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Captain Avengers: Civil War starts shooting - Cast and synopsis confirmed

Didn't Norton basically save Incredible Hulk from being ass by pulling a power move on Leterrier?

But yeah, I could see Marvel cutting ties simply because someone who gives enough of a shit about the movie he's in to provide a metric ton of creative feedback isn't necessarily going to be their first choice for a supporting role in a giant blockbuster that exists almost entirely due to a bunch of already locked-in pre-planning.

It probably wasn't so much anything he did on set during Hulk that pissed them off, but more the idea that he'd probably gum up the works with input further on down the road.

Dude, he's an infamous cunt. Like, outside of Marvel. Stop clutching.


Ruffalo is actually good friends with Norton so when he got the part for Banner, he asked Norton for his blessing and he got it. So all that drama is water under the bridge. I enjoyed Incredible Hulk so I have to side with the studio on their decisions.


Didn't Norton basically save Incredible Hulk from being ass by pulling a power move on Leterrier?
Save? I read he demanded edits and rewrites but I don't recall the project being in peril beforehand. For all his meddling, IH still turned out really meh, though who knows where the blame really lies for that.
Dude, he's an infamous cunt. Like, outside of Marvel. Stop clutching.


I'm saying the narrative about his cuntiness as it were is a nice and strong one, but I remember an article coming out not too long ago regarding Leterrier being a dipshit on that movie, basically turning out a Louis Leterrier movie as we know it (clumsy, braindead, brief flashes of cool action) and Norton, being a dick about it, and getting an okay movie out the door.

edit: found the article that goes into it in some detail. - a little more complicated/nuanced than my above remembrance of it, of course (more like Norton & Leterrier tried to band together to make the film better than it was, Leterrier gave into Marvel notes, at which point Norton tried fighting EVERYONE on it to get the stuff he wanted into the film)

The only other example people routinely cite is American History X - which was also a case of a dipshit director fucking up and Norton basically grabbing the movie and steering it into something usable.

You don't hear too many stories about him and Wes Anderson getting into fights, for example. In fact, when you look up stories about Edward Norton, it's basically only those two movies. I've seen a stray reference to him and John Dahl getting into it over whether Norton would take up smoking for his role in Rounders, but other than that, the entirety of the "Norton is a cunt" narrative seems to stem basically from American History X (which Tony Kaye has since gone on the record as saying Norton's moves made his film better) and Incredible Hulk.

I'm not saying he's a nice, misunderstood man who never did nothin' to nobody or anything. I'm just saying that the reductive narrative surrounding him as an actor/creative could use some revisiting.
All I know is that Ed Norton made me watch two men go weepwoopweep with their stomach breathing techniques for way too damn long

For that he must go


Well, I'm officially bummed out since JoBlo is right and it's likely
Hope won't be Wasp at the end of Ant-Man.


What a beast of a cast. It's going to be great seeing Black Panther on screen and I'm suped excited for Boseman.

Now hopefully spidey casting happens soon.


I really hope this has a scene which is a callback to the end of TIH, but with Stark drinking in a bar after the tragedy. Thunderbolt storms in, pissed as a motherfucker, yelling that he hates The Hulk. Bartender tells him to leave because he's drunk, and Ross just falls through a table and quietly wishes he was Hulk.


It is not the same civil war from the comics and it is going to continue the winter soldier arc from the last movie, so its cap 3.

A lot of the movie will be about the Avengers but its probably not going to feature a lot of big Avengers-type action.

I know it's not, which is why I'm somewhat disappointed, even though there is isn't much Marvel can do about that.
Kinda bummed that Spidey/Ant-Man/Vision/Wanda are going to be in this, honestly. I'd rather they stick with mostly-grounded/mostly-miltech characters to keep it a little bit more grounded in terms of the action scenes. Quantity isn't the same as quality and more characters doesn't mean a better movie.
I don't see Cap
dying in Civil War
him being in Infinity War Part 1 or 2
as being mutually exclusive.

I see Thanos with the power of the gauntlet
bringing Steve back to be "the instrument of the Avengers destruction"


Kinda bummed that Spidey/Ant-Man/Vision/Wanda are going to be in this, honestly. I'd rather they stick with mostly-grounded/mostly-miltech characters to keep it a little bit more grounded in terms of the action scenes. Quantity isn't the same as quality and more characters doesn't mean a better movie.

More characters also doesn't mean that all of them will have major roles.
Kinda bummed that Spidey/Ant-Man/Vision/Wanda are going to be in this, honestly. I'd rather they stick with mostly-grounded/mostly-miltech characters to keep it a little bit more grounded in terms of the action scenes. Quantity isn't the same as quality and more characters doesn't mean a better movie.

You can shockingly have quality AND quantity. And the Russos need the practice honestly.

Also Falcon and War Machine (AOU SPOILERS)
barely had 3 minutes of screen time between them.
Ant-Man et al will probably fit into that category. I also don't see Vision fighting for long either, he's OP as shit.

I'm glad they're using them all, there's little point in the MCU otherwise.



Just need quite a few more cast to match the comics, except we wont get what fox owns


tagged by Blackace
Kinda bummed that Spidey/Ant-Man/Vision/Wanda are going to be in this, honestly. I'd rather they stick with mostly-grounded/mostly-miltech characters to keep it a little bit more grounded in terms of the action scenes. Quantity isn't the same as quality and more characters doesn't mean a better movie.
I'm actually predicting most of these characters will only be there as constituents or for political purposes. There will be some fight scenes shared but I believe them when they say this is going to be super Cap-centric.


Spidey's role sounds too big in the leak, and I may not have all the context but it sounds poorly written as well. Most likely bullshit. Same for the script leak.

They don't need him till June and I don't think he'll be in shape- but I guess that's what body doubles and CG is for.


CIVIL WAR: Everyone gets one black team member!

Kinda super annoyed they won't have Daredevil in this. Why have the shows be part of the MCU if they aren't actually going to be part of the goddamn major "WE NEED EVERYBODY, SHIT IS FUCKED UP" moments?

How the fuck are you going to miss out on an opportunity to have MOON KNIGHT register, shove his registration card in a dudes mouth, then beating the shit out of him? That is GOLD. PURE SOLID GOLD.
Does anyone think that DC/Marvel are going to have a hard time selling solo superhero films, from now on?

After Avengers and now BvS, I'm not sure I want another solo film.


During the intro action sequence, somebody probably yells 'MAGNETO'S YOUR FATHER' at Scarlet Witch. She starts tripping balls because the fourth wall has been shattered, and blows up a daycare centre. Now nobody will die, because it's Marvel, but they could have... and dammit, Thunderbolt Ross knew this would happen. He had to destroy a college campus in an ineffectual attempt to defeat The Hulk, but this is MURICA... sometimes you have to blow shit up and then tell people they're terrorists when they blow shit up in a slightly different way.


Does anyone think that DC/Marvel are going to have a hard time selling solo superhero films, from now on?

After Avengers and now BvS, I'm not sure I want another solo film.

Dr strange seems like it will be extremely different than the mcu.

I wouldn't be surprised If black panther and captain marvel have cameos.
I knew about all the other castings but I had no idea that Rudd / Ant-Man is going to be in this. That came out of nowhere for me.

Btw is GSP coming back even for a cameo as Batroc the Leaper? His fight with Cap was epic

I knew about all the other castings but I had no idea that Rudd / Ant-Man is going to be in this. That came out of nowhere for me.

Btw is GSP coming back even for a cameo as Batroc the Leaper? His fight with Cap was epic


I didn't realize that dude was based on a comic character, thought he was just some badass pirate. Then again I had no idea Crossbones was actually anything more than Hydra muscle until I heard he was returning in Civil War.

Who is Batroc?


Dude, he's an infamous cunt. Like, outside of Marvel. Stop clutching.
I mainly remember Marvel screwing him over and his American History X director being such a big asshole that he got blacklisted for all eternity. Basically, his entire reputation comes from a guy that recently admitted that Norton being a cunt against him changed his movie to the masterpiece that it is and that he made the mistake. So he was a cunt against an idiot.

Save? I read he demanded edits and rewrites but I don't recall the project being in peril beforehand. For all his meddling, IH still turned out really meh, though who knows where the blame really lies for that.
Majority of the changes got cut. Changes would have made Hulk a lot deeper. Marvel screwed him there because he had the right for those changes written in his contract.


I always thought it was weird that they chose Civil War as a Captain America solo movie instead of a straight up Avengers film given all the crossovers CW contains. But with this casting....yeah, basically Avengers 3.

Really excited for this. Ultron was solid, but mainly felt like a set-up movie for Civil War, Ragnarok (when is this even coming out, lol), and the Infinity Wars than anything. This should definitely be the stronger film. Can't wait to see Panther.

The only thing I'm worried about now is....Spider-Man, ironically. Really not keen on the actors they've apparently narrowed things down to. :/


So it will just be Baron Zemo being the mastermind pitting Cap and Tony against each other??

So Cap and Tony will just be puppets?

Sounds kind of lame.

Just give me the Black Panther movie now.

I didn't realize that dude was based on a comic character, thought he was just some badass pirate. Then again I had no idea Crossbones was actually anything more than Hydra muscle until I heard he was returning in Civil War.

Who is Batroc?

Almost everyone who appeared in these movies are from the comics.
I really hope the New Avengers team doesn't get immediately sidelined after the beginning of this movie. Falcon and War Machine deserve a ton more screen time. I'd hate for them to be shunted offscreen and then come Infinity War the team is back to the status quo. These guys don't get solo movies, so they should at least get shit to do during the ensemble cast movies.

Also no Daredevil is criminal. If the TV characters aren't used in the film verse then what's the damn point of the shared universe?
Can someone explain freeman's role to me? I'm a huge fan of his but I know nothing about the "Son of Thanos"
That's a running GAF joke. We have no real idea who he is, but I remember MHWilliams posting a pretty spot on guess that he will be a character from the Black Panther comics that acted as his guide (Or something like that) when he came to America. The character looked almost exactly like Freeman.
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