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Captain Avengers: Civil War starts shooting - Cast and synopsis confirmed

oh god he's carrying the casket im not ready for this

I feel like Cap should just be able to carry that thing on one shoulder.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Kind of surprised it's not at this point. Hell they could have gotten away with just calling it Marvel Civil War.


I hope this is what I think it is.

It's a funeral for a British person that Steve Rogers is a pall bearer for, there aren't a lot of options.


It's funny how so many people complained about other Avengers not being present in Winter Soldier and now there are seemingly just as many people saying that this isn't a Captain America movie anymore because there are so many Avengers in it.
You guys don't get it. They are going to do another fake out like in Winter Soldier. It's CAP in the casket and the British flag is just a clever ploy. no one would ever recognize him as a bearer without his helmet on.


Kind of surprised it's not at this point. Hell they could have gotten away with just calling it Marvel Civil War.


I hope this is what I think it is.

Or it could be genius.

"Look, Captain America is carrying the casket
he couldn't possibly be in it.
" Film it early so that people forget about it.

Then go to town with the CGI in post.


All I need in a Captain America movie is Cap and Black Widow. I hope she tries to set him up on a lot more dates, that was one of the funniest parts of the Winter Soldier.


Usually I'm not big on spoiling too much for myself in these production threads but I really wanted to see how the movie is shaping up.

That Crossbones costume is amazing tho.


All I need in a Captain America movie is Cap and Black Widow. I hope she tries to set him up on a lot more dates, that was one of the funniest parts of the Winter Soldier.
Given the death, it'd sadly be completely out of place. It'd be funny if she moved on to Falcon, tho.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
You guys don't get it. They are going to do another fake out like in Winter Soldier. It's CAP in the casket and the British flag is just a clever ploy. no one would ever recognize him as a bearer without his helmet on.

This is actually SPECTRE filming.
Cap tried to be Captain Britain but failed.

Nat's hair is way too brown, I don't think that's her actual hair for the film

Well, what else would it be?


I probably need to stay out of this thread. I know it's not a huge plot point and it was gonna happen eventually, but I could have done without knowing about the funeral.


It's funny how so many people complained about other Avengers not being present in Winter Soldier and now there are seemingly just as many people saying that this isn't a Captain America movie anymore because there are so many Avengers in it.


People have been complaining about that point at least since the first Avengers movie and now that we get a bunch of crossover in a Cap solo film, people want to take that away and just make every film with crossovers an Avengers film. It misses the point that the Avengers are a team film, not just a crossover film. Marvel has been trying to build up these franchises to stand on their own instead of just being set ups for Avengers movies.

I'd rather have it this way and become a success and pave the way for actors being willing to add more crossover appearances into their contracts so we don't necessarily have to wait several years just to see a character again in a sequel or in the Avengers movies where there is so many characters, they won't get to have as much time to shine. TWS was an awesome ensemble cast while not taking away from the fact it was a Captain America movie. It could have practically have been billed as" Captain America and Black Widow: The Winter Soldier".

I can already see people getting ready to complain that this movie didn't feel enough like an Avengers movie.


I always thought the idea of MCU was so they could do stuff like this. Even if it's not avengers having parts of the team there even for bits really adds to everything connecting if you ask me.
You know.
We live in at age when comic book costumes WORK on movies.
Batfleck looks fantastic.
Cap looks fantastic.
Crossbones looks awesome.
Fricking Falcon looks great! Falcon people!!!

I always thought the idea of MCU was so they could do stuff like this. Even if it's not avengers having parts of the team there even for bits really adds to everything connecting if you ask me.

Exactly its the whole goal of the MCU. The supporting cast of these solo movies should always be able to use other major characters when needed, and Civil War is certainly the type of film that needs all hands on deck.

When you see this many Avengers heroes in a solo movie, its not "Avengers 2.5", its the MCU reaching its true potential as a storytelling universe.
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