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Captain Avengers: Civil War starts shooting - Cast and synopsis confirmed

I haven't read Civil War in a while, but I don't think that registering with the Government meant that super heroes had to be the Government's muscle, it just meant that they had to give up their secret identities to the Government so that if they DID do something out of line, they could be held accountable for it.

But they can't do that here, since none of the MCU heroes have secret identities. They're all public


Sweet! Agent 13 is finally official! No more lonely Cap.


I don't want her to brainwashed kill him, but yeah that is a good possibility given the story and other characters. =/ OTH, this movie is going to be pretty packed, and then Chris is out after IW, so there might not be space for it. Hype rising either way.

Also, I think cast wise this film becoming Avengers 2.5 is good in the marketing sense as it comes out so close to Justice League 0.5.


I haven't read Civil War in a while, but I don't think that registering with the Government meant that super heroes had to be the Government's muscle, it just meant that they had to give up their secret identities to the Government so that if they DID do something out of line, they could be held accountable for it.

That's the comics Civil War. There aren't really any secret identities in the MCU except for Daredevil so far. Feige has elaborated that in the MCU, the registration will be about putting superheros under the eye of the government, not exposing their identity.

The synopsis even mentions them being forced to be accountable.
That was the length Whedon wanted, to be shorter than the first film. He said he would probably add about two minutes back into the film, but that's all.

Whedon's first cut was 3 hours and 15 minutes. Cuts after that were Marvel guys that came in and went over it with him. They wanted to cut more than he wanted to lose from that film. His comment about 2 more minutes was in regards to wishing he had fought for 2 more minutes so that the Cave scene made more sense.

Spider-Man is technically active in the MCU right now, but won't show up on-camera until Civil War. Yes he has a secret identity, but since he's relatively new in the MCU and the only one who does, a registration act where you have to give up your identity is pointless, since it only affects one guy.

Plus it's said he has a smaller role, so the whole film will not hinge on his unmasking
I haven't read Civil War in a while, but I don't think that registering with the Government meant that super heroes had to be the Government's muscle, it just meant that they had to give up their secret identities to the Government so that if they DID do something out of line, they could be held accountable for it.
The comic and MCU versions of Civil War are based around different concepts. The comics are about registration, but the MCU version of Civil War is based around wether superheroes should be controlled by the government.

EDIT: Beaten to it.
Why not use hulk attacking the city and tony creating Ultron as the reasons for the government to regulate superheros. No need to waste time setting up a new incident

Its a cumulative thing, many people already weren't trusting the Avengers immediately after NY but they still saved the damn world, same with Ultron. At some point though, the world governments' will run out of patience and take a stand.
Does anybody outside of Avengers Tower even know that Tony is the one who created him?
No, but I think he meant that it was weird that everyone was still all buddy buddy with Stark after they defeated Ultron. He still went behind the team's back and caused the problem in the first place. At least Banner admitted he was wrong at creating Ultron at some point.

I mean, them defeating Ultron shouldn't suddenly mean that Thor doesn't want to wrap his hands around Stark's neck anymore for causing the problem in the first place.
But they can't do that here, since none of the MCU heroes have secret identities. They're all public
Well the secret identities thing is out the window, but there is still the issue of accountability. Unless I've missed something from the lead up to this movie I don't think that they're going to make it to where registering with the Government leads to the Avengers being Government lackeys. At least I hope not, because that doesn't seem like something Stark would support anyway
The comic and MCU versions of Civil War are based around different concepts. The comics are about registration, but the MCU version of Civil War is based around wether superheroes should be controlled by the government.

EDIT: Beaten to it.
Oh, I guess I did miss something. That seems like a bad way to go about it. As guilt stricken as Tony is about everything it still seems very out of character for him to support the Government telling the Avengers what they can and can't do to save the world.


It's pretty crazy that I feel they could market this as Captain America vs Iron Man and it could get as much hype as Batman vs Superman.

Cap and Iron Man were B-listers 7 years ago!


tagged by Blackace
There has to be a quip about the (Marvel) Illuminati when all these international figures eno up meeting in one room.


41 > 38
No, but I think he meant that it was weird that everyone was still all buddy buddy with Stark after they defeated Ultron. He still went behind the team's back and caused the problem in the first place. At least Banner admitted he was wrong at creating Ultron at some point.

I mean, them defeating Ultron shouldn't suddenly mean that Thor doesn't want to wrap his hands around Stark's neck anymore for causing the problem in the first place.

Ah, I see now. A good point.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Does anybody outside of Avengers Tower even know that Tony is the one who created him?


SHEILD knows since they make mention of "letting one man do whatever he wants and look at the destruction it caused" [paraphrasing here] in the latest episode of AoS.


Whedon's first cut was 3 hours and 15 minutes. Cuts after that were Marvel guys that came in and went over it with him. They wanted to cut more than he wanted to lose from that film. His comment about 2 more minutes was in regards to wishing he had fought for 2 more minutes so that the Cave scene made more sense.

He has said several times his dream was to make the film shorter than the first one. You're acting like he was ever going to release a film that was 3 hours and 15 minutes. That was a first cut, which are always way longer than the final one. His comment about two more minutes in the film was not specifically about the cave scene, it was two minutes here and there in the movie to let a few things "breathe".


Spider-Man is technically active in the MCU right now, but won't show up on-camera until Civil War. Yes he has a secret identity, but since he's relatively new in the MCU and the only one who does, a registration act where you have to give up your identity is pointless, since it only affects one guy.

Plus it's said he has a smaller role, so the whole film will not hinge on his unmasking

I know. (But Spider-Man is the kind of guy who thinks they would put all this negative attention because of one guy.)
No, but I think he meant that it was weird that everyone was still all buddy buddy with Stark after they defeated Ultron. He still went behind the team's back and caused the problem in the first place. At least Banner admitted he was wrong at creating Ultron at some point.

I mean, them defeating Ultron shouldn't suddenly mean that Thor doesn't want to wrap his hands around Stark's neck anymore for causing the problem in the first place.

And Quicksilver
was dead because of him, so it was a weird ending. Should have showed at least a bit of humbling to Stark (That man has no consideration for lawn maintenace! #byecap)

Fat Goron


But I was hoping that, by the time Ant-Man joined the Avengers, Evangeline Lilly would be there as well playing the Wasp.

E the Shaggy

Junior Member
So you can take this with a grain of salt since I'm just some guy on the internet but I've heard from my buddy who told me about Hawkeye's situation in Age of Ultron months prior to the movie coming out that two people have been cast as of this morning to big roles for upcoming Marvel stuff:

Emily Blunt has signed on as Captain Marvel.
Natalie Dormer (Game of Thrones/Hunger Games) has signed on as Enchantress in Thor 3

Whedon's auteur ass explains how another dream sequence to explain a dream sequence and more realmtrotting and characters would have really made the difference.

That article interpreted his words completely wrong. If you listen to the actual podcast, it's much, much clearer what he was saying.

Marvel didn't want more scenes. They wanted less. And the scene that article claims they wanted more of.. is the one scene that most people who saw the movie are the most confused about because it was edited down so much. It also wasn't
another dream sequence to explain the first one. It was the same one with some other aspects to it that clarified it's meaning.


So you can take this with a grain of salt since I'm just some guy on the internet but I've heard from my buddy who told me about Hawkeye's situation in Age of Ultron months prior to the movie coming out that two people have been cast as of this morning to big roles for upcoming Marvel stuff:

Emily Blunt has signed on as Captain Marvel.
Natalie Dormer (Game of Thrones/Hunger Games) has signed on as Enchantress in Thor 3

Seems like perfect casting to me if true.
Avengers 3 then? They only lost 2 guys after all

Not really. Sounds like it could begin as an Avengers movie, with Cap completely in control without Tony's help input - and then those Avengers fuck up, which probably causes them to get put on pause, leading to Tony taking sides AGAINST Cap in reaction to whatever this catalyst is. That causes you to sideline a lot of those characters for a fair amount of the movie, if you want, while we focus on Cap and how Cap is dealing with all this bullshit.

So there's a lot of superheroes, but no real superhero teams.

This is partially why the Martin Freeman casting is so interesting - he's basically playing "just a dude." We're at the point now where characters who are "just regular people" is going to be remarkable/unique in the storytelling.
So you can take this with a grain of salt since I'm just some guy on the internet but I've heard from my buddy who told me about Hawkeye's situation in Age of Ultron months prior to the movie coming out that two people have been cast as of this morning to big roles for upcoming Marvel stuff:

Emily Blunt has signed on as Captain Marvel.
Natalie Dormer (Game of Thrones/Hunger Games) has signed on as Enchantress in Thor 3

Don't go playing with my heart
So you can take this with a grain of salt since I'm just some guy on the internet but I've heard from my buddy who told me about Hawkeye's situation in Age of Ultron months prior to the movie coming out that two people have been cast as of this morning to big roles for upcoming Marvel stuff:

Emily Blunt has signed on as Captain Marvel.
Natalie Dormer (Game of Thrones/Hunger Games) has signed on as Enchantress in Thor 3

Emily Blunt
was literally my most wanted choice for Captain Marvel. That seems to good to be true. If they have already been cast, shouldn't we be hearing more about it soon?

Edit: There's literally nothing about this on Twitter. What connections does your buddy have that he got this scoop before anyone else?


Massive Civil War comic spoilers:

Carter kills Cap while brainwashed via Crossbones. Who was also just confirmed for this movie. After he dies, Bucky takes up the mantle. The casting so far means this movie could potentially follow that plot line, killing Cap and giving us "Bucky Cap."
This would also allow
Chris Evans to take a breather, as he doesn't like being cap america.
So you can take this with a grain of salt since I'm just some guy on the internet but I've heard from my buddy who told me about Hawkeye's situation in Age of Ultron months prior to the movie coming out that two people have been cast as of this morning to big roles for upcoming Marvel stuff:

Emily Blunt has signed on as Captain Marvel.
Natalie Dormer (Game of Thrones/Hunger Games) has signed on as Enchantress in Thor 3

If this is even remotely true and news is already getting out via your buddy to you to NeoGAF, then I'd imagine this casting is going to hit trades shortly...

...or not.
If this is even remotely true and news is already getting out via your buddy to you to NeoGAF, then I'd imagine this casting is going to hit trades shortly.

Yeah no offense but I'm calling bullshit unless we get some more info about the sources.

No other place online seems to have picked this up yet.
He has said several times his dream was to make the film shorter than the first one. You're acting like he was ever going to release a film that was 3 hours and 15 minutes. That was a first cut, which are always way longer than the final one. His comment about two more minutes in the film was not specifically about the cave scene, it was two minutes here and there in the movie to let a few things "breathe".

This is his quote:

“By not trying to. By being smaller. More personal, more painful. By being the next thing that should happen to these characters, and not just a rehash of what seemed to work the first time. By having a theme that is completely fresh and organic to itself.”

He's not talking run time there. The only quote I've ever seen him say that referenced a shorter runtime was "I told [Marvel] that my secret fantasy that will never come true is to be shorter than the first film. We're shorter by 1 minute." Never would I ever believe that he wanted to sacrifice story and character beats to accomplish that. He just wanted to use time more effectively to convey the story.
So you can take this with a grain of salt since I'm just some guy on the internet but I've heard from my buddy who told me about Hawkeye's situation in Age of Ultron months prior to the movie coming out that two people have been cast as of this morning to big roles for upcoming Marvel stuff:

Emily Blunt has signed on as Captain Marvel.
Natalie Dormer (Game of Thrones/Hunger Games) has signed on as Enchantress in Thor 3
Dont mess with me like that, man. That casting is too perfect.


So you can take this with a grain of salt since I'm just some guy on the internet but I've heard from my buddy who told me about Hawkeye's situation in Age of Ultron months prior to the movie coming out that two people have been cast as of this morning to big roles for upcoming Marvel stuff:

Emily Blunt has signed on as Captain Marvel.
Natalie Dormer (Game of Thrones/Hunger Games) has signed on as Enchantress in Thor 3

Don't toy with me, man.


This is his quote:

He's not talking run time there. The only quote I've ever seen him say that referenced a shorter runtime was "I told [Marvel] that my secret fantasy that will never come true is to be shorter than the first film. We're shorter by 1 minute." Never would I ever believe that he wanted to sacrifice story and character beats to accomplish that. He just wanted to use time more effectively to convey the story.

I said he wanted to make a film shorter than the first, and there is a quote of him saying he wanted it to be shorter than the first. I don't know how that disproves it.

There is no "Evil Marvel makes Joss cut an hour of film" here. It's absurd to think that because a rough cut was 3:15, that Whedon ever was going to have that as the final runtime.
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