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Captain Avengers: Civil War starts shooting - Cast and synopsis confirmed


Given the nature of the story, a lawyer/superhero is a pretty fucking logical addition to the cast.


I submit to you Exhibit A:

... We are LONG overdue, Marvel.
Not quite the same because
JARVIS literally becomes Vision.

That was intentional. Jarvis was merged into Vision.

Not the same thing.
I meant the Jarvis in Agent Carter but:
Different actor for

Jarvis The Butler James D'arcy (Agent Carter)

and JARVIS the A.I. /The Vision (Iron Man Trilogy/ Avengers)

I was convinced it was the same actor but I remember incorrectly.

Still in the Dormer case Star-Lord's mum is a precedent


tagged by Blackace
Same, but people are calling it character assassination.
I don't know about villain, but I would just like to see him be an antagonist and definitively wrong wrong, and hang it up period, or ideally, get killed. None of this (AoU spoilers)
Oh ima take a break for a while shit that we've got for two movies in a row now

I don't think you have to do a character assassination to finally get to the point where we can stop laughing off expensive mistakes Stark has made and bring his arc to a close. Stark references Ultron as being that, but we haven't seen the fallout quite yet. Civil War can be that, and I want it to be that.
I don't know about villain, but I would just like to see him be an antagonist and definitively wrong wrong, and hang it up period, or ideally, get killed. None of this (AoU spoilers)
Oh ima take a break for a while shit that we've got for two movies in a row now

I don't think you have to do a character assassination to finally get to the point where we can stop laughing off expensive mistakes Stark has made and bring his arc to a close. Stark references Ultron as being that, but we haven't seen the fallout quite yet. Civil War can be that, and I want it to be that.
I really doubt they'll kill Iron Man with Infinity War coming. He's essentially the lynch pin to the whole MCU. It would be really weird if he didn't show up. Him retiring and getting pulled back into the super hero life by Thanos would work really well though.

Van Owen

Didn't know the same writers were on the first Cap movie too.

I actually think the Cap movies are my favorite of all the MCU films.


Does this Agent 13 have any comic legacy?

She was one of the most underdeveloped characters of The Winter Soldier, she didn't seem to serve much of a purpose other than to say Hi! and come back for the next movie, she had two cute scenes with Cap in his apartment complex, but after she revealed she was a Shield agent her involvement in the story hit a brick wall.


Junior Member
Does this Agent 13 have any comic legacy?

She was one of the most underdeveloped characters of The Winter Soldier, she didn't seem to serve much of a purpose other than to say Hi! and come back for the next movie, she had two cute scenes with Cap in his apartment complex, but after she revealed she was a Shield agent her involvement in the story hit a brick wall.
Yes she does. She eventually becomes Cap's present-day love interest.
Does this Agent 13 have any comic legacy?

She was one of the most underdeveloped characters of The Winter Soldier, she didn't seem to serve much of a purpose other than to say Hi! and come back for the next movie, she had two cute scenes with Cap in his apartment complex, but after she revealed she was a Shield agent her involvement in the story hit a brick wall.

Her last name is Carter.
Does this Agent 13 have any comic legacy?

She was one of the most underdeveloped characters of The Winter Soldier, she didn't seem to serve much of a purpose other than to say Hi! and come back for the next movie, she had two cute scenes with Cap in his apartment complex, but after she revealed she was a Shield agent her involvement in the story hit a brick wall.

Yes she is a major character. Cap's #1 love interest


That plot synopsis screams conflict ball. Hopefully it's done in a way that doesn't look like the characters are fighting just to be fighting.
I disagree. I liked Norton in IH but I absolutely love Ruffalo's Banner, can't imagine going back now.

I'm talking as a whole. Ruffalo's Banner is good. But I'd like to see Norton in Avengers.. he and Downey Jr. together could have an awesome interaction. Norton could be a really cunt/sarcasttic Banner, Ruffalo has that "sad" face...
Does this Agent 13 have any comic legacy?

She was one of the most underdeveloped characters of The Winter Soldier, she didn't seem to serve much of a purpose other than to say Hi! and come back for the next movie, she had two cute scenes with Cap in his apartment complex, but after she revealed she was a Shield agent her involvement in the story hit a brick wall.

Cap's love interest, and in the comics she
kills Cap after being brainwashed as a part of Red Skull/Crossbones plan
Something interesting stashed at the bottom of the announcement regarding Infinity War's brand new IMAX cameras (that are more like LieMAX cameras but still really cool)

The Russo Bros. said:
The intent with the Infinity War films is to bring ten years of accumulative storytelling to an incredible climax. We felt that the best way to exploit the scale and scope required to close out the final chapter of these three phases, was to be the first films shot entirely on the IMAX/ARRI Digital camera."

That doesn't say "reboot" to me, necessarily. But it does say it's not going to look like what we're used to it looking like right now.
That script that leaked onto 4chan then must be fake because there was no mention of Ant-Man within the summary of it. Which is quite a shame because I liked what I was reading in regard to
Bucky hunting down powerful HYDRA members who the public saw as innocent and the way they handled Parker.
Anybody else hoping that part of Civil War will involve Zemo playing on anti-registration sentiment to try to convince governments that a sanctioned, controlled, group of their own "in house" heroes, could be beneficial?

Just a little something-something, to set up a Phase 4 Thunderbolts?
Something interesting stashed at the bottom of the announcement regarding Infinity War's brand new IMAX cameras (that are more like LieMAX cameras but still really cool)

That doesn't say "reboot" to me, necessarily. But it does say it's not going to look like what we're used to it looking like right now.

I kind of expected this. Infinity War has the opportunity to both

A) Provide a massive and satisfying conclusion to every arc from Phase 1-3
B) Plant the seeds for a fresh new direction in Phase 4 and beyond

I really do hope it shakes things up and we get some brand new stuff after it.
Something interesting stashed at the bottom of the announcement regarding Infinity War's brand new IMAX cameras (that are more like LieMAX cameras but still really cool)

That doesn't say "reboot" to me, necessarily. But it does say it's not going to look like what we're used to it looking like right now.

I kind of expected this. Infinity War has the opportunity to both

A) Provide a massive and satisfying conclusion to every arc from Phase 1-3
B) Plant the seeds for a fresh new direction in Phase 4 and beyond

I really do hope it shakes things up and we get some brand new stuff after it.
Agreed. Go out with a bang then maybe slow things down a bit with new blood. And market IW2 as the finale to make it an even bigger event.
I'm going to guess Hawkeye, Antman, SW, War Machine and Vision will have a similar size role to War Machine in AoU so that they don't take up too much screentime.

We still have the Iron Man plot, Winter Soldier plot, Baron Zemo plot and Black Panther plot to make up the movie. I'm guessing Crossbones will just be Zemo's sidekick. I'm also guessing Ross is only a cameo, appearing as the face of the US government. Spidey will probably be a cameo.
Agreed. Go out with a bang then maybe slow things down a bit with new blood. And market IW2 as the finale to make it an even bigger event.

Yup. Things have been escalating so big and so quickly lately that it'll feel good to finally take a breather, and maybe scale back bigtime.

Go back to the roots, focus on building new characters with smaller, tighter stories again.


Ruffalo's got absolutely nothing to work with. Not a fair comparison. Having said that, off of what we have to work with, absolutely Norton over Ruffalo.


You know I enjoyed CA: Winter Soldier more than the first Avengers movie. I'm already feeling i'm going to like CA: Civil War more than AoU. I mean, its basically Avengers: Russo Brothers.


Something interesting stashed at the bottom of the announcement regarding Infinity War's brand new IMAX cameras (that are more like LieMAX cameras but still really cool)

That doesn't say "reboot" to me, necessarily. But it does say it's not going to look like what we're used to it looking like right now.

Given I think Infinity War will be the last hoorah for the original big three of Cap, Iron Man and Thor, and they have all those new series starting in Phase 3, with the Infinity Stones story ending in that film it would be logical for Phase 4 to be a new beginning with a focus on a lot of new stories and characters, and maybe bring down the scale a bit (while not bringing down the number of films).


And Quicksilver
was dead because of him, so it was a weird ending. Should have showed at least a bit of humbling to Stark (That man has no consideration for lawn maintenace! #byecap)

AoU spoilers.

That scene took place
a few months after the battle and Quicksilver's death. Plenty of time to start returning to his usual self.
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