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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?


So obvious. So so so very obvious. What does it matter he's "surviled"? "Hey Tony shit is fucked" "Ok, Cap" and now he's wearing an Iron Man suit before SHIELD/Hydra can even power up the servos on the missile to point it at his house. Stark Tower doesn't have point defense systems? Iron Man all suited up doesn't give two shits about missiles.

The only reason to avoid contacting him is if you think he's in on it. That would've been cleaner. Have Winter Soldier and his goons carry weapon marked with Stark Industries or something. "I thought he was done making weapons!" "Maybe we don't know Tony Stark very well at all...".

The script was bad.

Maybe Iron Man just didnt know? SHIELD/HYDRA controlls the media. If I were HYDRA, I would not really let the media cover up the actions of my killercommando, who was sent to kill the legendary hero of world war 2 and defender of earth against a alien invasion. And I wouldnt say them that I equipped my three brand new helicarriers with death missles. Anyway, I dont care. The Movie is about Captain America, and no one beside him has to show up.

And I say it again: In the comic books, this happens all the time. Heck, even in the comics the whole Marvel Universe is living in New York and even when there is something on a bigger scale than a heist, there is as good as always just one hero. Maybe a team, but never all the heroes come together for this. Because its a Solocomic (or movie in this case) and not called Captain America and lall Avengers, who just cant show up, because people in the internet made up stupid complains: The Winter Soldier.
When you cant accept this, dont watch Superhero Movies. Its called suspense of disbelief or something like this.
Right, I did see the movie and hear them say all this. But what constitutes a "threat to snipe"? What were their criteria? Were they trying to kill people with influence who might oppose them, leaving behind only the sheeple?

But if the goal of that is so they can be rich and powerful and evil unopposed, this is the most classic Dumbshit Badguy: in order to pull off infiltrating a worldwide espionage/paramilitary organization you already have money and power and shit. How is the world post-Insight different than the world pre-Insight?

Those ships had a catastrophic vulnerability encased in a glass dome on their underside and a demonstrated inability to land a single hit on a man-sized target flying around them at close range. And Iron Man is equipped with Plot Armor. He would've done alright for himself.

The algorithem based off your internet history predicts whether you are a threat or not.

Several criteria. What you read, buy, watch, etc. Think big brother taken to the next level.


No, it wasnt. Because everybody was aware, that this wasnt Avengers 2.

Oh i see. So since the movie is not called avengers the audience should forget about the rest of the universe. And then remember the greater universe when its convenient to the story?


Why all the arguing? Just accept it for what it is. It's a solo movie that is good. Why do you have to have everyone involved every time? One conflict, one hero, one solution. It's a nice little package.
What the fuck was Black Widow trying to accomplish by blowing the cover of whatever ten thousand under cover agents SHIELD had worldwide?

I think this is a question Banner will be asking her in Avengers 2. Because, if I'm getting this right, he was the only other Avenger who still had a secret identity. Which is now not so secret anymore.
The story took place over 3 days, and Cap/Widow couldn't contact anyone on the grid since they were being watched. Thor is on and off world whenever he wants with no real way to contact him. Not sure why this is such a problem for people.
Liked it but didn't love it.

+ action scenes were fucking amazing, especially the first one that took place on the boat.
+ thought falcon was awesome and I'd like to see him show up in future marvel films
+ nick fury was a straight up bad ass in this.
+ best post credits scene yet in the MCU
+ winter soldier was pretty cool for the most part...

-...but man I couldn't really take him seriously once he took off the mask and yeah I know the back story and all but something about his character seemed off to me, he just didn't seem menacing at all after the Bucky reveal. Looked like the dude had shrunken head syndrome or some weird shit lol.
- scarjo/black widow looked terrible in this I mean wtf. Her character annoyed the ever loving shit outta me and I am a huge fan of hers. Was it just me or did she look terrible to anyone else? She came off as a major try hard in this. I liked her in the avengers and IM2 but I couldn't stand her in this.
- wasn't really feeling Robert Redford as the main baddie behind it all, seemed like he phoned this one in IMO.
- bummed there were no avengers cameos
I think this is a question Banner will be asking her in Avengers 2. Because, if I'm getting this right, he was the only other Avenger who still had a secret identity. Which is now not so secret anymore.

As of Avengers he isn't exactly well integrated into society to the point where a secret identity mattered. He was living off the grid until Widow found him.
Liked it but didn't love it.

+ action scenes were fucking amazing, especially the first one that took place on the boat.
+ thought falcon was awesome and I'd like to see him show up in future marvel films
+ nick fury was a straight up bad ass in this.
+ best post credits scene yet in the MCU
+ winter soldier was pretty cool for the most part...
Totally agree with the boat action scene as being the best one. Especially since they had built the foundation for how fast Cap is with the scene with Falcon. Really liked his character and Steve Rogers in this film. Also liked the interplay between Romanoff and Rogers.
As of Avengers he isn't exactly well integrated into society to the point where a secret identity mattered. He was living off the grid until Widow found him.

True, but now he's living in Starkvengers Tower, so it might have started mattering a little bit. And even before, he could still wander around a college campus without anyone recognizing him. Now, he's trending on Twitter.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Cap vs. Batroc fight was definitely the best, mainly cause they actually pulled the camera back and let the fight breath a bit.
Those ships had a catastrophic vulnerability encased in a glass dome on their underside and a demonstrated inability to land a single hit on a man-sized target flying around them at close range. And Iron Man is equipped with Plot Armor. He would've done alright for himself.

These ships were able to kill absurd amounts of "targets" in a tiny amount of time when fully online and ready. And notice the term "Targets", not just random folks doing the ol spray-n-pray, they were going to kill millions of pre-selected people in w/e ungodly amount of time Fury stated when he was showing them off to Cap. They never got to a point of being fully on line with more targets than "the other ships" so I would have to assume that the stuff going on with Falcon was just man controlled guns and such and in no way a reflection of their full power.

Plus Tony wouldn't be anywhere around them so he would have to fly through a hellstorm of missiles and gun-fire being google-mapped towards him and all other threats all the way from where ever he started just to get close to it.


The algorithem based off your internet history predicts whether you are a threat or not.

Several criteria. What you read, buy, watch, etc. Think big brother taken to the next level.

Whether you are a threat or not... to what? What makes the post-Insight New World Order different than the pre-Insight Today World Order?

Hydra are already the puppet masters to the world! They are perfectly secure and totally unsuspected in all their ventures until they try to execute this plan.

Next time Cap should call those fucking eagles and they can take down the helicarriers no problem.

I laughed.

Cap vs. Batroc fight was defiinitely the best, mainly cause they actually pulled the camera back and let the fight breath a bit.

Yeah! Fight choreography in this movie was great. Parkour stuff too. All the movement had good weight.

Did I miss something about Batroc though? Is he supposed to be some secret Super Soldier type guy? He was seriously holding his own against Cap there. The Internet tells me there is a villian called Batroc but he's just a regular dude.


Cap vs. Batroc fight was defiinitely the best, mainly cause they actually pulled the camera back and let the fight breath a bit.

Yeah they were pretty dope although the 1:1 fights between Cap and Winter Solider were so dope! Any scene were he used his metal arm to power his punch or punch through somethign was sick. Don't even get me started when he's in fisticuffs with Cap and he's catching his knife mid air while attacking.

Really really really good fight choreography. Also where can I get a mini gun out of my center armrest option a la Nick Fury?
Whether you are a threat or not... to what? What makes the post-Insight New World Order different than the pre-Insight Today World Order?

Hydra are already the puppet masters to the world! They are perfectly secure and totally unsuspected in all their ventures until they try to execute this plan.

I think they were trying to get rid of the people who they predicted they wouldn't be able to control now or in the future. The fact that Banner and Tony Stark were on the list is telling, because they're both people that Hydra wouldn't be able to contain if it came down to it.

And by coming up with a plan that could get rid of all the troublemakers in one shot, they basically eliminate the only threats and don't need to be unsuspected. After all the people who could stand up to them are gone, they wouldn't need to hide, they could just be in charge.


Did I miss something about Batroc though? Is he supposed to be some secret Super Soldier type guy? He was seriously holding his own against Cap there. The Internet tells me there is a villian called Batroc but he's just a regular dude.

It felt like Cap was pulling his punches a bit. They're just sparring for a little bit, then Cap decides to end it and steamrolls the guy through a door. :lol
aphy in this movie was great. Parkour stuff too. All the movement had good weight.

Did I miss something about Batroc though? Is he supposed to be some secret Super Soldier type guy? He was seriously holding his own against Cap there. The Internet tells me there is a villian called Batroc but he's just a regular dude.

Batroc the Leaper is a highly trained Merc I believe. His schtick is that he's one of the corniest villains from Cap rogue gallery but he's also one of the most skilled hand to hand fighters Cap ever faces. Slayven recently informed me that Batroc's whole squad are supposed to be crazy skilled too.
Whether you are a threat or not... to what? What makes the post-Insight New World Order different than the pre-Insight Today World Order?

Hydra are already the puppet masters to the world! They are perfectly secure and totally unsuspected in all their ventures until they try to execute this plan.

HYDRA's goal was the same as it was in WW2. They wanted to rule the world through fear, control and power. Not hide within the shadows of SHIELD (or in the previous case, the Third Reich) for another 70 years. By making Project Insight their "coming out party," they'd immediately be able to take down every single person on Earth that could potentially overthrow them. And have the resources of SHIELD to continue to rule.

Yeah, they became vulnerable when Zola revealed their hand, but like most comic book villains they underestimated our protagonist and his buddies.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I think they were trying to get rid of the people who they predicted they wouldn't be able to control now or in the future. The fact that Banner and Tony Stark were on the list is telling, because they're both people that Hydra wouldn't be able to contain if it came down to it.

And by coming up with a plan that could get rid of all the troublemakers in one shot, they basically eliminate the only threats and don't need to be unsuspected. After all the people who could stand up to them are gone, they wouldn't need to hide, they could just be in charge.

What would have been interesting is if the plan had worked. Suddenly 20 million people are assassinated by what is effectively sky drone attack. Wouldn't be surprised if SHIELD, for Hydra, deployed a cover story that terrorists hijacked a defense grid - and the tragedy would be justification for 100% global lockdown. I don't think Hydra would have merely unfurled the banners and demanded to be called king. It would give the public a common enemy and the rules of executing revolutionaries would kick in. (Shoot 100 rebels today, wake up to find 200 rebels tomorrow.)
Whether you are a threat or not... to what? What makes the post-Insight New World Order different than the pre-Insight Today World Order?

Hydra are already the puppet masters to the world! They are perfectly secure and totally unsuspected in all their ventures until they try to execute this plan.

A threat to Hydra.
If you're someone with the potential to build shit like Tony and happen to also read as someone they can't control you're a threat. If you have some Magical powers or COULD have magic powers and have the persona that makes you stand up against oppression according to their program you're a threat. If you're that old German guy who stood up to Loki and told him to fuck off you're likely a threat. It's stated in the movie that Shield and Hydra are 2 sides to the same coin ... as in, well Shield is meant to protect people and keep them free by big-brothering them Hydra wants freedom through controlling them.

Clearly they don't have the world perfectly secure. Wut they had wasn't their prefect plan ... if the event in this movie had gone through without a hitch for them they would have effectively made 3 flying death ships that can kill millions of people a min (or how ever many secs Fury said) who could excite some protest against them that never need to land or stop AND they would have done away with the on earth Avengers (IS Thor on earth? IDK) ... and it would have all been done in the name of SHIELD.
So is the overall assumption that Zola will be part of Ultron in A2?

I took it as ... dude's dead.

He told Cap it was worth dieing this way if it meant killing him or something and big boss at SHIELD said that he's gone so I assume Zola didn't have a back up plan with that kamikaze.
I took it as ... dude's dead.

He told Cap it was worth dieing this way if it meant killing him or something and big boss at SHIELD said that he's gone so I assume Zola didn't have a back up plan with that kamikaze.

Ehhhh I highly doubt Marvel would bother bringing Zola back for a scene like that just to kill him off for good immediately after. Plus, he's the kind of iconic Cap villain that you'd never really kill forever, like Loki.

We haven't even seen Zola fully realized in his comics form. I took it as just a tease for his future appearance as the true Arnim Zola.


Alright I'm sort of coming around on Hydra's plot. It's frustrating to me that it boils down to "they're evil". The movie keeps gesturing at actual real world issues like PRISM and drone warfare and Wikileaks and stuff, but shoots itself in the foot by revealing evil JFK-killing occult robo Nazis. If JFK-killing occult robo Nazis are doing it, it's obviously bad. Sort of makes an end-run on the moral quandary.

Also I forgot my favorite part.

Unspecified Powerful Indian Guy: This is overstepping what about due process?
Obviously Evil Dude: But did you ever think about what if this could save your daughter.
Unspecified Powerful Indian Guy: My God you're right I never thought about it like that.

How do you become Unspecified Powerful Indian Guy if you're cowed if anybody ever says "your daughter though".


One of my favorite lines is actually one of the most simplistic ones.

Crossbones: blah blah blah blah
Falcon: Man, shut the hell up!

Such great delivery that had the entire crowd laughing.


So is the overall assumption that Zola will be part of Ultron in A2?

I think Zola's just dead.

Ultron can sort of "evolve" into a bad guy the same way the Sentinels turn against humanity - the logic implanted into them eventually directs them into believing the best "solution" is the elimination of every living person.

If anything I'm excited for the possibility that at the end of Avengers 2, if all these Ultron robots are built by Tony to protect humanity and it ends up turning on them, the Avengers could end up being viewed as the bad guys in the public eye for fucking up so bad. I also wonder if this will cause a reinstatement of S.H.I.E.L.D. or something.

Ehhhh I highly doubt Marvel would bother bringing Zola back for a scene like that just to kill him off for good immediately after. Plus, he's the kind of iconic Cap villain that you'd never really kill forever, like Loki.

We haven't even seen Zola fully realized in his comics form. I took it as just a tease for his future appearance as the true Arnim Zola.
Apparently the writers did afew passes with him getting up in his big robot suit and walking away, but they couldn't get it to work.
One throwaway line where tries to reach Iron Man. NOT ENOUGH. Every Marvel movie should now have a scene where the Hero runs through his contact list and leaves a voicemail for every other hero.

I'm so sick of this stupid pointless argument.

I can see it now:

Captain america finds a pay phone and thumbs through his paper blackbook of contacts.

dialing Bruce Banner:
Operator: Sorry this number has been disconnected, please check the number and try again

dialing Stark:
Cap: Hello...?
Tony: This is Tony... what can I help you with?
Cap: OMG Tony, thank god, I've been trying to call anyone...
Tony: Just kidding, I'm not actually available right now, probably in my lab doing something important, if it's an emergency call 911, otherwise leave a message after the beep.......... BEEP!! haha just kidding again, wait for the actual beep
Cap: *hangs up phone*

dialing Fury:
Cap: Nick, I need to know how to contact Thor....
Cap: *hangs up phone*

dialing the operator to reach Thor:
Cap: Hey Operator, This is Captain America... I need to reach Thor...
Operator: Thor... who? The Asgardian God...!?
Cap: Yeah that's the one...
Operator: Yeah, let me get right on that....in order to connect this call you will have to deposit 46 cruples of Asgardian currency then provide the interplanetary extension
**Operator laughs and hangs up phone*

dialing Hawkeye:
Operator: You have reached the SHIELD agent directory, if you know the extension of the agent you are trying to reach, please enter the extension now....
Cap: * hangs up phone*


One of my favorite lines is actually one of the most simplistic ones.

Crossbones: blah blah blah blah
Falcon: Man, shut the hell up!

Such great delivery that had the entire crowd laughing.

That slayed in my theatre. Dude is charismatic as all hell, did great in this movie. Hope he gets more work.
So is Avengers the only Marvel movie coming out next year?

If anything I'm excited for the possibility that at the end of Avengers 2, if all these Ultron robots are built by Tony to protect humanity and it ends up turning on them, the Avengers could end up being viewed as the bad guys in the public eye for fucking up so bad. I also wonder if this will cause a reinstatement of S.H.I.E.L.D. or something.

Or it turns into Cap blaming Stark and thus Civil War starts. I really want to see Civil War brought to the cinematic uni.


Also I forgot my favorite part.

Unspecified Powerful Indian Guy: This is overstepping what about due process?
Obviously Evil Dude: But did you ever think about what if this could save your daughter.
Unspecified Powerful Indian Guy: My God you're right I never thought about it like that.

How do you become Unspecified Powerful Indian Guy if you're cowed if anybody ever says "your daughter though".

Wut? You mean the scene with the world council? He never says "Oh my God you are right, I never thought about it like that", he rejects his notion, throws his champagne on his face and almost gets killed.

I think you are heavily misremembering your "favorite part" of the movie.


Unconfirmed Member
The story took place over 3 days, and Cap/Widow couldn't contact anyone on the grid since they were being watched. Thor is on and off world whenever he wants with no real way to contact him. Not sure why this is such a problem for people.

Exactly. Just because comics have been adapted into movies and are contained within our world doesn't mean we have to set entirely realistic expectations as a result. They're still comic book movies, treat them as such.
I know people have been talking about why Hawkeye wasn't there and stuff, and I don't really have much of a problem with any of the explanations.

But one thing just bugs me. I mean, of every Avengers hero, the one who's come closest to taking out a Helicarrier was Hawkeye. Seems weird that there wasn't even a "Oh, if only Clint weren't vacationing in the Bermuda Triangle, he could just shoot a hacking arrow up there and we could be done before lunch."


Wut? You mean the scene with the world council? He never says "Oh my God you are right, I never thought about it like that", he rejects his notion, throws his champagne on his face and almost gets killed.

I think you are heavily misremembering your "favorite part" of the movie.

Hmm I think you're right. Is that the same scene? Mostly the fact that Baddy McBadguy thought that line would work got me.


*leans over to whisper something in your ear*






Hmm I think you're right. Is that the same scene? Mostly the fact that Baddy McBadguy thought that line would work got me.

Pierce's logic is obviously manipulative: If Pakistan invaded India and killed their civilians (including his daughter), and you had the power to stop them with the Helicarriers, wouldn't you? I mean, wouldn't you?

But I never got that he was trying to convince them, more like he thought himself above it and above them. He was willing to do what ethics would get in the way of SHIELD and the world ever accomplishing, which is killing millions indiscriminately to guarantee the "freedom" of billions. Of course, his logic is insane, but yes, that exchange went very differently than how you put it.
Apparently the writers did afew passes with him getting up in his big robot suit and walking away, but they couldn't get it to work.

Which is fine, I don't need to see it happen in the movie. But I just don't think Marvel just outright killed one of their more iconic Cap villains that can appear for plenty more stories. It doesn't fit their style.
So obvious. So so so very obvious. What does it matter he's "surviled"? "Hey Tony shit is fucked" "Ok, Cap" and now he's wearing an Iron Man suit before SHIELD/Hydra can even power up the servos on the missile to point it at his house. Stark Tower doesn't have point defense systems? Iron Man all suited up doesn't give two shits about missiles.

But Captain America cares about missiles and didn't want to be targeted again like they were at Zola's 70's underground bunker lab... that they barely escaped from with their lives.

The only reason to avoid contacting him is if you think he's in on it. That would've been cleaner. Have Winter Soldier and his goons carry weapon marked with Stark Industries or something. "I thought he was done making weapons!" "Maybe we don't know Tony Stark very well at all...".

Stark had input on the Arc Reactor Engines for the new Helicarriers, who knows what his involvement was, and no one has time to get him up to speed and gauge his involvement or loyalty at this point. They are on a time limit and only have themselves to rely on. They had a plan with enough people to carry it out, so that was the play they were going to make.
With a problem of trust, keeping the circle small is crucial to a successful mission.

Why is this so hard for everyone to understand?

The script was bad.
everyone looking for plot holes is bad, the script was godd, the execution of said script was good and the movie was good.


Bitches love smiley faces
Which is fine, I don't need to see it happen in the movie. But I just don't think Marvel just outright killed one of their more iconic Cap villains that can appear for plenty more stories. It doesn't fit their style.

Would be pretty awesome if in the next movie
the Avengers are attacking Strucker's base and you see a quick glimpse of Zola in a more advanced monitor just bug out and turns itself off because the base is compromised.
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