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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?


Easily my favorite Marvel movie so far

Loved the inscription on Nick Fury tombstone lol



Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Chris Evans is an extremely good looking man, so jealous.

I know, right?

It's funny they are asking who's the best looking Avenger, so Chris Evans truthfully should say himself but that would make him look super conceited lololol!


I hated how they had him doing the stereotypical black sidekick lines, as well as the random shouts of fun/enthusiasm during life or death situations because he has to fit into this stupid little roll to check a box for marketing. It is cliche, boring, and detracts from the seriousness and danger of the situation. I think the actor was good even, certainly better than what he needed to be for the role, but some of the things that they had him do was cringe worthy.

Yeah, even if I can't cite specific examples that justify if, this is just how I felt about him.

- J - D -

I hated how they had him doing the stereotypical black sidekick lines, as well as the random shouts of fun/enthusiasm during life or death situations because he has to fit into this stupid little roll to check a box for marketing. It is cliche, boring, and detracts from the seriousness and danger of the situation. I think the actor was good even, certainly better than what he needed to be for the role, but some of the things that they had him do was cringe worthy.

Yeah, even if I can't cite specific examples that justify if, this is just how I felt about him.

If you can't provide examples, then how can you feel strongly about any of this?
I forgot to mention on my second viewing. When the Winter Soldier's mask came off, there were some loud gasp coming from the crowd. Most of us probably thought the general public already knew TWS's identity but it's the exact opposite so far. I honestly didn't know either until it was spoiled for me in the nonspoiler thread before the movie's release.

People in my theater did this too. I sort of assumed the majority would have figured it out from the trailers since it wasn't exactly a secret but at least half the theater was like "OMG!". Great moment.


People in my theater did this too. I sort of assumed the majority would have figured it out from the trailers since it wasn't exactly a secret but at least half the theater was like "OMG!". Great moment.
They did a good job of threading this needle. Everyone in this thread (presumably) knew that it was Bucky from the moment the movie was announced but some large percentage of the general public did not know. The movie works either way. It is a secret to Cap up to that point, even if we all knew his identity.

For the record, there where gasps in my theater as well.
Falcon is a soldier but disillusioned about following orders for the good of his country. He treats Rogers as a fellow soldier, not a superhero. He's not just comic relief.

Black Widow fights for Fury against Hydra. Falcon is unsure about his loyalties. After his service to his country they take his wings away and he's basically forgotten. His uncertainty about a cause to fight for is why Rogers comes to him for help.

Obviously due to time they couldn't delve more into his character but that's the impression I got about him.


Falcon is a soldier but disillusioned about following orders for the good of his country. He treats Rogers as a fellow soldier, not a superhero. He's not just comic relief.

Black Widow fights for Fury against Hydra. Falcon is unsure about his loyalties. After his service to his country they take his wings away and he's basically forgotten. His uncertainty about a cause to fight for is why Rogers comes to him for help.

Obviously due to time they couldn't delve more into his character but that's the impression I got about him.

It's like you were paying attention.


Falcon was my favorite part of the movie. He came across as someone you'd want to be friends with more so than any other Marvel character I've encountered. Plus for being a regular guy, he was really effective, and his wing suit was awesome.
They did a good job of threading this needle. Everyone in this thread (presumably) knew that it was Bucky from the moment the movie was announced but some large percentage of the general public did not know. The movie works either way. It is a secret to Cap up to that point, even if we all knew his identity.

For the record, there where gasps in my theater as well.

Gasps in both my viewings, and in one a little kid yelled ' I knew it! '. To which there were chuckles. General public probably didnt follow it too closely, heck even my Boss who went to watch the movie told me he was surprised at so many twists (that one included). So great!


It's weird hearing about people gasping at that. Nobody said anything to the Bucky reveal at my first viewing. It was an 8pm show, 4 hours before the movie was supposed to officially release - I assumed everyone there was hardcore. Literally nobody left the theater during the entire credits.


Yeah, I didn't get gasps at my opening night show, but when I went again in the middle of the week people were definitely surprised. I was really just surprised that people recognized his face before Cap even said "Bucky?", since I thought he looks pretty different.


If Winter Soldier didn't remind me of who Bucky was I wouldn't even have recognized him. That's how little I liked the first film - and I saw it 3 times. I totally forgot that character's existence. As such, it was a definite surprise to me.


In fact, if it wasn't for the crow reaction - I'd still been lost. The crowd had me thinking "Am I supposed to know this guy?" and some girl in the background actually squealed "Buckyyyyyy!"


Some people gasped at the Bucky reveal. Not alot. The crowd went kind of crazy when we first saw Falcon fly and Cap get his WW1 suit on


Some people gasped at the Bucky reveal. Not alot. The crowd went kind of crazy when we first saw Falcon fly and Cap get his WW1 suit on

I'm going to the wrong movie theaters. I've never heard anyone react like that in a movie with the exception of a kid that broke out laughing when the lead Uruk-hai got his head cut off in the first Lord of the Rings
(that kid needs therapy)
and a kid that started to cry when Coulson
got skewered
in Avengers. Oh, and people clapped at the end of Return of the King when I saw it but that is it.

As a side note, I wish Marvel hadn't been so obvious about TWS' identity while promoting the movie. That reveal could have been more impactful to the wider audience.
I feel like that action scenes in this were easily some of the best in a Marvel movie, ever. They really sell the idea of Cap being this borderline superhuman fighting machine in the choreography. I would have love to see some of this stuff in the Avengers, where I thought he was kind of marginalized from a badassery perspective despite having the most screen time of all the characters.

There a more than a few "holy shit" moments in each set piece (Cap vs Jet on the escape from SHIELD, Winter Soldier knife flips), the only thing that bothered me is that nobody with a gun can aim at Cap's legs. Like could the minigun guy not aim a little lower during the entirity of the 30 seconds Cap was running towards him?


It's weird hearing about people gasping at that. Nobody said anything to the Bucky reveal at my first viewing. It was an 8pm show, 4 hours before the movie was supposed to officially release - I assumed everyone there was hardcore. Literally nobody left the theater during the entire credits.

My GF and I got to our showing 30+ minutes early so we had to wait in line before we could enter the theater. We saw it in IMAX so we could hear the music blasting from where we were lined up outside of the theater.

We heard when the credits music started blaring and people started to leave the theater. Then there was a pause in the score for a minute or so and more people left. Then the music kicked in again and when it finally ended a final handful of people left. It was very funny seeing increasingly nerdy people leave the theater in groups as the general public left when the credits started, more knowledgeable fans left after the mid-credit scene, and then hardcore nerds who were up to speed stayed all the way through the end-credits scene.
I feel like that action scenes in this were easily some of the best in a Marvel movie, ever. They really sell the idea of Cap being this borderline superhuman fighting machine in the choreography. I would have love to see some of this stuff in the Avengers, where I thought he was kind of marginalized from a badassery perspective despite having the most screen time of all the characters.

There a more than a few "holy shit" moments in each set piece (Cap vs Jet on the escape from SHIELD, Winter Soldier knife flips), the only thing that bothered me is that nobody with a gun can aim at Cap's legs. Like could the minigun guy not aim a little lower during the entirity of the 30 seconds Cap was running towards him?

Well, 1) You are trained to go for the body, where you have the best chance to hit.

And 2) I think its very likely that only the audience knows about the properities of Cap's shield, and that everyone else knows that its strong and resistant but not how resistent. It's extremely probable that the gunmen thought the shield would give after being hit enough, especially from that weapon.


I envision SHIELD staying dead and Tony bankrolling all the Avengers' endeavors going forward.

That seems to be the most logical reason, but as rich as Tony is, I'm pretty sure he isn't capable of providing the check for most of his team.


Falcon was my favorite part of the movie. He came across as someone you'd want to be friends with more so than any other Marvel character I've encountered. Plus for being a regular guy, he was really effective, and his wing suit was awesome.

Agreed. Falcon was a bro. Genuinely good dude, and honestly, having him work to help soldiers reintegrate with society was a great approach. It gave him and Steve a reason to talk and connect that felt actually unique and kinda natural. It's sad we won't see more Sam Wilson in Avengers 2, but Cap 3, I guess?

Also, we definitely got a lot more gasps at the Bucky reveal than I expected. I figured you look at the names on the posters, you look at the face in the trailers and TV Spots, it was pretty obvious already. Hell, from that whole museum scene, you'd think it'd be obvious. But apparently not, but honestly, I thought that was great. The fact that people could still have that reaction and come away feeling strongly. That's really cool, to me. Glad they had fun, if nothing else.
That seems to be the most logical reason, but as rich as Tony is, I'm pretty sure he isn't capable of providing the check for most of his team.

Pretty sure he's done that in the comics without any problems. Hell, they all live in Avengers mansion most of the time.

what was it? I didnt notice

On his tombstone the engraving is:

"The Path of the righteous man..."
-Ezekial 25:17


Saw it yesterday, What bomb ass movie. I loved every bit of it. The action and dialogue felt pretty snappy and nothing really felt out of place. Definitely a movie you can watch over and over. Totally dogs the first and completely forgettable Cap movie.

Can any one explain the after credit scenes with Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver? What is their importance to the story or is it just a brief set up for X-Men: Future Past?

For the record, Im not familiar with Capt America storylines. I barely saw the first one (Its still a very forgettable movie), and I didn't scour the web to read up on Winter Soldier.... The Bucky reveal caught me off guard. I wasn't surprised, but I didn't expect it if that makes sense. Just my 2 cents.


That seems to be the most logical reason, but as rich as Tony is, I'm pretty sure he isn't capable of providing the check for most of his team.

In an alternate universe, Winter Soldier ends with Cap, Widow, Falcon, and Hawkeye all showing up at Avengers Tower with a couple of bags each, Tony opening the door, and them just going "Sooo.. mind if we crash here?" *Cut to credits* Then a mid-credits scene of Banner hulking out in the bathroom due to the mess left behind by the 4 new tenants.

Saw it yesterday, What bomb ass movie. I loved every bit of it. The action and dialogue felt pretty snappy and nothing really felt out of place. Definitely a movie you can watch over and over. Totally dogs the first and completely forgettable Cap movie.

Can any one explain the after credit scenes with Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver? What is their importance to the story or is it just a brief set up for X-Men: Future Past?

It has nothing to do with X-Men. That's a complicated thing with movie rights, and Quicksilver appearing in both Avengers 2 and X-Men (yet both versions are completely different and unrelated when it comes to the movies). X-Men and mutants just don't exist in the Avengers movies. They cross over in the comics, but not the movies.

edit: To clarify, both X-Men: DoFP and Avengers 2 will both have their own interpretation of the character Quicksilver, who is both an X-Men character (generally a villain who is the son of Magneto) and an Avenger. But because of weird legal shit and movie rights, both Marvel's own movie studio and FOX (who does the X-Men and Fantastic Four movies) can use Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. However, both these versions are to be treated as completely independent from one another, and cannot acknowledge the other version. The Avengers movies cannot mention mutants or X-Men characters, and the X-Men cannot mention the Avengers.

Anyways, what it's suggesting that instead of being mutants (and Magneto's kids) like they are in the comics, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are given powers from Hydra experimenting with Loki's scepter that they got ahold of by... well... SHIELD confiscating it.


If you can't provide examples, then how can you feel strongly about any of this?

The bridge scene right before the finale gave me flashbacks to the Robocop remake when Murphy asks Lewis about chasing down the guy who shot him. Which, admittedly did this films treatment of Falcon no favors even if the things that triggered my dislike were relatively minor in the grander scope of the film.

Paraphrasing obviously

Murphy: I am going to hunt down the guy who shot me
Lewis: Man I have been waiting to hear you say that!

Steve: Are you ready?
Falcon: I was born ready!

My issue with Falcon, is had he been given more screen time, I honestly would not have minded those scenes as much, but throughout the from we are give two (relatively good!) scenes with him and then suddenly he is the plot device for them to hide (when it makes no sense) and then suddenly he has his wings and basically stops being a character at all after that point as the plot demands action, and for a leader of a PTSD copping group for veterans, everything he does after they land in his apartment does not feel like it is even attempting to do justice to the setup of the character. He is just tertiary action prop #124679, and oh yeah, because he is black lets have him do the shouting thing when barely dodging an explosion after being nearly killed by a SHIELD transport for the last minute and a half, because if there is one thing disillusioned veterans who are haunted by those they lost love, apparently it is almost dying.

So what I am getting at is this: If they had given him more scenes to build on his character and potentially resolve his internal conflict as presented, I would not have disliked him so much. The fact that they kind of hint at his character being this fish out of water emotional core for the arc of the film, but then pretty much completely forget about him and only bring him back as a plot device and action prop, rubs me the wrong way.

It would be one thing if the actor sucked and was forgettable, but it is made worse by the fact that he is pretty good, and his underdevelopment just shines through harder. I almost think he should have been the one travelling with Steve instead of Black Widow, whom we know pretty much everything about and does not undergo any character development anyway.


In an alternate universe, Winter Soldier ends with Cap, Widow, Falcon, and Hawkeye all showing up at Avengers Tower with a couple of bags each, Tony opening the door, and them just going "Sooo.. mind if we crash here?" *Cut to credits* Then a mid-credits scene of Banner hulking out in the bathroom due to the mess left behind by the 4 new tenants.

It has nothing to do with X-Men. That's a complicated thing with movie rights, and Quicksilver appearing in both Avengers 2 and X-Men (yet both versions are completely different and unrelated when it comes to the movies). X-Men and mutants just don't exist in the Avengers movies. They cross over in the comics, but not the movies.

edit: To clarify, both X-Men: DoFP and Avengers 2 will both have their own interpretation of the character Quicksilver, who is both an X-Men character (generally a villain who is the son of Magneto) and an Avenger. But because of weird legal shit and movie rights, both Marvel's own movie studio and FOX (who does the X-Men and Fantastic Four movies) can use Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. However, both these versions are to be treated as completely independent from one another, and cannot acknowledge the other version. The Avengers movies cannot mention mutants or X-Men characters, and the X-Men cannot mention the Avengers.

Anyways, what it's suggesting that instead of being mutants (and Magneto's kids) like they are in the comics, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are given powers from Hydra experimenting with Loki's scepter that they got ahold of by... well... SHIELD confiscating it.

Ok. Thanks for the explanation because I was a little confused there. Wow, So Marvel kind of screwed the pooch by giving out the license to all these studios... Obviously this was before Disney bought everything so they needed the money. I hope Disney is fighting to hell and back to get Spidey and mutants back to the rightful owners.


Typically, the Infinity Gems (Stones in the Marvel Cinematic Universe) consist of six primary stones, which includes the following:

  • Soul (Green): The user gains the ability to manipulate & alter souls, either living or dead.
  • Time (Orange): The user gains the ability of total control over the past, present, & future. In addition, the user of the Time Infinity Stone can age & de-age any living being, as well as trapping foes in endless loops of time.
  • Space (Purple): The user gains the ability to exist in any location, move objects throughout reality, and can warp space. (In Captain America: The First Avenger, the Tesseract is considered to be the Space Stone.)
  • Mind (Blue): The user's mental & psionic power strengthens tenfold, and gains the ability to access the thoughts and dreams of others. When partnered with the Power Stone, the user can access all minds in existence simultaneously.
  • Reality (Yellow): This stone grants the user to fulfill wishes, to the extent that it's reality-altering powers can sprial out out of control. It is widely considered that the Reality Stone is the most dangerous, if wielded without the other stones.
  • Power (Red): The user get's access all power & energy, that can not only duplicate almost any physical superhuman ability, but can also increase the other stones effects. (First appeared in Thor: The Dark World as the Aether.)

Now, I'm just curious to see which of the stones will be introduced in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy film, as from what I've seen in the previews, the movie is going to be certifiably nuts.

That all seems very silly to me. Is it an older storyline in comics or is it something that has worked recently? Seems like one of those storylines that was good back in the day but now wouldn't translate as well.


Falcon was my favorite part of the movie. He came across as someone you'd want to be friends with more so than any other Marvel character I've encountered. Plus for being a regular guy, he was really effective, and his wing suit was awesome.

Would've liked to see him as Rhodes. Seemed a little wasted on Falcon.


That all seems very silly to me. Is it an older storyline in comics or is it something that has worked recently? Seems like one of those storylines that was good back in the day but now wouldn't translate as well.

It's already translating well.


Ok. Thanks for the explanation because I was a little confused there. Wow, So Marvel kind of screwed the pooch by giving out the license to all these studios... Obviously this was before Disney bought everything so they needed the money. I hope Disney is fighting to hell and back to get Spidey and mutants back to the rightful owners.

Well, I don't mind X-Men being separate, just because that mythology can get so fucking crazy and convoluted that I view it more as a hindrance to be connected than not. Like... the Avengers should never have let a Days of Future Past-type situation to happen.

Spider-Man as well. That character is most interesting to me when it's about Peter's life in conflict with his superhero duties, not just "I want him in The Avengers so that he can... quip more?" And it's one thing when you watch a solo Marvel movie and wonder why the Avengers aren't all helping a relatively short battle in London or something. It's another thing entirely when there's a supervillain attacking the city like 10 blocks from Avengers Tower. It just diminishes all of Peter's successes.

Fantastic Four though, I would want reintegrated. If only for their villains like Galactus and Dr. Doom.

And hey, they got back Daredevil and are making a Netflix series out of him and some of the street-level guys.


In an alternate universe, Winter Soldier ends with Cap, Widow, Falcon, and Hawkeye all showing up at Avengers Tower with a couple of bags each, Tony opening the door, and them just going "Sooo.. mind if we crash here?" *Cut to credits* Then a mid-credits scene of Banner hulking out in the bathroom due to the mess left behind by the 4 new tenants.

Knowing you personally, that's actually the most logical (but funny), response to my question. However, I would be down if a similar thing does happen in a future MCU movie, such as the team playing a game of poker, which would be worth the price of a ticket. Though it's a shame that Marvel Studios doesn't own the film rights to the Fantastic Four, as Ben Grimm & Bruce Banner/Hulk being sharing a "friendly" rivalry (like in the comics & EMH series) would be hilarious.

That all seems very silly to me. Is it an older storyline in comics or is it something that has worked recently? Seems like one of those storylines that was good back in the day but now wouldn't translate as well.

That really what is was with Infinity Gems, when they were introduced into the comics back in the 1970's. And considering that Marvel Studios is embracing all the weird quirks that made their comic books what they are, I'm just fine with how they are handling it with the movies. (Ever heard the likes of Batroc the Leaper or Walrus?)

Funny enough, a similar thing had happened in The Ultimates series, where SHIELD had started a line of merchandise to promote that universe's Avengers. With mixed results.

- J - D -

Because it's a feeling. Some thoughts I just don't care enough about to analyze why/how I feel the way I do about them. Your insistence that I feel strongly is a projection.

I am projecting? How so? Some of the recent critiques of the film and the Falcon character here contains accusations of overt stereotyping. Since you and a couple others (one of whose posts I quoted along with yours, so please don't feel that I am targeting you in particular) are the first to bring it up here, it's not a stretch to think that you may feel strongly about it enough to air grievances about this supposed inequity. If you don't want to analyze your feelings further, that's fine, because Zen seems happy to.

The bridge scene right before the finale gave me flashbacks to the Robocop remake when Murphy asks Lewis about chasing down the guy who shot him. Which, admittedly did this films treatment of Falcon no favors even if the things that triggered my dislike were relatively minor in the grander scope of the film.

Paraphrasing obviously

Murphy: I am going to hunt down the guy who shot me
Lewis: Man I have been waiting to hear you say that!

Steve: Are you ready?
Falcon: I was born ready!

My issue with Falcon, is had he been given more screen time, I honestly would not have minded those scenes as much, but throughout the from we are give two (relatively good!) scenes with him and then suddenly he is the plot device for them to hide (when it makes no sense) and then suddenly he has his wings and basically stops being a character at all after that point as the plot demands action, and for a leader of a PTSD copping group for veterans, everything he does after they land in his apartment does not feel like it is even attempting to do justice to the setup of the character. He is just tertiary action prop #124679, and oh yeah, because he is black lets have him do the shouting thing when barely dodging an explosion after being nearly killed by a SHIELD transport for the last minute and a half, because if there is one thing disillusioned veterans who are haunted by those they lost love, apparently it is almost dying.

So what I am getting at is this: If they had given him more scenes to build on his character and potentially resolve his internal conflict as presented, I would not have disliked him so much. The fact that they kind of hint at his character being this fish out of water emotional core for the arc of the film, but then pretty much completely forget about him and only bring him back as a plot device and action prop, rubs me the wrong way.

It would be one thing if the actor sucked and was forgettable, but it is made worse by the fact that he is pretty good, and his underdevelopment just shines through harder. I almost think he should have been the one travelling with Steve instead of Black Widow, whom we know pretty much everything about and does not undergo any character development anyway.

It's funny that you bring up injustice in setting up The Falcon's character when in one Falcon-centric arc in old Cap comic issues, he was originally a street hustler who was "saved" by Cap. That's neither here nor there, I suppose.

Anyway, Sam Wilson is one Cap's sidekicks in the film. He also happens to be black. His character comes from an era of comics where the portrayal of black people was often times seen as exploitative. Is it fair that that black characters be stuck with sidekick roles in these types of films? Probably not. Is it prevalent in superhero films? I dunno. It can't be helped now. On the topic of TWS though, I'm not sure if Sam's moments of levity and enthusiasm during the more intense actions scenes can be attributed to his race or if he's just that type of person. While he does work with traumatized veterans who suffer from PTSD, I don't actually think he (during the events of the film) actual suffered from it, so nothing about his behavior while in battle should be out of character.

If there was internal conflict within Sam, I didn't see it in the film. Sure, some sense of wistfulness over losing his pararescue partner, but it doesn't define who he is. What I'm saying ultimately is that I think you're interpreting aspects of the character or pathos that I really don't think is there.

I do agree though that he does deserve to be fleshed out more. His teaming up with Cap to hunt down Bucky near the end of the film lacks real motivation. Helping Cap out of a jam? Sure, but he has no reason to continue doing so after Hydra's been taken down.


I'm going to the wrong movie theaters. I've never heard anyone react like that in a movie with the exception of a kid that broke out laughing when the lead Uruk-hai got his head cut off in the first Lord of the Rings
(that kid needs therapy)
and a kid that started to cry when Coulson
got skewered
in Avengers. Oh, and people clapped at the end of Return of the King when I saw it but that is it.

As a side note, I wish Marvel hadn't been so obvious about TWS' identity while promoting the movie. That reveal could have been more impactful to the wider audience.

I went to the campus theater because I assumed it would be a little more rowdy and fun. I think it varies.

They also liked when Fury walked in to Shield at the end in his all black stuff and cape


I'm assuming Loki's staff is part of it? Just based on a quick color check on google.

The gem in Loki's staff is probably the mind gem IMO but the only two confirmed was the tesseract is the space gem and the aether is the power gem. Obviously they are taking some liberties since the aether isn't really a gem.
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