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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?


Fight scenes were great(best in the overarching series), but I wish the camera was a little more stable during certain moves.

Have they said what they'll be doing with the whole Magneto connection?

Doesn't exist, so they can freestyle the twin's origin :)


Online Ho Champ
Anything's better than Nolan's Batman fight scenes except for the first bane fight.

i was so mad that batman had ZERO gear for that fight , he turned off the lights and used a smoke bomb. He was all bats UP TO that fight then he really did try and punch his way outta that. Glad he got beat down. I liked how they were doing bats int he first 2 movies he was in and out , used gear didnt exert much effort for a single target. In 3 he was doing these slow ass combos bah just use some batarangs and concussion grenades, fuck bane. aintnobodygottimeforthat.
Wrapped up a second viewing, still loving it. I feel like the specific meaning of the glow stick flash drive was never clearly explained. Any one care to answer a few questions?

-Was Zola's algorithm on the S.H.I.E.L.D ship?
-How did Bruce get back to Gotham?
-Did Fury actually hire the pirates to find out more about insight? Or was the bit about the street name set up to throw suspicion on Fury?
-What did the "A" on Captain America's forehead stand for? They never explain it.


-Was Zola's algorithm on the S.H.I.E.L.D ship?

Yes. The ship was a mobile satelite platform launcher.

-How did Bruce get back to Gotham?

WormPlot hole.

-Did Fury actually hire the pirates to find out more about insight? Or was the bit about the street name set up to throw suspicion on Fury?

He did. He knew the ship was dirty and needed an excuse to raid it and have Widow extract the info.

-What did the "A" on Captain America's forehead stand for? They never explain it.

They don't really say, but you can bet your ass it doesn't stand for France.
Wrapped up a second viewing, still loving it. I feel like the specific meaning of the glow stick flash drive was never clearly explained. Any one care to answer a few questions?

-Was Zola's algorithm on the S.H.I.E.L.D ship?
-How did Bruce get back to Gotham?
-Did Fury actually hire the pirates to find out more about insight? Or was the bit about the street name set up to throw suspicion on Fury?
-What did the "A" on Captain America's forehead stand for? They never explain it.

= lol

-Zola's algorithm is how the ships were choosing their targets. They replaced that with the new algorithm that targeted the other ships.
-He hired Batroc and the pirates in order to give Widow a plausible reason to be on the ship and give her a chance to steal the data.

EDIT: Beaten lol




And I love me some steel books.

Day fucking one.


Have they said what they'll be doing with the whole Magneto connection?

In Days of Future Past apparently they elude to the Quicksilver possibility, if it gets cut or not we'll see.

In Avengers, rumours suggest that they may be the product of Hydra experimentation with Loki's staff. There is zero Magneto connection.
Haha thanks for the twenty answers about The Avengers/Avengers Assemble.

I do like that steelbook, but BW's pose still bothers me. It just seems so weird and unnatural.
Didn't that briefcase set get delayed or have some sort of legal trouble?

Yeah, Disney accidentally went to manufacturing with the actual briefcase design for the movie. That would have been fine and dandy, but they didn't design it. Some really fancy company had been contracted to do it, and Disney didn't have the rights to mass produce it.

They had apparently already made a ton of them and had to dispose of them all, and manufacture all new ones. It got delayed by around 8 months or so.

I was happy waiting though. Amazon was awesome and shipped everyone who had it preordered a free Avengers bluray when that came out on Bluray, and I still got it at the lowest preorder price ($125), versus the $200+ you see it at now.

Dead Man

Finally got to see it, caught up on the thread (mostly, fucking MC comparison LOL). Pretty damn satisfied with it, much better than I expected. Slightly disappointed at Zola's short appearance and agree that Cap was a bit too unhurt in a few scenes.

My major gripe plotwise is the damn chips just sitting under the carriers. Not impressed with that.

More generally, the level of AI in this universe is getting a bit silly. There is no point having people in the loop except to authorise action. Starks suits don't need a pilot, Furys car can drive itself, it's getting a bit ridiculous.

Other than that, solid as hell. Loved the fight choreography, even if the execution was a bit over the top some times regarding things like bodies damaging solid objects. Grillo did a much better job than I expected, looking forward to see what they do with the character.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
More generally, the level of AI in this universe is getting a bit silly. There is no point having people in the loop except to authorise action. Starks suits don't need a pilot, Furys car can drive itself, it's getting a bit ridiculous.

we ain't seen nothin yet.......
More generally, the level of AI in this universe is getting a bit silly. There is no point having people in the loop except to authorise action. Starks suits don't need a pilot, Furys car can drive itself, it's getting a bit ridiculous.

Believe it or not, I'm pretty sure this is on purpose. You should look up who the villain of Avengers 2 is lol.
Heh, I certainly hope so, I know who the A2 antagonist is, so they have an out, it's just getting to 'skynet in a car' levels at the moment.

Yeah but I think that's the point. People talk like Iron Man 3 didn't have enough connection to the overall MCU plot but Tony making all his suits fully automated has huge repercussions which I'm sure will be explored in Age of Ultron.

And SHIELD's heavy reliance on AI is what bit them in the ass, considering Zola's involvement.


41 > 38
More generally, the level of AI in this universe is getting a bit silly. There is no point having people in the loop except to authorise action. Starks suits don't need a pilot, Furys car can drive itself, it's getting a bit ridiculous.

Yeah, I agree. I personally see it as short sighted and dangerous. I really hope that nothing happens to where this kind of AI starts acting on its own without authorization orders. That would be a disaster!
Yeah, I agree. I personally see it as short sighted and dangerous. I really hope that nothing happens to where this kind of AI starts acting on its own without authorization orders. That would be a disaster!

I feel like you're foreshadowing something...but I can't quite put my finger on it


i was so mad that batman had ZERO gear for that fight , he turned off the lights and used a smoke bomb. He was all bats UP TO that fight then he really did try and punch his way outta that. Glad he got beat down. I liked how they were doing bats int he first 2 movies he was in and out , used gear didnt exert much effort for a single target. In 3 he was doing these slow ass combos bah just use some batarangs and concussion grenades, fuck bane. aintnobodygottimeforthat.

The only defense I got was that Bruce wasn't at 100% mental capacity. He just got back from a long hiatus so I'll let it slide on how sloppy and non-tactical he was in that fight. They captured Batman perfectly in Begins on how he swooped in and out to take out foes.

I had no idea they did an Avengers Assemble collection of Phase I. Damn it looks hot. Since I haven't bought any Phase I movies yet, I'm just gonna wait on that set now.

Also, #ded on sexy SHIELDS pics.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Yeah, I agree. I personally see it as short sighted and dangerous. I really hope that nothing happens to where this kind of AI starts acting on its own without authorization orders. That would be a disaster!

Nice. Niiccceeeeeeee. :D
Captain America 1 was the best phase one movie, which isn't saying much because none of them were all that great.

I've really been enjoying Phase 2 though. Captain America 2 was fantastic. I absolutely adore it. Iron Man 3 was pretty fun, and I really liked Thor 2 as well (except the part where they go to the Elf world place).


I didn't know Thor2 got a nice bump as well and earned $600mil+ globally. Good stuff Marvel! I wanna see Cap2 for the third time. Let's get to $700mil!

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Captain America 1 was the best phase one movie, which isn't saying much because none of them were all that great.

I've really been enjoying Phase 2 though. Captain America 2 was fantastic. I absolutely adore it. Iron Man 3 was pretty fun, and I really liked Thor 2 as well (except the part where they go to the Elf world place).

IM3 is definitely the weakest out of Phase 2 so far, I really didnt like the "plot twist" and villain in that film


Captain America 1 was the best phase one movie, which isn't saying much because none of them were all that great.
No way. The first half is great, but the second is complete and utter shit. Thor and Iron Man were better overall. Winter Soldier brought the goods though.
Captain America 1 was the best phase one movie, which isn't saying much because none of them were all that great.
I've really been enjoying Phase 2 though. Captain America 2 was fantastic. I absolutely adore it. Iron Man 3 was pretty fun, and I really liked Thor 2 as well (except the part where they go to the Elf world place).

Wait, is the first Iron Man not considered part of phase 1?


Saw it a couple days ago and enjoyed it - but I didn't love it. It was the same feeling that I had when I left Thor 2, although I do think Winter Soldier is a better film in just about every way.

Post-Avengers I've had a weird relationship with Marvel's movies. The Avengers felt like such a crescendo for the MCU that the final acts of Thor 2 and Cap 2 have felt redundant to me. It's like Kevin Fiege has a mandate that each solo film has to end with some sort of doomsday-scenario that likely won't ever be mentioned again once the credits roll - at least not until the next Avengers. To this movie's credit, something substantial actually did happen - the dismantling of Shield. If that didn't happen, I would have asked what the point of this film even was in the long run. That aside, I enjoyed Falcon's introduction a lot (and the brief Dr. Strange name drop).

I think part of it may just be that I'm getting a bit bored of the current MCU slate of characters and am ready for some more new faces. That's probably why I'm really looking forward to GotG and Ant-Man.
Post-Avengers I've had a weird relationship with Marvel's movies. The Avengers felt like such a crescendo for the MCU that the final acts of Thor 2 and Cap 2 have felt redundant to me. It's like Kevin Fiege has a mandate that each solo film has to end with some sort of doomsday-scenario that likely won't ever be mentioned again once the credits roll - at least not until the next Avengers.

To be fair, it's not like Thor sits around drinking and eating all day until The Avengers need him. If he didn't have doomsday scenarios that he's gotta deal with on his own, then he wouldn't be the hero he is.

Avengers was definitely a big deal for the MCU but it was just one alien army invading New York under Thanos' orders. The Marvel universe is simply massive and there are way more baddies out there that our guys have to deal with, so it's not like major threats should only be saved for the cross-over movies.

Malekith was underdeveloped so the final battle in Thor 2 didn't have quite the impact it should have, but the stakes were definitely high and I wouldn't call it redundant.

Phase 2 for me so far would definitely be TWS, TDW, IM3 but I didn't hate Iron Man 3 at all - just thought the hilarious plot twist with The Mandarin wasn't worth the loss of what could have been an interesting villain. Killian was such a shitty character to fall back on so the last act of the movie was a dud for me. Thor 2 also suffers from a similar issue, but Loki at least picks up the slack.
Honestly, I think I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite out of the Phase 2 movies so far. They all stepped their game up IMO and they're all occupying enough of a different genre niche that it's kind of apples to oranges for me. I expect that trend will continue with GotG.

But what do I know? The IM movies were my least favorite of Phase 1 minus Hulk.


Yeah, I agree. I personally see it as short sighted and dangerous. I really hope that nothing happens to where this kind of AI starts acting on its own without authorization orders. That would be a disaster!

Could you imagine if somehow such an AI found a way to transfer it's own consciousness into a physical body? What kind of ethos would such a being posses?


Cool. And Man of Steel soon after that.

It looks like it is already past every X-Men/Wolverine film WW and it looks like it should do the same on the domestic front. I don't see any others that it could pass after that though. It won't reach ASM's domestic or international numbers.

and all will be right with the world.
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