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Really wish they would have put Coulson in the movie.
Or at least just mentioned him.Really wish they would have put Coulson in the movie.
Bucky starts as mindless assassin, end the movie as someone searching for his past, what would you call this if it's not a character growth? it's not much, but we assume it'll be expanded on the sequel.
I really like the scene where Cap got beat up by WS at the end, WS said Cap is his mission and Cap told him to finish the mission.
Really wish they would have put Coulson in the movie.
Unless I'm missing something, there are no cues in any of the phase 2 movies indicating that they are all happening simultaneously, no?
Has Bucky been modified in any way beyond his left arm? I noticed he jumped down from the bridge while the other guys had to rappel.
Yeah. They pretty much modified him to be a match for Steve.
That is how he survived falling from the train in the first movie.
I just have 2 questions.
Has Bucky been modified in any way beyond his left arm? I noticed he jumped down from the bridge while the other guys had to rappel.
I don't think so. I think this Phase is moving in real time, so Winter Soldier is a year or something after Iron Man 3, making Avengers 2 three years after Avengers, with Thor taking place a few months beforehand.
Iron Man 3 a few months later
Thor a year later
Winter Soldier a few months after that
Avengers 2 a year later
Yeah. They pretty much modified him to be a match for Steve.
That is how he survived falling from the train in the first movie.
I've missed some episodes of Shield. Have there been references to Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch?
For some reason that scene where Steve falls from the Hellicarrier but not doing anything to stop himself from dying reminds me of Spike falling from the Church in Cowboy Bebop:
It's just an awesome moment captured on screen. Also despite Steve winning, the scene felt somewhat sad and melancholic. He won the fight but he also lost so much in the process.
The scene with Steve falling also reminded me of the opening scene of Skyfall where 007 is shot and falls into the water presumed dead. Same kind of music too.
Oh I didn't know phase 2 chronology was real time. I don't align with the posts asking why [superhero] doesn't appear in [superhero]'s film, but the lack of a mention of another hero's whereabouts is a bit odd. Just even a throwaway line would be good enough.
Or maybe allof that is handled by Agents of SHIELD and I don't know about it because I gave up on the show 5 eps in.
Not very often you get a scene (or any moment of fiction) that has all the right ingredients for a happy ending and yet still somehow feels like everything is lost and gone. People cried at that scene.For some reason that scene where Steve falls from the Hellicarrier but not doing anything to stop himself from dying reminds me of Spike falling from the Church in Cowboy Bebop:
It's just an awesome moment captured on screen. Also despite Steve winning, the scene felt somewhat sad and melancholic. He won the fight but he also lost so much in the process.
I'm starting to think they're gonna' do the important important scenes right after the the main credits while do an extra non-important scene after the long credits.I loved it and him, but if I wait through credits desperate to piss I expect to see Namor punching Kraven on Asgard.
I wonder if anybody at Marvel Studios suggested doing a tanker scene because of MGS2.Yeah the opening felt like a homage to MGS2, but I don't really think the movie on a whole had many MGS vibes.
Bucky starts as mindless assassin, end the movie as someone searching for his past, what would you call this if it's not a character growth? it's not much, but we assume it'll be expanded on the sequel.
I really like the scene where Cap got beat up by WS at the end, WS said Cap is his mission and Cap told him to finish the mission.
Yeah the opening felt like a homage to MGS2, but I don't really think the movie on a whole had many MGS vibes.
Are you for serious though? Everything around Bucky was totally unearned. He ran around the globe straight murdering people for fifty years--magically mind-wiped and brainless?--but it's cool he's Cap' broke through right to his humanity by saying the guy's line back to him?
It's not like he was wrestling with moral quandaries anywhere else in the movie; he wasn't on an arc to discover himself; he's a perfectly silent, cold-blooded murderin' blank slate without any agency whatsoever until the Hero tells him he should have some?
Yeah the opening felt like a homage to MGS2, but I don't really think the movie on a whole had many MGS vibes.
Just saw this today. Great movie, really surprised me by how good it actually was.
But it really shows the problem with the marvel universe bullshit. Like by the end of the movie all i am thinking is. This shit is going down and these weaklings are fighting it out for no reason at all. Thor, Iron Man, Hulk and come and bust that shit up in like 2 minutes. Hydra aint shit. Like it doesn't even make sense shield is breaking down millions gonna die and this guy doesn't even bother asking Iron Man, Thor or Hulk?
Yeah I'm sure many will give some bs excuse like "oh they busy doing other shit" yeah like iron man or thor can't take 5 mins to come and destroy the ships in like 10 minutes and leave. Hell iron man could have sent his stupid suits and they would have done the job.
How would he contact Tony, or Hulk? By phone? It's pretty clear that call would be traced and they'd have another missile fired right at them like with Zola. And does he even know Thor is back on earth? Even Banner who is a super careful genius couldn't go undetected by S.H.I.E.L.D.Just saw this today. Great movie, really surprised me by how good it actually was. Even though I called the plot twists the moment Fury met the Chairman guy the first time. And then the moment they showed bucky in the smithsonian i knew he was the winter soldier.
But it really shows the problem with the marvel universe bullshit. Like by the end of the movie all i am thinking is. This shit is going down and these weaklings are fighting it out for no reason at all. Thor, Iron Man, Hulk and come and bust that shit up in like 2 minutes. Hydra aint shit. Like it doesn't even make sense shield is breaking down millions gonna die and this guy doesn't even bother asking Iron Man, Thor or Hulk?
Yeah I'm sure many will give some bs excuse like "oh they busy doing other shit" yeah like iron man or thor can't take 5 mins to come and destroy the ships in like 10 minutes and leave. Hell iron man could have sent his stupid suits and they would have done the job.
Actually through a lot of the first half of the movie I was thinking man this is just like MGS. especially the tanker stuff.
This movie wasn't even a "doing other shit" thing. Tony doesn't have any suits (in IM3, he didn't only destroy them, but swore off building more). Nobody really knows where Thor is. Banner is under such heavy surveillance by SHIELD/HYDRA that trying to contact him would be tantamount to suicide in this situation. Hell, Tony was probably under surveillance as well.
How would he contact Tony, or Hulk? By phone? It's pretty clear that call would be traced and they'd have another missile fired right at them like with Zola. And does he even know Thor is back on earth? Even Banner who is a super careful genius couldn't go undetected by S.H.I.E.L.D.
What does that even mean though. like yeah there can be a billion random excuses for why they are missing but my point is that now every plot has to conveniently somehow take out those real strong super heroes so the other weaklings have something to do. For me its the same thing in comics you got a thousand super human beings and then a few regular guys trying to make it in the same world.
Also not sure how calling banner would be suicide they are already after captain america. Black widow was able to infiltrate the building to the top and they couldn't get stark or banner? All they had to do was get banner and basically hulk smash from there.
Umm the same way they contacted Cap and Black widow? And the hulk doesn't need to go undetected anywhere.
I'm saying that Captain frickin' America had his house so bugged that the only way Nick Fury "THE SPY" could figure out how to communicate unheard was with a cell phone displaying text.
I'm going to bet that they had far more extensive surveillance measures in place for the guy who could easily rip New York apart with his bare hands. Like, agents in the building, ready to tranq him the moment anything looked suspicious. No way Fury was going to just trust Banner would never flip out again.
And the issue wouldn't be so much whether they're already after Cap. It's more that the one thing that was saving Cap and Widow was that SHIELD didn't know where they were. That was their main advantage. Sure, maybe they could have abandoned stealth, maybe there wasn't the tranq guys like I was guessing, maybe they somehow would manage to get him involved. But if they had given away their position like that, SHIELD would just take them out. Probably wouldn't hurt Hulk any, but that's little consolation when you're dead.
Well i think we can go in circles coming up with stupid scenarios ourselves cause none of it was in the movie. So i don't think we will agree on this.
But my main point is not even the story bit. Its just the fact that knowing all these super powerful people are in the same world just chilling makes anything less than world shattering stuff seem not that important.
Actually, it was explained clearly in the movie:Well i think we can go in circles coming up with stupid scenarios ourselves cause none of it was in the movie. So i don't think we will agree on this.
Cap couldn't reach or didn't trust anybody but BW and Falcon. That's enough for me. It's understandable based on the events of the movie.
He didn't even trust BW in the beginning.
I don't know why people keep assuming this. Tony still has suits.This movie wasn't even a "doing other shit" thing. Tony doesn't have any suits (in IM3, he didn't only destroy them, but swore off building more). Nobody really knows where Thor is. Banner is under such heavy surveillance by SHIELD/HYDRA that trying to contact him would be tantamount to suicide in this situation. Hell, Tony was probably under surveillance as well.
Iron Man 3 said:Pepper: And all your distractions?
Tony: Uh, I'm gonna shave them down
a little bit. Jarvis, hey.
JARVIS: All wrapped up here, sir. Will there be anything else?
Tony: You know what to do.
JARVIS: The "clean slate" protocol, sir?
Tony: Screw it, it's Christmas. Yes, yes.
Bucky starts as mindless assassin, end the movie as someone searching for his past, what would you call this if it's not a character growth? it's not much, but we assume it'll be expanded on the sequel.
I really like the scene where Cap got beat up by WS at the end, WS said Cap is his mission and Cap told him to finish the mission.
That scene will probably go down in history as my favourite bro-moment of all time.
"I'm with you to the end of the line."
Manly tears were shed. They absolutely nailed the Steve and Bucky dynamic in this movie.
That scene will probably go down in history as my favourite bro-moment of all time.
"I'm with you to the end of the line."
Manly tears were shed. They absolutely nailed the Steve and Bucky dynamic in this movie.
I think Tony destroyed those suits (no longer compatible since he removed the arc reactor from his chest) and rebuilds from the ground up. Only having a couple on deck like before.
Somewhat off-topic but I just wanted to throw that out there.
I do like how every phase 2 movie has to mention 'what happen in NY' at least once. Yet I don't think any phase 1 movie mention how hulk and abomination teared down NY.
Just saw this today. Great movie, really surprised me by how good it actually was. Even though I called the plot twists the moment Fury met the Chairman guy the first time. And then the moment they showed bucky in the smithsonian i knew he was the winter soldier.
But it really shows the problem with the marvel universe bullshit. Like by the end of the movie all i am thinking is. This shit is going down and these weaklings are fighting it out for no reason at all. Thor, Iron Man, Hulk and come and bust that shit up in like 2 minutes. Hydra aint shit. Like it doesn't even make sense shield is breaking down millions gonna die and this guy doesn't even bother asking Iron Man, Thor or Hulk?
Yeah I'm sure many will give some bs excuse like "oh they busy doing other shit" yeah like iron man or thor can't take 5 mins to come and destroy the ships in like 10 minutes and leave. Hell iron man could have sent his stupid suits and they would have done the job.
Actually through a lot of the first half of the movie I was thinking man this is just like MGS. especially the tanker stuff.
Not exactly sure what you are on about. The point was not that Bucky was having moral dilemmas. He was basically a blank slate assassin believing he was doing the right mission. Everything is the mission. Cap was the one guy who was his bff and seeing him and talking to him started to bring back flashes of his memories and old self. So he was questioning who he was. By the end he was basically trying to discover who he is and his purpose now that hydra is "gone". The post ending scene he is actually reading about himself and trying to verify if what Cap said is true.
Character growth doesn't mean Super evil > Good guy now. Its pretty obvious that this guy is going to be in future captain movies and this was basically he start of his journey. And now cap america has a purpose too. In the movie he kept saying everything from his old life is gone. He doesn't know what to live for but now he found his best friend is alive and he wants to redeem him.
So is anyone else in agreement that this movie gave off extremely strong Metal Gear Solid vibes?
I mean damn it's like a dream come true. The Zola conversation was so reminiscent of the Federal Hall MGS2 scene.