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Captain Avengers: Civil War starts shooting - Cast and synopsis confirmed


But why would they bother with a guy who only shoots arrows? Dude's practially harmless on a macro level.

It's not about harm though, it's about registration. He was a member of the Avengers. I bet he's going to be pretty upset if Stark releases his personal info and leads the authorities to his home though. He made it pretty clear that it was the one thing he wanted from Fury, to keep personal and work separate.


Like Loki said, he has heart. :p

Can't wait to see the scene where his pregnant wife gets knocked down to the ground and the kids crying while daddy gets arrested.

The above scene is too dark for Marvel.

It's not about harm though, it's about registration. He was a member of the Avengers. I bet he's going to be pretty upset if Stark releases his personal info and leads the authorities to his home though. He made it pretty clear that it was the one thing he wanted from Fury, to keep personal and work separate.
I can't imagine they would go the route of Stark leaking out Hawkeye's info like that. It would be beyond scummy of Tony and would make the audience hate him.
It's not about harm though, it's about registration. He was a member of the Avengers. I bet he's going to be pretty upset if Stark releases his personal info and leads the authorities to his home though. He made it pretty clear that it was the one thing he wanted from Fury, to keep personal and work separate.

He doesn't even have powers tho, it's like you need to put to the index people that practice martial arts or know how to swing a sword.


He doesn't even have powers tho, it's like you need to put to the index people that practice martial arts or know how to swing a sword.

"political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability and a governing body to determine when to enlist the services of the team"

It doesn't sound like it's about superpowers, but rather about anyone who wants to be a "hero" having to be registered and authorized by governments. It means no more vigilantes being able to just do their own thing on their own time when they feel there is a need.

I can't imagine they would go the route of Stark leaking out Hawkeye's info like that. It would be beyond scummy of Tony and would make the audience hate him.

Sounds like a good way to get people squarely on the side of Captain America, in a movie called Captain America: Civil War, featuring Captain America facing off against Tony Stark. :)
Stark's just going to continue his long running streak of doing dumb ass shit in the name of going into space really fucked him up


Sounds like a good way to get people squarely on the side of Captain America, in a movie called Captain America: Civil War, featuring Captain America facing off against Tony Stark. :)

I don't think they're gonna make Tony too despicable. He is currently the leading face of the the MCU. Hell, Avengers 2 was Iron Man 4.

They still gotta use for him for Infinity War.

Edit: Considering how great the arguments between Fury and Rogers were in Winter Soldier, I would hope and expect they don't go full ham on Tony's character.


I don't think they're gonna make Tony too despicable. He is currently the leading face of the the MCU. Hell, Avengers 2 was Iron Man 4.

They still gotta use for him for Infinity War.
Not with RDJ's asking price heading into the stratosphere.


Not with RDJ's asking price heading into the stratosphere.
Is it though? Because The Judge didn't do too well. I wonder how much he's making for Civil War.

Also, he's already under contract for Infinity War, isn't he? Civil War was added in as an extra film.


Oops I mean he will be in IW, but they might try to ease away from relying on him as the draw for MCU.

After IW I imagine all bets are off for everybody. Seems like all the actors playing the old Avengers are kinda done with their roles.

Spider-Man would be the obvious replacement if it wasn't for Sony still holding rights.
We are one step closer guys, this could possibly happen...


This gif has been quoted too many times whitout a name for the show. What is it called?


Hmm, I don't think it'll be just a teaser cameo. There is too much riding on this deal, first sentence from the announcement is that Spider-Man will appear first in an Upcoming Marvel film within Marvel's Cinematic Universe. Then there are the remarks from Feige saying they had planned for the MCU moving forward with or without Spidey, couple that with them moving the release dates of their other films to make room for a Sony produced Spider-Man main film there is a lot riding on this deal and it has to show some results immediately for the higher ups to be satisfied. I think at the very least spidey will participate in the film's finale and possibly more.

I don't think so. I'm with Duckroll, it'll be a very short teaser.

Heck, I even think it won't be an actual appearance from him, maybe just someone at the end of the movie throwing a picture of Spider-Man on Tony Stark's desk saying "We found a new one", fade to black.

The higher ups aren't dumb and don't need to be satisfied immediately with this movie. Obviously Kevin Feige doesn't need to rush anything since he's just created the highest grossing film franchise ever and has already proven he knows what he's doing. They know there's a standalone Spidey film coming in 2017, why give any importance to Spidey in Civil War now when they already have so many A-listers for this movie.


Regarding the possible leak spoilers...

There's something about them
killing off Hawkeye's family
that I actually believe. I don't want it to happen, but I wonder if this leak is real (or was at one point)... It's totally something Whedon would do –
set some characters up to be loved by the audience and then destroy them
, and while I know AoU ended his run with the MCU, I bet he's had a hand in Phase 3 planning to some extent.

Hopefully they rethink doing that though (if this was a real draft at some point) because that would change the tone of the entire MCU in my opinion. Then again, maybe that's what they'll be going for in Phase 3.


About the leak:
If you guys read all the way through the article, it says that only the wife was killed, and the kids survived. Still not sure how much of this could be real though.


general leak impressions-
Reads like some jaded Black Widow shipper more than anything.

That would be the darkest thing they've done yet and so I can't see them going forward in that manner. I can't see them making the script that dark.


About the leak:
If you guys read all the way through the article, it says that only the wife was killed, and the kids survived. Still not sure how much of this could be real though.

nm I'm dumb and should read the whole thing.

Could be real, could be fake. Either way, it's not very hard to write a story for these movies.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
I don't believe that leak. No mention of Ross or Lang in there and they are already confirmed.

Yeah, it's 4chan. They have a poor track record when it comes to MCU scoops.

In other news:


Mark Millar knows who Martin Freeman is playing.

“I know who he’s playing in the film, but I guess it’s still a secret,” Civil War comic book writer (and Kick-Ass creator) Mark Millar told RadioTimes.com.

“The character is not a super-person, it’s somebody who’s… well, I don’t want to spoil it for anybody but he’s not going to be in costume.”

The writer (whose graphic novel The Secret Service was recently turned into the Colin Firth spy thriller Kingsman: The Secret Service) added: “He’s a great actor he could play anyone – he could play Hit-Girl!”

There go our hopes of seeing Freeman as the Green Goblin, Bullseye or Spider-Man, then – though Millar wouldn’t be drawn on any more details of his role.

“Once you get to see it, it’s so obvious,” Millar teased. “All I’ll say is, he’s not [Captain America villain] the Red Skull.”


Ultimate hawkeye similarity spoilers below
Hawkeyes family gets killed and he gets taken alive, he manages to escape by using his FINGERNAILS as projectiles to kill the people holding him captive. He goes on a righteous killing spree.

So The Punisher?
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