels of Steves relationship with his current friends and how important it was to him while continuing to lose grip on any memories of his past life (visiting museum, Peggy carter visit and fight for Bucky etc). Again, I think this is the story they were trying to tell and the one I wanted but I don't think it was cohesive at all.
This could be partly due to Evans who I think did not do a very good job in the film. The realization that the Winter Soldier was his best friend, the only one who stood by him when the world saw him as a thin useless man, turn bad and murdering people for past 50 years should have hit harder at home than it did. Bucky was the Falcon of his time and he was loyal. Evans did not sell that scene at all. The scene would have had a more profound effect, in my opinion, if Peggy died while Steve went to visit her but with the condition she was in, she in a sense may have very well been. So with Peggy lost, his only memories to his past are a museum and his friend whom he now knows is a massive murderer.
Then there's the question of how Steve stays Incorruptable and continues to inspire those around him as he did in the 50s. The movie sold this theme way short. Falcon is loyal to the legend and a man who outruns him but and nothing else. Black Widow is acting as some surrogate sister at times which was very weird and did not fit their relationship well at all. In the end, she doesn't care about hiding from her past and isn't ashamed of it being exposed but the transition to this end of her arc was non existent and it would have been nice to see Steve inspire her to this position.
Overall, I think this could have been a great movie but it relied more heavily on ill times and predictable jokes, fancy actions and loud noise to fill in the blanks when it should have been the characters that did. The actions scenes could have had more at stake if the emotional hooks were better implemented. There could have just been as important of a fight here as a Luke and Vader but when cap and Bucky face off at the end, I was so exhausted I just didn't give two cents.