Dude, he's an infamous cunt. Like, outside of Marvel. Stop clutching.
I'm saying the narrative about his cuntiness as it were is a nice and strong one, but I remember an article coming out not too long ago regarding Leterrier being a dipshit on that movie, basically turning out a Louis Leterrier movie as we know it (clumsy, braindead, brief flashes of cool action) and Norton, being a dick about it, and getting an okay movie out the door.
found the article that goes into it in some detail. - a little more complicated/nuanced than my above remembrance of it, of course (more like Norton & Leterrier tried to band together to make the film better than it was, Leterrier gave into Marvel notes, at which point Norton tried fighting EVERYONE on it to get the stuff he wanted into the film)
The only other example people routinely cite is American History X - which was
also a case of a dipshit director fucking up and Norton basically grabbing the movie and steering it into something usable.
You don't hear too many stories about him and Wes Anderson getting into fights, for example. In fact, when you look up stories about Edward Norton, it's basically only those two movies. I've seen a stray reference to him and John Dahl getting into it over whether Norton would take up smoking for his role in Rounders, but other than that, the entirety of the "Norton is a cunt" narrative seems to stem basically from American History X (which Tony Kaye has since gone on the record as saying Norton's moves made his film better) and Incredible Hulk.
I'm not saying he's a nice, misunderstood man who never did nothin' to nobody or anything. I'm just saying that the reductive narrative surrounding him as an actor/creative could use some revisiting.