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Captain Avengers: Civil War starts shooting - Cast and synopsis confirmed


I think after this, Marvel needs to calm the fuck down if this is setting up to be Captain America and the Avengers: The Movie. Oh right, Doctor Strange.

E the Shaggy

Junior Member
tbh I really liked Ed Norton's Banner. He was a good fit. Why didn't he do the Avengers? Salary demands?

As most are saying, he's a dick and constantly wanted to change things about the Incredible Hulk's script/wanted to be a writer on Avengers.
I agree and this would be incredibly logical and consistent, but I'm still worried. Loved AoU though, and Winter Soldier totally delivered so this SHOULD be a formula for success.

Right, self?

I think Marvel has the broad strokes written out for these characters for a long time, so I think we're gonna have a hell of a time.

They definitely shouldn't.

And when they come, they should bring Venom with them by accident.

Oh my god.


I like Norton as an actor a lot but he was a good fit for Bruce, poor fit for Marvel and the MCU. Worst part about his whole debacle is I think it made a marvel wary of casting really high profile actors for a long time.


Junior Member
I like Norton as an actor a lot but he was a good fit for Bruce, poor fit for Marvel and the MCU. Worst part about his whole debacle is I think it made a marvel wary of casting really high profile actors for a long time.
Benedict Cumberbatch says hi.
It always felt to me like Norton was trying to do what Downey does now in terms of have more leeway/control, but without the big movies backing him.

Downey basically got to do whatever for IM3, for crying out loud. Marvel will play ball if you make them bank
I like Norton as an actor a lot but he was a good fit for Bruce, poor fit for Marvel and the MCU. Worst part about his whole debacle is I think it made a marvel wary of casting really high profile actors for a long time.


We need more unknowns who can rise to the occasion.


I remember stuff about Norton rewriting Incredible Hulk and he's always had a reputation of being, if you're being nice: creatively demanding, or if you're being less nice: a dick. So that makes sense. Though he had that reputation when he signed on the first time around, so... meh. Worked out well for all parties in the end.

Seriously, am I crazy for thinking the first hour of the Incredible Hulk is one of the best MCU films? I need to go back and rewatch it someday. Up and including the university bit. Everything after that w/ Abonination was bad though. I'll have to a do an 08 Hulk/Ang Lee Hulk mini marathon.


Clashes with Marvel. IIRC he basically made them let him rewrite part of the script for Hulk. Or am I wrong?

He didn't make them let him rewrite parts of the script, he was allowed to. But Norton also felt this entitled him to final cut of the movie, and when Marvel said no it doesn't, he said he'd refuse to do any press for it.

According to Norton, Marvel didn't want him back because of money. According to a weirdly frank and aggressive statement by Feige, Marvel didn't want him back because he wouldn't have played ball well enough. It was probably a mix of both.


I remember stuff about Norton rewriting Incredible Hulk and he's always had a reputation of being, if you're being nice: creatively demanding, or if you're being less nice: a dick. So that makes sense. Though he had that reputation when he signed on the first time around, so... meh. Worked out well for all parties in the end.

Seriously, am I crazy for thinking the first hour of of the Incredible Hulk is one of the best MCU films? I need to go back and rewatch it someday. Up and including the university bit. Everything after that w/ Abonination was bad though. I'll have to a do an 08 Hulk/Ang Lee Hulk mini marathon.

the original cut was like 3 hours long. yea, they had to edit it down a lot. Norton was super pissed about it.

they also got rid of the easter egg with Cap in ice.
The one thing I'm worried about is that people won't understand the connection. Specifically that he's a returning character from TWS.

It was the guy that Falcon fought before the building collapsed, right?
I dunno, my audience cheered when the 'Captain's orders' dude from Cap 2 came on screen.

This would also allow
Chris Evans to take a breather, as he doesn't like being cap america.
Amazing how often people spout this bs.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
They most likely want to work Daredevil in along with everyone else. The outstanding success of the Netflix show led to an earlier than expected second season, so they probably need to work out the kinks first.


tbh I really liked Ed Norton's Banner. He was a good fit. Why didn't he do the Avengers? Salary demands?
Supposedly he was incredibly (ha) hard to work with on set, so Marvel didn't want him back.

EDIT: Beaten like the Abomination.


They most likely want to work Daredevil in along with everyone else. The outstanding success of the Netflix show led to an earlier than expected second season, so they probably need to work out the kinks first.

With the second season coming next year and Defenders coming down the line, I wonder if they want to keep the scale of the "street level" Netflix characters smaller until they're established.


Press release makes it sound like William Hurt is playing the roles of both General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross and Martin Freeman.


And Quicksilver
was dead because of him, so it was a weird ending. Should have showed at least a bit of humbling to Stark (That man has no consideration for lawn maintenace! #byecap)

Tony never lets himself look vulnerable around other people; he keeps up the "I'm better than everyone, everything is cool" front until he's alone.
Didn't Norton basically save Incredible Hulk from being ass by pulling a power move on Leterrier?

But yeah, I could see Marvel cutting ties simply because someone who gives enough of a shit about the movie he's in to provide a metric ton of creative feedback isn't necessarily going to be their first choice for a supporting role in a giant blockbuster that exists almost entirely due to a bunch of already locked-in pre-planning.

It probably wasn't so much anything he did on set during Hulk that pissed them off, but more the idea that he'd probably gum up the works with input further on down the road.


Holy poop this sounds amazing. I am guessing they are going to go with:

Captain America
  • Falcon: Because they are bros.
  • Black Widow: She is closer to Cap than anyone else.
  • Scarlet Witch: Stark was kinda responsible for both her parents death and her brothers death. I bet she is pissed at him.
  • Winter Soldier: If he finally comes to his senses then of course he is going to be with Cap.

Iron Man
  • War Machine: Because they are bros.
  • Hawkeye: It would create tension with Black Widow.
  • Vision: Stark is pretty much his dad along with Thor. They also need him to be opposite Scarlet Witch because otherwise one team would be OP.
  • Ant-Man: He is kinda a shithead in the same vein as Stark.

This would keep the teams fairly balanced. I'm guessing Black Panther plays the Spider-Man role of starting one one side and switching to the other. He will probably be the one who convinces them to cut the shit.
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