Could you imagine if somehow such an AI found a way to transfer it's own consciousness into a physical body? What kind of ethos would such a being posses?
I don't get this complaint. Other than the threat that the president was going to die, Iron Man 3 didn't end in a gigantic doomsday scenario. It was a bunch of Iron Man armors vs. a bunch of Extremis goons. Hardly cataclysmic.Saw it a couple days ago and enjoyed it - but I didn't love it. It was the same feeling that I had when I left Thor 2, although I do think Winter Soldier is a better film in just about every way.
Post-Avengers I've had a weird relationship with Marvel's movies. The Avengers felt like such a crescendo for the MCU that the final acts of Thor 2 and Cap 2 have felt redundant to me. It's like Kevin Fiege has a mandate that each solo film has to end with some sort of doomsday-scenario that likely won't ever be mentioned again once the credits roll - at least not until the next Avengers. To this movie's credit, something substantial actually did happen - the dismantling of Shield. If that didn't happen, I would have asked what the point of this film even was in the long run. That aside, I enjoyed Falcon's introduction a lot (and the brief Dr. Strange name drop).
I think part of it may just be that I'm getting a bit bored of the current MCU slate of characters and am ready for some more new faces. That's probably why I'm really looking forward to GotG and Ant-Man.
I thought IM3 was the weakest. The token child character killed it for me.
I don't get this complaint. Other than the threat that the president was going to die, Iron Man 3 didn't end in a gigantic doomsday scenario. It was a bunch of Iron Man armors vs. a bunch of Extremis goons. Hardly cataclysmic.
I thought IM3 was the weakest. The token child character killed it for me.
I thought IM3 was the weakest. The token child character killed it for me.
Yeah, it was pretty terrible. That and the fact that super powered Pepper saved the day and the whole uneventful scene where the arc reactor is pulled out of Iron man with no fanfare or buildup was kinda terrible.
Thor 2 was at least as mediocre as Thor 1. Hell, I don't even remember who the main villian was in thor 2.
Winter Soldier kinda shames them all.
I thought IM3 was the weakest. The token child character killed it for me.
Iron Man 3 is, IMO, the best of the Phase 2 movies so far. I loved the kid character and the dynamic, and I actually thought his acting was pretty good. I loved the Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang feeling the movie gave off, and the twist was hilarious.
Cap 2 comes in second, as another very great movie. I thought the political thriller vibe was perfect for a Captain America movie, and Evans played the role even better than before.
Thor 2 is in third, but it certainly isn't without its charms. The action was great, the Thor/Loki dynamic was great as always, and the comedic moments were much improved from the first. I know most people here don't like Kat, but I think she is absolutely hilarious in the Thor movies.
The Dark World gets too much hate IMO, I think it's a good, action-packed movie stifled by an underdeveloped villain, which is something many of the MCU movies suffer from.
Add huge tonal imbalance to that and you've got my problems with it.
The Dark World gets too much hate IMO, I think it's a good, action-packed movie stifled by an underdeveloped villain, which is something many of the MCU movies suffer from.
Iron Man 3 is pretty much exactly the same to me, I like the movie a lot and the direction they went works really well, except for the fact that Killian is a stupid lame villain, so the movie kinda shoots itself in the foot once the Mandarin twist is out of the way. The armor battle at the end is also not that exciting.
One thing about the Thor movies is that the action always underwhelmed me. I guess I'm just not a huge fan of weapon based, LOTR Fantasy style combat in my superhero movies. I prefer Iron Man repulsors and Cap America Agility/Strategy/Hand to Handand Spider-man Acrobatics the most((
Yeah, the first movie had some of this too.
Ideally, Thor 3 would have minimal or no Earth scenes. Shit drags down the epic too much.
I enjoyed the earth scenes MUCH more than elf world scenes.
One thing about the Thor movies is that the action always underwhelmed me. I guess I'm just not a huge fan of weapon based, LOTR Fantasy style combat in my superhero movies. I prefer Iron Man repulsors and Cap America Agility/Strategy/Hand to Handand Spider-man Acrobatics the most((
I really liked Iron Man 3, but I hated how disconnected it felt from the overall MCU, even the after credits scene.
I really liked Iron Man 3, but I hated how disconnected it felt from the overall MCU, even the after credits scene.
I really liked Iron Man 3, but I hated how disconnected it felt from the overall MCU, even the after credits scene.
The way they ended the movie to this day makes me feel like Stark is outright retired and doesn't want anything to do with "superheroing" anymore. Like, it doesn't make sense to me that he will be involved in Avengers 2 after that ending, much less with a Hulkbuster suit ready to go.
The way they ended the movie to this day makes me feel like Stark is outright retired and doesn't want anything to do with "superheroing" anymore. Like, it doesn't make sense to me that he will be involved in Avengers 2 after that ending, much less with a Hulkbuster suit ready to go.
*pleasehaveultronbezolapleasehaveultronbezola*I felt this way initially, but knowing now that Ultron is the villain of Avengers 2, it definitely makes a lot of sense and I think we'll see the connections in retrospect. Clearly Tony automating his suits has major repercussions.
Ultron is Ultron, but given Zola's now a piece of code, having him be an unholy JARVIS/ZOLA mashup would be a lot of fun.Doesn't having Ultron be a person undercut a lot of what makes Ultron be Ultron?
I think it's pretty obvious that the Project Insight AI tracking algorithm created by Zola will evolve into Ultron.
i can see the Ultron body being intended for Zola but the AI figuring it could do a better job with that body than Zola.Zola/Ultron doesn't make much sense to make them the same character, but I wouldn't be surprised if Zola showed up in Avengers 2 at some point with Strucker, or maybe Strucker helps get his robot body up and running by the end of the movie, to set him up to be in Cap 3 in some capacity.
It's pretty much THE scene (elevator fight/jump included) that says "This is the man that you're dealing with. Good luck with that." The actual shot where he lands is something I was expecting to happen in the first movie. It felt great here.That shot of when he lands right in front of the camera. Gawd daym Cap!
After seeing how he used the bike to throw himself on top of the Quinjet, I figured he'd just sacrifice the bike the same way to get over the spikes. Either way, they weren't stopping him.I like how the whole fight was just to get over the road block. Cap was stuck if not for that Quinjet.
Yeah, it was pretty terrible. That and the fact that super powered Pepper saved the day and the whole uneventful scene where the arc reactor is pulled out of Iron man with no fanfare or buildup was kinda terrible.
Thor 2 was at least as mediocre as Thor 1. Hell, I don't even remember who the main villian was in thor 2.
Winter Soldier kinda shames them all.